Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Spiritual Quest

 Elemental Warrior

Heru [Horus] Christ, the LAHMU [Mars] energy, the new rulership for the new-age, the battle as begun, the Aries energy, the energy of the spiritual warrior

 The Aries energy is a cardinal energy which makes the energy a leadership energy, it’s the energy of royalty, the actual initiation of spring, the new beginnings, the fire energy

You will be dealing with your passions, your protection, what is mine

 The energies work through the elements, water [our emotional level] and at a higher vibration we are talking about the soul [the mother], air [our mental level-what you are thinking] were you get in-touch with the spirits and at a higher level is where you deal with your spirit energy [daughter], fire [passion and divinity level] and is where you Magi [magic] and [PoWRA] resides, earth [father] is the final level out of this four that we are dealing with in this particular post, ether is the 5th element

 We had this backwards by dealing with earth and then merging the spirit level on this 3D earth with us, and you would have had to have turned it around and conquer these levels and then you can conquer when they make it to the physical manifestation level [earth]

When you put all together [to gather] that is when you manifest your PoWRA that is actioned with integrity, with character in-order to manifest in that reality 

As above so below

[Mer] Tachyonic [Plasma] above
Khayebet [Plasma] below [you] 

The ether [conductor] is what surrounds those elements
That is how you manifest [Magi] your PoWRA [WAR] 

Aries is the spring energy, Jason and Horus [Heru], these are where our Her0’s [Heru] comes from, these are the ones that have to preform miraculous feats that they have to conquer in things that would keep us in the illusion in the physical reality

 Aires is the energy of the spiritual warrior, where you stand up and be counted, where you stake your claim to the rulership, all other fire signs [Dendera] also get highlighted, this is spiritual wisdom and expansion 

Her-cules is nothing but Her-u, the albino Greeks don’t have a culture and imported theirs from the original Greeks who were called the Etruscan and Minoan

 Hercules is symbolic of the Aries energy at its lowest of the manifestation for this is about the man of strength which is actually representing the 6 ether who controlled the [Gods] in other words
He had to go through this twin-gateway in order to shut-down the apocalyptic Femi9 energy, it is the 6 ether and Hercules that had to go through the twin-gateway

 Jason [9 ether] is the higher manifestation of the Aries energy which represents the 9 ether
We come now for the Myth of Aries both are soul-ar heroic stories about, young, naïve, independent, supremely confident hero’s
In the first story Hercules learns the importance of turning to his friend Mercury, his esoteric ruler and in the second story, Jason we learn that he learns to at least acknowledge the principals of Eros [Aries] Ares, child of Aphrodite and to sacrifice his restless independence to Eros and settle down with a mate [partner]

The Jason story is more about settling down and the Hercules story is about shutting down realities going through the twin gateways which is talking about illusions verses reality
Reality is spirituality and the physical is the illusion, and so Hercules [the 6 ether] wants to keep the illusion intact so that spirituality does not manifest itself

Manifest means Man-in-festation, yet we do not see man in nature, the word is I-magi-nation [imagery]which is [Magi]
That is the Hercules story

In the Jason story its about how the 9 ether fulfils the prophecy, the prophecy of the return of the ancient ones, because that is who the 9 ethers are, the ancient ones who are now the future and present and past, all in one and the story of Jason represents you

Jason’s quest for the soul-ar treasure [the Golden Fleece and throne that is his birth right]

Takin [Golden Fleece] Albino Greek their version 

Jason is looking for the Golden Fleece and is not aware how difficult the quest will be for this Fleece and Jason sets out with his 11 trusted friends on behalf of his uncle of whom the Fleece had been stolen from and Jason is to retrieve the Fleece back from Greece, Jason lands in Colchis and discovers that the rumours are correct and that the Fleece is there under guard

 But the King of Colchis has no intention of departing with the treasure but he is too old to fight Jason and does not want to lose face and instead offers Jason a task, do the impossible and I will certainly yield the Fleece he says to Jason

 The task is to harness two fire-breathing Bulls to a plough made of Dragons teeth and sow a field, however has soon as Jason had finished sowing the Dragons teeth, the teeth would spring forth has warriors to kill him in the defence of the Fleece

Since this is an Aries [Eros] Myth and Aries attempts what others would consider impossible, Jason participating in the archetype says, of course I can do it to the King, would this discourage this young Hero and would cause him to lose interest in the quest

 A hero [Heru] does not appreciate delays and says, this is not a problem, Mars can solve in its own style independently 

Colchis is a region near the Black-Sea and is called Georgia today and is where the Caucasian mountains are which is the candle of mankind [the 6-ether birthplace]

Jason prays [Ashu-at] to Aphrodite as an ally and she sends him Medea and Medea would be like a Wicca [Witch], she deals with the Dragons teeth so that the teeth will not become warriors

