Saturday, 13 February 2021

Everything is Everything


Full craft systems over by the airport in Gibraltar 

Notice the picture distortion is only where the crafts are, these are space platform craft-complexes, your castles in the ska [sky]

These images are taken yesterday of huge crafts, fleets, armadas parked up over Gibraltar, the British can see them on radar and there is nothing they can do

General Taharka
The Noble Moor
Taharka [Ta-har-ka] 
Tarik ibn Ziyad al-Gibral
Al-Gibral [Gibraltar] 
Al [El] Issuing son 

Taharqa is second from right [In front row] and is a Sudanese [lower KHMT] A’aferti

How did a movement of ancient TaMaRe Alkebulan [African] men get into Europe in significantly large numbers and into positions of real poWRA to oversee the return of Europe
In this part of the world Europe was still in the medieval period, coming out of the ice-age
It’s worth noting here because in actuality an established ancient Alkebulan [African] Dynasty was in Spain, Portugal, a fact that is omitted from the 'official histories' the Muurs [Moors] bring us out of the medieval period, called the Renaissance
The (Aksum) Taharqa was a young general before he was succeeded to the throne by his uncle Shabataka
We need to put this part of history, of Spain, Portugal, and the Moors in its true perspective and context; the historical account below needs sum consideration
Historians tell us that Europe gave civilization to Tama-Re (Africa) which is a complete inversion of the truth, the first civilized Europeans were the Greeks [Etruscans], who were chiefly civilized by the Tama-Re(s) of the Nile Valley, in KHMT (Egypt) and is where everyone came to from the four corners of the known world; modern day Arabs/Persians/Greeks/Romans/Jews/British/NAZI have ALL been educated in Tamare b the Alkebulan man [mind] 
The Albino Greeks transmitted this culture to the Romans, who finally lost it, bringing on the dark ages, civilization was restored to Europe when another group of Tamare(s), the Moors, brought this dark-age in Europe to an end, after the end of Alexandria, the Romans became the new custodians of civilization, but the Roman system of society was not built to last; for in its intellectual acumen, the Romans were greatly inferior to the Greeks, yet it is the Muslims that give Greece back her history, if it wasn’t for the Muslims writing down all what the Greeks had so called learnt and giving it back to them later on, then the Greeks would have had the Euro a long time ago
Moors can be traced into the ancient Ul-mec [Olmecs]
The defects of the Roman system in due time led to its disintegration the main shortcomings of Roman civilization, were slavery, militarism, and a bad fiscal system; and these vices gradually led the Empire into the debacle of the Dark Ages, also with the closure of Aset(s) Iy they went into the dark-ages
As the Romans ruling class tried to postpone the looming crisis, they disestablished the old pagan cults and made Christianity the state religion, but this did not help in the early part of the 5th century, the Barbarians [Tartarians] stepped up and overran the Western Roman Empire, and by the end of the 5th century, the Roman civilization lay wasted in ruins, finished, vandals (Mercenaries) destroyed Rome

