Comet Atlas has around 5 crafts [fragments] that will
align with the 7 siStar star-system [Nrg-belt] Kiymah [Pleiades]
Atlas is coming in and will be at the desired position between now until around Sunday when this is the closet that the fleets will
be and that means interaction, a magnetic exchange [excharge] plus the planets
magnetics and the MaStar Key [Neb Heru] NI.BIRU the Mekaba Key
This is going to be one serious electromagnetic exchange
Atlas was the divine
father of the seven sisters that name the stars of the Pleiades [Kymah], and that also
represent the seven churches of their Book of Revelation.
This is incorrect-ish, the seven churches are the chakra
system to which only the Nubians have this technology with a few outside of
this group with a functional 7 chakra system and eye [13], the chapter
Revelation is about the chakra system.
We have just had 7 years tribulation to fix up and now we
have entered another 7 years under the kodes of NI.BIRU, this is the next
tribulation [without the religious connotations].
Atlas becomes the [Neter] who turns the heaven on their
axis, causing the stars to revolve [counter-clockwise into a vortex number 9]
The lead [Neter] (being) (god) who holds up the planet is
the same being that holds up the heavens
We are in the recycling-belt-realm and there is no
stopping this process, with or without you this energy field is being changed
[charged] to a higher [most-high] frequency, frequencies are sones [sounds]
tones, acoustics, frequencies are tones [language] and the NeterU has spoken,
utterance 144.
Halley comet is Haile Selassie and is every Arch Angel [Miyka’el]
combined and is the Greek [god] Atlas
Atlantic Ocean
Atlas Mt
Atlantis is the capital of this planet, they even kept
the name Atlanta
This is hiStory is about [His] HIM >> this is about
his hiStory
225 [9] emperor of the 9th Gate [Abyssinia]
Head for 72 nations under HIM
The 9th Gate is also the land of Sheba
Nu Year is 9.11 every year [9/11] the other nu year is
01.04 every year
Ul-mec [Olmec] (Mayan] and the Abyssinia equation
[calendar] both share the same change of the frequency which is 2012 aka 2020
because the Gregorian calendar was seven years in-front
The knowledge came from the west because west-KMT is Atlantis aka the whole of [USA+CANADA+SOUTH AMERICA] Camels are from [Atlantis = USA]
Nile River and Mississippi River are one in the same Wahanee [Golden City]
The Greeks called it Pangea [Pan-Gaia] All of Earth
Lemuria [Le-Mu-ria]
The Abyssinians are the chosen ones [Jews] the word Jew
is not in the European Bible but the words chosen ones is mentioned 2,500 times
in their Bible
Biba means Book in Abyssinia and their Biba is called
Glory of the Kings [Kebra Nagast] Nagast [Negus] means King and we also have
the Kebra Negusti which is the Glory of the Queens [Negusti].
Kha-Nowk [Enoch] is Abyssinia and walked with the NeterU,
he scribed what he saw and was [gods] right hand man.
Negusa Negasti, Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I,
known as Lord of Lords [Neb], and the Conquering [Akir] Lion of the tri-be-ings [tri-be] of Judah
and the Light of the world, Elect [Electron] of God
Is Selassie(s) lineage extraterrestrial, yes.
Is Selassie(s) lineage extraterrestrial, yes.
