Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Arch Angle [Angel] of light

The personified [as men] are here, who you call Angels [Angles of light] Satan is not personified has a man, the Angels are Angelic and when they get into the planet’s atmosphere, they are called extra-terrestrials and they reside in various pockets of the universe and come from what is called the Crystal City 

The highest Angel is Miyka’el [Mee-Ka-El] whose name translates, who dares to be like El, for Miyka’el is likened to the Most-High and he has the poWRA to sustain himself on Ki [earth]

Miyka’el [Michael] comes to everyone that is mentioned in scriptures [Miyka’el] is also called Melchizedek, or Al [El] Khidr, the Green One of the Sons of the Green Disc Light, he is also known has Murduk [MUR.DUK] Leader of the Deities, Supreme Deity, EN.KI son, grandson of A.NU 

He is the prime defender of energies and defends the Most-High [the Most-Highest of frequencies]

Miyka’el also has an inter-galactical name, everyone when out of the spiritual and into the spiritual realm has an inter-galactical name, we are talking about Angels who can personify has HuMins and speak, representing the creators of the heavens [havens] and the earth [Ki]

El[Al] Bey [titles-rank] 

 The sacred ash [kaanu] serves no purpose in what is known has paradise but in the celestial or Crystal City there is incense that burns and the ash from the incense can be transported down to Ki’s planes and this indicates that this person is in tune with the city that is high above the planet, this city can be confused with the Mothership, which the Crystal City is actually inside of the Mothership

 This city has been there for many centuries and the people on Ki call it the New Jerusalem when they say the city is going to come down out of the heavens and it is the ash that comes down from the city and is referred to has sacred ash

Apophis children are called Satan, Anzu, Shaytaan, Dragon, Devil [D-evil = Dark Love(live)], Lucifer, Ibliys, Jaan and Azazel, 9 principles of adverse forces 

The 7 arch Angels or [Angles of light forces] Gabriy’el, Uri’el, Uzzi’el, Rapha’el, Izraa’el, Zamar’el, Miyka’el, and originally there was also 9, but two fell, Azazel and his son Sama’el of your Bible and Koran  

Angel and Angle are the same word for these beings are made from light [like you] soul-ar light, this is a solur ar-ena [Ariana] for light, light is held in different shapes, a triangle has a series of right angles that are 45o [4+5 = 9] 90times 3 = 9to9tothe9th PoWRA of light

[they are an arc of light] arc [arch] is a segment of a circle [sphere] dome [hemi-sphere] bow [curvature] of energy 

Miyka’el and Shaytaan have already battled in the heavens and Shaytaan was cast down [Ki] and in the latter days they are getting ready, not less than or more than 144,000 [12x12= 144] who will be taken out of here before the four winds of the earth [Ki] are let loose [see previous posts on what the four winds of the earth is] because Shaytaan is getting a real grip on the planet in the final moments, these 144,000 will be taken up, this is mentioned the scriptures, and this means a frequency that will be taken to the Crystal city to which they stay there for a thousand years who the elders will groom them

Shaytaan and his negative and disagreeable Angels the Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-beem] which will try and enter that city and destroy those special 144,000 who will be in white attire and try to take the city of the Serapheem but they will be trapped, and he will be cast into the centre of earth [Ki] because we have a central city in the centre of the earth called Agharta [Shamballa] and there is a Iy [temple] that will keep Satan trapped in the shape of a Hexagram [6 pointed star] this is why he likes the Muslims with the 5 pointed star [he can only be trapped in the 6 pointed star] [5 pointed star is also the symbol of Femi9 NRG, Baphomet is a tranny and Lucifer is a female] he will be kept in that city for a period of time 

Those 144,000 are to be groomed to get their [God] like qualities back in them over a thousand years before they are sent back to the earth with the Lamb and it will be Miyka’el who brings them back to earth and it is Shaytaan who is going to try and get up to that city and try to destroy that adobe, that holds peace and the Serapheem aka the ancient ones because we have to wipe away this heaven and bring in a nu heaven [Casanova] a nu house, a nu [A.NU] earth [Ki]

A new war is coming because Satan is going to try and invade that city

[Elohyeem, a plural of Eloh, each individual god is an Eloh or Yahweh, as a group they are Elohyeem, as one Cherub, groups are called Cherubeem, one Seraph, groups are called Serapheem