The Moors pushed the vandals out, moved them north, ushered in the Renaissance, during the years of the dark-ages-medieval periods, Europe was in decline, the Kings and Queens of Europe where living in barns with their animals, this is where we get Chicken Pox, German Measles from, no hot and cold water running, plagues, the black plague, over 1.5million to 25million people died during its height across Europe, this was serious time
The Moors [Muurs] Mu build all the castles in Europe, including the UK, all the cathedrals, they brought in the Kraal/Craal/Kraul/Krall all means pen for animals, Aksum word, they get the city going, building the first cosmopolitan city, with raised sidewalks you call kerbs, street lamps, education, first European university is called the University of Salamanca, in Spain and is the higher learning set up by the Moors, medicine, music, musical instruments, one was called the Sistrum, not only was it a musical instrument, if those that had blockages within the body, the Sistrum was scrummed across the area of complaint, the vibrations would loosen the area, with the vibrations
The word Moorish is associated with eating sumthing which tasted Moorish dark, sum type of dark taste
Mauri, pronounced Moory, is Italy’s oldest brand of Alligator shoes, no Alligators are found in Italy, it was the Moors that brought them over on their ships and where we get the word Moorings, West-more-land, the Yorkshire Moors
More [Moor] Muur [Mars] 
The knowledge (Freemason)
This is before the first batch of Freemasons who were Scottish, come in and start to write down their own versions of events, like Bab-el re-writing this part, and many other parts of history, for their version of the freemasons
The Tama-re (African) Masonic teachings are 360 degrees of knowledge; the mind can hold 720 degrees at full capacity, for it is two-fold
The Freemasons, who are the mouthpiece for the Illuminati, are a mere 33 degrees of knowledge, yes only 33degrees out of 360, and you wonder why the world was the way that she was 
Africa is taken from Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, (African-us) who conquered that part of Tama-Re, naming rights for Roman Generals
The real Masonry is a fraternal order, which is world-wide, and is essentially an institution which preserves key knowledge to which parts of true HuMin history, Anthropology, Philosophy, Cosmology, Metaphysics, Mathematics, Science, World History, Scared Geometry, Jurisprudence-Law, Astrology, Alchemy, and the potentate powers of the planet Earth, the periodic table, how to take elements and atoms and to begin to manipulate them into molecules, the Moors are the only group to be exposed to this type of knowledge, this is Moorish Science the modern name for the ancient Tama-re mysteries and was only taught to a selected few
The skills of the Moors were recognised by Europe, they were asked to join, teach, show how to build infrastructure, many Moors are incorporated into the royal coat of arms, sum other skilled Moors made it to Catholic patron saints, army leaders, such as the popular St. Maurice or Mauritius in Latin as described in the Passio Martyrum Acaunensium (The Passion of the Martyrs of Agaunum) by French bishop St. Eucherius

St. Maurice was part of the Tama-re (Egyptian) Christians (Karast-Christ) who served in the Roman army under his command
St. Maurice's brigade was decimated for disobeying orders to kill Christians [Nazareth] in Roman Helvetia (Switzerland)
The oldest known physical representation of Maurice however, was not created until 1281 AD, a detailed statue now housed in the cathedral of Magdeburg, Germany, although they stuff his body and it is on display
Maurice [Maur-ice] Moorice dancing
 Gibraltar is al-Gibral, and is derived, the Rock of Gibraltar [Gibbolta] is Tarik’s and Tarik is Taharka Taharqa Rock
General Taharka [Taharqa] or Tarik ibn Ziyad al-Gibral, a Nubian native whence the name, Gibraltar is al-Gibral, is derived, the Rock of Gibraltar/ Gibbolta is Tarik’s rock
The young General [16] Tarik led a major invasion beyond that same peninsula, his fortress (rock) is the earliest known castle in Europe, built centuries before those of the Loire Valley in France
The phrase, Thank heaven for 711 comes from the overwhelming sentiment of relief experienced when Moorish civilization permeated the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal and Andorra) and Southern France and replaced primitive Visigoth feudal serfdom, yet the Moors would lead Spain into an unprecedented era of freedom of association education and enterprise
Tarik and his Ta-Nehisi [Sudan] army swept up into Spain and defeated the Visigoths in successive stages - capturing and consolidating Spanish towns from the south including Toledo and Cordoba
Saint Maurice, General Tarik led 7,000 Aksum men into conquering Spain
The Moors and their history and culture can be found by just reading the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus, I did
The ice-age was brought on purposely, during that time; the rest of the world (except Europe) was flourishing

St Michaels [Miyka’el] cave in Gibraltar  
Tarik and his army bring with them the Macaque monkeys, I wonder what is really in that rock 

Idaho [USA]

Rod type craft over Virginia [USA] 
Craft displays vary around the world and is dependent on what type of punishment lays ahead for the doomed state in question 

Shields up, each planet and you are getting one before we hit Sirius 

Russia ska line holds the Merkaba Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] the king of your Bible, the reptilian king of the North can see them on radar

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] Sut and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] 

Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] travels at light speed and means at the flick of a wrist they can switch [bend] the electromagnetic field at will 

Check the energy that the MARE [MER] MIR (Pyramids) are emitting

Plasma is Purple 
As above so below
 Tachyonic [Plasma] above
Khayebet [Plasma] below [you]
 The ether [conductor] is what surrounds those elements 
MARE(s) acts also as fasteners on the planets surface, multitude of purposes
All MARE(s) are online [switched on] 
They can bend [light] the electromagnetic field at will 