DOB [23 July 1892] = 5
Leo [Akir] Lion
They also kissed his feet, these are Albino Reptilians bowing to Annunaqi [Neter] offspring aka royalty
Elizabeth translates in Greek I AM a Lizard [E-liz]
Tafari Makonnen [Selessie]
Rasta -Ras-Tafari
Ra Star [a star of Ra (Re)]
Ras [Ka-Ras-t] = Karast [KRST] Khristos [Christos]
Orisha and Netjer [Neteru] Negus Neter [N.TU] NTR of KMT
are both linked because they come from the same source
Greek Atlas [Titan]
16th century saw the usage of Atlas book used to
promote world maps
05.05.1936 to 05.05.1941
HIM ruled for 5 years and the invaders [Britain] ruled for 75+ years [$], that was the agreement which has
now expired 05.05.2020 [2012] (give or take sum years)
This is the fifth month, the fifth day, five years rule
5 is the number of Grace and this is why [Venus is a
five-pointed star a flower every 8 years which the number 8 is for eternal and
Scriptures talk about the Christ [Karast] bleeding 5
wounds, which is symbolic in the heavens and guess who is traveling in the
Venus [LAHMA.MU] is a satellite [craft] comet
Mussolini was found in a petrol garage hung upside down
and his face was totally unrecognisable, do you really know who Selassie is,
HIM stepping down and allowing the albino reptilians to take over allowed the
other countries to have independence around 1963, when you go back in history
his relenting allowed the other countries to be free, he carried the whole
world on this shoulders, no one knows what was really going on at that time, he
is not dead and was revealed to us in 2012.
[$] the US dollar was only invented and was to only last
a 100 years, now you know why, near enough the length and breath of the 75 year
rule that we have just come out of and now its showtime, the father has
returned, do you know who he really is.
Many people are called, few are chosen
Its May now and the 3 wise men are here which is a symbol to us that the most-high is ready, its 2012 and we are in prophecy.
Its May now and the 3 wise men are here which is a symbol to us that the most-high is ready, its 2012 and we are in prophecy.
N.TU [Ntu] NeterU
Vitamin D-Ark-energy
The foolish built their house on sand and the righteous
built theirs house [Iy] temple on foundation
720 kube of knowledge [stay on your cube of knowledge]
4-sides to consciousness
May is Maya and Mary and Ma = water [currenSea] May is
about to exchange with June but before we merge over, sumone wants to gain your
The Nubian [Black] Messiah is real close
When the Schumann shows data missing means a couple of
things, jumping dimensions, in this case we went to 72hz and had to of hit 110hz and higher before
returning to 72hz
Many will be offkey today, stay well away from them
Internet is going down
The planet will increase in heat, the sun is deadly, even for us, its warm at night and cold outside, the heat is coming from the core
Meteorites [logistics] continue to come in
They are spraying and that is the yellow stuff on your car windows and so on, that is the burning smell that you can smell
This is the last year that you will be able to come outside [UVC] is on the ground
They are spraying and that is the yellow stuff on your car windows and so on, that is the burning smell that you can smell
This is the last year that you will be able to come outside [UVC] is on the ground
Earthquakes are increasing has Swan and Atlas and Lemmon
[3 wise men] get ready
Earthquakes swarms [Greece]
Delta waves are starting from the sun [27.05.2020 = 18 = 9] and this means the planets magnetic field is going to go, the 6 ether will be trouble for they need the field, the magnetism doesn't go away, its going to enhance [ a nu energy]
The Orcs and offspring are going to go haywire
Kosmos dust is surrounding the planet and they have to wear the mask, that is why the 6 ether must stay in the house plus there is red-iron-oxide radiation energy.
Non carbon beings will not be able to deal with the delta waves that will penetrate roof tops and the ground plus the epsilon waves from NI.BIRU
the shift is on, many will not even be returning to their planet or source, they will be in the neitherworld [underworld] Amduat.
This is extinction level, the albino [all the ressesseive] races are going to start being deleted, this will play on y-our consciousness, their own leaders are pretending that nothing is happening, promoting video chat is a distraction that you cannot see, they are killing you softly.
Hitler had concentration camps where they took the 9ethers and farmed them to then take their skin off of them to make their black boots
Germany took 300,000 ethiopian wombmen and sezilised them so that HIM couldn't come through, even King Herod ordered the killing, there is a balance coming.
Delta waves are starting from the sun [27.05.2020 = 18 = 9] and this means the planets magnetic field is going to go, the 6 ether will be trouble for they need the field, the magnetism doesn't go away, its going to enhance [ a nu energy]
The Orcs and offspring are going to go haywire
Kosmos dust is surrounding the planet and they have to wear the mask, that is why the 6 ether must stay in the house plus there is red-iron-oxide radiation energy.
