Monday, 25 May 2020

Phi-ysical Magi Magnetism

Magnetism is based on your energy that you emit that comes from you, that energy will attract to you other energies, other like-energies, other frequencies either positive or negative depending on what you want and are attracting.

Mastering your Magi is essential, you have to MaStar Physical [Magi] Magnetism, you must MaStar how to attract positive people and things into your field and one way is by always being in balance.

By default, you will become a healer because that energy is a healing light and you will attract a lot of broken people, the ones like you, you build with people but the broken ones you heal, but for the most part it will be wounded spirits that need healing, they have glitched out, they have holes in their aura, they have gaps in them and you are going to have to heal them, but has a healer you have to use your discernment and wisdom because many will come to you for the healing but they cannot be healed, either they are so corrupted or you’re not the one or its not time for them or they were never to be healed in the first place because they are not y-our kind.

You will be there still, giving these people your energy and they will take it, but their minds and souls are still not getting healed and all they are doing is using you to attract more energy into their field [life], they are bridging your energy, so instead of them using their own magnetism, they are actually using yours, this is all metaphysical.

Everything is energy, everything, including your physical body which is dense energy, Melanin is nothing more than condensed sunlight, take your energy and poWRA seriously because we are in crucial times and the frequency is becoming more and more selective and the overall energy will leave you behind for those who are part of this world and for those who are in this world.

Allowing others to use your energy means it will fall back on you when these dimensions merges together, when your around people who are doing nothing, get away from them, all those New-Age people, those with paper certificates in healing, alchemy and reiki, get away from them because they are eventually going to destroy you.

Without the right energy you cannot manifest [magi] you have to do this for yourself, your energy will not be reciprocated, only kept, watch out for those who talk your language but do not innerstand it, stay away from these people, the energy flow is becoming selective and so should you.


The Laws of the Tetrahedron [three forces of the Universe] 4 fundamental forces [1] gravitation
(phi-ysical attraction) [2] electromagnetism (emotions) [3] the weak (love) and [4] strong (hate) nuclear forces.

The nature of things seen and unseen

Cube [four sides to consciousness] 

Al-mond [Al-El]

What is going on up there, given that this planet is completely surrounded, whoever this is, is being supervised.

When NI.BIRU goes live they will have their excuse, over 100 worldwide cameras are shut down, when the four corners can all see Auroras we go live

We don’t have a TV where we are, I haven’t had a tv for over 4-5 years, predictive programming is for you and yours, this is the 3D world, we are in 4D heading towards 5D [NI.BIRU] is already in the 9D and this planet, sum are already in the 9D, you stay here [NWO] 

The Schumann is affecting us all whether you are conscious or not 

Georgia [Gamma radiation] UV
You need 9 ether to absorb the radiation or you are going to die, this year 2012 will be the record breaker for Gamma radiation

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called

[1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9]

[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9

Kosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse]

Red-iron-oxide contains fine particles that attach themselves to your lungs, the mask will just slow down the process. 

South Carolina [Plasma strike]

Brazil [your new normal]

Alaska [MA.RE] Mer [Mir] (pyramid) 

Global connection as above, so below, tunnels from Scotland to Turkey that also extended throughout Europe and beyond that our ancestors built 
No one is allowed to fly over Antarctica and the Himalayas and you are kept away from parts of the world for a reason, have you seen how close Russia and Canada are..

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Cube [four sides to consciousness]
Many will not include the Konscious sun because they are using their HuMan eyes to see it

Cleopatra [Kleopatra] is purely a Greek name in origin that come from the root words ΚΛΈΟΣ which is how you would say Glory and fame in Greek, ΠΑΤΈΡΑΣ which is how you would say Father this the compound two words hence Klaos and Pateras to get name word Cleopatra which is a descendants of Ptolemy that grew up under during the Ptolemik rule, she is mixed race.  

Under Cesar and Kelo they raped entire KMT lineages to try and merge with the KMT, they said that she was beautiful, they said that about the Mona Lisa. 

Romanians are left overs from these things that they did, the word Gyp-sy and E-gyp-tian are the same word [pronunciation] and was given to those who have KMT running through their system.

Pharoah is a Greek word, they are called the A'aferti and translates The Choice and also called Malaa-ikat meaning messengers or rulers and also called Netert [Ne-teer-t] and translates Supreme Beings, Female Guardian 
Its not called the Valley of the Kings and where is the Valley of the Queens, its the sacred grounds for the Malaa-iKat
These Beings all come through the Annunaqi into the to the NeterU, the U is infinite
None of them sat on a physical throne, throne for us means mind, seat, pulpit, they sat has one in the seat of the mind. 

Have you seen how the wombmen in charge around the world have been handling this CV19, shows you why we never had men in charge, they only endorsed her poWRA. 

The Iy [temple] of Zeus is in Abyssinia [Ethiopian][9th Gate], when lighting hit the top, the Khaybet [plasma] NrG would transfer down like veins and transfer through a chair that he sat on and into his body

Zeus is the deity for lighting [plasma][electrokinesis] and he is a Nubian Annunaqi

Hermetic is from Heru and Maat names together, if certain vibrations are carried by a certain particular people over a certain amount of time, so say a father gives sum data over and over in generations there will be sumone after time, with that bloodline who will eventually break free from those traits from the data, they will break the curse that was imposed, there will be sumone who works under this law of polarities, the law of cause and effect, when you factor in the laws sumone will break free.

