Friday, 11 September 2020

Avian [Birdman]

They are a race of Humanoid birds and are way more intelligent that the earth man, about 100million years in front, the Avians have maStared ascension and can vibrate from the 3rd-8th dimension
We are looking at a 200billion year history that they have been around, going back to their seed which is from the sun crystals, sum say they are ancient spirits who lost their shells during the first war in Pegas [Pegasus]

The Avians have been around with the RIZQ [Annunaqi] helping with the fight against the Reptilians and Insects
There are many different types of Avian like there are different types of birds on this planet
We are talking about billions of years of evolution and gene mixing
They exist has one species with different traits and have different abilities like the Hawk, Owl and Eagle and the Phoenix

They do share the same body structure although differing on sum planets because of the environment, they are around 10ft tall, with wingspan reaching as much as 15ft, the ascended bird being does not have wings  

The ascended bird race are the ones called Blue Avian and for the most part are agreeable and the leaders are referred to has the Ra-Ta-Ers [Rataers] one is called Mepbos and his brother Kempos and their planet is called Avian and is in the Lyra constellation with bases on other galaxies as well
There is a substance covering their entire planet and reminds me of memory form

The Blue Avian Sphere being are part of the Spirit [Ka] Alliance that is overseeing this soular system to prevent a war in this galaxy

Ibis avatar 
Tehuti [Thoth] is an ambassador for the Avian in this galaxy

The ascended Avian does not have wings because their wings are in the Khu [Mind]
all earth [Ki] birds have a 3rd eye 

The Avians are very spiritual beings but sum chose to lower their vibration by listening to the disagreeable Reptilians

Also known has feathered or anthropomorphous and they use their entire brain and are highly telepathic and use an advanced form of sign-language and are part of the Annunaqi [these beings] from the distant planet called NI.BIRU [BIRU][BIRD] which houses thousands and thousands of different beings, when the Annunaqi started coming to Ki [earth] one of the beings that came with them was the Avian

[Sign language came from KMT]
What do you think this is
If we take Rameses, that is one hand gesture and is a word, a form of communication, they have third [Sirius] eye in use but sum words or form of communication was through hand symbols
These hand positions are also portal openings 

Both Khonsu and Heru [Horus use the Falcon avatar] 

Two different Sumerian avatars

Metu Hubur

They are great teachers and one of the ancients, and they help govern the universe and are part of the Alliance and Galactic Federation

Sum of the Reptilians came from these bird beings and it was Metu Hubur who grafted them and there is an agreement with these beings and they are a part of the Elohim and played a part in the creation of man and many have the bird DNA encoded in them for there is either 22 or 23 different species that was used in the DNA strands [46] Chromosomes and divine that gives you 22 or 23 that was used for the original creation of [man] [there have been many creation points with the HuMin creation, refining after refining]
The Reptilians came out of the bird beings  
The ancients and the elders of the ancients mixed their seeds and entered a covenant and the ancients gained wings, sum gained 4 and others gained 6 and sum custom made wings that detach
They also mixed with the Ghoul [Goa-ul] Khul Hindu or Afar avatars and this gave us beings with bird DNA and Ghoul DNA

Blue is KMT royalty [Blue Avian]

Many beings mixed billions of years ago before the Ghouls came out of the water, the Reptilian Maldekians from Maldek mixed back with bird beings making sum of the first Dracons and were now flying serpent’s aka Reptilians with wings and they became more powerful

Birds are raptors and raptors come under the dinosaurs and dinosaurs are part of the reptile family
[dinosaur means terrible lizard in Greek] the HuMin [HuMan] have a lot of Reptilian DNA in them
Serpent, Lizard, Snake, Crocodile, Dinosaurs, Frog, Turtle+ and the Whale, they are also reptilian, research and bypass the milk thing, Whales also have the same Hip-bone has the HuMin [HuMan]   

The Avian beings are here and are vibrating through the 6th into the 8th dimensions to assist with the ascension project, even their ships [crafts] vibrate through the 3[8]D to provide light [energy] and their ships are stationed throughout the galaxy to stabilise the nu energy that is coming in because of things like the Andromeda galaxy is merging with the Milky Way

