In order to dig deep into y-our origin [origin backwards is nigir or nigga [Negas] and the letter O stands for original has in o-rigin-Al blood-type] we have to rely on the word mythology [myth]
This word myth has connotations towards folklore indicating
that both the word Myth and Folklore are old wives-tales, that the story is
alleg-ories [stories], this is what the Europe [Albino] has done
Al-gor-ies [oral events, people, place, thing] stories
El [Al]
Mythology comes from the word Mutu [Metu] Netu which
means truth and the Kaa [spiritual] teachings of hiStory
My-thology is from the French Mythologie, from Late Latin
Mythologia, from Greek Mu-thologia, meaning, story-telling, Muthos, story +
logia, -logy
You can see the word My which would be My-story [My-stery] or Mu
which would be Mu [Mut] Ma [Metu] Mutu [Ma'at] [Nut] Nu
Theology is from Middle English theologie, from Old French, from Latin theologia, from Greek, theo, theo- + -logia, -logy and means opinions about Greek deities [Roman word for God], borrowed from the KMT [Egyptian] N.TU Theoris
Remember the Greeks have invaded [KHMT] Egypt, the online library
and are trying to decipher the knowledge, these words, Ology are based around
seven trick words, faith, belief, theory, theology, myths, mythology,
folklore, tales, stories, which are the foundation of the sacred word, Re-ligion, and Religion is from the Middle English religioun, from Old French
religion, from Latin relgie, religien, from religere, meaning to tie fast
They must bind your heart, your mind, your spirit, your soul to control you and to suppress the [God] aka N.TU that is you, waiting to come forth
You can get a PhD in Mythology in his European schools
Yet to the rest of us, we are deemed crazy, these words give us a Psy-chological disadvantage to our sciences but if you look closely, they are actually telling you the HiStory through Mythology [Mystery] or My-Story [My-Star-y] Ma'Son-ary Masonry
To over-stand KhMT you have to look at other systems and the reason being is that no ancient system comes totally intact with the fragments that you need to really put the system together and that the European is sitting on thousands and thousands of y-our true history in warehouses, private collections and in basements all housed by Europe and around the world that has the All-Knowing about KHMT alone, because KMT has no records of anybody, but the positive part about that is that they have preserved other cultures and when you study other cultures you can put all the pieces together given that there is only one knowledge to inner-stand KMT [KEMET] KHAMI [Al-Khami-y] (Egypt) Alchemy
What we get from KHMT is the soular dynasties and that is late KHMT for example, Amunre [Amon][Amen] or Ra [Re] is a later N.TU [Supreme Being] aka [God] or [Deity] and there is huge culture prior to KHMT called the T-yp-hoon KMT [N.TU] that they covered over 200 [Iy] [temples, tombs = coasts, lsles, abode] in Nubia to cover up their history
T-YP-HOON [EG-YP-T] G-YP-SY] [YP is the pattern here]
The Typhoons developed and rose even before the first monument was built in KHMT, the Typhoons are the bridge between Atlantis and the old history, you should read the Hermetic records of Tehuti [Thoth] entitled the Antediluvian Lamb, which means after the flood, but what is this flood
This flood is not necessarily talking about water because everybody has a flood story, this flood is a metaphysical or spiritual flood = aspect of the prior history of earth [Ki]
The KHMT are the Alkebulan [Sumerian], Mesopotamian [African], whatever you want to call them, even Khamarians [Khamurians] or Blackamoorians, Muurs [Moors]Mars, the list goes on, and are sum of their names which is an ancient name for the indigenous people, even the Alchemurian is also a name for them
They tell you that the planet went through different phases and that she wasn’t always physical, the physical was the last and recent phase
One time in this spiritual realm the physical realm was
invisible or was foggy and the physical realm that we came from, that we dwelled in was
visible, has the vibratory rate fell the vibration lowers, the
molecules condenses
So, we were on another vibrational frequency and as the vibration fell, we became more and more condensed into the physical body and the physical realm
These places, Alkebulan, they just didn’t occur, these people weren’t just sum hunter-gathers or sum other bullsh9t like that, they were not savages, these Nubian people were sophisticated has h3ll and were not this Darwin half-ape bullsh9t they have us all in
What these so-called apes did was all metaphysical things, we never came from no ape and this was promoted to throw off many when it came to sciences and history, many of these bones that they find are different species of apes and doesn’t have anything to do with the Nubian people Darwin, he said that we come from a form of miscegenation, which is only linked to the Albino [Caucasian] which is the ultimate key to the Albino races and Darwin goes on to say that the entire Albino race came from an Albino [white] ape and he goes on and says that they [Africans] corrupted themselves in [Africa] by mating with apes and has a result created the Albino [white] races
Basically, we are talking about a form of gene splicing because we were that advanced
When we came into the physical realm we were already advanced and we enjoyed thousands of years of civilisation based on nature [NTR] and we also have the full detailed files of knowledge, of the universe, the omniverse and what was to come and prior worlds already in us, that were already programmed and into our minds, a complete system of the All-Knowing that we needed to know on file within us, Akashic records [Kaanu Super-Komputer]
We could communicate with one another, what you call Clairvoyance [Clear-voyge] today, we had Teleplay [Ptah-Opener of the Ways], we could travel several places at one
time, Levitation, all this through the Kaanu [Melanin] context
[This is why EN.KI is in so many avatars at the same time in different parts of the planet at the same time]
EN.KI [IN.KI] EN.QI just means ruler of Ki and not his name
Why didn’t the rest of Alkebulan [Africa] build monuments like KHMT was because once KHMT knew that the vibratory frequency would lower and lower, they would become more and more condensed in the physical body thus becoming more and more reliant on the five senses and the other senses that would become dormant or reduced because of the vibratory cycle, so they knew already what was coming up
The clock was ticking to build these large monuments and
record the detailed files that is already in the Alkebulan mind onto the walls
of KHMT, onto Iy, onto statues, onto Papyruss, onto jewellery, chairs, boxes,
chess boxes, MA.RE [MIR][MER][KU] (Pyramids)+
KHMT entire history was to record, this was the birth of the online library that was to house what was imprinted on the Africans [Alkebulan] mind and has a result you get everything, education is to draw out, all is within, you received everything in KHMT, the learning centre, frequency library
But what was the ultimate goal, why did they have to do all this, the vibratory rate in the physical realm would only last a couple million years and we would have to go through another paradigm shift and they spent their time making things for us to remember who you are, why, what, so they knew when, all what you see them dig up around the world, they spent their time preparing for this and hence why the afterlife and death [rebirth] was so important and why it was taught to us and is to why the Albino rewrote their Bible and took out reincarnation, for one they didn’t want us to know and also because the 6ether does not reincarnate and the 9 ether does, you are immortal for energy can never be destroyed
The 6 ethers stay here in the 3D [G-host-s]
[those things that they took to the afterlife with them in KHMT+ is symbolic of higher mystery’s and nothing to do with taking things to the afterlife, this army was not to protect them in the afterlife, this is about higher mysteries and one of those my-star-ies was reincarnation]
Re-incarnation is if you die without a certain amount of knowledge you will recycle and recycle until you learn that knowledge or if you had a certain amount of knowledge until you gained it back or if you don’t have a training to preserve yourself beyond the physical body, so the person who was dying could know who they were or become conscious of who they were so they could make a certain transition and not have to go through the light to recycle themselves back down here as an idiot
The historic aspects are important along with the sciences of nature like; being one, being one with all, the animals and plant kingdoms and it also explains the aspects of [African Mythology], that really explains a higher science
The ultimate science and spirituality of KHMT that they figured out was, if anyone asks you what is the ancient Royal Arc of KHMT, there is one science and this is the real my-star-y to all sciences that explains what all religions are alluding to, we don’t have religion systems, we have mystery
[MyStar-y] systems, these mystery systems gave us basic education but many didn’t understand that is just one facet of it, this thing was multi-dimensional, the ultimate mystery that is behind all religions is Alchemy
Al-Khem-y [Al-Kham-y] Al-Kham-i] Al [El] Chemistry
[Che-misty] Che-mystery] Chi-mystery
And no people who developed the Arc of Alchemy are the Khami [Kammu] Khemet [Kemet] Egyptians [not the Muslims or Arabic today]
Al means a lot and one of the meanings is, issuing son,
on behalf of sumone [Al] and [El] are a ranking title and bring us back to
A.NU, like Babel is Bab-El and Ishmael [Ish-Ma-El] or Hannib-Al Barca
Al, issuing son, Khem Kaanu [melanin or black] Al the issuing of the black son [black Magi-c] Alchemy is the study of a substance called Kaanu [Melanin (Greek word for black)] in its biological form but in its spiritual form it is the study of every primordial substance in the universe, on Ki and things that are beyond or outside of the universe which is the ultimate manifestation [Magi], and of the crystallisation and stone that put all of this particular substances of all the universes together to make a nu reality or a light seed, and from that Khem-ical [Alchemical] process you get Magi [Magic], you get Divination, you get the Roman word Necrophilia [dealing with the dead], you get all forms of Metaphysics, but all and more comes back down to one aspect and that is Alchemy and all our [Gods] N.TU [Neteru], which means Supreme Beings] who were Alchemy [Gods]
Tehuti [TaHuTi] is the N.TU of wisdom and knowledge and
he is the ultimate symbol of Alchemy, the Staff [Waas] and Caduceus was not
just for medical [that came out of Greece] the Staff [Waas] and Caduceus was
one, the Kaa of the HuMin and is the Alchemy symbol of Al-Khami
These Moors or priests where in Europe and they had no interest in Islam or religion, but understood it, they were ancient KHMT priests, ancient Kush, ancient Arabian priests [never the ones you have today] and these are the Kaanu [Black] El-ement and they introduced sum of these sciences to which we see today, even the recessive Muhammed father knew who these people were
Bilal was the first person that the Arabs of today first saw calling his people to Ashu-tat [prayer] in slavery, it is the Arabs who first started slavery, and this meant the Arabs had never heard of Islam or Ashu and were watching for the first time the Nubian that they had in bondage
All the Europeans have done is stuck their faces in and did rewritings over existing records
The Moors [Muurs] introduced the Tarot cards in Europe which on a
basic level are picture windows of Kaanu [Melanin] and the frame of the Baa
[soul] and from that you can use Divination from the cards, Divination is the
secondary of the mirror aspect of reading the cards and getting Divination
about sumones future, but you can also do that with shells from Alkebulan and
pennies and so forth
But the major aspect of the Tarot Cards is explaining the Alchemical process of the soul [Baa] as well as Kaanu [melanin]
From your Tarot cards you also get your playing cards
The Muurs taught, introduced several aspects of Alchemy into Europe
The [black] substance starts off in KHMT has Asaru
