As above, so below, as within, so [that your never] without, as the universe, so the soul
What’s in the realm of these nuclear forces, the weak
force mediates the process of radioactive decay. While the strong force binds
the Quarks together, weaving webs of energy into the form we call matter,
Hu-Min, mortals, [God] in flesh
Electromagnetism is Magnetism produced by electric
[electron] charge in motion (2) the physics of electricity and magnetism
In Order for Lov9 and Hate to exist, the world must come to an end [recycle] and out of Chaos comes Order
All great empires were influenced by the Neteru, who
brought their architecture to this planet and other planets
That being, in most places the MIR [MER] MA.RE which is
called pyramid, the word pyramid is broken up into parts, the first word being
Pyra, meaning ‘fire’ and the second Mid ‘middle’ referring to the column of energy
called tachyonic energy, yours is called Khaybet [plasma]
All MIR(s) are built from the top down, called anti-destruction
versus destruction, all matter has a reflection in energy or anti-matter
This is how you know that Jesus, Allah is a man, because
only supreme beings hold this knowledge for man is yet to match such feats, ask
any of your head religious people how the MIR was constructed and they do not
know and this tells you that man has been cut-off from data
Ptah [Opener, One who opens the way]
Tehuti [MaSar of divine words and scared writings]
Tehuti [Thoth] other name is Wawawet [Wabwawit] Opener of
the ways
And when the last great scorer [Tehuti] comes to write
against your name, he’ll asked not if you won or lost, but how you played the
game [electric]
Electrified emotions [energy in motions]
Move in silence, don’t tell anybody your next move
Last 24hrs was sumthing else, right [ear] hemisphere was
going off, shifting, corrections being made
For those who are not connecting in Istal [meditation]
its all in your dreams [visions] i-saw sum things in my visions
The weather is bright and warm and this is because you
were blasted by the sun from a CME
Jump in timelines, shift, rebooting, man I felt that
Huge amounts of data were downloaded during the last
24hrs, zip-files, messages, clarity, next moves, directions
Ancestors were talking last night and said either, Israel
will not make it
-the USA embassy is in Israel, the Jews and Arabs
can have that stretch of land, it won’t exists soon, the name [Is it really
[Israel] only existed in this 3D world like the Middle East, that man created and that nature ended
Pressure is being released [volcanoes, earthquakes] and that means energies are
being released
CME is soul-ar poWRA for this is a soul-ar system with
soul-ar beings
The signal is being projected onto this planet from
There are levels of consciousness
You are the original people so only the ancestors can
come to you, only the poWRA can come to you
You will feel spent today, take it easy, energy lingers
for 3 days [72hrs] there is a lot of energy inside storms, weather systems
6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 protons, plus your soul and
9 ether body pack and tri-system will take you through, you are mutating and
will lose one of the 6’s to change you the carbon being
Plenty of energy [radiation] Turquoise galore
Ultraviolet [Purple] on the right, on the left looks like a hexagon
There are beings that preside over energies, there are
those who do not study astrology and yet billionaires do, have you seen the
amount of CEO’s that stepped down last year and why does Amazon need investors for
a billion-dollar outfit, why are all these animal welfare organisations collecting
money, why is cancer adverts rearing its head again, this war is costing money
and they must raise the money sum how, without astrology how are you going to know what is taking place, let the dead bury the dead
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], NRG is being
blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and
above [plasma] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the hidden one, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] UV Rays
[2] Gamma Rays
[3] X-Rays
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple [plasma] light
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays]
9ethers can absorb this energy which is radiation making them radioactive beings
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system aka from Sirius
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands [electrical waves] or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Your brain [membrane] is an organ [organic] and is receiving
radio codes, signals, frequencies, your organ expands because it’s a muscle,