 Jason and Medea complete the task together and the Golden Fleece is now Jason(s) however it doesn’t end there, Jason(s) life is now complicated and Jason has to fight a pitched battle against Medea(s) father

Jason and his friends and Medea sail off with the Fleece and Medea feels that she has betrayed her family for her aid to Jason has resulted in the death of her father, her brother and cousin and to top if off, Jason fails in love with another lady after the battle had been won

Jason tells Medea that she is now expendable and now he is in love with another Princess and Medea lets off and says after what I have done for you, my father, brother, country and all the blood on my hands, but Jason responds logically and replies, I don’t owe you anything because it is Aphrodite who helped [aided] me by sending you and me falling in love with you, it is Aphrodite who aided me, not sum mere mortal sorceress

 Medea becomes vindictive, vengeful and this is the evolution of Medea who would one day devour her own children 

That was taken from a book and in another same story from another book, one book says the army works against him and another says for him, I want to include here about Jason and the 50 Argonauts


Sailor of the Argo, 1580s (Argonautic), from Argo + Greek nautes sailor (from PIE root *nau- "boat")

Adventurers in the California Gold Rush of 1848 were called Argonauts (because they sought the golden fleece) by those who stayed home

Jason from Greek Eason, from Hebrew Yehoshua (Joshua)

In the Albino Greek mythology, son of Aeson, leader of the Argonauts, from Latin Jason, from Greek Iason, related to Iasthai [to heal] (Iatric)

The names were somewhat merged in Christian Greek

Yehoshua [Yahweh] Jah’son [Yah’son] a son of Yah 

Jason the Heru wishes to search for the Golden Fleece which is a soular symbol, the 50 companions are mentioned several times in the book, it says in the book that for sum reason Jason had been asleep

 This is what we see in you, you had [have] been asleep, and now he [you] are trying to wake [activate] back up

 There is a part where he gets the Fleece and Jason getting on a boat, which is a celestial ship [craft] 

The story is about activation, not quite sure what the Dragons teeth symbolises, bones are teeth, and Jason sticks his teeth into the ground and this huge army wakes [activates] up in his defence to aid him gain control of the Fleece

Once he gains control of the Fleece, they can go through with the 50 Argonauts [companions] who represent the oarsmen on the celestial boat, this celestial boat is also being connected to Noah’s boat and is the same concept which is a magical ship which sits those who came out of the womb that repopulate after the great deluge aka your flood [which is here]

 The Golden Fleece is Soular PoWRA

 To equate that today is the Aries energy, the energy of Jason [we are just talking about energy and have added these names for characters of this energy] that is attached to the Libra [MAAT] energy which is where the Christ energy comes in at 

You are here to make your claim for the Golden Fleece, aka the soular rulership and means you have to connect with your Christ energy which is your Karast [KRST] energy, the house sign after that is the Scorpio which is the deluge, the great flood, you have to put the two energies together and that will be the bridge for you to crossover into Scorpio energy which is water [flood]

 The gateway opened 2012, Scorpio is the great transformation aka the passageway, the gateway is reflected in the Milky Way when it opened  

 The KRST energy is where you need to be aligned with in order for you to be at the highest frequency during the exchange, the Masculine [Mars] and [Venus] the Femi9 energies, the Masculine energy is part of the Femi9 energy, it’s the aggressive part 

We are in the transit of Venus full stop [Femi9 energy]  

The Aries energy is very important in terms of your personal role in this outcome, it is the Hero that they are looking for, the King Arthur [Osiris] story, who is going to pull the sword out of the stone [eye], the Prince that slays the Dragon to rescue the Princess, these are where these stories come from

There is a Hero in you, all your life you said nothing but you will soon reach into your soul and speak volumes, you are that Hero [Heru] that they are looking for

Do not let no-one take you under, know that you are not working alone, accept much and get rid of the rest, stay in the 4D and do not revert back to the 3D, whatever was in there leave it in there for whatever is in there cannot serve you, if you are serious [Sirius] about your spiritual journey take the Blue and Red pills [Purple] and activate with us so we can fu9k them over, run against the edge of time [emit] and unleash your true potential 