[Osiris] Oser or [God] of the Prefect Black [Khemical], and from that Kaanu [black] the phoenix
rises up from the ashes and his soul returns has his son Heru [Haru] Horus,
purified [light coming out of blackness] Yan coming out of Yin
The Muurs come into Europe and give the whole Mythology
about King Arthur and the round table, which was nothing but Asaru which later
on the British lied and said it was all British history because they were trying to
claim royalty
The royal system where they have those things has a form of Divination comes from KHMT by way of the Muurs, the several magi-cal text that Europe has, like the Lesser Key of Solomon, Astrology, another one dealing with the inner components of the mind and your body
These texts where a major part, like the Kabbalah, like your Zohar, all that came from a Iy in KHMT and ended up in Spain and given to the converted Jews which is the Europeans, which they cultivated and tried to claim has their own, there is a movie called A Stranger Among Us, with Melanie Griffins and this movie shows you how they studied the Ka-bb-a-lah
When you go online and you see the amount of information on Metaphysics or how they know so much about the Kabbalah is because they were taught and they cultivated the Alkebulan records including the Moors
There were 16 universities that was left behind, that wasn’t destroyed and they made them the property of secret societies, the Moors over-stood the importance of these places and that the Alkebulan was deteriorating, she was getting old and she needed to sleep and they raised the European up but he was greedy, the European had become the custodians of the Alkebulan knowledge, the Muurs had to give them sumthing to preserve the knowledge, but ultimately, the 6ether cannot use it
The Tarot card readings are only based on the 3D for they cannot read past that dimension, they have 6 ether and you need 9 ether, you need Kaanu [melanin] and this is why the Muurs taught those in Europe knowing that ultimately, they couldn’t use it
All of this Alchemical education, the chemical components used to be the major part of spirituality in your mathematics, in your physics, in all the stuff you get today in Western education and they used to be the physical components of the spiritual systems we had, todays stuff out here is like the by-product, that greater or paradox of higher knowledge, like your missing 360 worth of knowledge studying Western education, your just getting the physical science of knowledge, the West simply separated one system from the other, creating two
So, they give you the by-product which is the mundane basic level, and they keep the Alchemical spiritual aspect to study in their lodgings and in books for this is a society that can read but doesn’t want to read has oppose to an alliterate society
We cannot bridge the difference between the Albino and the Nubian, one has his Western science and the other has the complete science including the 360 in physical and 360 in spiritual and metaphysics [720 Cube]
All wearing black has its roots with Oser [Asaru] which
is [God] of the Perfect Black, from blackness everything comes, so they
understand it is the ul-timate poWRA, this is their suit and yours is the 9ether
suit [9 ether skin]
In order to fake that they are the original people they wear this colour, they are trying to emanate you
In that movie, A Stranger Among Us, the boy says to Melanie, we study 13 hrs a day, they study the cosmology of the universe, they studied the KHMT side and the Kabbalah side, why, so that they can stay in reign supreme
There is internal warring going on amongst the Albinos
and the Jews, they are complaining that the Jews have two types of oaths, one
to Israel and that oath is whatever they experience in the public world in
secret societies or organisations that they have an oath to Israel and they are
to render that spirit, that knowledge to the rabbis and community, so they have
an oath to override anything that they learn in public or secret societies
outside of Jewish societies
So this war that they have because they only have an allegiance to [white] Israel that there is no secret too great that [white] Israel is not supposed to get, there is a big occult war going around the USA, [Jews from NY where recently sent back from the airport tarmac in Israel the other day] they are trying to corner the market of knowledge from one another and they know that the 9ether is the original and they are the imitation of the ones from Israel
They are the
primary people behind most of your holidays and all these Jewish holidays, so
many, these people can only trace their origins back to Spain, where did they
get all these Jewish holidays from and this is why they are constantly doing
all these rituals to make [white] civilisations stay on top
The other gentiles root for this Jew has their ultimate priest, they think that they will be saved if they have a particular allegiance Jew, so what they do is stay with Israel [is-it-really] because they know that Christianity is fake, I’m talking about Christianity has a religion is fake, not the Christianity has a mystic system that comes out of Coptic KHMT [Egypt] and is different from Hieroglyphic KHMT, Metaphysical KHMT, lets make the distinction, the organised moralised Christianity is fake
Christianity the mystic system predates all the versions out here and one has nothing to do with the other, one is real and the other is a plagiarized version which is where you use the fake plagiarized version and you historicalize the ancient Christ [KRST] the ancient soul [Baa] that is in all of us and put and relegate into one man, to sum man walking around Jerusalem who never existed, one is based off of Heru [Horus] and the other is based off of sumones imagination, he just simple never existed, even Paul only wrote about the Mystical Christ, never the historical Christ [KRST]
There is a book that your government had to ban, this book would collapse any Christian, its called Who is this King of Glory by Alvin Boyd Kuhn, the government had to ban this book, there is no hiding the truth, this speaks of the truth on the subject of Christianity, Matthew was trying to say the same thing but also show the connection with KHMT but Kuhn really exposes this thing wide open
The reason why everyone bows down to Israel [is-it-really] is because it’s the Priesthood for all gentiles [albinos-white] and they do all kinds of rituals and hence why they have all those holidays because they are trying constantly to do things spiritually to keep this imperialism afloat, just like the government have the army to do the fighting, they have them to do the rituals and all secret societies are doing things for them, but they are the main ones
If we came from a history that was pre-physical, then
ultimately all we are all particles and elements of the universe
In Alchemy, this deals with the different stones, minerals, alloys+ all that makes up everything on the earth and also in the HuMin [Kha], the HuMin body has everything that makes up the planet, every herb, every particle, everything that you know makes up the earth [Ki] exists on the inside of us as particles, stones, gems, gold's [metals], minerals, crystals, water, gasses, everything >> and what is in the universe is also in you [DEA] your celestial ingredients as well as sum things beyond the universe
So these N.TU [Neteru], these Supreme Beings were
primordial symbols and primordial manifestations [Magi] of [spiritual
phenomenon] that make up these particles, that is who these Egyptian [KHMT]
beings were << its all inside of us and the result is a vast system of
sciences that pull all the advanced cosmic energies together and these energies
play a huge role in our Kha [bodies] because that is all we are, this is a
multi-affect-system, on a mundane or terrestrial plane, it lines up with Nature
[NTR] aka Neteru [NaTaRu] Nature [N.TU] Netu and on the extra-terrestrial plane it lines up with
everything in the universe and on the omniverse plane [Metaphysical plane] the
first plane, that which is beyond the Universe, that which is the Alpha or the
[God] particle, it lies up beyond the known universe, and that black [Kaanu]
substance that we are talking about, that is the building blocks
[Amino acids- Almino acids [a min-o – a min-eral] a-min [Amen] Amun of life that makes up everything that there is, even on the physical
And O’ser [Asaru] Osiris] the Perfect Black [Kaanu] but
before him it was represented by Suk [Sutukh] Set [Sut]
[we get the O from O-ser in O father, O lord or O’Neal O'Mack Ol-Mec]
Suk or Set and is the oldest N.TU [Deity or God] known to mankind and he also becomes the enemy of O’ser
In order for Oser to be the ultimate manifestation that
he was supposed to be, he had to be killed because when you kill sumthing, you
break down the particles and elements, so that you can turn it into sumthing
nu, things that complete a cycle have to be destroyed so they can create
sumthing nu and this is why all Christ Mythology around the world also deal
with death but also in that process of death that you rise up from the ashes
and make a nu reality [reel-ity]
So Sut in one aspect is the ultimate principle of transformation of killing Oser so that his Kha [body] can make another reality which will ultimately be the savour of us all
So these particular entities, these N.TU(s) these Neteru(s) where a multiple system, when they talk about the seven liberal arts and all that stuff and what the Afrocentric society write and talk about they are right, when they talk about all this stuff lining up with nature on this particular realm, they are also right >> but when you check it, it all goes back down to the Alchemical component which is the building blocks of everything in the universe and outside of the universe
And the Horus principle represents the seed that will rise up because Horus [Heru] and Ma’at are one in the same, Maat is the Christ [KRST] principle also
When the Afrocentric talk about the governments being balanced with Maat that is the realm of the mundane, the physical realm that they govern certain things based on checks and balances and laws based on the scale but Ma’at takes on a greater principle in the spiritual realm
Maat in the spiritual realm is an Alchemical component that in alchemy is called the Great Works
Maat is Red Chakra and is in the AU.RA(s) this is the Law that man fears the most
And these Great Works are the coming together of [Gods] man, wombman, children, angels, baby, animals, everything in the known universe that comes to one particle and that particle represents the nu reality of pervious cycles that have completed their run [pervious cycles, previous programs] and as a result are condensed into a particle of light, which is your Christ NRG, your KARAST [KRST] NRG and is what our bodies have been going through since we have been in the physical realm manufacturing a nu reality
Even in their Bible it says every man will be known by his works and this does not mean what he did in the physical world only, it is impossible, who cares what you did down here, especially if you did things without any knowledge, how would you know, but is talking about how your spiritual nature would work, if you don’t have the Melanin [Kaanu] which is how this ultimately works which is what alchemy is based from, meaning you may not have any inner-workings
The Great Works is the coming together of energies and crystallising it all into a nu reality [crystals hold data] this reality is called the Nu Jerusalam Heru-soleman [solomon] Sal [Sol]
Maat is the same principle in ancient KHMT and the English version would be the Great Works or we would also call it Illumination or what you would call in Christianity Khristos Krystals [Christos] Crystals, Christ and the Ethiopian [real meaning] is Karast [KRST] Christ, so Maat is the Christ principle and why in KHMT we get the word Hor-us or Har-u or Her-u and Hor is the child and Ma which is the femi9 principle [double Ma is Mama-Mamma] before Maat was Maat, she was Ma [Mother] so Heru = child, light seed, Ma the primitive energy, and Ku is pyramid and combined you get the female harness [the same as the yin and yan symbol where the blackness is the yin and yan and is the light and this is where we get Har-ma-ku [Harumaku] in Greek its Harmachis [Armakhis] and are Maat and Horus combined and you get both those particular principles
