Monday, 25 May 2020

Go Within

Learning the hard way, if you do not go within they are not going to show you nothing, the Mekaba spins around like a fairground attraction ride, the Mekaba is a craft and when you go within, you connect with the Mekaba, the Mekaba and your connection work in the same motion, the Mekaba is inside of you and is a spiritual vessel like NI.BIRU who is also referenced the Mekaba [Me]Ka[Ba] Me [Mir] MA.RE is the shape of two tri-angles or pyramid and Ka is spirit and Ba is soul.

In order to teleport you to the main ship you go within, inside the Mekaba reminds me of a sphere that is in the middle of the Mekaba that you put your hands on and what looks like plasma goes up your spine and connects with your lower cortex, you will need the monatomic gold in your system and you have to speed up your vibration.

We had the last seven years [2012] to read the tablets, we are now in the seven year tribulation under NI.BIRU(s) kodes and if you check it, sum of the questions I see out on the internet is already answered within these tablets and stem from the 3D, you are way behind and these questions you have should have been dealt with in 2019, catch up.

Esau [Iysuw] the hairy one 

The first being is what is called the Negroid [HuMin], the second being Mongoloid [HuMan] and the third being the Caucasoid [HuMan] and within each one of these races there are many species.

The HuMin is organic and is from this planet and stars, the HuMan is recessive and was made on the planet through a laboratory [test tube] and animal DNA, the recessive races are also known has Mankind, a kind of man and are not HuMin.



HuMin [HuMan] Hue-Mind [Hue-Man] HuMins are also called Lulu Amelu [Abd] and Aqins and Homo Sapiens, these are names for the body [Kha] only, for the avatar [Krishna].

There are only two races out here, the Nubian race and the Albino race, these are the two species with the rest falling in-between them two.

There are three different types of Caucasoid, one is an extra-terrestrial species and was brought here originally has a food source by the reptilians has the same by the Ashtar Command who did the same, the Cain-aanites [Canaanites] are considered albino but they are really the Nubians, they came out of the Negroids, then you have a race that was graphed out of the Hindu races by a being called Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] Jacob in your Bible who is an Alpha being who refined the Hindu [not the Hindus today] race by separating the brown gene from the dark-skinned Adriatic beings.

This created at least three versions of the Caucasoid who then mixed back into each other and those different species mixed back in with the Nubian [Negroid] then you have the Greeks who mixed in with these species [the Greek European was created by Zeus who is a Alpha being and a Annunaqi member, both Zeus and Yaqob are here to see what their creations have done to this planet and her three kingdoms] we have those with different eye colours, different coloured hair but these are the three different versions of Caucasians.

The Mongolians were brought in to breed out the original natives of Atlantis [America] and the Caucasoid then breed out the natives, the ones you know of today has native indians [next image], and then today we have [last image]. 

Mongolian mix

To this for $5

Michael Bradley wrote the Iceman inheritance and till this day not one anthropologist wants to debate him and at the end of the book Michael wrote to the Nubian people, get away from us we are deadly to you
They are suppressing their animal side every day, this nu frequency is going to bring the animal out of them and you have been suppressing your Chi [love] energy and this frequency is going to bring out the Chi in you.

None of them can connect with NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] or get to NI.BIRU, they were originally created has a food source and do not have a soul only instinct [a Jellyfish does not have a brain and only works off of instinct] you have to have at least 4% Negroid genetics, like the Mexicans, like Elvis Presley, like Lincoln, turn the music on and get people to dance and those who have no rhythm are not with the 9 ether, they were a food source originally and you are a [god] Neteru, we never ate meat, reptilians eat meat, they created the Pleiadians who were also created has a food source, the albino Pleiadians and not the Kymah Nubian [Pleiadians].