Anytime we have to come into fulfilments we have to balance the energies, we have to balance the opposites, you can only create by balancing opposites, two halves come together to make a whole and during these next weeks into months we will start to see the Heros come out, the Hero has to stand up in the Aries energy field
Jason was put to a test and that is what you have had, this stimulation was just a test and now you must stand up to what you know now, this task was put in front of all of us regardless of ether, you all had [have] a personal Dragons to slay and this Dragon is internal not external and then you can rescue the Princess
These internal Dragons have many still hooked up to the Matrix and the Aries energy gives you the courage to unplug from the Matrix and announce your rulership, your stake to the claim of the throne, the seat of consciousness
The Masculine represents the spiritual and the Femi9 represents the physical and you must combine the two in order to become whole which is the ultimate opposite that you must bring together thus you become empoWRA-ed
The next house sign after is Taurus which is an earth sign, Aquarius age is the knowing age, I know who I AM age, Taurus is the sign of growth, Aries is a personal sign and this is your personal [individual] battle that you must take on to prove you are worthy for the whole [collective]       
April 1st is the new-year and it is 2012 [2013] now, Aries is the I AM energy field
This is your divine right, no one could pull that sword out of the stone but the divine being, that stone is the eye [Ayin] your KRST energy
Those who step up are letting the universe know that they want it, that they know themselves and want a piece of this new rulership, you are ready to unleash  
None of this has happened before, only on a spiritual level, even in their Bible, its only happening right now

In the movie the Matrix, Neo is loading up with guns to rescue Morpheus and Trinity says to Neo, no-one has ever done this before and Neo replies, that is why its going to work
The Golden Fleece [Soular PoWRA] was given to Helena by Hermes, ANU.BU becomes the Albino Greeks son Hermes and Her-mes is Heru in reality
The Golden Fleece does have a realm and in stories they flew on the Golden Fleece which would be the celestial boat and these 50 [Deminya] were all related to the same family and descendants of the Deminya [who I think are the Minoan] and these 50 are the Annunaqi [Annunaki] of the Sumerians has they were sent in 50’s when they were sent
These boats take you to different dimensions, realms, expanses, MATET translates Morning sky boat of Re, these are the celestial ships [Merkaba] relationship [worship] warship [warriorship] WAR [WRA]

That number 50 is a small number, just like the 144,000 [144hz] is a small number and means how many will actually make it to the celestial ship
Horus [Heru] and Anubu are two brothers [Osiris] and [Set]
When we go back to the Great Mother and the four children that she had, which is symbolic of the blackness of the universe which also represent the four elements
The Great mother, her four children, Aset and Asaru and Set and Nephthys, Nephthys is the dark siStar, she is the hidden PoWRA her name translates friend of the departed souls and she is the counterpart of Aset [Isis], Aset is so bright and outshines, that nobody knows of her dark siStar Nephthys

ENKI [ENQI] Asaru 
ENLIL [Set] 
INANNA [Aset] 
NINLIL [Nephthys]  

These 4 children, Set pairs up with Nephthys and created the kingdom of the dark, Asaru [Osiris] pairs up with Aset [Isis] and created the kingdom of the light aka earth and water, fire and air
Asaru had an affair with Nephthys [fire and water] and they had a child and the child is Anubu
Asaru and Aset also had a child and that child is Heru [Horus]
Heru and Anubu are opposite to one another
Heru is like, this is my kingdom because that is my right, I should inherit this kingdom for I AM
Set had cut Asaru up into pieces
Set is like, well I will have my own child because my lady has had a child with sumone else and he goes off and creates the earth a daughter [Ki]
Remember this is symbolic and we are only demonstrating what the energies were doing
So, he creates his daughter [earth] but because he had cut up Asaru he was put into exile

Lady of the House
Aset(s) twin siStar 

Nephthys wanted to repentance, she falls and infuses herself into earth because earth [daughter] is going to need a mother to grow and this means that Anubu has to go over to the kingdom of the light
ANU.BU has to take a bride and come over and Heru [Horus] is not a HA.PI bunny about all of this, and this is why we have these two energies in opposites, in opposition and is to why is reconciling and that is what is going to bring us into fulfilment
Sets children and Asaru(s) children the two opposites aka the 6 ether and the 9 ether
We are looking at the battle of Set and Asaru [Osiris], we are looking at the battle of Heru and the Christ energy or the [ANUBU] energy, the division between the kingdom of the light and the kingdom of the dark
And we don’t operate in our PoWRA unless we’re together which must be in harmony and in balance with our spiritual PoWRA and personal PoWRA in combination, this is your ying and yan
6 + 9 = 8 [infinity]

The Christ energy is within you already, you just need to activate it, its hidden
This plasma that is hitting the planet is activating the plasma that is within you, this plasma is your super hero status, plasma means to mould, to figure, to image, its where the ether-ians reside, and is also the colour of the NTH dimension
We are doing this on an individual level and this will be merged on a collective level
You plus your spiritual warrior energy, which can be Heru, Sekhmet+ and the Christ [Karast] energy [hidden] and the universal energy combined
This was a 10-year plan and this brings us to where we are at right now, the balancing of those who energies to bring us into fulfilment, into prophecy
A fulfilment for the earth [Ki] and a balancing out of the equation, a balancing out of the universe, the abyss, the deep, the energy of Nu
The universe is Omega [Femi9]  

