The energy continues to separate and that means you too,
those around you who are not vibrating on the 4[5]D will be revealed and you
will have to separate yourself from them if you are here to ascend, if you are
a spiritual being, if you are regular then you will be fine, but for those in
toxic relationships or just around with those on the 3D then the energy will
force the issue
All those serving those who bring nothing are feeling this
energy shift, its not like the universe hasn’t given you all enough time to
prepare you, no one else but you, however many of you are here for others and
that is not how it works at all, cut them loose, if your partner all those
around you are not on the 4[5]D let them go, you will not expand, this will be difficult
for many, but its already started, the separation of frequencies, you cannot
change people or minds when sumone is grown, if their parents cannot change
them, how can you
Activation on the full dimension means you won’t be able
to serve yourself, only the frequency can change them, two month window, when
sh9t does hit the fan many will come to you and even that is sumthing that you
will have to avoid, for one, how did you become activated, well then, so how
can you activate sumone else
A lot of deaths are coming up, if you have noticed, despite the
weather and weather cells and weather systems and earthquakes and volcano eruptions
[mount Etna has been off and on in the last three years and there are over a
100,000+ living on the doorstep of Mt Etna and not one person has moved because
when she blows they will not have 10mins to evacuate the 10’s of thousands up
there, but has anyone moved in the last three years, no, no one has, all these
places around the world flooding out but yet many still stay where they are for
whatever reason, so nature has been careful by warning you and when she goes
full blow, 10’s of millions will die, India and China have numbers in the
billions all jammed packed in their respected countries and will die there, there
is a lot of countries that have been earmarked for deletion because of previous
history, remember the entire planet has already been scanned and the higher
beings that are here know exactly what, who and where you are, if you have noticed nature has been very mindful and has kept the numbers at a minimum
I read about an earthquake underground and they said it
was unknown forces, unknown >> time is ticking away and we have cut-off
points that you need to make the grade for or you stay here in the 3D, this
stimulation will still run with you in it while the 4[5]D is being tested and
those on the same codes will be upgraded, then implemented
Your future self [cells] already knows what is going to happen
and to the masses and the ones you love, many of you will be emotional and
crying and this is because your future self is in mourning for the ones you are
about to lose, regardless if you know them or not
These people will reincarnate, you are losing the
attachment but not the connection to which you will always have and you will be able to contact
them, you did what you had to do, they didn’t, you have to have your own
accountability, energy can never be destroyed so everything is recycled, many
will come back down here with restrictions and limitations in any capacity, and
a lesson plan including the lessons that they didn’t complete whilst here, we all
signed a soul contract before coming down here and that needed to be honoured because
you have and had a mission
Entanglement which is the geomagnetic pulse becoming entangled
because they are flipping and deleting fields, merging, inner-Ki [earth] still holds the huge bugs, dinosaurs,
the dragons, there is a spiritual realm in there also, so imagine inner-earth
becoming outer-earth, it’s a flipping and this is why you need to be at the
4[5]D, when the Ul-Mec returned to South America and found that they were blood
sacrificing, the bulk where taken to inner-earth and the rest moved to Kambodia
Masculine is chaos and Femi9 is order and they
will rather burn this planet down than let the 9 ether man and the 9 ether
wombman come together, they know they cannot let them join or the children of the 9 ether, who
have pure innocence and are being upgraded to their Super [Nu] and poWRA [superHer0]
status, the Kundalini strengthens when we make lov9 and they do not want you to
be like for like 9 on 9, they don’t want 9to9tothe9th poWRA
A Ka-china is a spirit being in the teachings from the
Alkebulan [African] Ka(spirit) systems, that was seeded in Alkebulan [Sumerian]
and transferred, the word Kundalini(s) root word is [Osumare] and was
originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken to
KMT [Egypt] Khamu and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus
[India] aka the Nagas
The Osumare [Kundalini] is an African poWRA system
We all come from different places and your Ka guide will
guide you through, sum of you your Ka guides left you already because your
ticket is one-way and that is back down here, if you’re a mermaid [Ogdoad] then
you will be guided back to the waters but you must be having the right diet
also your gills will start to come out, be sore, if you are drawn to Kats or
Kats are drawn to you that would bring you to Lyra [Lion] the Kat people, if
you all from the cosmos then again you need to be on the right diet to get you
home back to your world, even to get back to the cosmos you have to be on the
right frequency which is 5[D] and above, you cannot go back to the cosmos or to
your planet if you are on the 3[D] wave
Many New-Age people have no idea on what is required, they