Energy columns continue to support this planet from the higher dimensions, from heaven aka haven aka Sirius

This planet is part of the first abode after leaving RIZQ and was SIBTU [Sirius] in Ilm [Illyuwm]
before coming to this Milky Way, Sirius is a part of the 19th galaxy [those three stars running across Orion-Belt aka Sah [SAHU] are coming from the 19th galaxy and not this one the 18th Draco system and Sibtu is the planet [star] that links the two 19th [18th] galaxies  

Sun portal wide open 
Check out the chakra colours 

Full light spectrum [sphere] 

180 degrees of energy during a planetary alignment during this Nova [New] phase which took place on 11.2.2021 [9]
Saturn, Jupiter, NI.BIRU, Venus [we will be in Venus’s transit all the way regardless of any conjunctions for this is the Femi9 exchange until the end -recycle] Mercury, the Sun and Moon and Earth [Ki]
The magnetic pull affected the planet, Iran, Australia+ all felt the wrath of such poWRA, such conjunctions have happened before but we are in a very different timeframe
Einstein wouldn’t have been able to explain this, the soul-ar system looks very different up there
With Jupiter, Saturn and NIBIRU, earthquakes, tsunami and activating volcanos and Ki, this is about you, as above, so below, birthing a Nova [Nu] consciousness...
There are quite of number of comets [crafts] siting in orbit up there 

  Record amounts of snow around the world, Kanada, USA, UK, Germany and other parts of Europe, Yemen, and so on+ records broken and set, nature is not playing 
[height of basketball stand] 

M7 hits and affects Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and India, Iran, Australia, Japan+
Pile ups, power outages, flooding, land-moving+  

 Jumping timelines, shifting all the while, higher and higher, that was a reboot in this soul-ar system causing the machine Schuman to blackout 

Wide open

WAJI [Green] healing life force energy [heart to heart]
Purple haze 
Watching you, watching me 

Oregon [USA]

Purple [Crown] [Ultraviolet] plasma energy on the right, then Blue life force energy, after Turquoise [mixed Green and Blue] which WAJI is healing life force energy also, that curve is the electromagnetic field, van allen belt, dome, ozone layer which are all the same thing, earth [Ki] in the middle encapsulated in Turquoise sphere, the left side is the night side of the planet where we see Yellow [soul] and Red [Root] energy which is MAAT and HERU combined, the warrior charge, there is a lighter Green in the mix

NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] is on the left reversing the energies back into her everyday, the night time energy stream is very heavy and more so than the daytime pressure, take it easy with you and when dealing with others, better you avoid the others 
What is classed as radiation is energy to the 9 ethers for they have a fully functional chakra system that are alien implants graphed into them from their celestial parents, when the field goes down, which it will permanently they [most] will be protected from what will be harmful to others

Layers of energy for your soul [Baa], you mind [Khu] Crown and avatar [Kha] (body) << in this order  

Gamma [Plasma] Purple Haze destroys all that is artificial and not organic to this soul-ar system, this is soul energy streaming in and from the sun, soul2soul [like 4 like] 
Ultraviolet [Ultra-violence] stay out of the way of those going offline [Crown meltdown]   

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

 The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra] aka the Sun 
 Read data [colours] in energy, you will go further
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [Plasma] from the purple backlight

6 Protons [6] Electrons 6 Neutrons [18 = 9] beast mode 
You will be vibrating

Even a 10-year-old can see the crafts
This planet is surrounded by the Annunaqi and Galactic Federation with Alliance and Allies and those in the Adama projects, this house is sealed and no energy can escape  


Kalifornia hasn’t fallen into the ocean yet because there are enough 9 ethers out there that is keeping California up right now

Most disasters are not hitting the urban areas around the world, do you notice this but does not mean they are excluded for judgment, the truth must be revealed to them first 

You much reach higher ground [I’m not talking about physically] and stay there

The 9 ether is residing in sum of the worst areas but near the gridlines which is near the lowest amount of frequencies of energy but in actuality you are the energy source and this is why the 6 ether is living right door to you, the USA has had a great movement of people in the USA over the last 10 years+

