Animal Kingdom
When the Italians invaded Abyssinia the first time round
it was the animals that attacked the Italian [Rome-an] army, the second time round the
Italians had Jagama Kello aka the Thunderstorm to deal with.
These (murder hornets) will start to tear apart the
honeybees, two ways to look at the hornet’s creation, either they were created
in a lab or the supreme beings made them [god].
The honey cooperation is one of the biggest cooperation
in business.
When the most-high [supreme beings] shut sumthing down
they shut sumthing down, the world powers are not shutting down the governments
or the economy, when it’s the most-highest of beings that is shutting down this
The ultimate puppet MaStar is the most-high and what we
are seeing is the supreme beings tearing this whole Babylonian system down to
the ground.
Lemur bats [Le-Mu-r] have been seen recently swimming and
floating and if you check it these Lemur bats are actually evolving right
before our eyes, now they can swim, my next question is, what is next.
Bats were being eaten, that was what we were told and now
all of a sudden Lemur bats [the same ones that they were eating] are evolving.
You see we had dietary laws, we never ate meat and we
never drank milk, chicken does not have any history on this planet and means it
was engineered, we were never allowed to eat the fowl, pig, lobster, shrimp,
crab and more+ are not considered food, these species reside at the bottom of the sea and process all the crap that is in the sea and then you eat them.
Have you ever wondered why sum of these creatures were
created, the veil is lifting, there is going to be a period where the animals
and the creatures of the night are going to strike out.
The animal kingdom is going to attack, the hornets and
the bats are just the beginning, your Bible even talks about their creations
and when they were creating the planet, there are species that we just
don’t see, but you’ve heard about them.
Their Bible speaks of two creatures in particular, one is
called Leviathan a deep-sea creature, sum say it’s the Loch Ness and sum say
it’s the Kraken or is Godzilla, who all come out of the ocean.
The other creature that is waiting in the wings is the
Lares [Simians] who the American Europeans call the BigFoot, and in their Bible,
they are call the Bigfoot Behemoth, this mammoth is going to be one huge
mother, King Kong makes another direct reference.
In these labs they are splicing different creatures, they
have been doing this since the days of Noah [Utnafishtim] Khami [KMT] splicing
different creatures to fight the supreme being creatures
Bones from Dinosaurs on mountains lets you know that the
flood came in and these bones floated up and stayed on the mountains, is that
ice age or flood age.
They have been creating animals to fight against this all
out war, beasts shall rise up, our freedom is around the corner, think of how
many zoos and underground labs that have trapped animals, all these places that
trap animals, don’t you think these animals want their freedom too, they know
what is coming and these animals are going to be ripping people apart, remember
animals see in aura and already can tell them from us.
These locusts are in the 3 billion range and now in Pakistan [next stop China] this is on a
massive scale and the settings haven’t been set yet, these are signs of the
times, those hornets will tear down the honey industry and thus the eco-systems
that remain operational all must be shut down and who is the sting for.
The most-high are using the three kingdoms to shut this
monkey house down without one plasma weapon being used yet, they have Natures
forces in weather systems, tornadoes, hurricanes, look back on places that they
tried to start trouble and nature has dealt with them all.
The animal species is rising up against mankind, before
their sin entered the world we were given dominion over nature, things are
going crazy in nature because [mankind] is out of whack and so nature is
following suit, when we wake up, the animals wake up, they know we have to
fight and the animals know they have to fight with us, animals are attacking
them right now.
There are things happening that we don’t know about,
there are things happening deep below the sea, there are things happening deep
in the woods, there are things happening above you.
The Frog and the Scorpion
Same head
Those incarnated within that house sign [Zodiac] and are the way they are is because Apep was
stung or bitten by the reptilian and that is why those incarnated in the
Scorpio house do nothing but sting people
Embracing Change
Returning to the motherland sones really good but we must
be aware of the illusion and do not override logic and reason, you must not accept
what your organ [muscle] brain presents to you, use logic and common sense or
you will go to another level, you have to go metaphysics and stop being HuMin
[HuMan], the HuMin experience is over, we are 2/3 of the earth, that this is
home, that we built this and that, forget all that, we know this already, we
have to think outside of the environment.
You have to access the nu program and the old one is not
being used no more, your mindset needs to change, you don’t need anything that
brings you back into last year, that brings you out of the knowledge [energy]
that we are in, if you continue to do this you will be cut off from the data
[information] and this is the age of information, how to get knowledge and that
is why you are more advanced than the people that are around you, do not cut
yourself off from the centres of learning.