The ascended ones do not use spacecrafts in the way that we understand but utilise devices such as the spear [like the Waas] to protect this planet and soular system and also to trap disagreeable beings in or out because all the disagreeable and negative beings had a deadline to leave this planet alone and let her proceed on her natural course
The bird beings do not abduct HuMins

The Avian beings communicate via telepathy and normally initiate contact through dreams [visions] and sign language, they have a greeting that is taught to recognise contact between being and subject, these beings also process telekinesis poWRA for they are outside the physical realm of reality, they use light to touch to induce an emotional and physical response

Avian messages 

The Avians are currently acting has a buffer between our ascension and negative extra-terrestrials and HuMan interests, they chose to practice nonphysical interference with the HuMan [HuMin] species, their level of intelligence has transcended to physical illumination reality and act has a single intelligent entity and have returned to this passage to aid the overall outcome of the species [both] via NI.BIRU and they are here, urging us to free ourselves from the negative HuMans [Ashtar Command] and not everyone will make it
Remember there is positive and negative beings, you must be careful who your contact is, sumtimes I’am reluctant at times to write about these beings at times because you have to careful, it’s a jungle out here but many beings are going to be revealed in your lifetime 

The planet is also referenced has a school and the Avian are here to aid with the ascension  
Nothing is random

Big bird

The elite on this planet know about the Avian, they should do because they are led by a group called the Cosmos that sit at the top of 38 levels that are under the bracket of Top Secret and above Top Secret is Cosmos who are mixed beings

A long time ago we were in a galaxy called Detra and we had a family split, one stayed and the other we moved to the Ida galaxy for billions of years and then we moved again, Ida is now home to the Ashtar Command who have many different avatars [Kaa] who are still related to sum of us as well, after we migrated from the Ida galaxy we moved to the Pegas galaxy, which we then created the insect race and they began to multiply rapidly and thus they took over that galaxy, the bird race was then created to overthrow them because universal law is equal balance, this is law [balance] Ma’at

The war broke out between all, as it is above, so it is below, when you look at Ki, you get a clear understanding of the universe because [the bird gets up early and gets the worm] and the birds eat, hunt insects, these insect beings are great in number, so we let them have the Pegas [Pegasus] galaxy and we came here and the insects followed us here

It was the scientist Mother Hubur who is the chief scientist to Anshar [AN.SHAR] [father of A.NU] who she created the race the Reptilians and when you study the Reptilians on this planet such as the flogs who have a long tongue that they stick out and eat insects and if you study lizards, they eat insects and turtles which all come under the reptile family, even the fish eat insects

Mother Hubur created these Reptilian beings to aid in the fight against the insects

If you study the birds, they lay eggs and so do Reptilians [overstand the connection]

Mother Hubur began her project on Tiamat [Maiden of Life] and she created the first Reptilians who migrated to a planet called Maldek and there were two different races, the Maldekians the leaders and the [Trog-lodytes] who are the real Frog man [Frog-lodytes]

In your navy you have what is called the Navy Seals, beings that deal with the water and they nickname them the Frog men and they know what the Ninja Turtles are all about because you are talking about the Maldekians today who had a warrior race who wasn’t destroyed when NI.BIRU smashed into their planet wiping out everything but the warrior race or clan 

These beings help keep control the insects, the war slowed down and nearly fizzled out
Another race of reptilian created by Mother Hubur was the ones who had poison [venom] added to their weaponry and this is why sum carry poison and sum do not, they can inject a poison into their victim, sum are called the Chitauri and they became more aggressive than the previous ones 


Is one plane, think about these other animals eye sight, there are animals that can see Saturn

Mother Hubur saw how powerful they were and because she commanded these beings, she is their mother, she is the mother of the Reptilians, she went for gold and thought she could overpower A.NU and she even bred the Avian with the Troglodytes, the Ninja clan [Ninja Turtles] and now these beings had wings, giving you a flying serpent, the flying dragons
Sum of these beings migrated to Pluto and sum migrated to Titan [labelled a moon (satellite) to Saturn] and this became a command base for these types of beings who now had wings all under the command of Mother Hubur