Non carbon beings will not be able to deal with the delta waves that will penetrate roof tops and the ground plus the epsilon waves from NI.BIRU
the shift is on, many will not even be returning to their planet or source, they will be in the neitherworld [underworld] Amduat.
This is extinction level, the albino [all the ressesseive] races are going to start being deleted, this will play on y-our consciousness, their own leaders are pretending that nothing is happening, promoting video chat is a distraction that you cannot see, they are killing you softly.
Hitler had concentration camps where they took the 9ethers and farmed them to then take their skin off of them to make their black boots
Germany took 300,000 ethiopian wombmen and sezilised them so that HIM couldn't come through, even King Herod ordered the killing, there is a balance coming.
Tectonic plates movements in Peru, May 26 2020
Heru [Peru] is holding along a lot of water and moving
Soular [flares] CME flash
Double CME hits this planet and will be here around
Sunday in 72hrs, the same timeline for Atlas
You need a soul to process the soular-energy that is
coming in, eyes are soular panels [windows] if you have grey, blue and green
and hazel then you don’t have a soul, you need brown-black to process the
energy [brown and black is melanin]
The three eclipses are on the 5th June, the 21st of June
and the 5th of July, with the Solstice on the 20th June
The worldwide eclipse is in December
Double CME means offkey and offline people, people will be glitching out, this is a double strike that was earth facing, this soular stream will be coming in, watch yourself and check yourself.
Chakra energy coming off of these crafts
Double CME means offkey and offline people, people will be glitching out, this is a double strike that was earth facing, this soular stream will be coming in, watch yourself and check yourself.
Chakra energy coming off of these crafts
Kosmic energy [radiation] on the edge of space, filtering into Ki
From Russia [Prussia] with love
Plasma [Khaybet] strikes are occuring around the world, Khaybet goes into the ground and is dispensed where she needs it, the core is getting sum also, these plasma strikes are coming from crafts, in this case one huge mother is letting off on the King of the North, the core then send the energy [heat] through the planet up to the surface and through the everything that is living, you need to be able to absorb this energy [radiation] if not you will expire, Russia is getting it real bad, those residing there will have their brainwaves mangled
When Nepal [Japan] and parts of Indonesia had sum quakes
a couple of years back, their man-made Buddha and sum mosques [mosquitos] went
into the ocean and today in Uganda, their churches are going into the water,
submerging from the colonial name Lake Victoria.
Do you know the most stupid thing at the moment with the
religious mind is that they pray to their god to help them and I often wonder,
if you are praying to god to help to stop this, then who sent this, who are you
praying to.
In your Bible you have two gods and one Saturn and then you
have a brown god in your Quran ??
Do not get involved, this is what they want, stay on task, they want you off balance
Red alert issued for parts in India
land will be moving
47 and 50 degrees in places, the hottest in the world on Tuesday, collapse is imminent
Do not get involved, this is what they want, stay on task, they want you off balance
Red alert issued for parts in India
land will be moving
47 and 50 degrees in places, the hottest in the world on Tuesday, collapse is imminent
125,000 acres have already been consumed in India
Locusts that started in Sudan [Lower KMT] reach India and
are multiplying all the while [famine]
Chi-na next stop
In the Arab countries they were bagging them up, yeah to
eat, locusts are carriers, you don’t eat them, warnings come in bright colours
in insects, after the locusts come famine
Water and heat and the Aaferti (pharaohs) plagues continue
Turkey [the north is going back to its ice-age] and they
are trying to avoid the heat
UV is about to go higher
Romania [crop losses]
Historic heatwave expected to cause millions' worth of
damage to crops in Israel
Mexico [hail-stones]
The word Hail [Hail Hitler] [Hail Cesar] comes from the
word Hail-e [Selassie] and Hail is from the Greeks meaning Hell [H3ll]
Nature hates you, insurance will not save you, this is
about the extinction of anything that is artificial to this planet, these
ice-stones are to destroy crops that you would need to eat, material things
like cars, homes and anything living that is artificial like Pigs who are a
mutant animals and Chicken and the domestic human cows.