One Elohyeem who before the Bible were known as the Anunnaqi or the Neteru, one of them was selected for the children of Seth [Set] Sut [Sup] Suptet [Septet] Sirius]

Cherubeem = those who are near
Annunaqi = these being
Ghibbore [Gibboreem] = mighty ones, giants
Nephilian = to fall down
Neteru = supreme
El Eloh = the source
Elohyeem = these beings
Elul = source
El’ Elyon El Eli-yoon = the most high

In the city are many, the Dinosaurs, the Mayans, the people from Atlantis, Lemuria, the children of Mu, many more who were taken into these cities by Angelic Angels or Extra-Terrestrials and they are there now and the Devil knows about it 

They would not have even been on earth [Ki] had it not been for 1945 when you dropped the bomb on Hiroshima [Nagasaki] Heru-shima [Naga-sa-Ki] and this frightened the Galactical brothers because you almost cracked the earth [Ki], so the elders had a meeting and came to the surface, you call them Angels and said that they had to prevent the serpent seed or the serpent and his seed before you are readied, before you are prepared, before you are transformed back into a spiritual being, he must be stopped from destroying


The Green light that they say are meteorites are not, you will not be able to explain this to many, let alone tell them that its actually camouflaged crafts, the ships are coming, they are landing on Ki and sum are going into the ground, there is no such thing has a Green meteorite, ask anyone who has studied astronomy and get them to show you a Green [Waji] meteorite, they tell you about pink, white and blue stars [SAA.RU][SAARE] but no Green star, what kind of gas burns Green, they burn Yellow, Amber but not Green, sumbody is lying 

This battle that is coming is between the elders under the Serapheem led by Miyka’el versus the Cherubeem which are the 200 fallen [Angels] and you who get left behind on earth because you didn’t make the transition [you didn’t get prepared] you will be the playground of the Devil

They are leaving in 2043 and never coming back here no more, 
this crashing of the Matrix had never been done before, this is a huge changeover of energies

Did you know the planet used to be a hunting ground and that the Cherubeem used to come here and hunt prehistoric animals and slaughter them 

There are not only positive and agreeable beings visiting the planet, the galaxy is called Terra, there are many names for earth, Ki is one, and these beings are called Extra when they get inside here and sum are not part of this planet and are referred to has Jinn [Ginn] and they mess with the people and mutate animals [you’ve seen the cows mutated or the whale that was found in the Amazon] they fu9k with the planet and the natural order of this planet, they breed with you, they teach you, they lead you] they abuse many, children, men and women, they put it in your face, they are your elite and famous and at the same time there are many galactical beings here trying to get you prepared but many reject them time and time again, man wants to live in the image of the beast, so be it, you were all given a choice

The Devil cannot be destroyed for energy [NRG] can never be destroyed, only recycled, the Devil and his crew can never be destroyed and this is why s-he must be captured and taken to the centre city where he will be bounded for a thousand years, you can only alter the appearance for what was once called the Devil was once an Angel and he was created by a poison type of fire and not the fire of Ki 

You can only discipline energy, channel it, but never destroy it, he was never sent, he fell and for the most part he left, he wasn’t sent anywhere, you have to trap him which is where the Hexagram comes into play, the eye you see on the back of a dollar bill is the symbol of Nimrud [Sargon] and they knew that the elders used to use the MA.RE [MIR] pyramids to travel inter-galactically and that they are all connected magnetically with precision distance apart and that what you refer to has the Bermuda Triangle is really a MA.RE aka pyramid, they know these things and they put the eye of Nimrud there [dollar bill] that is their [God] the one that was crucified December 25th [Jesus was not born on December 25th] and where did they get this snow from in Jerusalem, I will tell you, in the Caucasus mountains, there is snow there and on the 25th the Destroyer is born and his name is Heru [Horus] there is no snow in Bethlehem

 He is in the Moon, we know NASA never went to the Moon, but the NSA did 

Mono [Moon] [SIN] KUN.GU [SHESQU] listens to us and the Sun [RE][RA watches us 

Shaytaan rides the Hexagram or Tetrahedron [1991 Barbury Castle glyph] 