The word Ma’at >> [Ma] is Femi9 and the word [At] is her son which is Horus which is his Ethiopian or Kush name and from At we get At-un [Atun] and from Atun we get Atom [Atum] so, Maat and Atun we get Mother Atom and in Cosmos, we have the Great Mother who represents the triple darkness of space in the northern hemisphere in the universe which is also called Alpha Draconis [Thuban] aka the Great Dragon and one of the original names for the KHMT beings is called the Draconian [Draco’s] has explained in previous posts, that Great Dragon is also called Tiffen or Tiffin or Typhin or Typhoon [Typhon]
So they are known has Draco, Typhon and another names called Ophidian+, the Draconian are the older lot, the ancient but means the Dragon [Dagan] and Dragon [Hy-drogen = dragon] comes from the word Draco and from Draco you get the word Dracon [Drakon] Drake and from those words we get Dragon and the word Typhon comes from the word Dracon and the snake called the Python [Typhon] but this is the Great Mother Reptile
In her southern gate, the southern hemisphere is her child Horus [Heru] which is Septet [Sirius] September, which is her Clitoris [head gland] the south gate on a women is the vagina aka the birthplace [womb] which is where she has a birthplace aka Sirius [Septet] which is known has Horus, known has Osiris but is also known has Sirius also Orion [Isis] Aset
So this thing of Mother and Son is Septet [Sirius] September, which is the first primordial star [SAARE][SARRU] of all time let alone the brightest, and all Neteru [Gods] of KHMT are patterned after Sirius, there is a book called the Sirius Connection by Marie Hope and in there is a whole chapter on the Syrian [Sirius] Gods and in effect we are Syrian [not the Muslim earth people] also called Sothis and Septet by the Greeks for Sirius [Syra]
[September] the DogStar, dark days come from the rising
of the DogStar, we are connected with that star because when that star rose, we
would rise, the Nile would rise, read Robert Temple, the Great Sirius Mystery
The Arab word for Sirius is Shiaara or Har and the Indian
word is Hari- Krishna, Hari [Haru] Heru is also Sirius [Osiris]
The Greeks would say that Heaven is hot, talking about the rising of the DogStar Sirius
There are 3stars [9] in Sahu [Orions Belt], Sirius B being the chief star, so they built 3 pyramids on the centre of the earth to represent those stars up there, Western science tells us that these stars could have burned out millions of years ago and we are just getting the light now, KHMT says, what was in heaven has now been transferred to Ki [earth] as above, so below and KHMT is literally heaven on earth
So, Sirius, the 3 pyramids are the indicator markers of
where Sirius ended up on the earth
You have 3 pyramids [MA.RE] on the E-KUR [A-KIR[Giza] plateau
which at one point was also called the Babylonian plateau or the Arasta plateau
which is also where the word Rasta comes from which means restinG place of the
Lion [A-kir][Sphinx], there is a Belgium author called Robert Bauval who explains the
Arasta plateau or the Message of the Sphinx
Babylon was also an ancient name for the Typhoon aka the ancient KHMT [Egyptians], Babylon is also another name for the Great Mother and has they travelled up to Mesopotamia they named a country after Babylon after the Great Mother, these are pre-dynastic Egyptians [KHMT] that travelled up into KHMT
Bab [Bab-el] and lon [Elohim] are two words wielded together to get Babylon
3 stars in Orion’s Belt, there are 3 MA.RE [pyramids],
there are 3 wise-men, there are 3 crosses on cavalry [before they represented
the 3 crosses in Christianity] they represented the 3 pyramids in Giza >>
do you see all this Mythology explaining Cosmology and Physiologic inner
information passed down to different cultures, there are 3 spears on top of the
Kabbalah, 3 points of the trident, 3 blind mice and all these things represent
the 3 major glandes in the head, with the pineal gland being the chief gland
which represents Septet [Sirius] and the pituitary body would be the other 2,
these are all metaphysical, cosmological, mythological and physiological terms
[think deeply about all these paragraphs]
Western science call it the pituitary body, so there must be two
Coptic is a later Egyptian [Kemetic] Khami, Coptic came after the Metu Netu started to fade out and they took Metu Netu and transferred from Metu Netu into the Coptic language and was carried out to Greece by the European Greek and later on when Rome needed to fashion a religion, they conquered both KHMT and Greece, they take the story and make it a historical story and then they kill off the ancient Gnostic which it was originally before their man-made Christianity to Gnosis which means g-no-sis [knowing]
So this later Gnosis or Knowing is the Blueprint of what the Romans took and made into historical and this is where you get the birth of Christianity but before that you get your Gospel [Ghost spell] of Thomas text and those texts were dug up again in 1945 called your Nag Hammadi library, these are the Blueprints to what they turned into Christianity >> so how can you have ancient Christianity if this is sum new sh9t that Jesus was supposed to come and teach from the get go >> how can sumthing come before him << well there is a Christianity before Christ that even John G Jackson told you about, all this plays a part in the science too
There is a shaft in the MA.RE [pyramid] that they light
from Septet [Sirius] and this light will shine down through and also happens at that Iy [temple]
of Dendera [house of the Zodiac]
Dendera was built so that it can light up on the heli-acal rising of Septet [Sirius] which it was around the June or July [Leo] timeframe
They put a shaft in the pyramid in 1996 and in this shaft
that they didn’t let the world know it, the Arabs go to the highest bidder and
whoever has the most amount of money gets the rights to go into KHMT and sum of what they retrive stays with the Masonic organisation full stop
They said they were going into the pyramid in 1996 and
they gave the day but they went in one day earlier and they found a Nubian man
sitting in there pointing towards Septet [Sirius] remember this is a shaft that
no HuMan [HuMin] body can fit through, who was he and how long had he been there
The Nubian is the form of the Negus [King] and is a form of Heru [Horus] and also represents our spirit
Whenever you see the star and the crescent especially in
Islam on their hat, that is the star of Septet [Sirius] and is even in the
Quran [Koran] one of the chapters is even called the star, the Surah of the star,
but what is the star because they have the Surah of the Cow [Kau] and the Surah
of the Moon, the Kau represents Septet = HebHeru = Hathor, but what is the
Surah of the star
It says that this is the star that will create the male
and female from one ejaculated semen and will create all things anew [A.NU]
He is the lord [Neb] of Sirius [Septet] that is who Allah
is in the Quran
So, who is the Neb of Septet if you were in KHMT it would be Asaru aka Osiris which is Greek for Sirius or it would be Isis or Aset [same beings] Alpha and Omega which is also called the seat of Sirius, the stone seat of Sirius to which Heru [Hours] is connected with this also
The sun goes around the earth every 365 days and the sun
goes around the greater sun every 26,000 years and that greater sun is Sirius [Central Sun]
This is a greater relationship from a greater sun to a sun, like a father to a son
Our sun only reflects the light of a greater sun and that is Sirius and that is why you cannot find that sun when you go outside of the atmosphere, its pitch black up there hence why you can only see Regal and Sirius and one other and Sirius is the brightest star in the hemisphere
You see the Dogon tribe, their mystery was to locate Sirius B and they also say there is a Sirius C, now check it, the Dogon said that in the beginning there was Sirius B before there was anything and the Greeks who were the Etruscan [not the Albino Greeks because cavemen could not invent Greek mythology, use your common sense]
The Greeks are the Etruscans which are the original ones [Nubian] say that in the beginning there is Gaya [Gaia] and Tartrous [Tartaria] but guess where Gaia is >> it is the earth = Gaia but guess what, before there was a universe, there was an earth <<
And Gaia is known has Mother earth, get rid of the word Mother, the Great Mother was in the beginning but she fell and she was transferred into another part of the universe and this is the result of the fall of the Great Mother
So, in the KHMT, take Sirius and put her down on earth [E.KUR] because we are sitting in Sirius right now
The physical earth was not here in the beginning but the
spiritual earth was here in the beginning when she fell and at the end of the fall she
becomes physical [Ki][Qi][Gi
[Holographic program] Computer program [spiritworld]
But she had to fall from sumwhere and that which fell was here in the beginning
Our world and our world are built off of several primal
worlds that preceded her before the universe that you know now came into
existence, there was other primal worlds or primal universes that were just has
old as this one is now that collapsed and in doing so became dormant and ends
up the physical earth which is Sirius B
Sirius A is the holographic reflection and the shine and the light that used to be Sirius B before it collapsed
So, Sirius B is Sirius A and the light that shines in the
heavens that once was Sirius B which is all the same thing but Sirius A is the
light and Sirius B is now the earth which is Sirius and that is why the pyramids
transferred down to the earth A is B's reflection]
Since Sirius B is the earth [physical], the physical realm is an illusionary realm, it doesn’t exist, its just that the organ [brain] is registered in the physical realm, then where is Sirius B >>> that Sirius B is that particle of light that is inside of you <<< and its only one particle of light >> its our brains and all of our brains that makes you think that there is more particles of light but we are all together as the covenant of one [together is to gather, not the same]
So that particle of light that you call the Christ is Sirius B and its inside us
Ra which is the sun is the inferior form of Sirius [Rahu], as
the Great Mother and the whole complex of the primordial realm went dormant, as
a result of being dormant, it cast off a dream and a reflection and that
reflection ends up being the sun
Ra just represents a subordinate level of a higher level
that is now in exile
Ra comes into creation by overthrowing the Great Dragon Apep [Tarnush] Apophis that Draconian Apep is the Great Mother [they have different names] and it represents those primal worlds that existed before this universe
So this sun, is a light as the result of a fall and its only temporary, the representation is the light and energy of the earths physical plane in this cycle of the existence of the earth but is not the ultimate reality in the universe and is just the guide that we use for in this physical aspect and it was the [God] of our world in the physical realm
We had two KHMT [Khemets] you had the priests [Semu] and
you had the everyday citizen, the everyday world relate to the N.TU [deities
and entities] in KHMT like we would in a form of the religion, it wouldn’t be so
much dogmatic into that the citizen would have to have, you’re going to h3ll
things like that, but in KHMT they used the Neters [N.TU] has principle [Gods], central
[Gods] as inspiration and for us to use to focus and stay grounded, to learn
from for a spiritual purpose
To be in-spir-ed [inspiration] is to be in-spir-it [spirit]
The Semu [Sem] overstood this on a higher level but the initiate, in Rudolf Steiner book called Cosmic Hierarchy, he talks about how the initiates would go into the mystery-system and for 30 years of their life everything was centred around the N.TU and they would believe that these N.TU [Gods] ruled over their lives and at aged 30 they would come and say, you know them [Gods] N.TU, they were once HuMin like we were, what this would do is that the initiate would have to get over that fact that I have been worshipping these N.TU for 30 years and now I find out that not only are they people like I am, but I to have the potential of those [Gods], as a matter of fact, that is what my training is to become [Gods] Jedi MaStars aka become one with the ultimate principle in the universe