The universe is working with us all for this is a universal intervention code and you cannot be looking outside of yoursCellsf for all is within, you go within to go outward
There is no [God] coming to help you, why would a [God] come and help another [God]
Bring the PoWRA of the seen to the PoWRA of the unseen [hidden] and that my friend will be prophecy fulfilled  
We are inside the Heru [MAAT] combined energy field
The universe is already spinning in the other direction and you must reverse your own rotation to correct this cycle of life, you are pulling the energy from the universe to empoWRA yourself [cells]

ANUBU has both the light and darkness in him which Heru [Horus] doesn’t seem to over-stand, its his spiritual lineage, he is both the light and the dark, and is to why he is the messenger between the netherworld [underworld] his mother [Nephthys] is the kingdom of the unseen-dark poWRA but his father [Asaru] is the king of the seen-light poWRA and he has both these energies within him making him able to balance out the equation [energies]

Nephthys is the water element and her name translates friend of the departed souls, Nephthys is a water element which is you for she is the element of the soul and the soul is representative of the universal mother and is through the water [soul] that we are able to stream into the universe, the mother empoWRAs us, this is the uplifting of the Great Mother not over the Father
Space is a deep ocean a currenSea [currency] 

The hidden is being manifested, the PoWRA is going to be restored and there is nothing that man can do to stop her, you cannot stop cycles, these cycles contain energies that we use to empoWRA ourselves [cells] from aka the energy of Nu [Universe] 

You are the nu rules for this paradigm

 The gateway is open, the sun is making way, time no longer exists and the gravitational pull drops and releases you to access the spiritual energy and the spiritual energy can access you more 

Its all consciousness and you have been fully aware of the changes especially in the last 12 months, and for many decades ago, you have [had] been given the codes to unplug from the Matrix, the codes have been calling you to come into balancement, that which is straight  

Double cycles, the spirit is a collective and is duality, anything in singular is still physical for spirit is a collective of energies

Come into balance with your Masculine and Femi9 side, and for those that meet sumone else who has balanced their Masculine and Femi9 side you create a double cycle, this is not a necessity, I tried and could not complete this for I didn’t choose wisely, you can go to a place where there are many in this realm that are likeminded with you 

Men are external warriors but are the internal nurtures and wombmen are external nurtures and internal warriors, so we have it in us to make the grade 

There is a place you can access where you will meet your twin-soul, sumone you have known for many lifetimes, and you have your spiritual mate and its time to culminate that lov9

You have to come together in equal measures to become a twin-soul, in equal strength and its only the spirit that can put you onto that Ptah [path]

The physical world crashed because the spirit cannot occupy the same space at the same time and that is why you are a Jedi MaStar in the making

The spirit guides will guide you through while others become chaotic, stay in harmony with the spirit and you will fear nothing [shields up] because you know this energy is breaking down and is a new beginning, a new transformation, the death of the old and the rebirth of the new at a higher level

Kaa [Ka] translates, double you

We want the apocalypse because out of chaos comes order

Know you are the only ones who have access to that PoWRA to make the change, this is your [God] given right, fight the right revolution this time, do not fu9k about with this one

Step up to heal the earth [Ki] and to bring about change once and for all, one [four] all and all [four] one    

How is the ska blue and red [MAAT] is surrounding the planet
The energies are destroying many people, call it CV but we would rather use the UV term
Ultraviolet is coming to a place near you and the sun [C] is belting out his codes 
California [Queen Kali] is getting out of control for a reason, once done, Kali will go under water
Biden is surrounded by Chinese special forces; does that not make you think for those in the USA  

Shapes, formats in the AU.RA fields 
Re d [MAAT] Waji [Green] and Purple [Ultraviolet] Gamma energies
Plasma [to mould, shape, image, figure] where the etherians reside
Spiritual world merging with the physical world 

Spiking, the universe is at the door waving the four four 
Outside is 600hz and inside is around the 60hz mark, these are warnings, when the dome drops or cracks wide open the energy [radiation] streams through, worrying times for those who are unprotected, many people are going to die 

Records broken and records set  

M8 or M9 Tsunami alert 

The planet is in four sections at times, what one set sees the other doesn't, all is merging into one 

USA [Magneto], that's a craft doing that

Georgia [USA] 

PoWRA from a different dimension, chakra energy columns  


Dogstar, magnetic field umbrella, this is the second electromagnetic field that is being prepared once this one goes down 

Three crafts on duty with many in tow 

Remember Bulgaria is a place in the Balkans which covers Greece, Turkey, Albania, Romania

This planet is surrounded and on lockdown, no one leaves, all energy is sealed
All these countries with craft activity are fu9ked

Colorado [USA]   

Wajra [Vajra]

They can cut mountains, they can cut granite stone, laser precision, different sizes, vibrational-acoustic technologies, you need the right DNA to use them

Cloud9 [Do you want me baby]

siStar(s) are calling you, do you want me baby, make up your mind about me...

13.2.2016 [Forever always in the heart] 

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