Sunday, 27 September 2020

Living Links 144


 There is a natural mystic in the air, if you listen carefully you will h-ear [h-ear-t] ear-th

 Kumbaya is, come by ear 

9 is the Golden Ratio [Phi] Pi 

This particular sone [sound] is in light, bright light holds seven light codes or frequencies, our ancestors worked with sone[sound], tones, acoustics, frequencies, vibrations  

The frequency of this systems vibrations changed in this month [Septet] September [Supdet] Sirius 

The Sone of Mu [Nu] 
The sound of Mu-sic
Phi-mordal [Primordial]

144 are a frequency [144hz] and not physical people [144,000] [Gods] Elect are [Electrons] you need [6 electrons] 6 protons [6 neutron] 12 tribes from Israel [it-it-really] is the 12 tri-bes from the region of Sheba, the 12 tribes of Judah, each tribe contained 12,000 and times that by 12 = 144,000

Take away their Bible meaning, take the zero’s off and its 144 which is a MaStar code 

Haven [Heaven] 

Sight and Sound

Kymatics (Cymatics) [Ky-ma’At-ics] is the study of showing how sone [sound] created everything in the universe, Ma’at (Prolegomenon), tones, vibration, frequencies, KMT (Egyptian) science is based on acoustics

  Ky-Ma’At-ics and the Yantra are the same thing, just interpreted accordingly by the Naga(s) and Buddha(s), without the Hindus

Sone is frequencies and wavelengths connected to certain tones-tunes, octaves and harmonics, the sound is that of OM or Aum [Owm] which translates the Sound of Life

Genesis 1:3 let there be light [sone] 

At that stage only Kuluwm [O-wm] is All, appointed creator of all these things in this state can cause this to happen, he calls all things into being

Like one of the Big Bang(s) each additional bang had a different time and distance and magnitude that created a harmony of music heard by the true listener of Om or Aum

It vibrates at a rate of [144] and it is the letter [D] of the 1st centre [C] octave bass, its colour is Green [Ultra] prolegomenon

When you start your inner journey to the central sun of your being called the soular plexus, and realign yourselves through the tone of vibration rate [144] in the first octave, down in the base clef in the note of [D] major, which yields the sound [Aum, Om] by performing your Maguraj [pilgrimage] at the new city, Tama-re [Egipt] of the West, this will bring Omnipotence, to Omnipresence 

Within these sacred records there are hidden mysteries that will unlock energies latent in each being, and your chromosomes will explode in awareness

These sacred records are not a learning tool, but a remembering tool, a turning folk that will vibrate within the inner being and trigger the [God]-like powers in each of you to make you as each being, one being 

Solid matter is pure energy and energy solidified into different states of matter which is plasma gas-liquid-solid

Stars-Sun-Re [Ra] are the key creation to your existence outside of your mother, there would be no-you if there were no Suns-Re and Stars 

You are the Star-Seed

The highest rate in the entire world for skin cancer is in Israel and the Jews occupy this imaginary place that comes under KMT, the place where the [Gods] Neteru [N.TU] used to hang out 

The OM sound visualized through Cymatics 

Evolve + Ascend

When you investigate, look at Sri Yantra Yant-ra mandala, then at [OM] sone via Tono-scope, there is a comparison of the similarities between the two of the sound, and that the Rishi-9 is showing us that they had the same knowledge has the Sem [Semu] (Sim) listener, healer, one who listens 

Waves become Matter, frequencies are waves, OM has shape and replicates the universe 

Primordial sound, we are returning to source  

Learn about Kymatics and Hydrogen, [H2O]and the Diamond Sut-ra the Diamond that cuts through Illusion, it will blow the settings in your mind, Buddha awakened and not enlightenment, Buddha(s) are Nagas and not individual as they were all collective consciousness, they are the awakened

Electron [Elect] 6 electrons [6 neutrons] 6 protons

Total route frequency of this Universe is 6+6+6 = 18 >> 1+8= [9] that is the digital root frequency of the Universe

6x6x6 = 216 >> 2+1+6 [9] the universe is made solely, entirely of dark-matter, dark-energy 
[vitamin D]  