Hurricanes come from the middle passage and contain ancestral energy, the word Hurricane [tornado] comes from Orisha, Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] [Ogdoad], and Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine] Nomos 

Plus there are overlords of weather systems and energies 

These weather systems contain our ancestors, the ones who gave up their lives so that you could live yours 

Hurricanes start where slavery started and these systems are spiralling in a number 9 and end where slavery ended, passing from the coast of Africa through to the Caribbean into the USA, when never had systems like this before

One of the biggest slave ports in the USA was in North Carolina which was the Congo people that was taken there, so when you see more devastations in certain areas is for a reason, they need to be released

During this energy exchange you will be under pressure, the obstacles in your way will become apparent, none more so than your family and that includes your children, they will become your downfall

In this war that we have going on there is no better weapon that they can use to get to you other than your family, your children, your partner, all designed to keep you where they can see you

 Thorn in my side

Sum people in your life will flow with your energy and are an asset, they are an attribute but there will be others who are a liability and you need to cut them loose, this is not mean but in a spiritual warfare if they see light rising up they will send in two or more entities, mainly your family members or lover to hold you down

 I was reading about a lady whose son was released early from jail, although she thought at the time that was a little odd, she welcomed her son home

She gave birth to him and knows all his mannerisms and body language, one day they were talking and he told her that one night the wardens came for him in the late night and she asked him what happened and he replied that he woke up in his cell and doesn’t remember what happened and it was at that point that the penny dropped and she realised that her son was a clone and the clone was trying to remember what had happened

[the clone doesn’t know it’s the clone and thinks it’s the real person]

They sent the clone for the mother

There is a real battle going on out there, there is no time for these are my children or I believe in the children type scenario, this is the enemy within that you cannot see

Be real because this field that we are in is real, the field is conscious and you also need to be conscious if you are on a spiritual Ptah, be real with your first feeling, your gut [soul] feeling to match the frequency 

 When you reincarnate you are reared in a certain environment and once you become an adult your spirit has nothing to do with that particular family member, this is an illusion

 All they did was to wrap DNA around the soul so that you could have an experience during the time of rearing but once you become an adult you become your own universe and your own entity

So therefore, these people do not have a relationship to you  

[Your soul is not your earth age]  

Have you ever noticed [especially those of you who are spiritual and conscious] that you have absolutely nothing in common with your family, you still love them but there is no common ground, you are like outsiders and there is a reason for this 

These words Starchild [Star-children] is being used by the new-age people, first of all you need stardust and stardust is made from ether, 9 ether, ether is also called Melanin [KAANU] you need those ingredients for you came from the stars, without it you cannot go into space so therefore the 6 ether does not come from the stars, they were created on the planet and not from the planet

DMT is produced from inside the body and 20% of Europeans have this DMT which is liquid KAANU which many of the 6 ether has gained through bloodlines over the 400 [512] years 

You the 9 ether are from the stars and are referred to as a Starchild and you only used that avatar to reincarnate into, to raise yourself [cell] up on the earth plane

It is your family, your children that are the ones that are coming for you, anyone that is close to you, partner, sumone you value, you already know the ones that are kool, they flow like you do and have a connection with you

 Do not spend time trying to appease them, you’ve done that already, your spirit guide has already warned you and you have already seen enough to know if you are at odds with family members

 Its one of the major disturbances that is going on right now and especially in this war

 Listen carefully, the knowledge that you get is for your spiritual aptitude illumination and this knowledge as nothing to do with you going back and teaching your family members or others, if you found this page, then you were supposed to, its not by coincidence, if the contents resonate with you, you know why, 2009 was a huge plane in my own life and meant I had to give up much in order to go beyond, I is still feeling the ramifications of such a move but with each cycle [day] eye evolve

 Have you ever explained sumthing to sumone and they never got it for whatever the reason, and then they reversed it back on you and you felt so stupid afterwards, the reason being was it was not for them to get, the knowledge was not meant for them and right now they still don’t know no different, then what does that tell you, the frequency has moved beyond them and simply means they are going to expire, you and them, whoever they may be are not going where you are going, we are all going to the same place regardless of ether but our final destination or outcome will not be the same