The Hindu beings also migrated to Pluto and Titan who were Humanoid looking and sum had more than one head and sum had four arms, not deformed for all was operational
These beings then mixed in with the Dracon types who had already been mixed and grafted out of the bird and then crossed bred back with the birds to create the winged serpent who then mixed with these Hindu beings [not the Hindus today, the Naga ones they mixed with] 

Mother Hubur wanted them to look similar to us, so that she could use them to influence us   

They wanted to take over RIZQ

The three stars [there is actually nine] are coming from the 19th galaxy and not this one the 18th

We had an exchange program where they could come to RIZQ and study on one of our continents, one was called Shamash, Apsu and Utu [later called Atun, Amun and Atum]
But their leader called Apep [Tarnush] Apophis and Mother Hubur kicked off the war and blew a hole in our Ozone-layer that led us back her to get the Nub [Gold] which led us back her

Snakes, Crocodiles, Komodo and more all used to walk upright but many were cursed down to ground level  

Star Wars and Star Tex and Battleship Galatia are very much real 

Right across the planet, charged 

60hz twice yesterday and 68hz today
1 earthquake out of 102 recorded that was M6+
Weather systems materialising
fire, water and explosions
6 hurricanes forming   

Much is taking place around the world

All these colours are chakra energies [radiation] check out the arrows, look where Ki is and how the arrows and being pushed back into the planet on a 24hr rotation, those arrows represent the energies streaming into the planet and you, do you see the Red-Root around the planet, you can absorb these energies, the planet is receiving huge amount of energy [radiation is energy for sum]

Green image is through Photoshop, same outcome, both the light in the van and house remain the same, this is not from the fires, root red 

They have to clear the land, they did this in Australia and the Amazon



The world is a stage and all are actors
This burns your third eye [Sirius]
The device fails and he demands that he scans her again, he is a ranking officer, you are not, learn the difference

The Black plague is the only history you need to research, research all countries because the plague wiped out 25 million in Spain and over 50 million in the UK alone, maybe it did come from Black rats like they said

Sergio Cortez is the spirit part in Michael Jacksons clone 
Don't you see they are putting cloning right in your face 

Manifesting [Magi]
To take responsibility for the situation that we are in right now, this is a misconception, take the Roman Christians [empire] they think they will have a rapture and everything and them will be taken away, the New-Age people think similar and that the Galactic Federation of Light will come and pick them up and the Muslims think their [God] is coming to save them along with the Christians, the Galactic Federation is here [not the Light] and Alliance and Allies but they have already taken physical HuMin(s) genetically calibrated and genetically transfigured to NI.BIRU and the rest have to go spiritually

So, what if none of that happens or that none of that happens to you, then what are you going to do
What if sumone has been manifesting rainbows and butterflies and bees, clean water, no pollution, no rubbish, what if none of that happens [and that is happening with or without you anyway]

[Its ok if you are not manifesting because you can’t see beyond the 3D, because in actuality, many of you are just passing through, many of you are not from Ki, although sum of you might have to return because you didn’t complete your lesson plan]

But what I wanted to say, have any of you been manifesting the will, the will to survive, sealed in the forehead, on the right frequency, or instead of dying you manifest your super-powers or that you are protected
Sum of you need to be manifesting in reality instead of floating off into dreamworld in sum shape or form

For sum of you, you need to put your energy into reality, into what is around you now and that means survive, that you survive, if that is what you want, do you want to live or die, yes we all have to die at sum point, but take a knee for a minute, what do you want right now, you cannot say, I just want to make it or that you just want to be HA.PI, no this is your reality and you are manifesting your reality right now, right here, do you get that

I’m writing a post that will explain what Asaru [O’ser] Osiris did and what is going to take place but for now this is similar to what I’m writing and we will use another example until that post is ready,
a virus was introduced amongst the species and this was done to create a supercell, the weakest was going to die and the cycle would be repeated over and over so that the super-cell could be created and that meant the fittest of the species would be selected

What if the fittest wasn’t dependant on physical attributes but based upon your mental capacity, the ability to survive, the will to survive

You are in this reality and that means, you are in this reality, yes your neighbour, your partner, child and family are also, but this is your reality, the overall reality you cannot change, the Romans or the modern day Babylon is going to be destroyed that is assured, crafts litter the skyline, there is no two ways about that, this planet is surrounded and on complete lock-down, but your reality around you, you can do sumthing about

