Friday, 11 September 2020


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I am that I am [Eheyah Asher Eheyah] Aneya dek aneya [I will be what I will be] 

The NTH Gate
Aksum [Axum] 
Ethiopia [Sudan]
Sheba [12 regions] 

Quote: I took this photo last night as the clock went from 1159pm on 9/10 to 0000 hours on 9/11
Always chilling knowing what happened starting just 8 hours later, 19 years ago this day: Unquote

They murdered their own people 
They purposely did this over the Nu energy that was coming in on the same day through the NTH gate, 10 years later the loop can not be looped no more 

 9/11 loop is over 
Their time-loop ended, they purchased 10 years which is 10 minutes in their time-loop or their reality

Not sure when this was taken but was posted today

Mexico [8.9.2020] beam is either going up or is coming down 

the NTH gate in the NTH month 
September [Supdet] Septet [Sibtu] Sirius (3rd eye) and is the link [satellite] between
the two soul-ar systems 
13 Months [13 hidden] completion 


the seven siStar-system symbol
Femi9 Elect [Electron] NRG 

The seven -siStar-system called Kiymah [Pleiades] and the DogStar by the Romans, Dog is God and Star is for the seven stars that make up this energy field, and this field connects to the planet on 11.09.2020 through the NTH gate and through the 12 regions of the NTH gate called Sheba
12 means more than these regions in Abyssinia [Ethiopia]
this energy field is all Femi9 Electron NRG and this is why they tried to cover the siStar [seven] from records and called her [them] Dog-DogStar 

The nu energy is reintroduced, reinstated and the wHoly elect can only speak on behalf [God] aka the Most-High, only the Most-High can this person speak for using the elect [electron] the wHoly trinity, which are [1] Statesman (Stateswombman) [2] Lawgiver [3] Priest (Priestess)

September [Septet] will be a poWRAful period, the Femi9 electron NRG is merging fully onto this planet 

When you see the x-ray from the Japanese telescope of the Sun the surface is black, they call them Sunspots, we call that the Dark sun [Sirius]

Energy is building, in the last 24hrs, 1 earthquake according to official information with a magnitude greater that M5 of the 122, with the highest intensity reaching M6.2 in Chi-le

Japan M6.1

Let all your fears go for all is going to ramp up, the 3D things are nothing to do with you, the 3D stimulation is going to take you with it
Don’t let this Matrix trick you, take you

Hurricanes always start where the slave trade started and where it ended, we never had hurricanes before
either way, trouble brewing

Mosquitoes drain cows in the USA and they said since Laura, what about the 750million they released

Russia also 
Millions in the skies like water funnels
plagues are coming to a place near you 

Anything that is pasteurized will contain Brucellosis [Tuberculosis] that has the same symptoms as CV19, you should have already changed your diet, you should have already stopped eating all dairy and meat, the food has been poisoned and you will mimic the same symptoms as CV19
Throwing up is a big concern
One meal a day and water, fruits and nuts and grains

Let it all go

The Destroyer is in the skies
Sumthing is coming in and it will be many things on different levels, you name it, this asteroid or asteroids, trump [45] being taken out, so many things but sumthing that will gain the worlds attention, good for sum and bad for others

The a-stra-l [star] world is busy 

There is an entrance to the centre of the planet in the tri-angle and is open

Energy [radiation] comes through the crown of the planet
chakra colours [frequencies] take what thy wilt
Green [healing-lov9-energy-life force]
Yellow [soular-wisdom-plexus]
Ultraviolet [UV] Purple - crown
these and more are your soular poWRA 

Made from nature to coexist with nature 

We are confident in the victory of good over evil

Same symbol 
5th world is the 5D[5G] 

He is in a teleportation hub 

You cannot steal other cultures and make your own, they have a Kings list that is 241,000 earth years old, your Jesus and the rest of it comes in the last 3-4000 earth years if that and is within the 6-10,000 years of mans rule and ice age 
We left our-selves the messages 

All the constellations are merging into one, one vortex that will rotate counter clockwise which is 9 and is life 

The planets field is changing 

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe

Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive
1440 Is beyond HuMin [HuMan] comprehension 

I was born under water with three dollars and six dimes, yeah you might laugh because you did not do your math [Maat] 
Supreme Mathematics [Maat-e-Maat-ics]
Run that back 360o

Until the philosophy
Which hold one race superior and another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned
Everywhere is war
Me say war
That until there no longer
First class and second-class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
Me say war
That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all
Without regard to race
Dis a war
That until that day
The dream of lasting peace,
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never attained
Now everywhere is war
And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
That hold our brothers in Angola
In Mozambique
South Africa
Sub-human bondage
Have been toppled
Utterly destroyed

Dis ah war 

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