Phil Collins In the Air has charted again, poWRA-full emotional discharge, is this a reflection of the masses, collective consciousness, I can feel it coming in the air tonight, if music be the theme of how one is feeling then this song is the energies reflection 

Trust in the process
Stay on the Ptah 

October 2 2020 [2013] charged and ready 

October 1st 2013 


See the planet, all the energy is going through her and you and is being pushed back from the left side into her on a 24hr basis by NI.BIRU 

Asteroids are coming in and just sitting there, on the edge

Electronics will be playing up, until they eventually fry 

The Sea retreats 200meters in Peru [Heru] alarms bells should be ringing over there 

Pressure everywhere 


Systems incoming, cloud systems like this are being seen around the world 

Coming and going

Yes common place but not because of the Monsoons, evermore so now 

Every October NI.BIRU came in closer, this October will be the final positioning, NI.BIRU was being guided in by the 144,000 [you] big soular-exchange coming in-up 

Corona means sun [sol] soul

Corona here we go, huge hole [dark sun] will be streaming soul-ar energy just before the Blue Moon [eclipse]
The sun will be streaming out with Sirius inside the code lights
Magnetics malfunction [Cosmos rays] UVC will be touching the planet and you 

Get ready


Known has the Northern Lights because the lights were seen in the North, the Northern Hemisphere [Hemi is Latin for Half, half a sphere [Dome]caused when radiation which is energy and is plasma, gamma, cosmic rays, soul-ar energy aka UVC [UVA] UVB comes down the energy is coming through the ozone-layer, the electromagnetic field, alien belt

Last year we were told that the Northern lights will be seen in all four corners of the world and this would be a sign for us

The energy is coming through the crown [north] of the planet and then streams, filters out

Green [Waji] is healing life-force energy and turns that colour when the energy hits the planet and her atmosphere Ultraviolet

We are seeing arcs [bows] spheres of the full light spectrum everywhere and during the night time and daytime, there is no rain and they do not appear after rain, they are a bow but that bow is part of a ball, sphere, circle of light, energy, the planet is also rising higher and this means in frequencies [dimensions] and the higher we go the more you will see

The spiritual [holographic] world is being seen     

Aten [Atun] Amen [Amon] Amun and Atum [Atom]

The letter [A] is the symbol of the tri-ad of Re



[3] AMUN Re = X-RAY

U.V. - GAMMA - X RAYS are 3 forms of Black-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside this soular-system

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays come in 3Wave-lenghts, being [a)] ALPHA WAVES [b] GAMMA WAVES [c] BETA WAVES the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Alpha waves UVA

Beta waves UVB

Cosmic waves UVC

Plasma [Khaybet]

Neutrons [Electrons]

This is a UV backdrop, these colours represent [radiation] chakra energy signatures and contain gamma energy that can also kill, its going to get heavy [crown] 

Light Kodes 
Encoded plasma streams 

The Sun is under the dome and not 93million miles away

Energy signatures from crafts 

Crafts everywhere 

When you see meteorites -asteroids coming apart, many are camouflaged crafts, shuttles, logistics, tech, personnel, anunnaqi mercenaries, A.I robots, back-up  


Mt Rainer 

watching, observing 

sumthing is not right with this image 

The eye of the Moon 
[look around the Moon] 

hy-drogen-dragon cloud   

Magnetic waves 

Baphomet is a transgender and so to is his-her followers, Sodom and Gomorrah is what they wanted around their world in their cities

 Today this Hexagon structure is called Torre Scola [Italy] but was originally called Torre di San Giovanni Battiste or the Tower of John the Baptist and is a small view because the rest of the structure is submerged 

Damaged when the British where fighting Napoleon

baptize + -ist meaning peace, messenger

 John was the spirit portion of Elijah 

We'll receive our Barathary Glands again

The Barathary gland [Baradjedi] [Barithary] Barathory was initially a gland of the HuMin [HuMan] brain that was later maimed by the Anunna [Annunaqi] ANU.NAGA in the creation(s) 

This gland provided four higher senses [1] telepathy [2] clairvoyance, [3] intuition, and [4] psy-chometry, enabling direct communication to the Annunaqi [Elohim] Neteru

The Barathary gland can be reinserted today via advanced medical operation preformed on a Sham (craft) at the sub-mental area of the lower chin, sum people have already recovered their Barathary glands in this manner