many will not be able to take these waves, Alpha, Gamma and Beta simply because
they are not from this planet or the stars, they were created on the planet and
not from the planet
Radio effects, earthquakes, volcanoes, changes of the
crystalline core and in you, HuMin DNA and your DEA [celestial ingredients]
Read data [colours] in energy, you will go further
The symbol for the electromagnetic [field] umbrella that is being removed, there is another one being readied but not for all
Soular energy from the right filters into a Red [root] MAAT+HERU band, NIBIRU [Neb Heru] is on the left and behind the planet and is reversing all energy straight back into Ki, this is weeding out the vulnerable, relentless pressure on a 24hrs, seven day, all day basis, NIBIRU moves at lights-peed aka the blink of an eye, the flick of the wrist
The planet is correcting hersCellsf, the universe and this
soul-ar system is also correcting their-selves [Cells], there is no such thing as
mistakes or wrong data, or coincidence or random, or phen-Omen-on, all is by
design and is precision [Omen -Amen-Amun-Amon]
Since 2012 we have been seeing the changes on this planet
and year by year we have seen the increases especially in the last 3 years, climate
change is not manmade, with the reintroduction of NI.BIRU and full crew, the
poles of this planet and NI.BIRU are one, it is the 144,000 [144hz] who are
guiding the binary system into position for this end [rebirth] cycle
Those using the Merkaba seeded this planet and created
this soular system and they have returned with the Galactic Federation and
Alliance and Allies and those involved in the Adama projects, they have
returned for this planet and their offspring which are the entire 9 ether HuMin
stock, if you are not 9 ether, you are going to be destroyed from the inside
The planet is on course for April [Aries] into May
[Taurus] meanwhile we are in prophecy, April 1st is when the
Nu-energy [New Year] will come in, April and May is a dangerous period for the
6 ethers
Magnetic field, electromagnetic field, ozone layer, van
allen belt, dome, is all the same thing and cuts out, weakens, whatever they
want to say, this dome only went up when the virus was applied [when the 6
ethers were created] and now this field is about to cut out once and for all
and means without this shield the 6 ethers and other beings including clones,
hybrids, clone animals and cloned plants are going to be destroyed, the 9 ether
does not need the shield and right now they are being upgraded to make the
Many 6 ethers have brown [melanin] in their eyes and 20%
produce liquid Melanin [KAANU] but this will not be enough, many had skills
that we used in the 3D but currently we are in the 4D and on the lower planes
of the 5D meaning that their skills are now redundant, many are on the internet
repeating rhetoric and many are not being honest, you need a soul to process
these energies full stop, so what if you spoke about the climate change,
vortexes splitting, my granny can do that, tell us more about spiritual
science, tell us about the spiritual world-realm [holographic universe, code]
that is consuming this planet, the holographic world is behind NI.BIRU and the
Sun, what is the cause and affect from and who and why and when
MERKABA spiritual vessel [NI.BIRU] [Neb Heru] Nabara is not travelling alone and has its own binary system
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu
[Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
The planets core [central sun] is made from plasma [inner
sun] and NIBIRU is Magnetic and are interacting from the poles of NI.BIRU and
the poles of this planet
The Destroyer is in the skies and destroys everything that is not organic to this planet or soul-ar system, the red-eye will be here until the nu-program is activated and in motion
Your governments are not warning you of the danger but nature is, your governments are not giving you UFO disclosure, but the Galactic Federation is
There is a culling taking place among the 6 ethers by the 6 ethers
Georgia Guide-stones
Man left this for man, the ones that get leftover in
their 3D, only nature decides who, what and when, not man
Sum of these events are man-made, snow, no power, fires,
massive explosion in Texas after train carrying fuel collides with 18-wheeler-
was a recent headline, viruses, your own people are doing this to you, making you dependent on them in these final moments for their N.W.O
Craft over Texas [top left] you can see the oval shape, Texas owns huge debts
Have no [God] before me means there were many and many were females, you are going to learn but from a Femi9 electron way..