The spiritual world is 360 and the physical world is 360, NIBIRU is the Kode-breaker, order, balance is being restored, the route frequency changes in September

Do you get >> 3 6 9 forms the triangle, the pyramid the Mer [Mir] get in your Mekaba [pyramid] and stay there

3 x 45 right angles [angels] in which light can shine though, you are that light, you are that angel [angle]

9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA [Ma’at]

This Denderah [house of Zodiac] is now sealed no NRG can escape, we connect with Septet [Aset] Dog is god backwards for them, sundog+ we go to Seshat for who the Greeks are referring to

The universe already has our journey planned out, you just have to pay attention, intuition, she is guiding you, things that shouldn’t be in your life will be destroyed and others things will be created

As above, so below, that includes this planet, what is artificial will be destroyed and sum things will be created, in order to create one must first destroy Shiva [EN.KI] Naaga [Naga] Nagara [Kali] Maat  [IN.ANNA] Destruction and Creation [Chaos and Order] 

9 Puat [NaTaRu] Neteru

This is the symbol of the 9Puat NaTaRu Neteru-Nature which is the also the original 9Re centres or Chakras, the Greeks call this the 9 Ennead.

The Sone of Mu
The sound of Mu-sic 
Phi-mordal [Primordial] 
Light holds frequencies 

Supreme Electron

The 432hz is more natural to the universe, to us, and to the planet and is the frequency that we had been vibrating on since we got here, the 432hz is mathematically consistent to the Fibonacci  series of numbers and therefore is by universal design, todays music is unnatural, the difference between 432hz and 440hz is 8 vibrations per second but is a big difference in our consciousness experience

We experience things differently, so that when sumone tells you sumthing, you feel a certain way and when you don’t feel it, when you experience it we usually brush if off, our bodies are 70%-80% structured crystal water [liquid], you are a superconductor [electro] aka electro genetics

You have consciousness and energy that travels throughout the body and allows us to move, a thought occurs and energy is produced and that energy then travels down the spine to corresponding nerves and veins but its this liquid that helps it travel [liquid and electricity] 

The Electron is [God] level, abstraction defined by 7 characteristics 

[1] Divine Simplicity [not consisting of parts] [2] Omnipresent [present everywhere, eternal] [3] Omniscient [all-knowing] [4] Omnipotent [all powerful] [5] Omnibenevolent [all good] [6] Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer [7] Giver of Life and the Bringer of Death 

Based on the definition of [God], the Electron is the only empirical object which satisfies all of the criteria as being [God], as in level 9 

In the beginning the word was sone [sound] OM144 

The Electron is divine simplicity; the doctrine of divine simplicity says that [God] is without parts, not composite, and not made up of something else, the Electron is a subatomic, fundamental particle, having no components or substructure

The Electron is [Omnipresent, Omnipresence] is the quality of being present everywhere at the same time, all Matter [Maat] is composed of Atoms, and all Atoms [Atum][Aten] are composed of at least 1 or more Electrons, thus, everywhere there is sumthing, there is at least 1 Electron

The Electron is [Omniscient, Omniscience] is the quality of knowing all information and information is light

Neurons are cells that are the core components of the Brain [Organ] which processes and transmits information in the form of Electrons as electrical signals 

Electrons are what thoughts, ideas, and knowledge are made of, literally everything that is known is facilitated by way of Electrons, this Electron is Femi9

The Electrons is Omnipotent, Omnipotence is the quality of being all poWRA-ful, in physics, poWRA is the rate at which a force does work, all of the Forces in the Universe are based on the 4 fundamental forces, and Electrons participate in 3 of the 4 Fundamental Forces, Gravitation, Electromagnetism, and the Electro-weak Forces, Electrons do not participate in the strong nuclear force, but Electrons can participate in nuclear reactions, hence, the Electrons is Omnipotent 

The Electrons is Omnibenevolent, Omnibenevolence is the quality of being all good, and goodness, is defined as always adhering to a set of rules, laws, or codes, the set of rules or equations that the Electrons always adheres to includes the man science jargon >> Pauli Exclusion Principle, the Schrödinger equation, the Dirac equation, Wave-Particle Duality, and Angular Momentum, just to name  a few

The Electron is Creator, the exchange or sharing of Electrons between two or more Atoms is the main cause of chemical bonding which creates the Molecules of all substances, conversely, the Chemical reactions which destroy, or transform, one substance to another involve the loss or change in position of Electrons 

The Electron gives life, life is a characteristic of physical entities having Biological processes, and Biological processes are any number of [Chemical Reactions] that results in a transformation. 