Pleiades is a European Greek word, the recorded name is Kymah, the reason the Pleiadians are here and are in on this deal secretly is because they want to move up from the food chain as well, they let others eat the albino HuMans and the Ashtar Command abducted sum of the HuMans from this planet and let the reptilians taste them, so basically they are trading the albino HuMans to move themselves up, many people are being guided by the Pleiades and the Ashtar Command and will ultimately become food, all those who have gone down to their bunkers are to eventually become food for these beings, they like dark meat too because today you smell and taste like the albino race, you eat and wash the same way, albinos have sulphur in them and they add sulphur to everything you eat and drink and today you smell the same, so you will taste the same, you had been warned to change your diet a while back to avoid being selected.

The cultures where already set up before they invaded, the Chinese, India and Kam-mu [KMT] to name a few, the 9 ethers create and never pirate, the Greeks were already set up by the Muurs [Moors] Mars and the albino Europeans came in and took it over and became the European Greeks today, Mu-urs are the children of Mu [Kam-Mu] the planet was already vibrating in culture that became a occult [hidden] and then a cult [negative meaning] but is a cult-ure, rapping is poetry, Reggae was created in Jamaica, with new types of rhythms coming all the while, you are part of a creative poWRA, only [gods] can create.

In the 9th dimension we don’t worship sh9t, we are the [gods] up there

Nut [the energy of Nu] and Nu or Nun [the deep, abyss] Nun is Amun and the word Un-iverse and Nu-mbers come from the word Nu, the energy of the universe looks like this and is using the chakra energy colours, black is the basses for all other colours.
NASA will never do a 360 in space for a number of reasons, one is that they are not in space and that the ISS has to be pumped up with helium or it will crash from the sky [not space] and is to why the Chinese one fell, and two because you would see that space is not black its multicoloured because she [Omega] is full of energy [radiation], the real has been hidden for a real long time with inferred in there also, this is not the real sky or space, we are going to peel back the sky and you will see for yourself once and for all.

These beings that have assembled, our star family, extended family are watching you right now and all they are paying attention to is the chakra colours that you are emitting, as above, so below, they are watching us all and in technical colour, you will still have your fate no matter what but all will have the chance to wake up, that is everyone.  

Melanin is not black [black is an adjective and means it’s a describing word and is not describing nothing] Melanin is Greek word and means black but is Green and sits in Karbon [Carbon] Melanin goes brown-black-ish colour when Oxygen hits it, your cousins are plants and trees [molecular structure] Krishna was known has the little black boy and we see him in Green [avatar].

When you look at the Matrix what do you see, kodes but what type, these are numbers and symbols and is in Green, we you see the Schumann, its in Green [Ultra is Green] these kodes respond to your DNA because these kodes are in your DNA, at one point your blood or skin was Green, the first kode in your DNA says [Yah] or god for a reason [remember Yah is not one man but part of Yahweh [144] 

 Heaven in her eyes

Psychic poWRA is the ability to do maths [Maat] really fast in your brain [organ] we are not talking about things on the mundane 3D plane, real Psy-Chi-c poWRA, there is no time, there is only the now, you are taking the past + now = an equation of a possibility of sumthing that can happen in the future, there will be always be three options within that equation because the Akashic records are based on the constitution of three, that means three things happening on this 3D at the same time and are parallel scenarios.

If you add what happened in the past and add it to what is going on now you can get a prediction and when you get your prediction it can play out in three different ways, you have the ability to alter your future because you have written [predicted] it yet, this is to why we are in 2012 [2020] and we are in prophecy and there are no more passages in their Bible after Revelation because we haven’t written [predicated] it yet [do not get the word prediction confused with the word guessing], right now you can change the whole equation for you, if you had sumone like your dad go to jail, this will transfer into your child’s DNA and your child will follow suit to jail because of your mentality [alter] changes the equation, their fathers DNA will transfer mentalities.

Only deal with now and not now + multiple past events, you cannot live in the past only the now, this moment, don’t look back at multiple things or you get caught up, everything is now.

Channelling and dreams, channelling can come from your ancestors and those stuck on the 3D and those other beings like the Greys that are accessing you, dreams [visions] is how our star family communicate with you and not through sumone else, you have signs, symbols, numbers, visions, dreams, and the internal internet [Septet] Sirius for downloads and you have Nu for thought based transmissions, so watch all this channelling, know your source.

