Accept what is taking place around you for many are
carrying on like everything is normal, planning for this, that, and the third,
the third dimension
You must remain on this wave for we are moving through
dimensions, and with each of the multiple coronal mass ejections from the Sun, the
vibrational frequencies are changing us and the planet
Coronal = Sun = Soular = these are soul-ar enegies
streaming through and will make many conscious and many go offline [insane], these
are resonating frequencies that belong to you and they cannot do nothing to
reverse this trend, its like holding a beach ball [resistance] underwater, it
cannot be done, all that was done must be undone, the planet and inhabitants
are returning back to factory settings
The last 4-5 months was to ready you for the real
lock-down [ML] this was an incubation period, the second wave is looming, the
June eclipse seeded this second wave that is on the horizon
Its so easy to revert back to the third world, maybe that
is where you belong
In 1989 [1990] with the release of infrared technology they
were able to go live when they found NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] by echo-location and
confirmed that they were on their way and 30 years later NI.BIRU rises and sets
with Ra [Re] the sun, we now have three suns on the horizon
The sun [Konscious-
dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September and is a dark force
field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the
[electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
SAARU[SAARE] and PAARE [AP.SU] are planets and stars which
are the same thing
The NRG is coming from the Kosmos which is the energy of
Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un] Nu-mbers
The planet and you are vibrating and you had been activated
in advance for a reason, you were prep in advance for a reason, see through the
illusion so that when it flatlines, that you don’t flatline with it
Many are so reliant on the system that when it crashes,
they will still get ready for work and turn up to a bombed-out office like
nothing has happened, many are and will go insane in the membrane
If you feel like your body has been vibrating or jumpy or
you are feeling a little anxious and you can notice the change around other
people, there is or maybe an interference coming from the man-made grids [maybe
5G] of Ki or this is coming from the universe, one cannot be sure of its
source, but we know its there
The Schumann machine is associated with the HuMin [HuMan]
high-Beta brain [organ]wave range, and when amplified will entrain with HuMin
[HuMan] brain [organ] waves, you cannot escape the waves
High Beta brain [organ] waves associate with
hyper-alertness, anxious states, jitteriness, irritation, as excitatory
hormones and neurotransmitters are released during high beta wave bursts
Alpha [Beta] and Cosmic energies [radiation]
UVC [Ultraviolet] [Purple rain]
The NTH gate energy exchange that is taking place on the
11.9.2020 [2012] the reinstatement of the wHoly tri-nity, the poWRA of the
elect [electron] and the three are [1] statesman (statewombman) [2] Priest
(Priestess) and [3] Lawgiver, nothing is going to take place until the poWRA of
elect [Femi9 Electron NRG] has been reinstated on this planet first, which
comes through Abyssinia [Ethiopia], the NTH gate
Sitting on top of the world
Spirit [spirituality] are Greek words, we want Kaa
because that is the recorded name for this energy
Many of you may be Kaa [spirituality] blocked or none of
your manifestations [Magi] are not happening or you have chakra [energy
centres] blocked, stagnation is energy, these are symptoms and the reasons can
be that you haven’t found balance, lets say its between work and play
When you mature you lose your innocence, your ability to
roam freely [innocently] and we lose our inner-child, we lose our childlike qualities
for whatever the reason and we lose the element of play
Playing has no logic behind it, it’s a means of
interaction in a fantasy [Magi] way, doing things that are not deemed normal
Joy [happiness] fun and laughter is a medicine and all
the ones before us know this is part of our soul energy, you need the good
Energy reveals people, you can see the ones who are
stiff, the ones whose energy is coiled up, the people who need a release in one-way
shape or form, and the energy cannot flow through that person’s chakra or body
The Law of Vibration says that everything is supposed to
move, so even if you are not that stiff person or the one that needs to release
you could just simply be lacking in motivation or lacking in that euphoria, so
when you go against the principle of the Law of Vibration or movement then you
have already created this cut-off point
The English language casts spells, so you have to be
mindful of what you are saying and what you are thinking and talking about
There is no more room for growth when you are told to grow
up or you lack maturity, you need to be an adult is just a word, you are
actually declining and dying inside, everything grows and anything that is not
growing is dead or dying
When you are told that you are immature then you are
still growing, you’re still thriving, you are still expanding, you are still
learning, you are still maturing and that is where you want to be
When you wake up in the morning, what kind of life are
you waking up to, is this what you really want, can you do this life
[Only talking to those with a soul and spirit] Kaa and
Baa and not all affects the MaSem [Virgo]
Its not about age its about how much energy you hold
Don’t grow up, it’s a trap
The universe [Nu] Nun [Nut] Nuit listens and responds to watch
you say or do, be mindful of what you are thinking and what you are saying and
what you are casting out here
You are at the point of decline when sumone says that you
are immature, take this has a compliment, be free and creative in your energy
When you find your passion, you find your purpose
If you have no confidence in self [cell], you are twice
defeated in the race of life
You are sumbody and the universe is you
Stay on the right angle and not the left-hand Ptah
Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun
Or fester like a sore—
And then run
Does it stink like rotten meat
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load
Or does it explode
Remember your dream is actually a vision
In life you will have and have to make choices, sum are
very tough indeed, make these choices count and that you are priority when
making these choices and that they give you life, that you are satisfied, if
not, what are you really doing
Your inner-child is your true Baa [soul] tap into that ancient stream, find the balance, you've always had that energy stream, you just forgot about it
This is the secret of being a Magi [Magician] the true alchemy [Al Khami-y]
The Moon was out for 4days
The ones in red is mans manipulation
CMEs are in
Pacific Ring is the chakra system or tectonic plates of Ki and they are activating
The Moon was out for 4days
The ones in red is mans manipulation
Pressure is building, earthquakes will be rocking
Japan getting ready to be stormed out
fires and flooding continues
September will be a rocking month
CMEs are in
Pacific Ring is the chakra system or tectonic plates of Ki and they are activating
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Pure radiation [energy]
Think about this, its already begun for many
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