This incubation period is about overriding the old program,
overriding the way your brain had been program, we are not going back to
where we came from, the known universe is about to be destroyed, you cannot
return to no-thing because we are a nu entity.
We are not
returning to KMT or to Alkebulan or to way it was before the 512-year-count-down,
we are going beyond what your scriptures say, we are coming forth by day, we
are going beyond the HuMin scope, Humanity is the enemy, we are not supporting
life, we are supporting death [rebirth] life is the enemy.
These are the alchemy principles of change, the book of
change, chaos which is your melanin, chaos is disorganised dreams [forth] where
dreams is supreme, you don’t get this you don’t know this, that is the flow of
the universe [change is supreme] sum things don’t work because sum things are
not supposed to work for you [us] the more mayhem we get the more things are
The heart chakra also has an eye and is also known as the
all-seeing-eye [consciousness] HerU consciousness rises up from the genital area and
the heart area, you don’t even become conscious until you hit the heart chakra.
You can see with the eye of Heru [Ra] evil to others but
all good for you, this is where consciousness flows, in so many words you don’t
become conscious until the NRG hits the heart chakra and is to why many peoples
consciousness is in their genital area which is called the animal Ka, the animal
Ka and the inferior Ka and there is the divine Ka which starts with the heart
chakra going up to the 3rd eye [pineal gland] chakra, the divine
chakra starts at the heart chakra, the animal Ka is between the genital and the
navel and that is where many of you are, the divine Ka is where you come into consciousness.
The inferior Ka and the animal Ka is where many people are,
the animal Ka is ruled by nerves, hunger, lust and greed basically the raw
urges, the inferior Ka is called the automation or automaton for example you
can have highly educational people who are automated by society and are running
on what was taught [programmed] to them in the context of what was taught to
them down here and what is provided from them depending on what civilisation they
are in which will be determining whatever automation they are in.
On one hand they do not go beyond what is given to them [programmed]
based on their experiences, so they do not have the vision to see what is
beyond their mundane, routine function of life, you can read a book called The
Opening of the way by Isha Schwaller, most HuMans and sum of the HuMins operate
this way, from these 3 Ka(s).
Mother Bond
Don’t feel away if you don’t have a mother and son
[daughter] bond, I know that my mother played her role in the rearing of me and
that is where we end, she is not my mother and I know this, and this is
spiritual to know.
I just needed a body to get down here, sum twins are born
who are un-identical and don’t have nothing in common, this is not a twin because
one still came in front of the other and they do not look alike, this is a forced
Sum people get emotionally damaged by this experience of the relationship, but when you check
the details and you know yourself, you know the reasons as to why even if your
biological mother doesn’t, everything reaches its own level, or water will
level off, keep this in mind.
Certain things are made that way to make you who you are today, sumthings were needed to shape you, to create you, don’t
look at sumone else’s capacity, do not measure against sumone else's message,
your talent lies in another arena.
My talent is not to be the son of my mother,
she has three other sons, a mother knows which child needs what type of attention
and that is the way she will dispatch or dispense that type of energy, I never
needed anything that she could give me, what I didn’t need, because it would
probably have been a resentment if she had to give me what she gave them, she tried and
it felt wrong, negative.
Know your reasons and why you were made this way.
Headaches are coming from the overloading of the organ [brain]
kodes are in
That plane is chemtrailing down that exact shadow line [dome]
nitrogen dioxide in the channel between France and the UK
kodes are in
Israel and the Vatican get [earthquakes] strikes at the same time
That plane is chemtrailing down that exact shadow line [dome]
nitrogen dioxide in the channel between France and the UK
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [cubed], and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
[Ta] Tiamat [Maiden Of Light] Ki (earth)
Three suns [sons] are on the hor-i-zon Hor-us and Aten (Atun) Aton names together like Horoscope is Hor-us aka HerU [Haru].
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being
blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple light.
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays]
[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm
sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called.
[1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which
are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa
NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9].
[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.
Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9
Kosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is
the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse].
Atum (Atom)
Atun (Aten)
Amen [Amen] Amon
No beginning of days, no ending of nights
Its going to get really difficult for many, stay in your lane and focus on the task in hand, change must take place, the process will complete with or without you.
Memories only last for as long as you choose to retain them
Memories only last for as long as you choose to retain them
Go in peace and let peace find you, own you, make you.
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