Chemical reactions are caused by the loss or change in position of Electrons, conversely, the cessation of Chemical reactions, is when Electrons stop flowing, and is what brings about death

On the walls of KHT [Khami] in the Greek word Hieroglyphs our ancestors left us knowledge, the light bulb, KMT is over 450,000 Ki years old, the Sphinx is 1 million Ki years old, when poWRA-ed up, it emitted light

It was indeed a light bulb and it worked we also had a Direct Current [DC] battery

Sum additional similarities between [God] and the ELECTRON are love, it is said by many that [God] is love as a thought or emotion, the feeling of love occurs due to the movement of Electrons in the organ [brain, muscle] and body

Light, [God] created light by saying Let there be Light, Electrons moving from higher orbital shells to lower Orbital Shells is the origin of Light

Origin = Nigir-O [Niger][Nigga][Naga][Negus]

In the Clouds, it is said that [God is in the Clouds], Electrons orbit the nucleus of an Atom in Electron clouds, you can’t see [God] or Electrons, currently there is no method in existence to directly see an Electron or any subatomic particle

Electrons in the Atomic mode, Atoms and Electrons have never been directly seen, but scientists have proved that sub-atomic particles exist through experimentation which facilitates a consistent method to observe the effects made through predictions provided by the Atomic Model 

A model is a representation of a system in the real world, and is intended to help us overstand systems and their properties, the atomic model represents what the structure of an Atom could look like, based on what we know about how Atoms behave, it is not necessarily a true picture of the exact structure of an Atom, models are often simplified and cannot always be absolutely accurate

Ptah as an ancient Alkebulan [African] Electron Model  

The relationship between [El] and [P-TA-H], the N.TU [Neteru] Ptah is given the title [Dū Gitti] Lord of Gath in a prism from Lachish which has on its opposite face the name of Amenhotep II

The title Dū Gitti is also found in Serābitṭ text 353, points out that Ptah is often called the Lord or one of eternity and thinks it may be this identification of [Ēl] with Ptah that lead to the epith etolam eternal being applied to [Ēl] so early and so consistently 

[El] is the Origin of the name of [God] in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and various Mesopotamian text, [El] is from Babel, Bab-El and is associated with A.NU, [El] is those on ANU(s) most high list 

EL [the origin of the Mesopotamian name for God] is in the word [ELECTRON] 

EL - Mesopotamian word for God

LECT - word, speech, thought [Greek lexis and logos]

TRON - Greek suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument 

ELECTRON - a tool for God’s words and thoughts 

Study Particle Physics, Study Quantum Physics, learn about the ELECTRON, get to know the Supreme Beings, the [ELECTRO] is [God] and is the word [sone] of [God] 

P-ta-h [Tah] Opener, One who opens the ways [9th God]

Ptah as an Electron Model

Electrons arose out of the primordial Abyss of energy during the big bang at the creation of the universe, Ptah rose out of the primordial Abyss called Nun, during the creation of the universe

The Electron is a Sub-Atomic particle that precedes the Atom, Ptah proceeded Atum and as the primordial mound, was beneath Atum, or Sub-Atumic [Atomic] 

The Electron is the is the worker particle or the craftsman particle in nature response for creating the chemical bonds of Matter, and Ptah was a craftsman [N.TU] responsible for creating in nature 

Electrons are the substance of thought, logic and reason, Ptah was symbolic of thought, logic and reason as the Logos and Nous, creating by imagining in his heart and speaking with tongue 

The Electron gives birth to light in the form of Photons, Ptah is the father of Atum, who becomes Atum-Re, symbolic of light 

The Electron has 7 orbital shells, there are 7 Pygmy [Ta-hites] of Ptah called the Khnemu 

