Cross-breeding, whether in the plant kingdoms like Aloe
Vera, Nectars, Carrots and Oranges [colour] and so on+ into animals, Killer Wasps mating with Bees, Lions and Tigers mixing, you genetically engineered the 750 million Mosquitoes
that are being released over by Florida, you had no business messing around
with Natures [NTR] creations
Taking animals and putting them in your artificial engineered
inhabitants-environments, from Zoos to homes and calling them pets, renaming
them, mixing them, making them reach extinction levels, domesticating them, endangering
them, collapsing eco-systems, animal-plant systems when and how you like,
turning natures land into parks and nature parks when these Eden’s existed well
before you
What you have done to the Dolphins and the Whales,
100,000 Whales at one point and now to under 3,000, Lions from near enough 400,000
to under 20,000, you attached bombs in WW1 to Dolphins and when they realised
what you had trained them to do they went out and never came back, the whale
and Dolphins hunts and you know these animals provide the harmonics for this
planets vibration, frequencies
There is an energy that is building and will spill out
into a physical war, the tension is raging within this energy negative field,
its been 400 [512] years in the making and will make landfall very soon
No matter what is said this release of negative energy
must rear its ugly head, we are at the precipice, we are at the edge on so many
In 1992 the USA sent their best forces to what is known
has Somalia today, this is Plut-Land [Rameses] the USA barely made it out of
Somalia and instead gave you the movie Black Hawk Down
The whole city came down on the USA and even your General
said that they had stirred up a Hornets nest and that was just in Somalia, so
you can imagine when you get the rest of the 9ethers vex around the world and especially
those in Atlantis [USA] when they realise that you are trying to wipe them out
Your calculations are wrong and are way off, you said
that all things must come to an end and in doing this they will go out with the rest,
the Illuminati and their likes will go down with them also, you are in-fighting
amongst yourselves
Rothschild and Rockefeller, the raw fellas is what Sophia
called you
Judgement is already taking place around the world, and
Metu Netu talks and answers in karma language, the time for change has expired,
the coming together over certain issues for this process is taking place with
or without you
In the 1930’s you could have stopped drilling for oil
[planets blood] because renewable, free energy was made available to you along
with the many beings that you had technology given to you with those like Tesla
But the greed, the control, the need for control
outweighed many of your leaders but no matter what technology you’ve had it
would never have superseded that of the NTHo
Those beings vibrating in the 9th degree hold
a level way higher than you, and the rules of engagement had been holding many
back and has we can see, the rules of engagement have changed, consciousness
has consumed the planet and infiltrated the minds of many because of what they
had been doing and now they will intercede on behalf of all those concerned
There are so many secret societies, brotherhoods, cults, organisations,
projects like Paperclip, Blue-beam, CIA [Jews private police], these black-ops,
black programs that are funded by any means necessary, NSA and NSA are different
and the NSA are around 50-60 years in front of the planet
Everyone knows about the stargates, plural = gates, the
MA.RE being online, we know what they have been doing with these gates and
where you’ve been, all these places around the world that is private or not
named islands, these animals and plants that are artificial to the planet and
the many beings that are here and the clones and avatars that are artificial to
this planet
Many are watched through, those in the [NTHo ]
watch through many eyes to see what is what, they have the technology to watch
through other cameras [eyes]
They attached to a submarine the zero-point-energy-module
to, sum craft, but what goes up must come down, so much that has taken place
has all been recorded, there are watches here, dormant cells, many came in different
We know about the children and the women, the human flesh
that you send to the darkside of the moon, TR-3B gets them to Mars [Lahmu] in
40mins, the deals you made with the Greys and the Reptilians, and the deals you
made with Ashtar Command and other off world beings, we know about Moonbase 12
or Command Base 12, and that you provided footage of the Moon landings that didn’t
show how that really went, we even know about the hologram project to stage the
second coming, even mixing with the
Greys to create a stage Humanoid invasion
They are doing so, so much right now, time is running out
and all these different beings and mixed beings are in one mess out here, who
is in charge out here
300,000 people where sent to Lahmu [mars] in the late 1970’s
in the 80’s and now those people have become food for those reptilians and all
those beings that were sent off world are trapped and cannot return and they
cannot leave, all energy is trapped here now for this house [cube] is sealed
The movie the Day the Earth Stood Still, they even made
two versions of the warning, Metu Netu is pissed right now and has taken back
her gifts, during your quarantine she tidied up a few places and many responded
and many did not, many do not want to give up the 3D and thus she is ramping up
the frequency, she will make the changes for you, with or without you, this
process will complete
You cannot hide for light will reach you, go underground and
her plates [chakras] will vibrate, she has all bases covered, we are about to
have strike three and then a no ball
There is no black or white, only energy now, energy recognises
energy, many are trying to prevent energies merging into one, they want the
dumbness and they want you has food
Karma contract changes means when you do sumthing, it
comes back to you within 72hrs, check and see it, this is the day and night
that we are in
The day has come, we are in the moment, there is Galactic
Law and it cannot be broken, we keep Galactic Law, there are rules to the engagement
Californie / Canada / Hawaï
Mexique / BCS / Amérique centrale
Jamaïque / Cuba / Îles Caïmans
République dominicaine / Haïti
Porto Rico / Îles Vierges
Colombie / Pérou / Équateur / Brésil
Açores / Portugal / Maroc
Iran / Inde / Fracture d'Owen
Indonésie / Philippines / PNG
Îles Salomon / Vanuatu / Fidji
Tonga / Nouvelle-Zélande / Yap
Their machine jams
Dimensions [timelines]
This is not a technical problem; the German machine
cannot record [measure] the energy coming in
Meteorites, fireballs, asteroids, weather systems [cells] water, heat, plasma strikes, fires, floods, power outages, volcanoes that are dormant and CME [Corona Mass Ejection]
Religions are all coming together because they don’t have any choice but to do so, that is their last stand
Crafts everywhere
September 1.2020
Huge Mothership
Watch your thoughts, the universe, energy of Nu [the
abyss, the deep] is conscious and is listening to every word spoken and every thought that is conceived and she is responding to them [us]
are positive thoughts and there are negative thoughts
Find a balance, for you
are controlling this outcome
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