You want to stay on the ever-changing energy, vibration, frequencies, you want yours and you to make it, you want to survive

You know when sumone writes, I hope to see you again or I hope to make it, you might as well forget it, those that hope stay in a state of hope, even though I write in English where possible I use the old text or symbols and in my manifestations [Magi] in my imag-ery, i-magi-nation, in my imag-e, in my mind [Khu] is a memory drive and holds all my pictures, all my memories, all my knowledge, and all what I think runs through the memory drive and the slave drive [lower]

You are to think what you want and picture [image] what you want, there are no words, your thoughts are your words and your thoughts travel at 477 trillion miles a second and that means instant, every thought, even your first thought and your true thoughts [what you where really thinking]

The ancestors, the universe all listen and watch but they want to know that you have the will, that you have the will to process, cognitive functions, that you have balance when needed
They want to know that you are a viable cell [self] that you can evolve into the next adaptation

This is a learning zone and not a Billie [Holiday]

Do you know there are people down here that think giving birth or celebrating your birthday is sumthing, in the 80’s people used to say to me, these Africans don’t know their age, and we all thought that they were dump and how wrong that was, how can you not know your birthday
There are a lot of people who were born down here and have served no purpose whatsoever, their birth was great but has served absolutely no purpose at all, so what if they had a job or a degree or a house or ran for PM, they served no purpose in the planet, plant or animals or HuMin [HuMan] kingdoms

We are going through a filter program, the planet has docked and is decompressing, right now many are going to be caught out, we are being purified and made into a super-cell

You are going to be around those that will be like; the Galactic Federation of sh9t Light didn’t come for me or I didn’t get the rapture or that you didn’t get a ticket to Mars or the Moon or to a bunker, the government didn’t save us, Allah or Jesus or Christ or Lord or Spiderman didn’t come for us, or the Jew Messiah didn’t come for me, you know right now that there are people who think Christmas is still on the cards, your last thanks giving or Christmas was last year, but there will be a giving and there will be a Karast, and by the way its 2012 tomorrow, do you know how many people are going to lose their mind real soon

This is the last recycle, there are no more cycles after this, so don’t be surprised if your butterflies and bees and all that doesn’t manifest right away, don’t be down if Jesus or Allah doesn’t float out of the clouds with child marriages or little boys respectively, what did you say, that you will have a place in paradise and that you will have 40 Virgins, who told you that or where did you read that

Men’s hearts will fail them, I read that in your books

This is a physical experiment [Adama] with a spiritual and soul element added, you have to have the will to want to be here, to want to be part of the super-cell to be part of source, all that is required is that you have the will, creative will, the will to survive

This planet is beautiful, she is shunning and only one of a couple of planets that is able to sustain complex organisms in the entire Cosmos and she will never be compromised for a species, we all came last, it was the planet, then the plants, then the animals and then you in that order, exactly in that order, you don’t own her or the Moon or Sun none of this is yours or mine, you were given dominion, not ownership, you own nothing here, nothing, you created nothing here, all you had to do was maintain your home

Just be real [reel] in this field, change things if you can, seek forgiveness because that is a biggie with Nun [the abyss, the deep, the energy of Nu] and Ma’at, knowing when you were wrong and knowing the difference between right and wrong, there are no mistakes with Nun or Ma’at only learning, the universe is Omega [Femi9] she has a heart and wants us to succeed not fail for if you fail, she fails

Can you balance, and just stay on the right frequency, stay with source       
You only have one [Neo] application, make it count

You have to get out with your soul 

When the Titanic was sinking after being torpedoed >> because at that time, half of all the worlds wealth was on that unsinkable ship and Hitlers uncle and co wanted the lot, many people didn’t have a will back then and most of their own family that the will would have gone to, like children were actually on the ship and the banks all had the money to which they were able to finance all the wars because all the influential people and money was on that ship and they were taken out << when the ship was sinking the band played in a dignified manner, bs how many people survived 700 and 1500 died, the band played, sounds like a lovely gesture because while the band was playing the ship sank, which group would you want to be, the 700 or the band or the 1500

Save yoursCellf


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