So, why did they wait until they were 30, first of all they were to follow teachings of these N.TU in a certain way and then tell the initiate that not only is he a former ancestor and a form of that person but also we are all connected has one, the first thing that the initiate would have to deal with would be the shock and amazement and the second would be the same energy that the initiate thought was so important to all these entities that ruled over their life would also tell them is that in sum way, is that I AM just has important and the mass importance of just how important the initiate is, so on one aspect life, Semu life was different than the masses [citizen] life
There is a theme in all ancient systems and that is you take a small group of people and they will rule the many, but in our civilisation because it was run by the priesthood [Semu] most of the time, and even that breaks down at times, you rule to give these people a sense of nourishment in life
So ours was ruled on a certain divine order, later on the Muurs taught the Europeans the same principle and now they rule to exploit people for their own capital gains and their own power to continue, but the universal principle is the SE.MU, life was different than the everyday citizen although you must overstand that these everyday citizens of KHMT still deal on another spiritual level mentally than we do now, we can also say that Egypt [KHMT] although was physical, it was another type of physical [KHMT at one point was a whole different dimension on this planet] KHMT wasn’t in the same dimension that we are in now
One thing I have learnt is that we do have a problem looking
into the past with a modern mind, when all the western scholars were saying
that your 10 commandments come from 47 laws of Maat Negative confessions [which
means what the soul hasn’t done, that is why its called negative confessions]
they thought that they were reciting those things based on the same dogma thing
of behaviour and moralism, there is a catch to that on a spiritual aspect, the
reason why they would recite these things and say, I have not done this and I
have not done that
It is impossible for the HuMin body to not do half of
those things, it was not talking about the physical body, I have not done this
and I have not done that and we would recite this, it wasn’t talking about what
we didn’t do physically because its impossible for you not to do sumthing
physically in 42 ways, the mystery was, it wasn’t based on their behaviour it
was what their soul [Baa] didn’t do
Because the soul is inside of the body, it is pure and laying in a dormant state, the Horus principle was saying I have not done this and I have not done that and is talking about the 144 Maat negative confessions, negative means inner, other than outer, it didn’t say confessions, it says negative confessions, so it was confessing what the soul didn’t do [negative] because the soul is on the inside of the body and it is not responsible for the physical body does, it is laying dormant on the inside and that is one of the mysteries of what Maat is because Maat is the soul on the inside not doing those things
The teachings that we get in KHMT [Online digital library] had more to do with them preparing to teach a people after they totally fell, for it was for those people of that day, because in one aspect we get the eschatology which means, later day events, but we get the historic aspects of it all, although they have a great history, the monuments for example to me were left has a call, an insurance plan for yourself to get later on, breadcrumbs for you to find your way home, KHMT and all what we find there are messages for us to remember who and what we are
We are never going to get back to that of Egypt, if we were supposed to get back to KHMT on the physical realm we wouldn’t have let KHMT fall in the first place when we had a 6,000-year warning, a Caterpillar does not go into a cocoon to come out a Caterpillar, it Meta-morphosizes onto sumthing on another plateau
So many will see we need to re-establish those Laws of Ma'at, we don’t overstand that we are re-establishing those Laws of Maat not from the outside but from the inside of what we are becoming and whether we know this or not, the deterioration and the pain and suffering of the Nubian people is a part of the process, I’m not talking about from the Christian stand-point like I have suffered so that I can get into heaven, but we are talking about energy that has to go to the lowest state, so the molecules can ferment and purify to get to a higher state, so it will be inevitable that this happens and the lateral teachings that they left behind was more significant to us now than it was for the people then because the Semu were the ones who controlled the majority of the spiritual thought outside of the everyday citizen but they didn’t need the type of moralism that we need back then, because if a person’s nature is good behaviour, we can’t think of that concept now because we live in a land with a grown-up juvenile delinquent and a vile old beast that gives us our thought, so we can’t even fathom just the peoples nature being good, think about it, this is about behaviour then and now, they didn’t need Maat then but we do now, certain things were just commonplace and just the way things were, so what we are mistaking for all that moralism, is the lining up of energies
The lining up of energies is to flow as a certain order of things other than us [behaving], moralism is a later dated concept put in by Rome and later by religion, a dog doesn’t need a manual on how to behave, by Rome for control, we didn’t spend most of our lives behaving as if we had done sumthing wrong, the concept of us being sumthing to being ashamed of is not even a Alkebulan concept, so we don’t have to apologize and spend all the time in moralism, we have been taking a Christian model and trying to line it up with what we see in the ancient world and is doesn’t work like that
These principles were applied to scientific measurements
on how you even function on the physical realm of lining up energies [NRG] and you
can line up energies magically [magi] to do your bidding in all types of forms
in everyday life, including lining up energies on the way you thought [think]
to get through certain situations
We’re talking about [Gods] in operation with the primordial forces of the universe other than sumbody talking about bowing down and to appease [God] and drink his blood and eat this cracker [flesh]and blah blah blah, its all about energies
We are talking about an advanced ecological system and a spiritual system which is science at work and we are mistaking spirituality being sumthing outside of science and they are one in the same, it’s the Albino who have made such a dichotomy by not including the spiritual side of the same sciences and only giving you the physical side and we think that science is what the western world gives us today, hiding behind big words, hiding behind titles that they gave themselves
Spirituality itself was a science because they were the sciences to know [knowledge] and Tehuti is the alchemical component or the ultimate symbol of this knowledge [he is the N.TU of knowledge, wisdom] representing that divide knowing but it had nothing to do with moralism but all to do with operating energies like a Magician [Black Magic] uses magic on certain realms to create an atmosphere conducive to what he or she wants, this is manipulating the principles of the physical realm and the laws of nature aka a laboratory
Back then the spiritual forces on the inside of them was alive, we are talking about [Gods] in the flesh, so there was no jails back then, no violence, it was only when the [God] particle shut down and then we relied on total emotions of the physical body [you have three bodies] thus this got us into all types of disputes because we were shut down, we were not awake, we were not activated, back then these people were woke and if the [God] N.TU was operating within them in the flesh, it could operate harmoniously because that entity on the inside was functioning on a higher level of enlightenment, that’s the difference back then and now
Basically, we function now on a certain level but we have gone to sleep and most people walking around today are walking around in a perpetual dream, they are not even awake, so its just raw senses and they are just hoping they don’t bump into sumthing in the wrong way, although their eyes are open and they are talking the right way but they are asleep
There is a difference with people being awake and people walking around dead, the living dead, their asleep, the entity on the inside of them corresponds as [Gods] N.TU just living in the physical
So, they say that KHMT was heaven [haven] on earth [Ki] and was the best aspect of what heaven could be in the physical realm and that is also the difference
[KHMT is a circuit board, its online, there is a frequency, that is why everything was built from Granite because Granite holds frequencies and gold stores energy, all connected to the motherboard]
We have mass of people who are shutdown and have gone to sleep literally and back then they were just functioning has N.TU [Gods]
They tell you that religions come into play when civilisations start to deteriorate and when people need moral guidance as a guidebook just to act HuMin [HuMan]
So, can you think in HuMin [HuMan] terms on what it was like at that time, the answer is we cannot even fathom it [just think of the architecture alone, the pyramids alone]
The concept of what we know now based on the concept of what is around us is so alien to it, even when they tell you that man uses 1/10th of his brain [Organ][Muscle] but in actuality it is the Albino that only uses 1/10th of his brain, but because we are in a society that is based on 10% brain power the Nubian 9 ether only uses 10% of their brain power in the process
So, we cannot even fathom has a being with the [God] particle aka the ultimate function of his soul, mind and body, so we look at them back then has sum primitive culture and in this one they think they are sum what better than them
See previous posts, KHMT was actuality in a whole different
dimension on Ki, the planet is one plane and in four parts, there are things still
on this planet that you will never see with your HuMin eyes, the planet is
upside down, ABZU [South Africa] is actually north AB.ZU
KHMT was in another dimension
David Roberts did a presentation in one of the Iy[temples]
Iy is the recorded for what the west call temples, tombs,
the Iy translates, abode, Isles, coast
David did the presentation before they took the colours off these monuments and you could see that these beings are not HuMins, not in the sense of what HuMins are now, although they were in a physical [avatar] [Krishna] body, the whole experience, the mindset was on an extra-terrestrial level [degree]
So we cannot even begin to fashion, what we have fallen from because of this dream state and although this is in place, there are now waves of consciousness now flowing [beings activated] the memory, data, information, knowledge, light, energy is now being restored in many ways for many, you are seeing data in your Istal [meditation] in your dreams [visions] and you cannot even put what you see into words << that would be an aspect of it
We did not fall based on outside invaders coming in, the outside invasion was part of the process of a twilight period and the shutting down of the 3D Matrix that was also infected with a virus, this was the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another cycle [the system crash], upgrading of the computer holographic program, the shutting down period to go to the next phase [5D]
No matter how heart-wrenching you have felt with the bad things that exist on this planet [think] and what took place, as a result we are going to the next phase, what I’m saying is that it had to happen this way, all of it, everything to everyone, thing, animal, plant, planet, HuMin and the HuMan
For moments of years we spoke about going to another
afterlife but in order for that afterlife to take place there had to be a
process for this to happen
You already know about history, European Greeks come into KHMT, then the Romans, the Greeks have it, then the Romans and then the Arabs [Muslims], the Jews then filters it out to others, you already know that and more, like many were working with other beings and you can fill in the voids for the rest
