Saturday, 16 May 2020


The sky, not quite what it should be, there is a veil covering the real sky, this veil is a LCD sky, that yellow-white-blazing sun that you see is a simulator.

The real sun is black now, Vitamin D is for Dark-energy, our real sun is black [Nubian], our memories had been erased so many of you won’t remember when this happened, this was just the other day [millions of years ago] when the invasion took place, they blacked out the sky just like the movie the Matrix because we are the ones that feed off of the sky not the machines has they flipped the story on us.

They had blocked the sun and put up their simulator [there are four corners to this planet] so that they could be here, so that they could live here and so that they could make this false light construct [matrix] that we are all in that was and is covering over what is really here.

You were unable to really see what is really before you because you are not on the correct frequency which is less than 0.0000000000000000000001% of the light spectrum, you had been cut off to hold you in position into a cell [yourCsellf], making you a body of prison or you in your cell in prism a prism of light aka a false light prism [prison] and this sun and moon (Saturn) matrix is all part of that illusion, Saturn’s supercomputer sends the kodes to the moon and the moon [satellite dish] that pumps the frequency onto the grid which all aid in creating this false hologram over the original hologram that you are in walking around and sleepwalking in.

When they say the sun is going into a soular minimum or the sun is shutting down is because they want you to be scared, let the simulator expire, yes we are going back to the ice-age and no more crops but that will be for others and when you bail up out of here you have reincarnation, they don’t, one world is ending and another world is beginning.

The Nubian Sun will be shining so it won’t matter to the 9 ethers but the 6 ethers are dependent on the physical sun, which without the 9 ether you are unable to draw energy from, the Dark-NRG which is coming from the invisible sun, the conscious sun.  

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the
[electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Ta [Ki] Tiamat [Maiden Of life] (Earth).

The planet will be making its own light and so will you be making your own light, there is going to be a split of the planet, a shift, your going left and I’m going right, I AM going to be a right angle of light.

The Nu Ki (earth) will be a Nu bright paradise of light(s) you will be in the range of the UV because we are upgrading.

They will see darkest and experience the cold if you stay on the wavelength of them.

The Sun simulator is expiring, they have been talking about for a while now, this mini-ice-age, yes this is going to happen, for you, but the rest of us are in our own dimensions sharing space and this is why there are people who are living like its Mad Max already, yes you need a hero [heru], stay in your space, stay in your dimension, our dimensions just interact, we share the same space but not the same sight [3rd] according to your thought waves [pattern] is how your dimensions are going to be.

In my dimensions the real sun is here, the Nubian sun has returned, I will produce heat and become a real Star, the planet that I AM on will become her own Star [SAARE][SARA] producing her and our own light because we are connected to the source.

That sun is not Amum [Amen] Amon Ra [Re] that is a copy in sum of the four corners of this planet

This planet is returning back to a tropical planet with huge amounts of water [mater] and pure light and all alkaline
Al (El) = element (Al) = alchemy
Ka = spirit
Line = crystal-line [crystalline] 
Crystal = Krystal = Khrist = Christ = Karast = NRG
Crystal and the word Alkaline together [Crystalline] 

We are returning to the garden of Eden [g-arden = arden = edin = eden] its all in the pronunciation

HR6 666
Remember which reality that you are in for its not going to work where you are going, why isn’t you in a FEMA camp, why is all social media sites still running, why isn’t the N.W.O running, where are all these tanks going or where are they at, we have yet to see how this will pan out for you in your reality but for the rest of us, we know of sumthing else.

This is level 9D and that is precision thinking, we are in the 4D going into the 5D, sum of us are already beyond 5D, there are things taking place that these 3D beings cannot and will not be able to change or manipulate.

Watch the movie The Road, that is how you are going to be living while the rest of us will be living like the dimension that we are supposed to be living, remember we create realities not illusions.

The calm before the storm, that lady gets cut off when she mentions the vaccine [chip], this is the calm before the storm, they are talking about HuMan rights when you never had any to begin with, they are not even on the streets about no more food, same pattern has China in October into November and then the virus broke out at the same time when the Chinese lost the authority over the people, notice its the police but we all get on the streets it will be the army.
tic toc...