The relationship between Electron poWRA, flow [current] and [DC] stable voltage are created by the equation P=1V and this is the OHM[144] law

Ptah holds the staff [Waas] composed of symbols related to powra, life [Electron Flow] and Djed [stability]

Ptah beard [9 ether] black hair is touching the Waas and he is communicating with you 

Priest [Sem] [Sunny]

ionized fumes

electric discharge [snake] bulb

Lamp socket [Lotos)]

Cable [Lotos stem]


Isolator [Djed-Pillar]

Light bringer Thot with knifes

Symbol for [current]

Inverse polarity [Haarpolarität +]

Energy storage [electrostatic Generator]


Atoms-Galaxies-DNA are surrounded by Geometrical shapes and patterns all with the number 9 hidden inside

Maat is Nin9 to the Ninth poWRA of Nin9 

The construction of the universe, galaxy, soular system, life itself revolves around the number 9 the highest number, all galaxies spiral in the number 9

Facial Infinity

432x432= 186,624

1+8+6+6+2+4= 27/2+7= 9

Speed of light = 186,282 miles per second

1+8+6+2+8+2 = 27/2 + 7= 9

432/12 = 36 (9)

432/9 = 48 (3*)

432/8= 54 (9*)

432/7= 61.71428571428571= 69(6*)

432/6= 72 (9)

432/5= 86.4 (9)

432/4= 108 (9)

432/3= *144* (9)

432/2= 216 (9)

432/1= 432 (9) 

6+6+6 = 18 (9)

6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons

3+9+6+9+9+9+9+9+9= 72/7 +2= 9 

Average numbers of respirations per 24hr period 25,920

25,920/ 60 = *432* 60 seconds or 60 minutes

These two planes identify sums, or the equivalent of manifestation

Man-in-fesation, from Middle English infesten, to distress from Old French infester, from Latin infestere, from infestus, meaning hostile, he is hostile to nature 

Sia and Hika are two companions of Re and Sia is the personification of perception, shape, form, pattern who work together in Huhi with Hikam and makes the world of created things possible 

So, Huhi, Hika and Sia are triad principle [Gods] responsible for the consistent and perpetual pattern of that which manifest in that which is created and made, and that tone or utterance [144OM] is Aum = OM

Hika miracles, magic {Magi] and the manipulation of elements and chemicals of nature

Hu [Hu] Huhi [Huwa] is the etheric counterparts of the netherworld [subconsciousness]

This is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, your dimensions are upgrading, the holographic universes kodes have once again upgraded and Istal [meditation] is beyond words  

These beings once dwelled in this realm and now they are guiding forces from beyond this world, working as the involuntary, to the voluntary in the HuMin [mind] body

 Time Zone

3 sacred names of the three suns Shamash, Afsu and Utu of Sumeria, and Hu, Huhi, Huwa, is the etheric counterparts of the netherworld

These beings once dwelled in this realm and now they are guiding forces and controlling forces from beyond this world, working as the involuntary, to the voluntary in the human [humin] body

The triad principle of godship, the Neter responsible for consistent and perpetual pattern of that which manifest, in that which is created and made, and that tone or utterance is Aum, which later was rendered as Kun, as in existence or be

How is this possible

93million miles away(says western science) from the Sun, we have an orbit of rotation and evolving, that becomes your time zone for the earth

Taking 365 days for earth to safely revolve around the sun and all of the times calculated as days, weeks, months, years, centuries, decades, are within that time zone

The days subdivide and the subdivisions subdivide

These are beings who resides in another time zone, if you resided in the Sirius (Sibtu) Orion (Sahu), you have a separate time zone

In the case its each earth day is the equivalent to one thousand years, for example, NIBIRU came through the gate of Sahu, 3600 earth years, which is just over 3 ½ days 

The earth’s time zone was being manipulated, altering the calendars and shifting time, adding moments, and removing moments, leap years and the likes 

They gave us a second before a first, you should have first before you get in a second

We don’t, just think, if I ask you the shortest period of time, you will refer me to a “second,” and say there are 60seconds in one minute