 This information is for your illumination and besides how can you teach sumone sumthing when you are still learning, sum of what you have been taught is in code, its in symbols, its in visions, its in Istal [Distal] meditation and sum things have no way of being explained because its not meant to be explained 

 When Neo goes to see the Oracle for the first time, Neo come out with a cookie and goes to tell Morpheus what happened and before Neo can utter a word, Morpheus shuts him down and says, what was said was only for him

What the Oracle told Neo was a set of commands, computer commands, she gave him codes and these are the same principles for you and what you gain as knowledge, that is for you and you only

 Do not be following no one, even this page, the page is a guide and ultimately you will have the final say in what you have come to know, remember its your hiStory and you are writing your own mystery [myStory] My-Star-y [Mu-Star]  

[Oshun] Osun [Shu] Sun [Sunday] the energy of Re [Ra]]

Her colour is blue and yellow, a golden colour basically, the story goes that she washed her dress that was white so much that the dress turned to yellow [golden] 

She likes sweets, honey, she deals with yellow [sol chakra]

Ishtar [IN.ANNA] Astarte >> Ashtaroth and Oshun are all the same complex and she is a form of Lilith also

No one has access over you to the spirit world, you don’t need a guru, sumone from Alkebulan, sum organisation or another being, you have direct access for you are a [God] and you have full communion, and because all remaining systems on the planet are fragmented, they are only a pale shadow of what they used to be

When this war started, I had taken the Blue pill and in 2009 and again in 2011 and again in waves, the sedation started to come off of me, I took the Red pill and then I realised there are two wars going on, the physical and the spiritual war which you know about now

 The goodness that you are, descent people, moralistic beings you will have to let go of that because you need to be that hotshot in order to become the [God] that you really are, this does not mean become a monster or demon but it does in sum way, you think the higher beings care if you wiped your feet before you entered yours or sumone elses home, you are the monster of the soul, the chaotic being and you need to know that

Remember when they [NASA] said that they had received a distress signal when really it was them sending the distress signal to say that they were losing in the spiritual war 

A lot of things that may be happening in your life and you don’t know why and sum is because there is a lot of ancestors back, especially if you are seeing them in dreams, they are coming from the spirit world because the spirit world is merging with the physical world, dead people in one’s head, there is a book called Demons of the inner-world, its out of print but like with all these books you can read them online, PDF

What the book is talking about is when people die, they go to live in you, there is no need to be scared for they are you and you are they, we are all rising to a certain level and you may think you are on this level but you are actually on another level

Disrupting energies

Motown music is recorded low, you cannot really tell on CD’s but on LP’s you can tell and there are certain octaves that you don’t hear, all done on purpose

Music and Melanin [KAANU] Muse

They know that your organ [brain] muscle and music and Kaanu is call connected as well as water, which water is a crucial element to KAANU [melanin]

All shuttle underbellies were coated in KAANU [Melanin] ether, without it they could have never gone to the earths lower orbit 
Melanin [KAANU] sits in Carbon 

They were never on the shuttle, the question is what where they sending up there that got them shot down and with Columbia, what was they bringing down that got them taken out

They said that the Russians took it out at one point, but the higher beings took them out and continue to take out these shuttles, whoever controls the skies controls the planet 

Condoleezza Rice is a Russian scholar [s-ch-olar]
New-age Reptoid
Watch a movie entitled Deterrence [1999] Kevin is playing Bush and Sheryl is playing Rice

They will be losing their form, watch for the eyes [when they are not wearing sun-glasses] and teeth, hence the masks, their devices are failing them because Gamma energy fu9ks with them  

Never accept the appearance if its logical, rational and fits in with the paradigm of what you think it is, throw it out, there’s always sumthing else, what is logical in appearance has sumthing behind it

This is a spiritual war that has nothing to do with oil, religion, this spiritual war is not about anything but you the 9 ether

You must not accept what your brain gives you with logi and common sense just like you want to override and go to another level, we are talking about Metaphysics and you must stop being HuMin [HuMan] because you’ve had that experience, this at times causes me ramifications, you have to think outside of the environment, you have to think like a Boss to be a Boss, tell me sumthing new, sumtimes you see people talking about the same old things, even in songs that have people singing about the same things people did so in the 70’s-90’s, you are struggling because you cannot think outside of what your brain is programmed with, we are on Windows 9 and you are still on Windows 3