HuMins [HuMans] are missing an important part of their brains, the Barathary gland, which once enabled various forms of extra-sensory perception, or, as he would have it, normal sensory perception that is currently disabled in humans [humins]

The Barathary gland resided inside the Hippo-campus area [H-ippo = Greek River Horse or just River= water], which is a cavity of the cerebellum

The Barathary Gland has connections with the appendix and the tonsils and this is why they took many of yours out by having your appendix and tonsils removed which are a part of your immune system and many people are now prone to various cancers because of man and will not be able to receive this particular upgrade     

The Hippocampus is the tissue which held the Barathary gland when it was once inside Zakar [Kadmon] (Adam’s) the Grandfather of Enos [Enowsh = Mortal] 

Although conscious perception does not occur in the cerebellum this is the part of the brain that is responsible for hallucinations, also the reactions of the cerebellum are unconscious (meaning you are unaware that it happened) and that is why even though the Barathary gland is missing, portions of the gland were left on the nerve endings because total removal would have damaged the nerve from the cerebellum

You had five complete senses: touch (the -senses- you have now only go under touch — light touches the retina to see, sound vibrations touch the ear drum to hear+) mind perception (intuition), mental communication (telepathy), object reading (psy-chometry), and clear-clair sight – to see into other dimensions (clair-voyance)

With the removal of your Barathary gland you lost access to the Eloheem, then you became Enosites

The Barathary Gland was removed from Kadmon [Adama] and Nekaybaw [Eve] by the great Scientist Nergal Sharetsar [SHAR.ETSAR]

Texas have a huge breeding facility for the Greys, the largest satellite dish is in Puerto Rico, the movie The Arrivals, many of them escaped, that is where they were going, notice that all the men where Spanish speaking [the clones] they were transported from Georgia and Texas to Puerto Rico, this is why a lot of places will be destroyed and many will not know why, Puerto is not a place, the name is Port as in a new Port

The kingdom is one and everything has returned but we just don’t know it, the actual kingdom is here now and is spread out but we just don’t see it, this is down to our concept to see past the illusion, we just don’t see it, we are the ancient [gods]

Those that are here now are the ones that are supposed to get this information, the bigger picture is what you should be looking at, you see the whole racial thing has already played out and we are already at the threshold and there is no point in talking about sumthing that we can do nothing about, we are in the doorway and being stuck looking at things that are past tense, even with the fear thing, 90% of us will never know what is going to happen to us until it happens to us, there is no need to focus on that because it has already happened

All that matters is the return 

[when you hear black lives matter or white lives matter or all lives matter, we've already had the HuMin-HuMan experience, its the return that matters]

It is here more than ever and you cannot be distracted, its that simple, get a notebook and write down everything that you think is spiritual, for example, your car might break down but up the road there is a 6 car pileup that you were going to be part of, I have examples but I don’t want to list them, but the ones that have happened to me, I sensed but will never know [but eye do], there are many reasons unfolding for you and you only, not you and sumone else, just you, pay attention for your spirit is watching out for you, sum of you, your spirit has already left your dry ass because you are going down with the 3D, take the notebook and write down what you think is spiritual experiences, you will find yourself living in a spiritual world [are you getting this]

[The spiritual realm [360] is already on the planet]

You are part of the tree and it is unity but you may not be alive but you are still part of the tree because you are attached to the tree

Turmoil gets you thinking, questioning, if things were easy you wouldn’t be prompting, the Matrix was too healthy and many of you was just simply coasting along, sum will have a wakeup call that is tailor made for them, you’ve had yours, and for sum, its on the way, theirs might be very serious, move along now, sh9t, even step over them to get where you need to, put it this way, when you saw the police with their knee on his throat or when they murdered sumone, you where united instantly, the kat left the house and the rat is turmoil, whatever is going to happen is going to happen and that is what we need to focus on

This is about transformation and there are too many groups fighting one another

Stay in Reel [Real] time, the return [of the Jedi] 

A-Set translates throne, seat and this means the seat of consciousness, the pulpit of the mind [mindSet] Femi9 Electron NRG

Wombman brain [Organ] is half a pound heavier than the man’s brain and this means she can process things a tad bit faster than he can

Remember that

The last image they look like Donkeys 



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