You can see her intention
These stones are made by crafts and delivered on behalf
of nature [NTR] this is h3ll for you
This piece of junk is being held up by helium filled balloons and must be refilled every so often or it will crash down, they have never left the planets low orbit field, there are seven spheres before you reach space and besides, they have to send A.I or robots [probes] because they cannot get past the Van Allen Belts aka the electromagnetic field.
Nasa sent a $850million drill head to the Rover because its drilling and needs the drill head, come on, Mars is 2 and 1/2 years away and can you get the drill to the Rover and you can't find a plane, how do you find Beagle and you can't find a plane, how does the Rover fit the drill head
That's nearly a billion dollars, who is helping you
This piece of junk is being held up by helium filled balloons and must be refilled every so often or it will crash down, they have never left the planets low orbit field, there are seven spheres before you reach space and besides, they have to send A.I or robots [probes] because they cannot get past the Van Allen Belts aka the electromagnetic field.
Nasa sent a $850million drill head to the Rover because its drilling and needs the drill head, come on, Mars is 2 and 1/2 years away and can you get the drill to the Rover and you can't find a plane, how do you find Beagle and you can't find a plane, how does the Rover fit the drill head
That's nearly a billion dollars, who is helping you
Blue Kachina is pressing against the lower atmosphere and
with all those ships, these ships are just sitting there observing us, they are
not waiting on us, they are there if you want to connect and end this.
Helios Prime- Blue Sun (Magickal) Blue Kachina [life
force energy]
Sumthing big passed the sun by with a tail
[i hope you wrote your will out]
Not sand storm
the inferred eye
You will not be able to come outside when the sky goes like this permanently
This is not a sand storm
UV is going to destroy, in June and July you will only be able to come out for 10mins with 11+ on the UVC
Not sand storm
the inferred eye
You will not be able to come outside when the sky goes like this permanently
This is not a sand storm
UV is going to destroy, in June and July you will only be able to come out for 10mins with 11+ on the UVC
Greys [Spielberg's ET]
This is your [god] not ours, when you saw this being, they
became [god] to you because you were in caves and knew nothing more and the Greys lack emotions and this is why many of
you are emotionless
Our star family use them to serve and created a branch of them [see previous post]
and that is Mt Zion aka Mt Meru aka Mt Heru
Star Wars
The Imperial Fleet
His Imperial Majesty
Ma = mater
Wa = water
The M and W are the same and are a symbol for currents
Pater Ptah
Pater Noster
Our Father
Our father [Pater] who art in heavens
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
they will be done on earth has it is done in heaven
Give us this day our super-substantial bread
And forget us our debts as we forget our debtors
And don’t let us yield to temptation but rescue is from
the evil one [the ego]
For thine is Malkukh, Geburah and Hod forever and ever
Amen [Amon] Anum
The famous prayer [Prayer of Lord] (Neb) known has [the
Our Father] or Pater Noster is a very poWRA-ful Magi [Magical] prayer with
roots in the KMT mysteries [MyStory] systems, this prayer [Ashutat] is directly
linked to Ptah whose name translates earth (Ki)
Ptah is pronounced Tah were we get the word Ta from and
Ptah translates Opener, One who opens the way [path]
Ta [Ma] Ka [Ba] Re (Ra) any word that begins or ends or
has in the middle all find their way back to KMT
Mecca = Mir-Ka [the Muslims kept the original name but
re-spelt it]
Rebecca = Re-ba-ka
Kabbala = Ka-ba
Were you see the letter C it is a K
Ta = land
Re = sun
Ba = soul
Ka = spirit
Mir [MA.RE] Mer = pyramid = triangle
Get your house [temple] in order, the Messiah is here and is real close, this ends and begins with HIM, no beginning of days no ending of nights
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