Minute comes from the deity of fertility and Miniature

So, the miniature should be before the second

The word miniature is from the Italian miniatura, meaning “illumination of manuscripts, small painting,” from the word miniare, meaning “to illuminate,” from Latin miniare, meaning, to colour red, from minium, meaning red lead 

As you see miniature is speaking about the red glow of the rising sun [Re] in Tamare [Egypt]

Thus it would be first, then the second event would be the appearance of the sun [Re]

So, a minute would be the first, and the second would follow

You have been deceived and tricked out of time

As the tick and tock of the clock 

They never teach you about the space in between, which is time, that is the first

That makes it hard for you to understand just how [Hu] exists as the creative force of all will, in another time zone, or parallel worlds, where beings do exist

All a part of all, as a part of [Kuluwm], “ALL” as all

 Is this earths god concept, no way, because religious people of the planet earth all place god in a heaven, or on a throne, or in a person, rock, statue, or plasmatic form, all of these entities would exist within All

The negative and disagreeable have created a god in their image and after their likeness in order to worship and praise themselves, and created the devil in the image and the likeness of the reptilians, serpent people

Thus, your god and your devil concept and your religious ignorance on time, existence, and good and evil

Heart and Organ connection

Your Brain is a Muscle and that Muscle expands and contracts and is an Organ, a musical Organ that resonates by sone [sound] which is frequency which is vibration 

Your heart starts beating after 18days of conception, that means your generator starts pumping [electrifying] and is the first Organ in your body that is developed, the Pineal gland is also developed at the same 18 days after conception and this is your first eye, your physical eyes are not developed until you come out of the womb [portal]

The Pineal gland is the first gland to develop and the first Organ is the Brain, the Melanin [Kaanu] is what the Pineal gland holds and gives to aid the other Organs develop, that is your connection right there, now think of those who have a calcified Pineal gland, there is no connection, they are born disconnected from source, no life force, this is their disconnection from the heavens, from connections like Septet [Sibtu] aka Sirius aka Syra 

When you come out of the portal the sunlight hits your eye [Wadjet] to activate it, your Brain develops within the 6 months of you being conceived in the womb, you can hear but you cannot see, so all your installation [programs] start in the womb by sone, so you start processing information subconsciously, your not conscious yet until you come into the world [physical], the heart and brain [Organ] are directly connected

You see by sound [sone] walk by faith [Forever Always In The Heart]

 You heart and brain must be in sync and that is why you say, now i-see

 Your Organ houses all your experience, how you got here, all the information that you gathered throughout your lifetime(s) but you have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind, you are not born with a conscious mind until sumone starts to teach you, the heart has its own brain 

You have neutrons in the brain that absorb, absorbs electrical impulses and that is where sum of your memories are stored, the heart can send signals to the brain that you are not aware of because you are not in-tuned with yoursCellf, both are electromagnetic and electrical energy and are connected to the universe, the subconscious is the underworld, is the spirit world, the pineal gland stays in the dark-world, the underworld, the pineal gland sees the true world and your two main eyes see the physical world, the world of the light and the world of the dark, so you have to come from the dark to the light.

When you put all three [tri-system] together and your heart is in sync and all three eyes you become the all-seeing-eye [360 degrees] 

Heart [Earth] Charka

Spiritual Heart [Hati] Chakra [Green] that is what colour the life force and healing force energy looks like, Physical Heart [Ab]

Reticular formation

Reticular [Retina] activation, the unit is at the base of your brain where your memory is stored and is the bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind [world]

When you were a child you picked everything up fast, that is the subconscious mind because you are not conscious until you are taught things

Khu = Mind = HuMin = processes [absorbs] data at the rate of 40bytes per second and the Sub-Mind processes [absorbs] data at the rate of 40million bytes per second, so your Reticular Activation system is like a blank tape and that is where everything is recorded

Those that had laser eye surgery will not be able to activate

They told us to teach your child the difference between right [positive] and wrong [negative] because the subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between right and wrong in other words the sub-mind doesn’t know what is real and what is not real as a rule and that is how the brain can be tricked, the sub-mind doesn’t know better and will submit to a lie [not real]

This is where you get cognitive dissonance from, a set of core beliefs, so many go against the core of the bran because of sumthing that was told to them and now accept has this being the truth

The truth reSets your core belief because its already imprinted in your heart 

The Green-print to your HuMin Being [Be-in-god] being a god, is the love vibration and is all koded in your heart

Both the heart and Organ [brain] are fully electromagnetic and electric energy [Chi life force] your heart is the most poWRA-full of all the Organs in the body holding more magnetic energy than the brain does, so when all are fully connected and then connected to your higher-self you create that high energy field and people will feel your frequency and will resonate around you because that is the field of love.