We are seeing a high number of those incarnated into the house of Libra being used by the powers that be to carry out their agendas.

The Libra house is extremely powerful for the powers to be using them, physical attraction, communication and charm, their power can be used both ways [scales] the powers that be, are using them for their own gains, the balance of the universe [scales = maat = laws of the universe are the seven hermetic] and this why many of them had been used by the powers that be.

All you have to do is check peoples date of birth, from actors to music people, you will see the trend that they are using, Libras carry a very powerful energy that the powers that be need.

It could be the Libras that gets us out of the matrix if the powers that be are using them, what if we used them and flipped the script.

Those who are Taurus are going to have a hard time during this awakening, the negative side of Venus, Taurus is a fixed earth sign so that means they are stuck in energy or stuck in their ways and love this matrix, they love money and glamour and their body and this mundane 3D, the energy is strong, this is Hathor herself and was the original Lucifer [Lu-cell-iifer] amber light before the masculine side of Asaru [Osiris] and it is Hathor who rules Taurus.  

Hathor [Greek] Ha-thor [Thor]
Hatha Yoga
Athyr [A-theer] House of Denderah [Zodiac]
Nephthys [Friend of the departed souls]

Ma’sem [Mason] Ma’other and son(sem) [Virgo]
We are ruled by the negative side of Mercury and so we will view things from a negative side first and foremost aka a natural selfish viewpoint of our perspective first, we are naturally judgmental and naturally set in our ways when it comes to this 3D construct normality, we are about projecting an image of perfection, but we can be misled in society, we are the mutable earth sign so its hard for us to change our ways, there is always a negative aspect to our energy and a positive aspect to our energy, our positive aspect is that our energy is extremely, extremely poWRA-ful, our energy stems from ASet [Isis] which is emotions, energy in motion, if it wasn’t for Aset [Isis] Asaru would have never had been erected.

Asaru the real Christ [Karast] the true Christ who gave the HuMins Kundalini energy and an active 3rd eye, ASet is the manifestation of the most poWRA-ful energy, she is the original Virgin [Virgo] Mary, virgin just means pure energy and she was the one who resurrected the original Christ [think about what is going on now, the Femi9 electron energy is raising Christ = energy] the resurrection of Christ is tied to the Virgo energy because its very poWRA-ful.

Watch your energy in motion [emotions] it will get tricky for you, ignore the 3D, you must focus on the nu world

Femi9 Electron NRG

Its could well be a Virgo, a Libra or Taurus or all three energies that pulls the species out of this Matrix once and for all.

Thundercats are go
Thunder [plasma]
the Feline Kat people [Kammu]
Lion (Lyra) [Lyran] Akir
[the Reptilians destroyed their planet and they made their way to Ki]
the Draco and Lyra are cousins

Akir [Lion]
Kat [Kammu] 

Barbary lions >> they know who they are, these are royalty, Barbary also known has the Nubian or Atlas Akir [lion] found in Moroc-co is part of KHMT, where in Morocco, in the Atlas mountains, the Atlas Mt is Atlantis [one land mass] there are Mt Akir(s) in the USA which is Atlantis
the European [Caucasian] massacred them out, many are in European cages, they tell you that the last one was seen from a plane, however we find many of them are in cages, so either they were cloned or they took them out of the public eye, its hard for me to understand why they eat meat and I have come to the conclusion that they had been manipulated when the planet was invaded.

Amun-Re at Karnak [town of windows]
The Akir of Judah and the Akir of KMT [Kammu] (Barbary) Khami (Egipt) are one in the same
The Akir is Alkebulan Royalty

Mitochondrial DNA confirms genetically distinct lion population for Ethiopia [Abyssinia]
The first comprehensive DNA evidence that the Addis Ababa Akir in Ethiopia is genetically unique that they are only found in the 9th gate, Abyssinia was also known has the Land of the Lion 
[Tama Akir]

Akir showing respect to the 225 emperor of the 9th Gate [everwilling, everlasting], the 9th Gate is the only gate that had Akir roaming, they never beat them or used electroprods to get them to submit because they didn't need to, harmony.   

Both microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA [MtDNA] data indicate the Akir(s) are genetically distinct from all existing Akir populations for which comparative data exist in Alkebulan [Africa].

Due to hunting for their mane from the Europeans who from the 1800’s at least, annihilated the Akir from 400,000 to just under 30,000, they knew who the 225 is and that they could never be like H.I.M or control the animals, they also couldn't occupy the 9th Gate, so they put the majority of them are in metal cages, we never lived in Alkebulan, we visited, Alkebulan is a online library, we went there to learn not kill.

Taken from home to a foreign land and made to do stupid things, money, this debt is going to be paid in full without money, a different currenSea, i'm happy my mother couldn't afford to take us to these things when we were younger.
The Europeans then began to kill them and the other types of Akir under the guise of hunting, game, this became a sport for them, sum they put into metal cages, made them do HuMan things and then called themselves an Animal Trainer when they are an Animal Conditioner, because they conditioned many animals to do HuMan things given that not one single animal needs HuMan intervention to exist, this is how we know they are not from this planet and that is why nature is doing you the way she is.

There are those who honour life above all else and there are those who do not  

Caspian Tygra [Tiger]

There are at 9 species of Akir in Alkebulan and that is not including the 9the Gate

The Kat people [Kammu]  

Our blood runs through them, the Akir, they [all animals] want their freedom to. 

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