That is the sun simulator in Venezuela, sumthing going on between them and the USA, nature is systematically destroying the planet in certain areas, she means business, all earthquakes started outwards and this year 2012 [2020] they are inward, to destroy you must (kill it) from within, red rivers are iron-oxide-red radiation, who are the fire starters, fire, heat, water, air and ether is tearing this monkey house down, stay on the ptah [path] of least resistance.

This planet is surrounded [checkmate] Queen protects King   

Femi9 Electron NRG is surrounding this planet, flowing through the planet and through us and through this soular system, through this universe. 

UV [Ultraviolet]
[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called.

[1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9].
[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

Sedjet [9]

24+24+24=72 = 9

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

9ethers can absorb this radiation.

Four rooms in a house using air-con all day 7 days a week and when the heat is also at his strongest strength means that the power grids that have never been upgraded since the early 1900’s, and cannot take the surges in power usages, and this means they will have to cut the dirty electrical (tesla) power at times and is to why the outages are occurring, this will become frequent and then forever, the grid is going to go down.
EMPathy is due [internet is cutting out daily]

watch your consciousness, your emotions
We are in the 4D going into the 5D [transition]
Water and heat continue to plague the planet, earthquakes are still coming in in two days they have tripled, huge amount yesterday with more to come.

We have three frequaines and are not at 7.89hz over 6months, anymore or ever will, all week was between 40-60-90hz on consecutive days and that does not include the two other frequencies which one frequency is the 9 ethers who are coming online.

They are trying to influence the universal kodes [schumann]

KMT [Khemt]

The Muslims have been occupying KMT the online library for near enough 900 years, time is running out for the Arabs and in general, KMT can also be referenced TaMaRe [Tama-re] Land of the Sun and can also be referenced Khemet [KMT] Land of the Nubian (black).

These places around the world have hiStory and is about to remind you, those plasma strikes (lightening) are coming from a craft, you can just make out the dark (cloud) shape where the blast points are coming from which is the craft aka cloud.  

Heru [Peru]



Crafts in the sky, and red-iron-oxide [radiation]

From one craft to another craft


What is that line

Huge amounts of energy, look at the way the NRG came out and around the sun 

Be in the world but don’t be of the world, they tell you to take the responsibility when all the knowledge you need is knowledge to be your main agenda, function, but that is not your main purpose, that is not your main priority, do enough to float on water, ride the currenSea. 

Those before have already done what sum of you are doing, we’ve given that type of energy before, do not become your employment, do not become the 3D, be in the world but don’t be of the world.

Infinity lock 

There are three types of minds on the planet one is called the psychic, another is called the gnostic and the other that comes from the word hail and hail comes from the word h3ll which mean physical body, physical earth, a physical fold, a physical body and energy that operates it, the word psychic is 9 ether people and are the ones who have the spiritual and physical mechanisms but they are inactive and gnostic [genes] which is the person who knows the consciousness level that they are actually on and that is the immortal [Min-d] HuMin.

The other is immortal but is inactive, the [immortal] is the one who is going to have to take the field and use their [gifts] to release the people, I AM because we are.

Each one of you represent a thousand people, many don’t have the knowledge because you have the knowledge for them and they don’t have to have the knowledge because you represent a million people.

Never feel or think am I worthless, you have the knowledge [NRG] for many, you are very special and precious has gold because you are carrying data [knowledge] for others.

So, if you feel that you should be doing sumthing, sit back, we did that in the 60’s and in the 70’s we watched and in the 80’s and 90’s the knowledge filtered through.

You don’t have to do nothing but gain spiritual knowledge [energy]

Be in the Matrix but not of it

Honour your soul contracts [universal agreement] do what you do to survive but do not do things has a reflection of yourself.  


Aum [Owm] Om [Sone [sound] of Life] at the rate of 144 the call of the nu city, this will bring Omnipotence to Omnipresence. 

If you listen carefully you will hear [look at the image] where the light is coming from and where the Waas is touching his beard, what colour is his beard, what is hair and what does hair [9 ether] connect to and what is Ptah or Amun, what colour is his body and what colour is the sun and your soular plexus...join the dots to get up out of the man-made-matrix. 

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