Do not be around anything that takes you out of the centre of knowledge, this is the age of knowledge, date [light], technology and how to get knowledge and technology

This is why you are more advanced than others around you, do not cut yourself off from the centre of learning, you right now are becoming [God] and this is all you need to be studying for, don’t shut yourself down from knowledge 

We are not going back to where we [you] came from, all of KHMT is going, all these ancient structures around the world are going, but to know where your going, you need to know where your coming from [Robert Nesta Marley] the known universe is getting ready to be destroyed, do you get that, there are people on the internet talking about things from 4 years ago, we’ve done that already, you cannot return to anything because you are a new entity, we are doing what the scripture says, we are Coming Forth By Day, we are going beyond humanity, humanity is the enemy, this is a new paradigm, life is the enemy, its death [rebirth] that we are supporting, these are the alchemical principal changes, the book of changes, where change is supreme, melanin [KANNU] is chaos and in chaos is change, KAANU [ether] is the flow of the universe, the more mayhem we have the more things are changing

 Everything that is taking place in the universe is taking place in your body, so these comets or these special comets are like your soul coming, Coming Forth By Day and these are harbingers of images that is inside of you, as above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul

 This is not about life improvement, we had a cycle where we had to build morals and laws for that particular cycle so the 9 ether could survive while in their humanity and what we are talking about now is the ending of humanity and the destruction of the known universe so therefore those morals and laws do not apply to you no-more, so if your going crazy that is alright, you are supposed to be breaking down the fabric of their matrix

When your at the edge, when your back is against the wall, you only have one option and that is to come out with all guns blazing [in a spiritual way] 

You see death, when it was taught to our forefathers-mothers, they actually looked forward to death, because they were taught correctly about the exit ramp off of the freeway, it is the 6 ether that fears death and does not want to die, and today the religious minds also fears death, if you fear death on how you are going to die then that is like fearing if its going to rain when you die, or what if it will be a slow death that you will have, point being, you do not fear death because you do not have one life or one life to give, for sum it’s I don’t want to die, all this is a western concept of death, you are not western

 Through the Gates of Death by Dion Fortune [PDF it] and in her first chapter she talks about how the western man [European man] didn’t understand the concept of death

 You have to let go of what you thought you knew, all your inhibitions, all your beliefs, you have to let it all go Neo 

You have to let it all go Neo [One] [You] 

Jewel of the Nile was actually a person, there is nothing to find in KHMT, so although they dig up this and that, its actually all buried inside of the HuMin and the buck stops with the 9 ethers

The Vatican as 6 miles of information and this tells you that with all the worlds information there is nothing that they can do to stop these cycles, if anything, what is to find is in the western hemisphere, yes there is a stargate that they found and buried it at sea but the one that counts is in Aztlan aka the USA, they did go into a vortex, they explained this in their movie the Core but no matter what they do, that gate is still here and its in the USA 

At risk
The disciplined spirit
In the last 10 years, all those who accepted a certain amount of knowledge in the time span of the last decade, those who accepted knowledge and wanted to learn and wanted to know aspects of the spirit world alternative to what was given to them, they have a banner [shield] of protection around them and what the higher beings have done, they are using the other people out here around you to be sacrificed and go through all that hardship, so many were always at risk, but not the conscious

Its usually the dead people who are the vulnerable, the spirit world knows that there is a certain amount of work that the conscious community has to do and is aware of this and how much energy this takes, so what they did was take the ones that don’t want to learn or know nothing and they will and have taken the brunt of what is preserved for you, so you are protected just has long as you continue to produce the spark of wanting to know and not feel comfortable in what you already know, like those who only reference from their Bible or Koran [Quran] all those who don’t go beyond KHMT which is just a bunch of fragments now, sum don’t go beyond Yoruba, there all those who don’t go beyond a book on how to mediate, when you go into consciousness [KAANU] you have to put it all together because its all fragments for there is no complete system left on the planet, there are those who dwell at what they have become efficient at and that my friend is the ego

