Wednesday, 20 May 2020


Mystery [MyStory] System(s)

Our khem-ical [chemical] process and these latent forces that are the hidden stone works, these chemical processes are like a Rubik Cube [720] in your Khu [mind], the more and more you think the more and more these things line 13-up.

You see, many are just thinking about 3D things, jobs, money, family, day to day stuff, we are not on that level and are only dealing with those from the myStory-systems, those who are here because of a reason, that are here to end this thought process, the frequency is in the 4D now, on its way into the 5D.

There is a psychical process of Al-khem-y [Alchemy] that the Europeans used and that they were really trying to make lead into gold [Nub], but there is a mental or spiritual Alkhemy that they could not understand and that is the lining up of thought patterns in your Khu [mindset].

So, the more and more you ponder things, the more and more you wrestle with things in your Khu, the more thought you give things and the more you overstand them, real patterns of thought.

The more stimulation [alchemical] the more these things line up, they merge, they expand your range of thought, they improve your connection points, your energy centres, your level of knowledge, your level of consciousness.

In actuality most HuMins [HuMan] are going through a certain alchemical process right now
HuMin = Hue Mind
HuMan = Hue Man

Chemical imbalance will lead many into mental health [bipolar] even though that word is a false word, mental health is crown blockage, and for the recessive genes they cannot admit that mental health is a chemical [alchemy] imbalance and that this illness is prevalent amongst their people [genetics].    

Most HuMins are going through a certain alchemical process right now, they are trying to figure it out, asking questions, researching, you cannot upgrade if your still in the 3D and thinking in the 3D, sum more than others, but that level of awareness, consciousness is because the soul is searching, strengthening all the while.

One of the first levels to chemical processing is Mind know thyself, Mind know thy soul [Baa].

History is not advanced knowledge, history is just chronology but we are talking about the mysteries, European scholars indoctrinated because there was sumthing beyond what but they couldn’t see, the unseen but just the seen, they couldn’t get out of their own Western educational system and see things that are greater, the voluntary and involuntary, the soul or spirit that they couldn’t see or understand.

Alchemical process is purification, where you are at the least common denominator that is the only aspect that can be raised up, read this book Inanna, queen of heaven and earth, in this record, IN.ANNA [Beloved] makes a fall, she is the fallen, to the lowest level and has to take off her jewellery, all the trappings because she is a royal being, until she gets down to the least denominator, naked and then she dies, she lets go, she lets go of her worldly things and submits because she wants to [not literally taking of her jewellery, letting go of what did not serve her].

The subconscious mind [Khu] will fill in the void, the sub-mind will fill in the illusion and produce things to fill the void, if I taught you has a child that Mickey Mouse was the saviour, the mind would produce the reaction.

The entity that you are focused on taps into the archetype of the consciousness, the entity will have the same affect whatever religion or belief you have, weather Michael or Jesus or Mohammed, the entity will have access and have the same affect, you might say, Jesus came through me, or Buddha is with me, or in sum cases I have had people say that I was with them or made love to them when that wasn’t me, I know it was you, when all you have done is focused on a N.TU [God] deity has a model to tap into the archetype into the collective unconsciousness and the reaction of the subconscious mind that equals these spiritual experiences.

You can have any spiritual experience through any medium whether it be HerU [Haru] Horus or IN.ANNA and originally these are what these N.TU were for, they are principle beings, learning centres, their image, signs, symbols and knowledge was a ptah for you to tap into their knowledge [data] = energy, that you can use for the deepest core of your being, its just that the ancients later on, explained that to you when like the Tantra that can never be explained, only shown because its inherited and you have inherited, if you want it, it is there.

You have sumone who couldn’t do sumthing and asked Jesus to help them and he did, but in actuality Jesus is the only spiritual vessel that you knew of in your life, you didn’t know about anything else and you believed [believe = baal’eve] so hard that the submind provided the rest, the submind filled in the void, the submind produced the substance of healing, they can say Buddha, Allah, Lama, whoever they attach themselves too, so yes Buddha did heal you, that is the entity that you focused on that tapped into the healing mechanism from the healing N.TU [supreme] that you needed sumthing from your subconsciousness mind to trigger the healing force.

