Jedi MaStar
A.NU the heavenly [haven] father, the overseer of the
elders, they sit has one mind, they sit has one seat of consciousness, the
pulpit of consciousness
These 24 are in the world today and they have been here
for a long, long time, even the A’aferti are here and most of the Supreme
Beings, who are scattered around the planet, sum have done really well and sum
have committed acts that will go against them, many did lose their way down
here and sum where taken out, they reside among you
The 25,000+ earth years is over and records are being
collected, they have listened into the population, they have watched and
observed the populations around the world and now they are to predict the next
25,000 of your hiStory
They had been given amnesia until the time [emit]
An army of 10,000 angel’s aka angles- of light, watch
over them and protect them for they come with a message
There is a being who has come to end this world, many
will call this being the Messiah, maybe he is a her, but they are here to
deliver the message on behalf of many, many and from the heavenly father, the
Most-High, the most-highest of frequencies
Many elders have come, and in their names sum would have
the letter M in there, the letter M turn on its side is the symbol for current,
they were a different kind of energy, many elders name began or was their
surname that had the [M] symbol, they were sent here, there are more that have
returned in the last 12 years, many had been sleeping amongst you, there was
one amongst them who held the most records
Emanuel Nelson Mandala [not the clone] Marcus Mosiah Gravy,
Robert Nesta Marley, Malcom X, Martin Luther King [He added the name Luther to
his name and was not added by his mother], Julius Malema, Maya Angelou aka Marguerite
Annie Johnson, Elijah MCcoy, Michael Jackson, Alice Malsenior Walker, Malachi Melchizedek
[Khidr] the Green (Waji) One of the Sons [suns] of the Green Disc Light], Memnon
[Mycenaean] aka Ki-ng Agamemnon [Armageddon], Ras Tafari Makonnen >> Haile
Selassie, MUR.DUK [leader of the Supreme Beings] Murduk
There are many more messages with the letter M [current
symbol] who came with music, words, poems, dancing (movement of NRG), inventors,
innovators, all that is creative and directional in energy, energy in motion,
all came with messages, activations for the masses and where sent in by the
Most-High in waves
M symbol is connected to the Buma [Owl]
For 6,000 earth years [the era of the Greek deity [God]
Monos, the [God] of sarcasm and pain, who ruled by faith and beliefs] that rule
is now over
They were sent to activate the mases, to teach, guide you
all home, they have been teaching, how will you know them, you will know them
by their deeds and works
they all have different assignments
MUR.DUK [Murduk] is here, grandson of A.NU, son of EN.KI and
has the hardest task of all, he has to raise the nations of the West [West Egypt
= USA] for that 144,000 are sleeping in the belly of the beast
The 144,000 are a frequency and you need to be at 144hz
to make 5D, we are in the 4D and many are already in the 5D and beyond,
144[000] is just a frequency band that you must make this vibration individually
and collectively has one [Neo] how did Neo beat the Matrix, he had to merge
with it and kill [Agent Smith] from the inside out [vibrated at 144hz]
We are not alone and never was, these elders can only be
seen when operating at your most optimum, the energy [frequency] is selective,
you need to be vibrating at your Most-High in a world full of sh9t and those who
do not make the vibrational tone [OM144] stay on the 3D waveband
Huge amounts of water dumps in Europe, and the USA/Canada
System Crash
[the dock has been breached]
The Schumann machine is glitching and many will say,
never seen that before, many have never been to a recycle point before and yet
alone rely on a machine to get there, look at that, if your good to go keep
that, energies linger for three days so, keep it nice and tight
The planet has not flat-lined, but sumthing did
The readings are off the chart [offline] a combination of
energies, soul-ar (radiation) NRG is blasting the planet and all life connected and not connected with
feel the impact in either a positive or negative way
Heads are going to be swelling, this is about your crown,
your organ (brain] cognitive functions, your mental state and your body, keep
regulated and find MySpace >> stay on your 720o
Indonesia Volcano has gone off and can you see in the clouds,
a craft ignited the volcano and do you see the Dagan [Hy-drogen-Dragon]
The council of 9 [Sedjat][Paa NeTjer] [Paa PuAt MeTut] [Neteru]
Enneads of the pre-dynastic periods, before man was called man
These N.TU [Neteru] met with open arms and they passed