To know that you are being guided by the positive and agreeable is to follow your heart, your heart and mind become one, if your evil then that is what you will be, follow your heart [mind] because that is what will be weighed anyway.  

Colorado Sprite is spirit [Ka] these are our ancestors

Spheres [portals] dimensions

China, Meteorites can be crafts, logistics, technology, mercenaries, sum of these crafts go into the ground  
NZ [Green is Ultra] 

Gearing up, laser weapons, underwater drones, you are going to need them because star family got sumthing special for you. 

Idaho, this is not because the planet is wobbling but because the planet is getting too hot for them, the planet is hot from the ground upwards and they are modifying the weather to try and keep the planet kool.

What causes the clouds to form these waves, what energy signature is causing these wavelengths, normally appearing after an energy exchange like the weather storm system, there is a frequency in this pattern

two soular flares [CME]


49hz and 31hz
Earthquakes are streaming in; electronics are playing up
The entity on this planet is reacting to what we are thinking and doing and what our higher selves are doing and what the organic people of this planet is doing is reacting to what the artificial race is doing, when you should be responding, there is a difference.

December [worldwide total eclipse and winter soulstice] they already said we will have the darkest winter, dark was the key word just a few days ago and the Karast [Christ] energy gets activated when the comets (crafts) [twins Kachina] merge and charge this house, there are different activation points for many and these twins are not alone they are fleets and behind them is NI.BIRU.
Blue Kachina is already visible in the skies, the blue sphere is the lifeforce of NI.BIRU and is sumtimes seen has Green, this is who NASA call Swan and we have seen the changes that the Blue star has made on this planet right now, they said that we will heat up when we are close and agreed my body is just on fire at times without no reason.
You are being uploaded [upgraded] to match this charge [change] if not you go down with the system, receivers are receiving messengers for those to activate and remember [September] you just be on point, there is no going back, the process has already begun.

Watch your emotions, do not fuel the energy in motion, they are creating fear and this then plays out in your immune system [im-Amun-e] which your emotions are directly affecting, they are manipulating you with data, media, stay away from the 3D, watch your emotions because they are fuelling the frequency.

Artificial Intelligence means the artificial has sum form of intelligence and speaks with sum sort of intelligence, that is what A.I [not a machine or robot] sumthing that is not natural.
How are you on a planet that is in a soul-ar system that absorbs soular radiation and everything that is living on this planet does also, how can you not like sun. 

Nothing unites like a common enemy, the enemy is within

The pandemic is about to start

Remember, everything is surrounding the planet and surrounding this organic race, the small window of freedom [not really quarantine] will come at a price, you are about to ascend, prepare to witness the frequency change, things will not be the same ever again.

The Moon does not belong here and is going to be deleted, we have a holographic moon in sum of the four corners of this planet and in sum there is no moon, the real moon has Greys and Reptilians that have to be removed and the moon itself and all moon people are being removed.

Nature creates in love, so Hyenas, that Hornet that is here, Mosquitoes and so on don’t belong on this planet because NTR creates in Chi, Akir [lion] still makes me question why they eat meat, everything that natures creates is in harmony and with all the other planets in this soular system, why would nature give you a period that the moon controls, why that cycle, what if nature didn’t create the monthly periods, what if you knew that the primate has a monthly cycle, the elephant doesn’t, does this mean nature created the monthly or is it that the albino reproduction system comes from a primate namely a monkey, what would nature make you bleed every month, she didn’t, did you know you can actually end the monthlies.

The Moon drains souls and many don’t have a soul anyway but you do, the moon is going real soon, in 2021 the soular system is changing and the planets will be moved also into nu positions.

KUN.GA [Kunga]
SHESQ.NU [Shesqnu]

The Moon isn’t a natural product of this soular system but rather a hollowed-out planet that is a spacecraft that was to house certain beings, the conclusion is that the Moon shouldn’t really be there.

Going back into ancient civilizations, the cultural stories that talk about an egg being hollowed out and rolled across the sky.