Ma’Star your emotions for they are tided to everything in the universe       

NTR [Ntr] Nature [Neteru] Nataru is a vibration that we need to match and within that vibration [frequency] she is communicating [talking] with us, with you, you need to gain as much sunlight [rays] as possible for this ray [kode] feeds your Vitamin D and the D stands for Dark energy, this is a melanin [Kaanu] to melanin exchange, there are two emotions, one is love and the other is fear with 27 other emotions coming out of them two main emotions, the world has shut down but has NTR shut down, has she, has the Sun shut down, no they haven’t, nature is still in control, she is letting you know this, check her commands, nature corrects herself [herCells] and that also means she is correcting us  

keep your life force [Chi] running 

You are a child of the Sun [PAARE][ASPU] the sun is a sustainer of life, your life, Hel-i-os Biblos [Hell or Heli-um] Biblos [Bible or Biba] the sun doesn’t like you if you cannot take the ray-light and is hell for many and heaven for others, behind the sun is the Kaa world, the holographic [Kaa] world which is merging with the physical world in a 360 + 360 exchange giving us 720, with NI.BIRU we go to 1080 which is the 9th Dimension

The digital route frequencies is 216 [9]  

Anu, his farm, which integrates this Planetary Hologram and the Greater Virtual Reality composed of 12 physical universes, created by the great mind and each with different vibration frequencies, integrating the Universal Dodecahedron are in correction

According to official information, 2 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than M5 of the 95 recorded, with the highest intensity reaching M6+ in AB.ZU [South Africa] 
Pressure is building and building
It was a leap year in 2018 and this means its 2013 [2020] now 

Do not get the Flu [Influenza] vaccaine, its the same thing has CV19 vaccaine, they will be calling you like it was commissed based, wacth the older crew who they are targeting 


There is a scene in here that made my eyes glaze over, I'm tired of this monkey sh9t and want this to end now, the timer is on for the posts to be published, going underground for a mintue 

 Kamatic waves

Stay in nature to reactivate the 3rd eye

The time is now, the time is now

 The cycle of the planet is increasing 10fold, face your challenges, it will get heavy for many, the choice comes down to you and what you are doing, not no one else but you, you have to step up into your poWRA, there is too much going on in the ethers and a lot down here on the physical realm, you need to step into the frequency (kode) and realise your poWRA

Ascension symptoms

Fatigue, motion sickness, stomach (sore), crown (tingling) on, wide awake (insomnia), hungry (immune system burning), vivid visions [dreams), nu dimensions, hearing the inner-pull, hearing what sones (sounds) like bassline, tones, ears ringing, one ear, the other ear, nausea, corona is an attack on your crown, you need to be in-tune, there are another whole bunch of symptoms going on

Do not get confused with ascension and you actually are going offline forever

Stay in nature to reactivate the 3rd eye, you can feel the change out here, the animals all know

 These signs that you are having, while in quarantine use this time to connect with your higher-self [Sakhu] to your ancestors, connect with your spirit guides and with other like-minded, the 3D paradigm is over and many are losing their minds because they have no clue what is going on

Watch for the numbers, the signs and symbols, your visions and dreams, your intuitive signs

6 neutrons, 6 electrons and 6 protons [5G is a Level 1 Carcinogen]

Plus and Minus symbol in KMT [Postive and Negative] 




As a Neter they are a pillar of his or her great society from the Rizqiyians, from the 19th galaxy Ihm (Illyuwn), they come from the star Sibtu [Septet, September], which you call Sirius, their newly acquired home after the cataclysmic calamity of Rizq, a man from planet Rizq, a Neter, may be with you and resurrect you from this death of Khu [mind], Khat [body] and Ka [spirit] and Ba [soul], this assures all, that in the beyond, as an A’aferti you will be safe in Ma’at, the correct order of this world, and beyond