our decision onto the 24 elders of RIZQ
who passed it on to the 144 governors of the 18th and 19th
galaxies, 72 governors of the disagreeable 18th galaxy and 72
governors of the agreeable 19th galaxy
24 Neteru [Supreme Beings] warned and advised the 144 A’aferti-aat
Wise elders [Dinneer] the etheric [Igigi] beings
144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive
of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24
+ 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead
each 24 is 12 = Yah [positive] and the other 12 is Weh
[Yahweh] life for example Eli-jah Mccoy Jah and Yah are
the same word Eli is a Yahweh a positive Yah-weh [Yahweh is a rank, title]
Another example, Ha-Yah [Hawwah] Khawah means eternal
life [Hallelujah] Hallelu-Yah [Halie-Yah] means praise Yah and Shabbat means
praise, its like saying a greeting to a Supreme Being
When the Rastas [Ra-Star] say Jah Ras-tafari, there’s
that word again, Jah [Yah] they are positive and agreeable, so the last question
is which one are you talking about for there are many Yahweh(s) and sum are positive
and agreeable and sum are negative and disagreeable
[positive, negative or neutral] choose wisely
There are more and they are a group, members, a wheel and
in that wheel is another wheel, a wheel within a wheel that consists of both
negative and agreeable beings, 72 positive [Yaw] and 72 negative [Weh] with a further
72,000 each making 144,000, led by one mind [9] Sedjet [Nedjet] (Ennead) aka
A.NU is a superior energy [NRG] NTR [NTU] and you are an
extension of this NRG and is called the Most-High
When they say that 144,000 will be going to heaven, what
it means is that once you achieve 144 [000] that is consciousness, god level,
that’s all, because we are all going to heaven [haven] anyway
144 together 1+4+4 [9]
The 144 are a frequency, your avatar cannot go with you, 144
is a frequency [144hz] 9 is the Magi [magic] number
The Earth is composed of 99-Base-elements also called
prime-elements and your body is made up of these same elements, which makes us
the 9ether-carbon beings who are in the image of nature
These 99-elements are upkept and maintained by the 99 Paa
NeTjer NaTuRu (Paa = The) (NeTjer or NaTuRu = Nature of Neteru = Supreme) who
are a part of the consciousness of these 99elements which are the principal and
base precepts of Mother Nature [MTR-NTR]
The Crystal city will come down to earth
Jedi [Djed] D-Jed [Dark-Jed-i] [Jed-eye]
Djed [Zed or Sed]
Ultraviolet Light empoWRAs Eu-melanin [Kannu] and
tortures pheo-melanin
The universe [Nu] was created by three tones
HuHi [HeKa] Sia
Universe [Uni – together] Verse - against]
Hu = centripetal forces which relates to Heaven [Haven] =
The Hu force, comes through the top of the head or crown
seat 7 seconds prior [before ejaculation]
The sperm or sea-man from a man [Hu-Man] is full of three
types of blacklights = UV-rays Gamma-rays and X-rays which is more commonly in
KMT as Atum-re [Atun-re] Amun-re
Hu or centripetal forces, spark of light from the
universe is added onto the head of the sperm
This not speaking of the sperm itself, but the spirit of
the sperm >> because the sperm goes through three forms, from light, sperm
(powder), then seaman >> once it picks up, its liquid or tail for
In order to produce the higher-parts of the foetus
structure, the Ka [spirit] of the sperm called Life Germ
In order to create the higher-parts of the foetus
structures the spirit [Ka] of the sperm must pass up the spinal column to the
Medulla Oblongata which is the conductor of elec-tri-cal impulses between the
spinal cord and the organ [brain] by way of the 12 Oc-cult or cranial nerves
When the spirit of the sperm reaches the Medulla
Oblongata it is charged with blacklight [Ba of the Cosmos]
This blacklight comes from the universal Sun [Re] and
comes through the head
The Khu [Mind] has a direct relationship to the creative
forces known as HuHi which are the male and females’ creative forces of energy
HiKa is the Anthropomorphic Personification of Miracles,
Magi [Magic], Manipulation of Elements and Chemical of Nature [NTR]
SIA is the Personification of Perception, Shape and Form,
Pattern coming out the 50 units of PoWRA coming out of the 3rd Cipher Seker
[warrior Heru] of the [Paa PuAt MeTut] or the 9 Sedjat or [Ennead] called this
by the Greeks, which are the 9 N.TU [Deities] within your Kha [body] or temple
HuHi [HiKa] SIA are the triad principle of Godship who
are in the relationship to [1] AtumRe (HaRu)
[2] AtunRe (Asar)
[3] AmunRe (the Hidden one) which are a
part of the 3 black lights called [1] U.V rays [2] Gamma rays and [3] X-rays
One Mind, One Consciousness
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