Looks like three crafts are connected
Crafts are scanning at every event, they are facilitating
all outcomes
Drive-by [Italy]
Brazil is leaking in water and Mexico is missing water, did the planet move for you
Over 80 whales and dolphins take mass suicide rather than
take the sonic waves that the military are using to disrupt their outward and
inward signals [echo location], the dolphins and whales control the planets harmonics and they know this, you would take your life rather than hear these
The fact that these creatures go inland and beach
themselves lets you know that they did this together, we never find them out to
sea dead, always they are on the beach or in swallow water, they use sonic
waves that were purposely designated, coordinated so they were cornered and
had no choice
There are not many of them left, from the last 100 years
from sumthing like 400,000 [Japanese whaling hunts] to less than 4,000, since
2019 at least a 1000 have gone, you are casting your own judgement and I won’t
buck an eyelid in response, there are those who honour all life and value their
connection to all life and there all those who do not, nature will collect the
United States [Kanada]
Niagara Falls [Nigga Falls]
How many are down there, 10’s of thousand, millions that they threw off of the edge of time, in
any case, all ancestors are being raised up around the world, adding to natures
fury, I tell you, the USA [the whole continent Kanada, South America and the USA = Aztlan, is going to be one battlefield, non of these people from the last 400 [512] went anywhere, many couldn't come down here because you killed their avatar creators and having been waiting to kick your ass into oblivion, they make up the ancestral energy, energy can never be destroyed
Subwoofer [OM] calling
Moon distortion
AMUN the SUN [ASPU] soul from a soul
Mandarin is Chinese and is El [meaning issuing son-sun]
Arabia was called [El] Ghor, you can see the Persia influence, same design like that of 'Rose Red city, Petra, why does this boulder in the middle of nowhere exist, what's missing, Saudi is part of the Persian Gulf, the Persians where an Ethiopian [Kush] delegation, when the Annunaqi first hovered and landed was over the Persian Gulf, they called this place Eridu [Ir-ree-doo] which translates, home from home
Who goes through that portal, why is it so high up is ether there was a water here once or there were giants here or both
Cuneiform Script
Cuneiform is old Persian text and old Persian text is old
Ethiopian text, the Ethiopians are the Persians and are a delegation of members
all from Alkebulan [Africa] which includes Sumerians and Mesopotamians who are
all 9 ethers
Mesopotamia is Iran [Iraq] Turkey, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi, Greece, called Utnafishtim and features Gilgamesh, Nimrod, and more+
Cuneiform is a Greek word for wedged and sacred writing and Darius is a Greek word from the root word *dher and means to hold firm, Darius is not his name name, not sure which one is his name, either way this is ENKI and ENLIL in these images, not sure which one is using what name but its not Darius
This inscription includes three versions of the same
text, written in three different cuneiform languages, ancient Persian [Ethiopian], Elamite,
and Babylonian
Cuneiform [Hieroglyphics] are both the same thing, just versions
Doorway [Portal]
All built before the Arabs
Energy port
Water holds currents and this becomes currenSea [charged
currenSea], conical and pyramidal in shape
Ground based domes, as above, so below, built like the MER
Waterproof, heat resistance
The Ethiopians [Kush] had a base in Iran, they are from
the Sumerians and were made up of delegated members
Mythical creatures, like those in Nagalan [India] are
featured in China [Chi-na] Shiva
Bronze and gold or granite and gold and this means this
piece is alive [charged]
This piece is held in a Chinese museum, if the 9 ether
cold hold it, the piece would become active, like for like, gold touching gold
There is a WAJI [Jade] presence also
The Rama Bridge between India and Sri Lanka
Built by Hanuman
You will be very sensitive to your surroundings, that
soular stream was poWRA-ful, you will be floating, this was a poWRA-ful
exchange, the planet is being terra-formed and this will also leave you tired,
stay in this field, submerged yoursCellsf in this field, its electric
[electron] all the way
Radiation will have long term affects for UVC was on the
ground at least 3 years ago; fatigue, shortness of breath, foggy thinking,
damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system, damage to skin and