read to many odd books, you need a soul how else can you process what is
required, many just do model behaviour, mirror what everyone else is doing, nope,
that is not how it works and we are seeing, gurus, shamans, the spiritually inclined
being declined
Ancestors are watching for those that vote in the USA,
vote and you use your energy to keep the 3D matrix open and you will get
cut-off in return by the ancestors, I guess 512 [400] years don’t mean a thing
to you, many died in appalling conditions let alone reside in appalling conditions
so that you could be here, they more than sacrificed their vessel, you will
have to return the favour
Don’t take the piss
You are choosing your energy sides, what side of the energy
that you want to be on, even what you are thinking of right now is setting in
stone your next faze of reality, are you thinking about 3D things, then that is
where your going, think higher and you will ascend higher
Still plugged into your body and how it looks, still
plugged into your material things and friends, stay there, you shouldn’t be on
this page
Sum people where taken out of your life for a reason and
you should know why by now, leave dead energy where it is, let the dead bury
the dead, stick with the Alphas and the Omegas
In 2017, those from NI.BIRU where activated, now there
are many, many different beings on that vessel, Neb Heru does have an environment,
and Annunaqi [Anunnki] A.NU-Naga means these beings, doesn’t mean the one set
that we see from Sumeria, yes those type chose those types of avatars, take IN.ANNA
with her legs and wings, sum custom made their avatars, sum are agreeable and sum
are disagreeable, there are different beings within the Annunaqi, those who
were activated in 2017 are from NI.BIRU and sum of you are about to exit, many
of your crew are down here and this is why you are finding the like-minded because
they are your kind
NI.BIRU is a Mekaba, a spiritual ship and the seat of consciousness
You have to be vibrating at a certain Hz because we are
going to 144hz, the portal will close and the eye will open, if you are around
those who are in 3D and are staying there, you will not ascend
This vessel [Kha] is what is holding y-our poWRA back,
its what is truly slowing you down, the flesh, we are bounded to these vessels
and to b free from the vessel unleashes your true potential and you will be pure
In order for your Ka to be free, your flesh has to
die, you have to separate
The mind[eye] needs to be clear from things like judgement
and if not, the codes cannot go through
Called a Sol-stice which is a soul-ar exchange, soul-ar exchange, the beings before us where from a soular dynasty, soul [Baa]
The sun will die on the equator for three days [72hrs =
9] on the 21st until the 24th [Dec-imal] Dec-ember
2012 (2020) [this is your Jesus and our Karast [KRST] resurrection] and rises
on the 25th which will be Heru, the birth of the nu sun [son] aka
you, the physical and spiritual worlds [360+360] are going to merge on the 21st
that is 720 [cube]
Jupiter and Saturn will come together, the giants will be
on play, they will be together in one of the constellations
You have had three years and many of you started in 2009
[2011] 2017 now many have 2 months[3] to get activated, is it too late for
many, time will tell, we are talking about the Ka journey, not activated that
NI.BIRU is here, that these fires are man-made, that they are still chemically
spraying the skies, that all these paedophiles are people in films, music and people of power and
so on, that music is programmed, that all phones have infrared cameras, none of
this means your woke or activated, all this is observation, and means nothing,
this is a soul-ar system, soul [Baa] and ar is for arena, this is a soul arena
and you need a soul to make the grade, you need Kaanu [melanin] in your soular
panels [eyes] to see, have you seen the adverts for ear wax, do you know what
that oil is from, many people are having ear wax problems, you have to merge with the 4[5]D
Femi9 Electron NRG is streaming to the planet, either you
will be good to go or you will be bad to go, the breakdown of the Matrix [3] is
in earnest, many are not ready [2-month window not 3]
It is the Femi9 electron NRG will have the final say, not man
Gamma will kill you if you do not have the 9 ether because you need this to dispense the radiation [energy] without this you will heat up and build up because the energy has nowhere to go
Yes we are all being made conscious but in different ways, online and offline
Rocking and Rolling
Your signs and symbols
Crafts sitting pretty
There are many crafts sitting in the skies, in this
dimension and the ones between this one, over 300 war-planets in and out of
this dimension, sum you can see and sum you cannot
Nemesis the twin system of Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] is also present
California, the red is not coming from the fires
California, the yellow-orange is not coming from the fires
that is all from UV light
that is all from UV light
This red sphere is interesting, its red during the fires
and in this image there is no fire, it may well be NI.BIRU but they are nor that
close yet or maybe they are, maybe this is the satellite of NI.BIRU [Kachina]
Two in one
Two in one
Red-Iron-Oxide [UVC]
This is changing you from the inside out and charging the others
Ice-Age is coming, remember the planet has changed on her axis, the North is lower than what you think, no sun-spots but yet CME's are streaming in
The North will be going back into their Ice-Age and coming to a place near you
In sum places, like Yellowstone how can the weather flip like that, is that HAARP