That was the process because Humanity and Mankind had to be destroyed, we were a part of Humanity and Mankind [a kind of man] meshed through society, there had to be a mass form of deterioration, regeneration and we had to have disintegration [the deletion of artificial files]
We think that we were in control and we are not, the Kaa [spirit] realm is on the inside of us and is dictating how its going to bring itsCellsf to the next level by attracting negativity to the outside to condition itself on the inside and this means we were never a part of the physical realm, the body [think of those going to war physically, those rioting, marching that is the body] does not have the final say so, its is the entity on the inside that does
The entity on the inside gave itself the nourishment it needed to throw off this physical body and it could not throw of this physical body with the physical realm being so healthy with us maintaining the greatest Humanity that we had already maintained
We did not fall, we gave this sh9t up
Those are bullet holes from the French
If we were sumthing other than physical, you overstand there is no such thing as time, space and size, so sumthing can be infinitely small and in most cases is the most poWRA-ful thing in the universe so when we talk about the Atom, Atum Adam which is the original stories of Christ, same story just rehashed again, the seed of Israel, the stone are all talking about a primordial point or dot of who we really are, so since there is no such thing as time, space and size, its infinitely large when you look at it has the concept of Nutqa [dot] and infinitely small when you look at it has the concept of Horus [Heru] or the seed
As us being physical entities, if we were not physical at first then we are talking about a projection of ourselves and an illusion brought about to fool us into thinking that these physical bodies is us and in order to do that it has to register like a movie in a theatre for example in the movie Men In Black, they have to go to the dog that represents the DogStar and he says you HuMans think everything has to be big, he also says that the galaxy is on Orions Belt and Orion was the little cat because Sekhmet who is also one of the oldest representations of the Sphinx, the resting place of the A-kir [Lion] E.KUR, the Sphinx is also called Harmakhu or Harmarket and Harmarket means Heru on the horizon [Horus and Aten(Aton) name wielded together to create the word western word Horizon] you have Ma in there which is Maya [Ma'at] and in there Horus and Maat is also a form of Sekhmet which is one of the oldest forms of the Great Mother
The Kat had a little ball around its neck and there was a whole universe in there, they were shaking the dog in the movie and the dog said, you HuMans always think everything has to be big to be legitimate, to be worth anything
It is the Atom that explodes the earth, sumthing that is
invisible like gas can burn a house down and destroy everything
This is seed is in us and all what we are, western world
calls it today Nanotechnology and that is the Horus [Heru] seed that is inside us and
that is all who we are, you are the Hero
The seed is an invisible particle of light, this invisible particle is now the primordial unknown [God] that existed before this universe came into existence, it is the Alpha, the Omega aka the Christ seed, this is a finite spiritual seed and the chakra system is basically the manifestation of the energy that make up the body but ultimately is concentrated energy in this particular seed but this seed is the ultimate reality in the universe and is inside every last person of the original people
Everyone walking around on earth, including Nubian [9
ether], people are not necessarily original people because we have tons and tons
of offspring to where people have a spirit [Kaa] but not necessarily a soul
[Baa] there is a difference
A spirit is what animates [anim-Al] anima-tion you and even animates the Albino [6 ether] and even animates the rat, a bug, aka that is just the energy that moves on the earths plane aka electricity
A soul is sumthing different, not everybody has a soul because
you have those who wasn’t created outside of the earth which means they are terrestrial
beings, their origin begins here on the planet and in the physical
Then you have those who come from the primordial origins of the universe and that is who the original chosen seed is, they are not chosen because they have always been here
Forget the argument on who has a soul or not when it comes to the Nubian because you are the original people so you do not need to enter the sentence on who has a soul or not
What is the soul >> the soul is a sun [Sol] solar
[Soular] the word Salt comes from the word Sal which also comes from the word
Sol [soul] the little grain of Salt is the ultimate of Alchemy [salt of the
earth] salt is also a form of the Christ [its written in their Bible]
The soul is a sun but not just any sun, it is the most
ancient form of all that is, it is from the no-thing that crystallised into this
little seed
From the nothing, you get the ab-Sol-ute, so it comes from beyond the universe which is the triple blackness of space, its not just a sun, when you get that type of sun then you’re talking about the ultimate reality in the universe, it is beyond anything that we know [1440] and it is in us
So, the soul represents the sun, a son or a star inside of us but this is no ordinary Dogon star because this Star comes from the ether of all ethers and what is a star
SAA.RU [SAA.RE] Star in the core in every star burns this
black substance [Karbon] Carbon
But the one inside the original HuMins has been dormant for 13million years in the physical and probably billions of years on the terrestrial plane, the different planes, but before it came to the physical plane
[I just use billions or trillions because the true numbers do not exist becuase there is no time = emit]
Its been turned down for so long, like cider bottled can turn into alcohol = when sumthing ferments, well this one has been fermenting for billions of years and that is the soul that we have inside of us, so this is the most poWRA-ful thing in the universe and anything that is not HuMin has to bow down to it or in this case bow down to the Nubian man and Wombman
Pantheion (hieron)(shrine) of all the gods, from pantheion, neuter of pantheios, from pan- meaning all Pangaea pan-Gaia all of earth [Gi]
There is [was] a subordinate creator, that did not know there were others, for he fell from the divine realm, he did not know there were others, he did not know that sum where females either
The subordinate creator is not the original creator, sub means beneath, under
Bentley Layton Gnostic scriptures which was dug up in 1944-45
in KHMT which predates Christianity and in so many ways the Christians stole
other peoples religion and then tried to kill them off but in 1944-45 these Gnostic
scriptures were dug up again, so read Bentley Layton’s Gnostic scriptures which
is the story about Adolabroth [Aldebaran] [one of the
Yahweh and he had many names this Adolabroth], this particular entity broke
away from the heavens [haven], he didn’t bother to look up and see that there
were [Gods] before him and he just thought that he was the [God] of the
universe and Adolabroth [Yahweh], he was boastful and arrogant and acclaimed
that I am the father and [God] and beyond me there in none other but Sophia
[who is the same Great Mother over and over in different languages] hearing
this she cried out to her son [sun], lie not Adolabroth, above all thee is the
father of all >> the first man, the son of man and man <<
Now in the Greek Mythology before Zeus comes into being [which is the father of Greek My-thology and where they get the origin of the word Jesus that comes from Zeus, J which is Jupiter, Rome which is Zeus and Zeus which in Greek is Jupiter, they took both words and wielded them together, J which there is no letter J in the Hebrew [Habiru] language and you have Heyzeus = hail Zeus [Iesous]
[its in the pronunciation]
Never say the word Jesus, just say Christ, because its
not even a Hebrew word, its Greek
[Christ =Karast] KRST
Zeus, before he ruled, the Titans ruled and the Titans were the [Gods] of the universe, Zeus comes in and burns up the Titans in so many words, in a long war and then took the dust [stardust] [DEA] from the Titans and made man out of the dust
So you have to go beyond Olympian pantheon to the [Gods] who they overthrew, who were their parents, so we are the parents of the ruling entities who are in heaven but even in your Bible it says that this h3ll and heaven will pass away >><<< now if everybody is trying to get to heaven, why in your Bible does it say that heaven is going to pass away, why are you trying to get to a place that is not going to be there when you get there
They say, that the kingdom is going to be on earth and we are the ones who are supposed to establish the kingdom
So, Zeus overthrew the Titans and when he burns them up
the dust from the Titans they used to create man
Pharaoh is a Greek word and one of the recorded name is A’aferti which translates the Choice, which contains the word Afer is from Afar which are Afar [avatar], but Aaferti also means blood, dust
We are the dust from the Titans and is to why you are a made from stardust, this the Greek Mythology
The Alkebulan [Africa] Mythology that was changed by the Europeans [Albino] that came out of KHMT using the council of Nicaea and out of that we have the Coptic Christianity and the European Christianity
The Coptic Christianity, the subordinate deity [N.TU] [Yahweh] Adolabroth, that comes from Coptic Christianity, when they dug up these records up in 1944-45, they were translated from Coptic
In so many words you had a group of people who were the
original Coptic Gnostics out of Alexandria Egypt [KHMT] which had been there
since the beginning of Egypt but was called Typhoon and
Coptic just means later day Egyptian; they have their cult [and I don’t mean in a negative way] we are talking about they had a civilisation all the way up into Rome and this differed from the KHMT pantheon
When we get the KHMT pantheon we are getting most of the
translations from the Greek Plutarch writer, when we look in the book of the
dead and the KHMT things like, the large monuments in Egypt, you have to
understand that most of those things are written in ritual [rites of way] so we
don’t get the true Pharaohic [A'aferti] thought, the Hermetic text is true Pharaohic thought, pieces of the Gnostic text is in the Hermetic text
So what happened, at sum point at the Iy of Aset [Isis] two things, a couple of years before the Iy of Aset was closed within a 100-year period, they transferred a lot of the works, they transferred a lot of the works from the Metu Netu into Coptic, the true Pharaohic thought is in the Coptic but with the Book of the Dead it’s hard to find out more because its about Isis and Osiris and is written in ritual and that means it was written for the priest [Semu] and was actually a book of spells and incantations, to get true Pharaohic thought you need the Hermetic text
The Book of the Dead is a ritual book and today the Nubian is not scholar [soular] and Metaphysical enough to get into that book to inner-stand it but there are ways to get it, the Gnostic stuff is the Hermetic stuff
During the times of the Hebrew [Habiru] which are Nubian people from Alkebulan aka Ethiopian [which was the whole North end of Africa, right the way to Somalia and across to Nigeria], we have different tribes but it is always the same race, they were in Rome raising h3ll and at that time the Romans had Romulus and Remus and sum form of Zeus and the rest+ but over time their pantheon and their religion started to fade
You have to understand that in the ancient world just
like what was in the 3D world here, you have democratic and republican parties,
your religion was also a political party and you ran your government based on
your ideology based on your religion and as a result in the Roman world Romulus
and Remus and a form of their Zeus and their pantheon [Jupiter] they had lost
over the years through decline and the loss of cohesiveness in the understanding
of it