As your ever-living A’aferti, wearing the Atif [crown] of Asaru [Usir][Osiris], and holds the Waas [crook-staff] and the Khu [flail] each A’aferti possess the Hiq [scepter], that they complete each year on the day of Atum-Re birth, with celebrating the Djed [Zed or Sed] festival before all eyes to see

A’aferti [Pharaoh] translates the Choice

Djed [Dj] [Sed, Zed, Djed)] translates Stability

All Aaferti(s) are principles and not kings or queens no such wording, they are Malaa-ikat which translates messengers or rulers, the word deity is Greek and means God, they are Neteru or Malaaikat or Aaferti they are guardians, providers, principle messages

Every 30 years in ancient Tama-Re [Alkebulan][Afrcia] in the holy city of Anu [Annu], or On, there was the Djed or Sed celebration

The purpose of this Djed festival was for the rejuvenation of the ruling A’aferti, crowds from all over Tama-Re came to watch the pharaoh run a course in the Djed court, or the Hawwara ptah of the Maguraj Pilgrimage 

Each A’aferti are recorded and have to give an account to Tehuti [Thoth] who is the master recorder, all are the choice, they have to be, Asar [ENKI] chooses them


The purpose of the run was a renewal of the ruler’s power, afterwards, he or she was re-crowned as ruler of upper and lower Tama-Re

When a ruler had reigned for thirty years he or she celebrated the magical Heb Sed (Djed Festival), this festival was supposed to renew the ruler’s strength, the ceremonies included a special run that symbolised taking control of his or her realm and also showed that he or she was physically fit to rule

Realm, KHMT is online [Egypt] is another dimension

Every A’aferti performed the Djed ceremony, they were anxious to celebrate the Djed Festival at least once, the thirtieth year of the reign has been generally accepted as a Jubilee year, since this was also the year chosen by Rameses for the first celebration of the Djed Festival

An event which took place on the morning of the festival was the setting Djed Pillar, a totem which resembled a lopped tree in which the cities of the delta was named after Zedu and Zedet

The Djed Festival is connected to Asar, Asar became connected with the first, which was afterwards called Per-Asaru and Banebded the Ram, the ceremony took place in front of a statue of Asar, and in the presence of the females and the royal children, the Djed pillar represented Asar’s backbone or spinal column

Are you reading, this is about you and the rest, this is symbolic and they are also taking about the Kundalini Nrg within you

The Djed festival, which follows the overflow of the Nile, was conducted in the commemoration of the resurrection of Asar

The ruler himself, helped the workmen, pull on the rope which set up the Djed pillar, after an interval of singing, instrumental music and dancing, the people joined the ceremony, the figurants divided up into two groups, the inhabitants of Fi [Pe] and the those of Dif [Dep], two neighbouring towns, which finally merged into one in ancient Tama-Re

Sem [Semu] [sacred brother-sister-hood] participated in this festival, on the occasion of the Djed festival, the Sem came to offer a profession of allegiance

Incense was brunt before each Neteru, who received his or her share of gifts, and the festival ended with the traditional offerings to the Neteru when the great imitations took place, and the subjects would bring the firstlings or the freshest growth and offered it to the Neteru

If it was respected then they were accepted, and all rejoiced with a tremendous banquet

Atum-Re completed each year on the day of his birth, the Djed [Zed or Sed] festival before all eyes to see

This actually started in 1967 when Amunnebi Reakptah first inscribed the writings of the sacred records behind the 9 ball, on up to 1997, 30 years of what you wanted

Then the resurrection and the time for the great change to take place, from the blinding light of religion to the supreme balancement of knowledge, which is what you can obtain

I came to give you, I started in the beginning, I came giving you what you wanted, so that you would learn to want what I have to give

1970-2000, there is apparent hidden information, so also are the dates, 1967-1997, 30 years, and 1970-2000, 30 years