gastrointestinal tract, balance issues
This is what they are saying about the long-term side
effects of Coronal virus which is also effects of ascension, of mutation of the
Fatigue, shortness of breath is really one and that is
because the air is thinning out [red iron oxide], foggy thinking is because
their heads [skulls] are getting bigger and the organ [brain] is shrinking
which is a result of UVC radiation and is mutating you on a micro molecule
level >> UVC is mutating you from the inside out
Damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system,
your central nervous system controls your vessel, the reason your vessel is
being affected is because you share 96% of your DNA with a natural violent
animal [violent-violet] the skull and brain is making them revert back to who
you truly, naturally are
Heart and lungs, this is where the 9 ether is mostly at
risk because you are in survival mode from day one, you deal with the most
stressful on this planet and you are the planet, so what she feels so do you,
and the sh9t food that you eat, your diet and this is why they are saying CV19
affects the 9 ethers more than the other races [6 ethers] because you also have
bad diets
Damage to skin, the 9 ether has no damage to their skin
which is also called ether [condensed sunlight-Kaanu] research dermatitis
because that is what the 6 ethers are suffering from right now, see your cell
phone, if you left it on charge all day, your cell would be hot until you took
it off charge, same with your body, the
cell is constantly absorbing the energy and cannot dispense the charging, this
is what the 9 ether does, absorb and dispense radiation [energy], this is what
the 9 ether does when it comes to the sun, the 6 ethers absorbs but cannot
dispense and thus their body is breaking down and they have skin damage, black
spots, skin cracking, red sores, bleeding, blisters+
Is this not the same has Chemotherapy, this is radiation,
what is the sun, radiation, you are a sphere of plasma [radiation] you have a
nucleus [sun] within you, this is where they get the nuclear bomb from, they
are using radiation to sterilise planes right now
Radiation is coming from the sun and that is called Corona
in Spanish
Mentally, many will be emotional, very emotional, this is
why one group of people are depressed and fu9ked up and another group of people
are starting to rise via the frequency of the sun, NI.BIRU and the
most-poWRA-ful energy, the Femi9 Electron NRG
Ptah [Path] of least resistance
Incoming energies are affecting everyone, the planet
itself and each of us, if your cells aren't ready to receive the energies, your
body will flux
Change your frequency level
Symptoms of ascension
Disorientation [balance]
Unusual pains and discomfort in different parts of your
Waking up at night between 2am and 4 am or being awake
full stop
Memory loss, memory gained
Seeing and hearing things is acute
Periods of deep sleep [melanin repair]
You don't feel like doing anything [in the 3D]
Loss of desire for food
To be by ones self
Not in the 3D
Not giving a fu9k
Need to eat frequently
Weight gain
Emotional ups and downs [energy in motion]
Tachycardia [tachycardia algorithm]
Anxiety and panic, depression [crown]
Dreams of the past, future, moment,
Night sweats and suffocation [hot flushes]
Intermittent feelings, sad, HA.PI [Positive or negative] you could be crying out of joy or sadness, mixed emotions, all are energy in motion which fuels this soular system, hold on tight and don't let go..
How will you know what is what with you
[Read [E]Motion Sickness and whichever post you resonate with]
Anything above 7.89hz means that the 6 ether cannot function for they are only hardwired for 7.89hz, 9 is the number of supreme, this is your frequency and above, anything above 7.89hz is life and anything below is death
Take what you can, when you can, do not fit in where you get in, take it [want it]
Akir [Lion] Lyra
Sekhmet [The PoWAR-ful, Mighty]
Pride and Punishment
The militaries around the world do not study other
militaries, they study nature
PoWRA-ful documentary, attention to detail, three uploads, you will learn a great deal, my eyes glazed over in parts, its a jungle out there
narrators voice is a blockbuster of a voice
Only the females hold the territories, the males come and
go, she is courageous, independent,
PoWRAful and Mighty, strong minded
No matter how many documentaries I watch, you always learn sumthing new about yourself in nature
[go to 1hr:30mins]
is taken and life is given again in the perpetual cycle of life, where life
ends, life begins….
Ancient cycles
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