The sun simulator, one over Europe and one over near Mexico, how many are there and did they not burn out, either way, when they peel back the sky no man-made device can hold her back
I think this is Korea, your right, was Korea, here they made energy supplements, tablets, out of babies, they grounded them up and sold those children for energy supplements, who does things like that, goodbye bit9h
Lower KMT [Sudan] Ta-Nehisi [Nubia] [Nubian] under water
Done on purpose to bury the 200 Dragans history
Regardless of all these fires that are indicated on this map, all those coastal areas were already going down, into the sea, they are just moving you off of that area
Regardless of all these fires that are indicated on this map, all those coastal areas were already going down, into the sea, they are just moving you off of that area
Seismic moves 07.09.2020
According to official information, 5 earthquakes with
magnitudes greater than M5 of the 119 recorded, with the highest intensity
reaching M6.2 degrees in Vanuatu
In 1989 [1990] with the release of infrared technology
they were able to go live when they found NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] by echo-location
and confirmed that they were on their way and 30 years later NI.BIRU rises and
sets with Ra [Re] the sun, we now have three suns on the horizon
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun
[crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and
Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE
Purple [Ultraviolet is Purple] interface
He didn't have a jetpack on
taken near Area51
Woman cuts the testicles off a guy who raped her youngest daughter, she must be set free
Help us rid the planet of these people, they are defective genes and cannot produce life only defects
Woman cuts the testicles off a guy who raped her youngest daughter, she must be set free
Madeline's mum phoned Gordon Brown first when Madeline died, think about that, swingers and ringers
Interesting symbol and looks like the Anunnaqi symbol for
Multiple objects near the womb [sun], this is not the first time that we have seen these kind of crafts, cities near the sun
Green is life-force but is also healing NRG, heart, the sons of the Green Disc
Places around the world are being hit with different
systems for a reason, you’ve already had warnings, Jakarta was underwater the
capital from last year, California must go down, so too China and India, all
have form, many places all have their own punishment and all your governments
know what and why this is happening, things will get worse because we have left
terrible and are heading towards horrific, much is to take place, it will be
2012 in a couple days and you have seen the movie 2012
Fires continue to reap havoc across the planet, acres and
acres are going up in flames, crops are also being lost at a cannibalism rate,
water continues to flow in and wash many out, animal die off, more than last year including fish
Weather systems coming in and out, Hurricanes
[Heru-Cains], Typhoon the word comes from the ancient KMT dynasties before the
A’aferti [Pharaoh] periods and were called Typhoon, all spinning in a number 9
spiral, nothing is random, all Hurricanes start where the slave trade started
and ended that is why all Hurricanes start off the coast of Alkebulan and go to
the Caribbean and the USA, there is a method to what is deemed madness
Water, snow, heat, Churches, Mosques, chemical plants, oil refineries,
anything to do with any military, factories are all being taken out, religions
are clubbing together for one, because each has failed and they need strength in
numbers for their final push
The plague will be returning twice has hard, insects are
assembling around the world, this plague that is coming is an actual plague and
is from the July eclipse
Landslides means land is moving, sinkholes are from
interaction from planetary bodies coming close to the planet, each
gravitational pull, magnetic pulls from each planet affect one another until
they equalise themselves out, sum sinkholes are precision holes, near perfect
hole, are they vents to allow the ground water to come up, sum of these holes
are over nests, bases that must see the light of day
Volcano dormant or activated but haven’t fully blown yet is
taking place
The tectonic plates are the planets 7 chakra system
Fireballs, asteroids, meteorites also streaming in, sum
are crafts, sum split into 2 or 3+ and are personnel, logistics, tech+ and continue
to be seen around the world, we have a fleet [asteroid] that is present but all
is a distraction, look the other way because a lot of deaths is due to occur
Corona virus, go to work, don't go to work, social distancing, but go to work [fu9k off] mixed messages to keep the masses edgy, its coming, the real one
CME [Soul-ar] flashes, flares, call it what thy will,
radiation [energy] is streaming into the planet, you need a soul to absorb the
energy [radiation] and you need 666 and the 9 ether to dispense the radiation,
yeah the sun is on a solar minimum, a minimum of soular radiation, multiple
flashes or flares or ejections, the magnetic field is being removed at times
and at times is not present and this allows the radiation to penetrate the
planet and all life, many will expire during these exchanges, the radiation
[energy] will get stronger [UVC] until many will not be able to venture outside
Forever Always In The Heart
He ate her
The Shield-maiden aka the Amazigh[Amaazon] Amazon warrior who all looked like Caster Semenya not the left over Indian ones we have today
[Yaz] (Ama-Sigil/Zigi) translates female warrior
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