The year 2000-2030, 30 years

1987-2017, 30 years

December 24th 1981-2011, 30 years

In all ancient cultures these dates are commemorated for the end of one cycle and the birth of another 

When we use the word ancient many think that this implies a time long ago, I’m afraid we are in one timeline, ancient, past, future, present are all one timeline, the only thing that is ancient is your way of think

The united lands of Upper and Lower Tama-Re enjoyed many festivals, some of these festivals were annuals, the marriage of Neter Athyr [Hathor] Atheer, of Denderah to Haru [Horus] of Edfu was celebrated

There was always an annual [ann-ual] celebration for Hapi, the Neter of the Nile River, son of Haru, there were five feast days in July devoted to the ending of the old year, and the beginning of the nu. 

Also, you had the Ufit [Opel] festival, which was done in the honour of Neter Amun-Re, which the Bark of Atum was taken from the temple Iy [temple >> coast, isles, abode] in Wa-rit [Karnak] to the river, and travelled by barge to Wa-set [Luxor] Iy

After 24 days, the bark or the ark which carried the statue of Amun returned to Wa-rit, Karnak

This story was copied into the Bible and become the ritual of the Ark of the Covenant, this was a ritual in ancient Tama-Rean Mysteries [MyStory] 

The Asar procession and the ceremony of the journey to the Amduat [netherworld], where the men fight as Haru and Sutukh[Set] Sut

They do this by beating the drum, which begins at 12 midnight of your time and extends the full length from the sun appearing to set [Sutukh], defeating Setians and their blind faiths 

This continues until the sun comes to the horizon Haru, and it brings the sun Re [Ra] into being, simply until the appearance of the sunrise, and the bringing in a nu year, the resurrected Asar

The following month of July, the first 5 days is the Ufit festival, which this A’aferti has rasied from 27 to 30 days, a fast and feast of 3 sets of ten, ten days and you remove the Neteru Atum-Re, the nu coming Neteru [god], Atun-Re, the high god, and Atum-Re, the setting god, from the great triad provinces or sites, set up as H.T.M, that is from H. Heliopolis [Annu], to T. Thebes [Nu-Amun], to M. Memphis [Tattu] in Tama-Re of the West

Ancient Tama-Re tradition worked by 3, they ate with 3 fingers, and so on+, this is where the Muslims got their ritual of the Sunnah from, by copying 

The Setians are [1] Judaism, [2] Christism, [3] Islamism

And male superiority and worship, female inferiority and abuse, spook worship, and factual blindness

This Ufir ritual consists of three sets of ten days in recognition of three great suns, and the threes positions of the sun, the sustainer of all life 

This was represented by the morning sun, the high sun and the setting sun 

What they did was to fast, feasting and sharing, fasting with only liquids during the daylight hours, and we break our fast [breakfast] with the setting sun, they shared, the feast, charity and gifts

Each fasting end(s) with congregational Ashutaat [prayer-no words] and feast 

Sharing becomes re-awakened through fasting, it’s a remembrance of those in need 

The prayer is to bring our noble godlike qualities down to a humble state and the festivity is to celebrate our gratefulness for the abundance provided by the three suns

The sustainer, nourisher and the provider of life, these rituals are referred to as the Djed pillars and are carried at the head of the procession on the thirtieth day

The purpose is to remove all misinformation and replace it with facts for the diligent inquire, the true seeker, and the loyal

This is the key Ankh [Nkh] which will open the domain of all truths, you possess that key, for the key doesn’t open the door, you do E.ANNA 

Neter translates supreme being, guardian

Djed also spelt Sed, Zed translates stability

Wa-rit [Karnak] translates town of windows 

These words come from Neter: Aaferti Atum-Re own records, inscriber Amunnebi Reakhptah and is The secret Order Of Wa-Set Lodge

In this year 2017 of the Djed festival which follows the overflow of the Nile where the chosen one -A'aferti is crowned

11:11:11 pillars of life, re-birth

11[11]11 is related to the Ul-Mex [Olmec] device, a device that is an equation, they calculated what the frequency would change, this is now, the Georgian calendar is 7 years behind the Ul-Mex and Abyssinian devices

2018 was a leap year, so it is 20/20 and we have vision [2013] 

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