This is the great mystery [myStory], if sumone taught you that Mickey Mouse was the saviour and you were healed this was down to the subconscious mind, heaven is within, we are right in the middle of this thing, this part is not about what our children are going to do, that kills you by thinking of your children’s offspring, no matter what you do you cannot change or intervene with what your children are going to do, because below that is promise, the key is incarnation, they had us just repeating in all aspects, the future is not promised, the future is now.

No more yesterdays programming, get with the nu program

Resonating frequency came in again hitting 41hz+ plus the additional frequency that is around 36hz which is us, there are three frequencies coming in the other is coming from the Kosmos and the seven-siStar-system.

China is going to be punished real bad [M6+] from two days ago



The horn of Alkebulan is going to pull away, the Arc [Ark] is safe, AB.ZU [South Alkebulan] is going to go under water.  



Records broken, records set (made)
 M5 Sweden
Tonopah, Nevada 251 earthquakes from M2 to M4.5 in the last 24 hours
Earthquake swarm of 26 quakes over the past 24hrs off the coast of the Island of Crete, Greece, ranging from M4 to M5.8, a huge super volcano will trigger to get the masses attention and a M9 should get the ball rolling, the planet is holding a huge amount of water than when the tsunami comes it will cover entire cities.
Systematic pressure around the world, nature deals her cards daily with an overall outcome.

Water and (fire) heat [UV] weather systems, landslides, land moving, volcano activations continue to plague the planet while you sleep at night, this is a 24hr operation, crafts are all on a rota system every 24hrs, where one set leaves another replaces this operation [reintroduction], chemical factories, refineries continue to go up in smoke, we are never returning to your normality, never, the world ends this year but not the planet, you will not be going back to your employment, you will be not going on holiday your children will not be giving you grandchildren, we are at extinction level, deletion. 

Price check, next will be human flesh [cannibalism] your world has just ended.

This is what sumone wrote; heard it's because the factories are closed. Once they re-open, hopefully the prices will go down >> she is in the 3D and will die in the 3D.
Why would you say, i heard its because the factories are closed and once they reopen, reopen >> wake up for all on the basic 3D is still to come for many.

You are not ready for what us truly coming for you and yours  

Protesters defy curfew in the CHILE over what >> food shortages, May 19.

20 crafts over HerU [PerU] and they put that footage out over their news, these people are honest with their people.

CV19 [CVAI] this is about the A.I being given dominion over the people and this world, the A.I is your [god] now or NWO.

One-hour long exposure of thunderstorms around Miami last night
Notice the planes turning to land at KMIA

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

the man-made class system is getting ready to swap places


We went to Crete in the 90s and early 2000’s, beautiful Island along with Greece herself.
Greece, the Roman [Italy] and the Muslims and then Europe for the invasion of KMT [Alkebulan].
Med-usa [Madusa] [Gorgon] not her real name Med-iterranean and S-usa [Sumerian] which is in Alkebulan and she had locks, her hair was 9 ether, her eyes flashed like the Ghouls.
The European Greeks locked her in the labyrinth and sexualised her has thy wilt, she was stunning, like H3llen.  

Who is depicted with her tongue hanging out, Kali and who is Kali

The 7th 8th and 9th Dimension (esoterically) aka the Garden Of Eden (exoterically)
Adam is the first thought (masculine energy) and Eve Is the first feeling (feminine energy).

The Serpent [snake] is the first body (Mas+Fem energy becoming dense) and the voice in the garden is your spirit, all remember this demonic desire infested being we’ve been following, so now we live inside of it is not the first, so technically, these creatures Adam and Eve are weak in the body [image] it created for itself aka the snake[beast] and this being is lost amongst others in its ream of reality.

We are inside of the transverse of this serpent body which is the vessel of this fu9ked up demonic spirit false [god] we live in at the moment.
Its this spirit then it’s the thought and feelings aka Adam and Eve aka its lights [chakra] aka sons of [god] of the being then those are now in his image, made up body which is a snake [dragon] aka the serpent that made the feelings (Adam+Eve).

Succumb to it aka the flesh, the body, the lie, the desire aka the blood body we live in, 
(western religious philosophy in a nutshell)

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