[remember this was a Nubian religion [system] the Etruscans who gave you Latin and Greek, but over 2000 years they lost the meaning of it, meanwhile here’s these Hebrews [Ethiopians] over here raising h3ll [Nubian people] in Rome in the height of the Roman Empire vampire
The Roman citizens started looking at things and started going, sh9t, look at these lot
If the government is built on your political and spiritual beliefs and this starts to fade and deteriorate then your government starts to deteriorate and fade, so the Roman people started looking at the Hebrews and wondering how comes they are good to go [raising h3ll, cookouts, BBQ, dances, jamming] the Romans started to admire them and thought, sh9t we need to join them or get sum stuff like them
Meanwhile, Roman citizens Paul [Raul][Sal] and Josephus [Joseph], the Romans said we need to get us sum religion, like them Hebrews over there, them Niggas [Naga] Negus Ntu are looking too good out here, the Roman government started saying, hey, we conquered Greece [Greece conquered Egypt and Greece plagiarised all that stuff they got out of Egypt [KHMT], but now we conquered Greece and we have all this stuff from the Greeks logged down to the T and just sitting there, why don’t you get sum scholars and get to work and start working sum of this sh9t out so translate that stuff and we can made our own religion [system]
They had the same stuff that the Hebrew had and the same stuff the Egyptians had but this time its in Coptic form, meanwhile they have a group of people called the Gnostics that came out of Alexandria Egypt that is worshipping the same Christian dumb of this religion
The Romans are like, we are going to get our stuff and tailor it a little bit because we are not necessarily interested in the spiritual ramifications because we are interested in worldwide domination through it, so we want to keep the scriptures so we can see the spiritual connotations but we want a religion that we can rule people with first
So they get Paul and Josephus and scholars to go to work, keep in mind that these scholars, priests they were higher than a PhD in their society of Nuclear Physicist, he doesn’t have nothing on the priest in the ancient world, the priests have the final word in their world, when they put things together its put together for we are talking about scientists
So, they have Paul and Josephus [who was a Hebrew that defected and started working for the Romans] Paul was a Roman citizen, they get all these texts that they stole off of Egypt via Greece but now the Romans controlled Greece and they put together the New Testament, out of this ancient Gnostic and Coptic material which before it was Coptic and Gnostic was Meta Netu [Metu Netu] and they put all these elements together in it
Over in another corner we have another group of people who bust out and say, we got Christianity, the other group, the Gnostic say, wait a minute, we have that sh9t too, that’s not your stuff, that ours, so what do they do, they wiped them out [killed them] and took their stuff which was modified texts because the people noticed and even said this is controlling stuff, its modified, we have sum real texts here [which is the texts they found in 1945 in KHMT] all this Egyptian text is KHMT all the way
But its interesting that they found this stuff in 1945, why, because these texts they found in 1944-45 is called the NAG Hammadi library [not the dead sea scrolls] of the Gnostic text, Dead Sea text was found in 1948, this was found in 1945 and is more advanced than the dead sea scrolls for example, the NAG can give you a million years of history in 4-5 pages that is how advanced the NAG Hammadi is, a line in there can scan 500years in history, and this is the Pharaohic thought that I’m talking about that you couldn’t get from the Book of the Dead but once they translated it into Coptic we get what they were really talking about and this is when the subordinate deity comes up
The Romans go live with their stuff and in a matter of moments they have an instrument that they can dominate the world with for Paul and the crew have gone in there and tailored the sh9t so that it can be used in both ways, but Paul and his crew had done a close version that was too close to the original so they had to do the conference of Nicaea and 8 other conferences to modify it again, the KJ had to be rewritten to take out reincarnation
The difference between the modern day Christian model and the ancient Christian model, the modern model was designed to take advanced concepts that goes on the inner workings in the body and make them literal, they say that sublime Mythology makes grotesque history, so sum thing they did was to make literally, they historicalized everything and none of that sh9t was historical, there was never any Jesus
If a Nubian man came and taught you, you would know, how
can Jesus be in Alkebulan [Africa] how can Jesus hide out in Alkebulan and the
Romans couldn’t find an Albino in a Nubian country
How is it that no modern-day Hebrew or Jew can bear
witness to the Jesus thing, you would think that if sumone was going to give
you the Messiah, that would be sumthing to record right >>
Everyone talks about a Jewish Messiah but yet there is no one to bear witness to that
The Jews knew like all the other ancient people in the world, that was sum Roman propaganda of the Hebrew, they knew just like the Greek knew, the Egyptian knew, like the Mesopotamian knew, like the Babylon knew, like the ancient Alkebulan know, that the Christ that is to come, only comes one time in hiStory
First of all, Christ is a title and we all are a living Christ because Christ is a level that we can rise to
But the true Christ that is supposed to be, the be all and end all, can only come one time in history and that is at the end of the world [not planet, world]
When the true manifestation of Christ comes, the physical earth will cease to be, the mere fact that we have a physical earth [Ki] and the teachers or whatever, couldn’t have been the real Christ and the Hebrews knew this for they are like, we get our origins in Egypt and the Egyptians knew like everything else, Horus [Heru] comes and Heru comes to kill
The true Christ never taught lov9, that was sum Roman bs
to keep the people docile, check it, romantic [roman-tic]
Study the Greek Hercules [Heru-les, that is the Greek Heru [Horus] or Apollo
You will not find no text in Egypt where Heru [Horus] is talking about lov9
Heru [Horus] Haru does one thing and one thing only, he
kicks ass, he destroys, that is all he does, he wipes out, he kills people
The Greek version is Hercules which is the same story and he does nothing from the time he is born to the time he dies, he kills everything in-sight
The Hebrews knew, when they saw them talking about all this lov9, they knew that wasn’t true, they said the true Christ is coming back to kill the world, he gets the house in order, he is the [God] of Ecclesiastic with the blood on his sword, he is the [God] of Revelation who had blood dripping from him, the end of time is the only time that the true Christ manifests on the earth
We are all a Christ, the anointed ones, Christ [Christos] for we all have Kannu [Melanin], the Christ is this seed that was mentioned before, the western world have isolated this seed in western science, in Astrophysics and is the only thing that is in this universe that is not of this universe and is actually of the outside universe and when that seed manifests itsCellsf on this planet, everything will explode
The universe will destroy and go back to its original existence [factory settings]
If any man came and said he was the Christ, he couldn’t have been the real one, that is why the Hebrews until this day and even the converted ones who copied the Nubians anyway, have never bear witness to the Christ [all you have is a stupid movie called Passion of the Christ] get the fu9k out of here with that monkey sh9t, and even the Arabs over there are like that is bullsh9t, the Egyptians [Muslims] over there the same, that is bullsh9t, they knew that Paul and them are trying to get the monopoly on the Christ that everybody in the world had
The Romans are saying if we can get the monopoly on this thing we can rule the world with this thing, so they literally tried to corner the market on the Christ that was all around the world, it is irrational for a Japanese man to worship a Jewish savour, it is irrational for a Blue-Nubian-Alkebulan to worship an Albino man just has it is irrational for an Eskimo to worship a Nubian, no matter what, everybody in their Mythology got the same Christ, but the Romans came in because they wanted to dominate the world and they tried to get the monopoly on the Christ by saying that this is the true son of [God] and then you have this person who tells you to do all this lov9
But guess what, the text came up in 1945, the true Christ, the one that came from the Coptic Horus and he doesn’t say none of that sh9t, and in the Gospel of Thomas they were like [which is the one that took and used at the conference of Nicaea and is in the Gospel of Thomas] they say, Christ tell us what kind of diet that you want us to go on, he said, why lie, why do what you hate, blessed is the one who eats from the Lion, and then the Lion becomes a part of the man, cursed man gets eaten by the Lion and a man becomes a part of the Lion, he goes on and he says, tell us about the kingdom of heaven, he said you will know the end when you know the beginning >> you lost the knowledge to the beginning << they say, tell us about the kingdom of heaven, he said, heaven is all around you but your too drunk to see it because your looking with these two eyes and you’re not looking with the spiritual eye
Thomas is a straight up revolutionary, a no-holds-barred person that doesn’t deal with the crazy stuff
So, clearly the texts they dug up in 1945 that dates back to the Coptic in Egypt [KHMT] in the Metu Netu is a total different thing and that is the original one before the Romans stole it and turned it into the New Testament but don’t get me wrong the New Testament has everything in it, its just that for the first time you can’t go by page for page, you can go into the pages and find the same stuff, that is the difference, the Bible is still viable but you just cannot go by A to Z, you have to go into the pages and its all there
You cannot go up from the basic theology that was drawn up by the Freedmen’s Bureau which was the way they were going to teach slaves
Freedmen comes from Freemason which is Free the sons of Mary [Mason means mother and son] men is man
This is what many are still on now, same good old-time
religion, you cannot go by that no more, you have to go into the book, its all
there in riddles, misspell words, translations and so on, but its all there
This is how you make the book come alive; take sum old deity that you supposedly follow, take him or her out and put yourself in the role of the Christ and that is what the book is originally for, it’s a guide book for you soul [Baa]
Your soul [Baa] is the Christ
The person that they are talking about in there is you, old body, new body, old testament, new testament
If you take the book; just has I have done great works, greater works yee shall do, it is not written in the law that ye are [Gods] and the scriptures cannot be broken [John 10:34 and 36]
So, it means you’re supposed to take the book as an esoteric book and everywhere you see Jesus or the Christ you identify that has your Baa [soul], then the book comes alive
The problem is when you think sum man is coming back or sum Nubian man coming back, that is the problem, if he does come back and he tells you he is Christ, get him to take these bullets that are coming up, get him to take these vaccinations that are coming up, then we will see if he is the Christ
The esoteric teachings were a mystery system book like
the Book of the Dead which is a passage to the soul and you are the Christ in
It’s a role-playing book where you go through a journey and at the end of the journey you become illuminated and that is the real message, that is the difference between the Egyptian one and the other one
They tell you to worship sumone at that time, instead of you worshipping yourself and you becoming the [God]
Base on all the ancient ones, they all talk about a story of the [Gods] before this [God], the [God] of the dead and the [God] of the living means in actuality the [God] of these two eyes, he creates this illusion around you which is a hologram