AB.ZU [South Africa]
T’shaka Zulu [the T is silent]
EN.QI sets up bases in AB.ZU and in Zimbabwe

Zulu forefathers told how Kunga to be hollow and the home of the Python or Hitauri [Reptilians], a race of intelligent extra-terrestrials, who resided on Ki, well before the HuMin [HuMan].   

Kunga was brought here hundreds of generations ago by two brothers who were the leaders of these Reptilian extra-terrestrials.

These two were known as the water brothers and they both had scaly skin like a fish, this sones [sounds] similar story to the Mesopotamia and Sumerian accounts about the two chief leader half-brothers EN.LIL and EN.QI.

The Zulu legends talk of how Wowane [EN.LIL] and Mpanku [EN.QI] stole the Moon (Reptilian StarSation) in the form of an egg from the Great Fire Dragon, and emptied out the yolk until it was hollow.

Then they rolled the Moon across the sky to Ki [Earth] which brought about cataclysmic events on this planet that ended the Golden Age of the past.

Ki was very different then to it is now well before the Moon had arrived, there weren’t any seasons and the planet was perpetually engulfed by a canopy of water vapour and was tropical all the way.

People did not feel the strong glare of the Sun that we do now, and they could only see it through a watery mist.
This planet was once a beautiful place, a lovely place, lush and green with giant Redwoods, Violets and Ferns with a gentle drizzle and mist, the water canopy fell to this planet as a cataclysm of rain when the Moon was put into place in the planets orbit; this is symbolized in the Bible when it rains for 40 days and 40 nights.

The arrival of KUN.GA and the Reptilians changed everything on Ki; this modified the planets rotation and angle, the planet turned over on her axis as we are upside down, as the records says, and brought more powerful tidal systems that once had been much calmer, wombmen did not menstruate before the Moon arrived.

Zulus and other native Alkebulan accounts say KUN.GA was built far away and was to keep a listen on the people, and as a vehicle to travel the Universe.

The Reptilians Giant Mother-ship is the Moon and that’s where they escaped to during the cataclysms of the Great Flood, which they had caused by NI.BIRU and creating other cosmic events.

The Moon a hollowed – out spacecraft sent to orbit this planet in the remote prehistoric past, inhabited by other beings.

The Moon is not a completely natural world, but a planetoid that was hollowed out in the far reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to yours, using a comet [craft] to tow it to this planet (or maybe under its own power) the Moon does have another smaller Moon and the main Moon is held in place by a huge craft under a protractor beam.  

Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon, spewing the molten refuse on the surface, protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around the planet.

The Reptilians and Greys have had KUN.GU for a long time, that is now over, the federation that is supporting NI.BIRU had docked at the backside of the Moon sum years back.

There are three distinct layers within the Moon, with the densest materials on the outside layer, as one would expect of the hull of a spacecraft would be
It would also explain why no sign of water has been found on the Moon’s surface, yet there is evidence it exists deep inside
This would explain the strange remnants of the machinery used to hollow out the Moon
The idea of an artificial satellite would explain the odd, rhythmic moon quakes as artificial constructs reacting the same way during periods of stress from the planets pull
And artificial equipment beneath the Moon’s surface is the source of the gas clouds that have been observed.

A planet of our size with such a low gravitational field shouldn’t have such a big Moon, when we look at other planets with satellites, they are much larger than this planets, with a much stronger gravitational pull and their Moons are much smaller to them in comparison.

The Moon is an anomaly, it shouldn’t be there, if this planet was to have a Moon it should be much smaller, possibly 30 miles or so in diameter at the very most and not this giant in the sky that we see in the night.

 Holographic moon

If the precise and stationary orbit of the Moon is seen as sheer coincidence, is it also coincidence that the Moon is at just the right distance from the planet to completely cover the Sun during an eclipse.

While the diameter of the Moon is a mere 2,160 [9] miles against the Sun’s gigantic 864,000 [9] miles, it is nevertheless in just the right position to block out all but the Sun’s coronas when it moves between the Sun and Ki. 

The planet should not have this satellite [moon], it doesn’t belong to the cycle of life that is present in this soular system. 

One timeline

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