KMHT is the greatest library on this planet but its fragments

All the Celtic, Greek, all the Holy Grail and more is all the 9 ethers, the missing keys to KHMT is in Greek Mythology, Plutarch tells you this also

You will be preserved has long as you possess the want to know, don’t worry about other people out here, let Jesus, Mohammed, Allah, Buddha, Gandhi, Superman, save them  

 Look at the world around you, look at the state of this planet, times have changed, the energy has changed, many people are getting caught out, that’s tough sh9t, when CV started, nature and full crew cleaned sum of the water, the ska [sky] to show you we can work together, and what did you do, fu9k all, everyone noticed around the world but has they say, life goes on

Fleets of crafts litter the ska, they have been assembling since 2012 and have slowly reintroduced themselves but life goes on and what many failed to grasp is that nature wears heels with her hair in a bun and doesn’t take kindly to ignorance, without this planet the three kingdoms would collapse

 There are those who honour all life and inner-stand their connection to all life and there are those who do not, this planet will never be compromised for the sake of one species, she is the apple of her daddies eye and you are about to find out how much he-r loves her 


 February [Joseph] is a 28-day cycle which is what the Alkebulan uses anyway
Joseph is Jacob(s) son aka Ya’quwb [Ya’qob]
Joseph from Late Latin Joseph, Josephus, from Greek Ioseph, from Hebrew Yoseph [Yehoseph]
 The word John is Hebrew for the one Elijah, you get John in Christianity
You get Tehuti in Khemet [Egypt] and you get Moses [there was never a man called Moses] that is Tehuti

Abraham never existed this is Braham [A.NU] all this is Mythology turned into history, so the Jesus thing is Mythology turned into history, there is no historical Jesus and what is Asaru [Osiris] doing in your Bible 

Cydonia [Sedona] on LAH.MU [Mars] the layout is the exact identical as the same layout in Baghdad [Baal-Hadad] in Iraq and Iraq is in Mesopotamia [UT.NA.FISH.TIM] [Utnafishtim] which is a part of Alkebulan, there are around 50 MARE [MER] MIR (Pyramids) underground in Iraq  

And the [God] of LAHMU is the [God] of war and is a form of Horus aka Heru  

The USA looted all of the museums in Baghdad and went into the libraries took what they needed and then set them on fire so you didn’t know what was missing and anything leftover they got the Taliban to destroy

Basra is 80% Blue-Black people; the USA went into Basra first and then Baghdad

Corona Australis

Corona means sun and Australis is Australia, one land mass on planet Ki [earth] Atlantis is Aztlan, Lemuria [Le-Mu-ria] LAHMU [LAH.MU] Mu children of Mu
Aztlan [Atlantis] in not just the entire USA and South America and Kanada, the Caribbean and Haiti, Cuba [Kuba] and Aegean-sea and the Bermuda triangle [Be-Mu-rda]  

This is why they opened up Cuba because Cuba holds more artifacts that they wanted but Fidel was getting in the way, they have since had a Yoruba conference in Cuba, Paulo [Palo] was the last spiritual system, Paulo spiritual system comes from the Congo [Zaire] which is Magi [Voodoo] symbols [sigils] all used to be in Spanish and Portuguese and today there are tons of books all translated with the Congo symbols, this makes you overstand why they shut down Cuba in the first place, there is a whole Nubian civilisation in Cuba as well as more spiritual systems, sum from west-Alkebulan

80% of Brazil is Alkebulan [African]

In a world full of sh9t, take and make time for you, take has long as you need, unplug from the known world, keep sight of your own personal Ptah, reprogram the mind, change the settings, watch what you are taking in, keep grounded and focused, give t-ankhs for the breath of life, for what you have and not what you do not 

One day you will wake up and the world would have changed around you  

Massive Attack unfinished sympathy

 Everything is Everything

Keep pushing onwards and upwards, for there is only the way up [Sirius] the Most-High, highest of frequencies 


  1. I've been seriously missing how U serve this cell food🧠,& spiritually in need of a RE-boot📀,since the removal of G plus.Th-ANKHS🖖🏾👽🛸 (999🧬)"Mays"From"USA🇺🇲

    1. Nice one, yeah G+ two years ago, who were you on G+
      Cell food diet will serve you well
      [Have you just found this Blogger page]


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...