Friday, 18 September 2020

Stay on your Ptah

Messenger between worlds 

Heavy out there, Mars is warrior, Venus is Femi9 and the Sun and Earth, the electrons are vibrating, watch your emotions, be wary of how you are, it is emotional out there 

There are huge amounts of radiation [energy] streaming onto this planet and you will feel this positively for sum and negative for others

Do not use your anger to fuel your emotions, regulate, it is what it is 

This was a test, see why and not how 

144hz is a small number that is and will see pass the illusion

the DNA [DEA] is unlocked but must pass through collectively

The planet is in-between the trappist system, this message was left in July [Stonehenge] this is what we are in now, the colours in the sky and the sun, research the trappist system and look at the colours, trappist, trap because no one is leaving

The sun is reflecting 

Sundisc [soular]   

There is a battle between light and darkness and darkness is trying to hold on 

The Age of Aquarius means take accountablity  

Look at tis weather system [cell] Mustang Sally, spiralling in a number 9
tell me that isn't a craft, these ships are taking water and dumping in a place near you 
All those lightening strikes are crafts, the planet is surrounded 

Orisha, Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] [Ogdoad], and Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine]

Orula [Ogun] [Chango] [Obatala] [Yemaya] [Elegua] [Ochun] sum of the Ka-systems  

Typhoon >> T-yp-hoon [Eg-yp-tian][G-yp-sies][Eg-yp-tian] [ancient Neteru]

All weather systems, Hurricanes start off the coast of Africa where slavery started and follow the slave route into the Caribbean and then the USA to where slavery finished, we never had hurricanes before on this planet, each craft [system] has y-our ancestors energy in them [driving them] 

weather systems [cells] coming in 

In the daytime the sky is purple and at night its red   

Tycoon [Trump is with the Ashtar Command]

Artic circle 
Huge shuttle carriers 

Messenger between worlds 

             Anubu can walk from state to state in 15mins, that is how big he is, he is in dreams [visions] 

71hz [we were at 7.89hz and we will never go back to that low again, we are hitting 99hz] 

The usual, water, heat, plasma, quakes, weather systems, power outages, explosions+

One of these asteroids is going to hit the planet 

prolonged wave 

Colour coded, energy [radiation] everywhere and Re is unleashing 

Holographic [Ka] program 


Orange Moon 

colours hold frequencies
sone [sound]

who that 



All rainbows are spheres 

What is going on out there 

Double bubble 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian] Sirius and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan [RA.HU] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

It has begun 

New Zealand [craft city]

when they peel back the sky, mans heart will fail them 



Waji [Green] life force helaing NRG 

The man-made peace process is them joining together, the war is coming 

 One of these asteroids will make contact

NI.BIRU can be seen 

Why would your government, the United States Secretary of Defence, Mark Esper, suddenly come out and address the reality of Directed Energy Weapon

CME(s) hitting the planet 

Australians out of Rice


Nature on the warPtah 

France, Greece, Texas, China+ all taking in water

weather systems are mounting

Last image is in Greece [mud river] Greece is going to be buried  

Mexico will split, and what is below will be made to be seen by all

Racoon city 

Virgo[Virgin] NRG [precision] NRG [retry everything you tried before] harness this NRG, get into order, be more organised in whatever your doing and try again while we have this NRG that will run through for a while 

31st October full Moon [Deathstar under its own power] and will be felt [seen] by the entire world, planet, all time zones, how is this possible Halloween [Hallow Eve] 

40m rely on the man-made reservoirs that are drying up [USA] 

Vice President MourĂ£o enters the scene with the biggest Amazon control project, receiving support from NASA satellites.

The order is to fight fires, arrest suspects and defend our sovereignty.

Now the Amazon is military area. 

The AMAZONIA is from Brazil 


 Sum are triangle crafts that are sitting on the ground in the Amazon and have been there for a while

Craft Nation

Crafts in the sky and they are not leaving

Whoever controls the skies, controls the planet 

Why would your government, the United States Secretary of Defence, Mark Esper, suddenly come out and address the reality of Directed Energy Weapon

To the left, the 11o'clock, there is a huge cube [triangle] above the sun which is in red, taken 6am, in California which is not making the sun go red
Last year when the fires broke out over 80,000 moved, the rest have to move now, these fires are to help you, one is because that whole area is going under water, and two you can see NI.BIRU, you cost a lot of money, so this is easier, besides, they only need 500m total going forward in their N.W.O
That cube is huge and is affecting, bending light

Watching you all the way

What they said 

What does your eyes say 
Look at the hull [blue light] come on use your eye 
Sum of these crafts are in full mode, sum are semi-cloaked, are they waiting for sumthing 

what do you see, that is a huge head with fire, flames, coming out his or her mouth, and inside that head is a man, he's looking more this way, that is fire and not just lights and cloud reflection 


There are holographic displays in the skies around the world, Lions, Entities, Dragons, Snakes+ 

My daughter sent me this from #Malibu, #California #USA this morning. 

The “sun” looks square September 17,​ 2020 

Soular disc [sundisc] 

Under the Sphinx she [Aset] has a plug that when switched on will change everything
The Sphinx translates the [final] resting place of the Akir [Lion] Lyra 

The Akir(s) are here 

The Conquering Akir [Lion] 
The Akir [Lion] of Judah [Leo]

Ancient lineage [Barbar-y] our blood runs through them
You take the piss no more

We are using telePtahy

For those who have Netflix and Amazon accounts, this is what they sell and you have account

This is not from nature and will be deleted, all of it 

Plastic woman, first plastic boobed woman, deemed an icon for the insecure women
Its been a game, your master card is the Ashtar Command 

When you share animal DNA and RNA this is what's bound to happen

Animals can detect other animals

Anacondas hunt monkeys

So you can't get mad at the snake for detecting monkey DNA 

HuMans are so fu9king stupid, so stupid, they not your friend

The giants are here 



 The Baa [soul][sol]

There are many souls that have been trapped here or those that didn’t continue onto their spiritual journey, sum have transitioned and don’t know that they have transitioned and their presence is being made known 

Anubu is the guide to the other realm and takes you through the passage, ANU.BU comes before Christ [Karast] KRST like Elijah and John in their Bible, like this would be Jesus but is Heru [Horus]

When you get to the other side sum of you will turn into a white horse which is Pegasus [Unicorn] which is also what is called the Christ and the Baa [soul]

The soul [Baa] can be binded by whatever binds it

 From the Pert Em Heru [the Ru Pert em Heru] or Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, or Book of Coming Forth by Day

There is a papyrus that was taken out of the library of Alexandra and one of the papyrus was how to release the soul from whatever binds it

The spirit [Kaa] is different from the soul [Baa]

ANU.BU [Anubu] Messenger of Heaven [Haven] and h3ll [netherworld] underworld [subconscious] the bridge between worlds  

AN.BU [Anbu] to wrap around 

Guardians of the Underworld

The Xoloitzcuintli (dog), the guide for the dead to reach the underworld, similar to the Chupacabra

Anubu was in South America




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