The [God] of the dead is inside of you
Jesus died on the cross, where is the cross [stand up and put your arms out at the either side of you] that is the cross and where is Christ, on the inside of you [3rd eye] on the cross [that is the cross that Jesus died on] your soul is on the inside and died a long time ago when you fell into the physical realm and it will be resurrected again through the Kundalini energy
The oldest system of worship in the world is called Typhoonian or Draconian and this is the cult of the Dragon and the Dragon is in the constellation of Draco and that is the form of the Great Mother all them Goddess take it from this one Great Mother and she has a son and that sun is Sirius [the star system Sirius] also known has Supt [Sept] Suk [Sut] Set
We had all this Typhoon and Draco stuff up until 1907, and in
1881 in a book called In the Beginning and in Natural Genesis 1888 and then in
1907 Ancient Egypt, Light of the World, then all this Typhoonian stuff
disappears and they lock it down and access becomes only available to the
secret societies and they go into Nubia [Sudan] with our 200 Iy [temples] and
cover them all over the Aswan dam Iy [this is what the dam is about, they want to
flood south Sudan to permanently to cover the Iy]
The Aswan has the Typhoon records and all over the Iy and are
Hebrew letters [text]
It was in the vested interest of the Jews to cover it up
because it would confirm the Alkebulan origins of the Hebrew people
That is 200 Iy [temples], there are more MA.RE [pyramids in Sudan than in KMT] now you know the Albino had to cover sumthing that was big if they covered 200 Iy, they built the dam over the site to flood the area that would bury the entire recordings
The Typhoon and the story of the Great Mother and the child, developed, matured and declined before the first monument in KHMT and dynastic lineages was built
The Ra worship and Osiris came in and they replaced it with the Typhoon from the monuments and Osiris takes on the attributes of Supt and Set becomes his Nemesis [enemy] but Set is the oldest [God] in the world and before the Osiris attributes, it used to belong to Set, all this is in Gerald Massey Ancient Egypt, Light of the World, and Evolution Origin of Religion by Albert Churchward
So, Set is the oldest primordial deity [N.TU] of all time which is the star Sirius also, Osiris becomes the star Sirius too as well as all the other KHMT N.TU(s)
One priesthood over takes the other priesthood
That priesthood, Apep [Tarnush] Aphopus is the Great Dragon and Apep and was replaced by Ra [Re]
The Typhoonians at this time travel up into Mesopotamia
and find Babylonia, Sumeria, Khaldiya and into Greece has the Etruscans
The Typhoonians are pre-dynastic and is well before the 3,000-year
bracket, they say there are 500 Aaferti [pharaohs] in the dynastic period which
is 3,000 years and there were 800 in the pre-dynastic, which was 5,000 years
which equates to 8,000 years or there about
The pre-dynastic is the Tyhoonian
While in Mesopotamia they become the Phoenicians
[all these people are and have always be Nubian aka
Melanin aka black people since the beginning of time] the Phoenicians travel
into Rome and the Phoenicians become Etruria
[pronounced e-tru-re-a] Etruria becomes Etruscans
[in-trust-ed] of Troy the Trojans [they went to war] and the later war was with
the Albino-Indo- Greeks going to war with the Trojans and wiping out the
But the Etruscans find Rome in Greece and establish the Greek language and the Latin language and the first Greek Mythology with Zeus and Apollo, Hercules is a Nubian Mythology and is just has valid
Greek philosophy was stolen from Egypt years later, so
don’t mix up the time cycle, Greek Mythology is black [Nubian] philosophy and
is plagiarised Egyptian philosophy, when mentioning Hercules and Zeus, Apollo
that’s all black [Nubian] history with black people, its not later, its just
the Phoenicians [religion] of the Typhoonian stuff, the Phoenicians are the
Etruscans worship of the whole Olympians deities of Greece which later the
Indo-Europeans come in and wiped them out and take their sh9t
Its all the same story regardless of timeline
You have the Devidians [Dravidian] [Devidia II is where
their home planet is] in Kush, in India in the Indus valley and then what
happens is the Indo-Europeans come in [remember India is a big place and they
don’t wipe out all of them] but to the North of India you have light Indians,
light caste system
The Greeks where never all Albino [white] sum of these Greeks today actually have nappy hair, I’ve spent time in Greece, and if they have nappy hair now then you know that 3,000 years ago, they certainly had nappy hair then and they had to be all black [Nubian]
Think of all the beings who have black hair and the ones who don’t, there is your answer
So, we are still talking about a Nubian culture even with the influx of the Indo-European
This is why Charles Spence said that when they did the survey on Greece and ancient Greece, they said that Greece had the sickle cell trait, so that meant that they had to be black [Nubian] in the beginning
When did the Alkebulans [Africans] lose power, unfortunately,
and fortunately are connected with nature and nature goes on a series of
cycles and everything is nature, the force deteriorates and then regenerates
Depriving us of this light is the Judaeo-Christian mentality that the earth started 6,000 years ago, so with Egypt many think it was a short time ago, when the monumental dynastic Egypt that you know about comes into play, its over for the Egyptians; when dynastic Egypt that is what you know of with Egypt as the civilisation that you so much lov9
That was the lowest point for the Alkebulans [Africans] although this is the highest civilisation that the Albino cannot even get to, it is the lowest point for us [the pyramids are built way before Egypt] they built the Sphinx at the same time and the Sphinx is over a million earth years old, the Sphinx and the pyramid is one complex and one wasn’t built after the other, this was built by the Typhoonians, the pre-dynastic ones [remember, they matured, developed and declined long before the monumental phase of Egypt or what we all study today about Egypt which is dynastic Egypt [KHMT] when dy-nastic KMT comes its over
Never tell a person your full origin because they can dictate how far you can go
They said we had 8,000 years between pre-dynastic and dynastic, then they asked the high priest who used to rule before him, he said that is when a whole bunch of [Gods] used to rule
The Afrocentric community at that particular time quoted that but what they didn’t realise was that the [Gods] that used to rule before 8,000 years was the same people
There is a debate going on between the evolutionist and the Christians, the Christians say that the earth is only 6,000 years and the evolutionists say she is older than that, both of them are partly right, the physical is about 8,000+ years and the evolutionist is saying no we have things that are older than that
This thing is about 13 billion years old; USA Today came out and calculated the origin of the universe and said its about 6-13 billion years old, but based on the Dogon that the earth was in the beginning before the universe was even founded
Both the evolutionist and the religion people are right but they are not Occultist or into Esoteric studies, so they don’t know the true history, what it is when the [Gods] used to rule was that the earth was always here but she wasn’t always on the physical realm, the decline made her physical, so when the [Gods] used to rule she wasn’t physical
Rudolf Steiner said the original world was a spiritual world [Ka means spirit and is a holographic] the vibration slowed down and the composites came together, the elements came together and thus became more dense, the spiritual was at one point just as visible has the physical, it was a faint dim, the slow down meant that the physical became more physical and the spiritual became invisible
She had many names during those times, Hyperborea, Terra, Alkeborea, Atlantis, Mu, Tiamat, Ki all of that and more+ [never Pangaea that is just Albino Greek], these where semi-spiritual times and we had the full function of the Chakra systems, all of it and even when we came into the physical we still had the full function of the Chakra [alien implants] but the ancients understood one thing, they knew that they only had a few moments [3-6,000 years] left, that these particular records that is in our DNA [DEA] would shutdown and go offline because we were becoming dormant and this is why they built KHMT [Egypt], to record as much records as they could before we went down [offline] and the sh9t shut downs and our senses shut down and we become dumbfounded
If the Alkebulans [Africans] were just has advanced has the KHMT [Egyptians] why didn’t they build the same type of society with all the large monuments, the Africans were already advanced because they had all that sh9t in their heads, they were already downloaded, its just that they sent an expedition during the time of Atlantis at one point of the earth, namely the centre part to build all the monuments so they could have a library when all this sh9t shuts down
You will be a criminal and the [white man] will always be better than you is in the 1945 prophecy from the NAG Hammidi
So, we know that in 5,000 years that they were going to go offline so they had 6,000 years at least to get ready, and they built and built and recorded everything into stone, and they did prepare because they had the advanced knowledge to know the future [and we have the documentation] even in India, they say, one day the man will eat the Kau [cow] they have a document over there, the Iy [tombs, temples] pyramids, the valley of the kings, everything is all a part of this preparation and they gave it out to the rest of the world, they gave the Greeks sum, they gave the Roman sum
They knew all along that if the Albino didn’t come, then we wouldn’t get the knowledge back [how did the Greeks back their history, it was from the Muslims, Arabs who wrote everything that the Greeks had recorded when they were in KMT before destroying it, the Greeks and Romans would build over our sh9t but the Arabs-Muslims would destroy it after recording it all down first]
If they prepared and we look back in 2020 [2013], if they prepared a way for us to get out of this, why do we not see an economic blueprint on how to get out of this, how to start business, how to build weapons on how to kill the artificial races, why is it that if they had 6,000 years to prepare to get out of that, is all religious stuff, because the basic premise of Osiris is, he is a Caterpillar, then he goes into the Cocoon, then he comes out a Butterfly, the Cocoon stage is what we have been stuck loop] in and have been residing in for all of these years+, you don’t come out of the Cocoon stage and go back to being a Caterpillar
We are not supposed to go back to Egypt, we’ve been there and done that already, you’re coming out of the Cocoon to metamorphosis to be a nu creature, the alien is us in our nu form
They were only concerned with the Baa [soul] and what the Baa was going to go through in the next paradigm shift because we’d been on the earth for thousands of years doing the HuMin [HuMan] thing, so that existence was over, so we gave the sh9t up and gave it to the Albinos and that is why he was the last to rule and we knew they were going to be the most destructive and that is why they took full rulership in the last century
The Albino [European] Caucasian [Caucasoid] has only be
ruling for just over 90 years
He didn’t take Africa [Alkebulan] until the late 1800’s
None of them can go into Ethiopia or Liberia
He was warned against himself for 700+ hundred years
He only became a world power this side of this century
That is only about 100 years and compared to how long we have been ruling that is like about an hour
Look at the bigger picture of things, everything is under
control, he might run round this place, but he doesn’t run sh9t, we run this
sh9t, its just that the ancient ones have been convinced that he doesn’t in his own
mind, why, during the course of getting hit in the head has slaves we came out
has trinkets, there is no value, he has to keep re-inventing things new, owning
everything, naming everything, the Kabbalah says the intruder will come, what
is an intruder, an intruder is a person who wasn’t there in the beginning, that
is there now and is ruling over the original people and the Kabbalah goes on
and says, he rules because he causes luxury, and he rules through his luxury,
he's a Chameleon, keep changing the fashion, keep changing the technology, and
you keep running after the sh9t, he causes luxury, material possessions, so he
isn’t really the king or even nothing, they said that the Empire only changes
the earth, the outer appearance of the earth for he is the Lord of illusion
Why they only came with religious material is because we
are hard-headed and we are looking to build a civilisation to match here and he
has civilised barbarism
Why’d we need a bunch of [black] capitalist for, we have been there and done that, we are trying to get to the next plateau
Everybody wants to get to heaven but nobody wants to die
We are equal and not just to ourselves
Did the Egyptians leave a Blueprint behind if they had 6,000 years to prepare on economic freedom, no, they left the spiritual stuff and the spiritual stuff talked about Metamorphosis Osiris rising to the Her0 and the Heru is the higher realm
Mindset, we have all been programmed a certain way, we
don’t the mind to think of these things and that in actuality, these are your
Aset [Isis] says, no one has lifted my veil, what does that mean, you didn’t lift the veil because you were scared of sum things and after what we have been through, you have no reason to be scared
H3ll must be like a Jacuzzi in a resort compared to this bs that we are in, but then again the Greek word Helios, the Christian word H3ll and the Hebrew word Hail they all mean physical earth, Helix or H3ll, means the physical earth, the Hebrew word Sheol and the word Shell from S-hell you get H3ll, the physical body, we live in H3ll and means you are trapped in the physical body, never say H3llo
Our own fears are keeping many trapped
You need a soul to be here full stop, you need a soul to be a soular [s-ch-olar] being, what we reside in called a Matrix, a program of emanations in electromagnetic pulses that does not exist, its an illusion
We used to be the [Gods] of the universe before our children took over, our children when they took over and trapped us into the physical realm finally, they put the brain on us and the brain gives you the illusion that this is all real, its only the wiring of the brain that is telling you all this, it does not exist
In the contents of that, in the script we created the Albino races, in the contents of whatever we did down here, the Albino who doesn’t have a soul and this means he is not real and that he is only a part of this realm or this particular Matrix and in actuality, he does not exist
Does this mean they have no feelings about what they all did in the last 400 [512] years, do you really care if he did or didn’t, when you go deeper into slavery you will find that this phase was a part of the process, out of Egypt I will call my son, in Alchemy, which is the highest, the highest form of mystery in KHMT is called the Royal Art and the Royal Art was Alchemy, the learning of the Baa [soul] and Kaanu [melanin]
In a section of Alchemy, the ultimate goal is to take sumthing original and make sumthing nu out of it and is called illumination through purification, where you take sumthing from one stage and take it to its common denominator and you make anew [A.NU] specimen
In actuality, the slave took an African and made anew entity out of [it] in the 20th century from 1865, we were the pinnacle that all the African nations followed [the Africans in America] who are the most unique brand of Negro [Negus] Naga there is and no matter how much that they claim that these people are savages and inferior that the Albino put in their heads, they follow us, they follow us and we are unique because we have gone through a process that makes us like nobody else on this planet, we are not even like the Caribbean’s who still have a connection to Africa [Alkebulan] they still have African overtones to them because they were on a tropical land
Those in the USA are the only people that have been made nu, they have produced the most innovative inventions, genius and intellectual abilities that are unmatched
I’m not taking nothing from Africa and I’m not taking nothing from the people of the Diaspora, but what I’m saying is that they have been at the forefront of running this stuff, there is sumthing in them, you, that in their transformation and what they have gone through and no matter how degenerated they might look today walking around, there is sumthing in them that is unique that puts them closer to ancient Egypt and the Africans and that is why they connected back with it and this was prophesied
The point is, illumination through purification, everyone knows that if you go blind, your hearing goes better, you go deaf your sight becomes better, you were left for braindead in the USA, which means you were not functioning on your maximum brain capacity, but when that happened the genius kicked [activated] in
You will see that we have two brains, one is the holographic brain that represents the seven senses of appearances and awareness and the other brain is the pineal brain and the third eye, as long as the physical brain, the one we rely on for everyday usage was functioning on a high level [the pineal brain at this particular time had become dormant and only a few people got a twinge from it] and as a result other aspects of the brain are shutting down because we were deteriorating because we are not at optimum functioning, even after slavery, the other brain just like when the sight would go and the ears activate, would come into focus, because the activity of the brain shutting down at a rapid pace in racial senility, the other brain is going to override it and that particular brain is the [God] head
So, in order for the [God] head to come in [activate] you have to tear the old to make ready for the nu [Nu programs, upgrade 5D]
How does science go, if you have a light, the light of
creation, that light has gone to the maximum of what it can be and in order for
you to have a nu light you have to have a degeneration of that creation, you
have to have a deterioration, you have to destroy to build to create a better
light than the one you had before
The light we have now, that they call the New Jerusalem, never to follow again, to get to that nu plateau, you had to go to the deepest, darkest decay and out of that came the nu light
This brain which has been helping us out through the years is now ready to come online fully, we are being imploded from the inside out; we have more than one double Helical structure [Helix] of DNA [DEA] we have several structures but they have been dormant [because we’ve been in the physical body for so long] and now that the frequency has changed and we are vibrating higher and in frequencies, the nu [Kaanu] DNA is changing and nu amino acids are popping up in the DNA, and those amino acids are nothing but nu DNA strands coming online, meanwhile in space, which is a reflection of what is going on with us on the inside of us >> at the Sahu [Orion] Nebula, they are finding all these nu clusters of stars being born and planets- but what they are not telling you is that, that stuff up there is called a holographic universe and is a reflection of what is going on, on the inside of us, so just has those clusters of stars are being born [amino acids] and several nebulas and the Orion nebula, there is energies being born in us [DNA upgrade] and coming online, these are worlds, coming online
They have done studies, Mark Balfour the Sign of the Serpent, and has far back as 1986, in a conference, they had concluded that the old Kundalini energy that lay dormant for thousands of years was now activating, that was in 1986 and because the Kundalini was rising they had to kill off a great deal of people, there is sum truth to natural selection, the stronger kills off the weak, they would not have been able to take our energy so in order to even live on the planet as they are now, because by 1995 they would have been wiped out, and in 2020 its now inevitable, the thing is they couldn’t kill us off completely because the frequencies would have flat-lined and you need a certain amount of 9 ethers to keep the planet functioning, operating, like the whales who were 100,000 strong and are down to under 2,000 who the whales provide the harmonics for this planet [water = currenSea] too much of the 9 ethers on the planet and that energy would kill him
The European is not racist to you based on taught racism, the European is racists to you because he cannot take your energy, there is energy that you have that when your energy comes into his stream, he cannot take that energy, his attitude comes out like racism
The Albino is a cross species, animal DNA plus sum HuMin DNA and the HuMin DNA is what gives him, two arms, legs, eyes, ears and so on although he doesn’t look like you [think of the Chinese as well] there is pig, ape and hair is even fur, you have sum animal but they are from the Christ animal list, the point is their racism is energy based, its based on energy
If you go to where the most strongest animals are in the world, you can see that the animal is more sacred of you than you are sacred of it, that Bear is sacred of you and that is what makes him attack, that is why they say stand still, if he doesn’t feel threatened he won’t attack, the snake feels for vibration and won’t attack unless the vibration tells it so
Since he [6 ether] is made up of animal DNA [the European] when he comes in contact with a HuMin that Xenophobic fear automatically comes out just like the Bear in the forest, he fears the HuMins to and we just so happen to be the HuMin
When the 6 ether gets to around 30, its over for him sexually, their sexual nature peaks at 19 and its downhill from 19, Viagra was for them, all the recessive genes, you will find out that what makes your sexual virile is the connection between your sexual instrument and the pineal gland and the brain, what if your pineal gland is calcified or that your brain is only at 10% by being calcified he is incompetent also and this is why Viag-ra was created to offset, and this is when we had the 6 ether women flocking to the 9 ether man, because the 6 ether cannot perform sexually, research everything before you react, there is no rhythm to his performance, the Viagra was to bridge the gap
It is Jessie Owens who crushed Hitlers superior species at the German Olympics
This ability is called Melanin, which is a Greek word,
Melanin means black in the Greek language and this Melanin evolves every 3-5
years, it is in your skin and is actually condensed sunlight or sun-ra-ys, the
space shuttles underbelly are coated in Melanin
The recorded word is Kaanu [Kaa-Nu] for this black substance
Look at the greater picture, view things from the 3rd eye because we have left the 3D, stop running off of raw emotions, accept certain things, embrace certain things, raw emotions prevents you from seeing things on the greater scale, we have been in a filtering process to get rid of dead energy from both species to get to the other realm
The Kabbalah says, [God] put pain and suffering on the people that [God] loves so that they can use up everything in this world, so that they can inherit the world to come, it is in the ones that [God] doesn’t lov9 that life goes by with ease so they can have the best of everything in this world so that there will be nothing left for them in the next world
We were in a period of [deactivation] sleep, the Gnostic text says, in the last days man will be against man and woman against woman, man will be against woman and woman against man [what you deem the worse] but what these people don’t understand is that these people are dreaming dreams and they need to wake up [Neo], this is not a metaphor literally this is an illusion and is only programmed through your subconscious mind [realm] real-m [reel-m] and what is reality without the programming, it is whatever you told yoursCellsf it was
Images taken 5 years ago
9 beings watching the doomed city NY from skycloud [craft]
They will not be lighting a fire and eating marshmallows
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