Friday, 8 May 2020

Electrical Pulses

The word Hiero-glyph comes from the Greek ἱερός [Hieros] meaning sacred writing [text] and γλυφή [glyphos] meaning carving, the word Hieros also means from [God] and that [God] that the Greek are copying from is called HerU (Haru) [Hieros].

The Greeks are in KMT [Kammu] Khami before the Romans and are translating has best they could from the Nubians work from the online library.

The truth is the Hieroglyphs [text] symbols are not phonetic sones [sounds] and thus were never deciphered by the Europeans or Caucasian, if the truth be known they couldn’t pronounce certain sones and replaced many of translates through lack of knowledge, and to mislead on purpose.

This Hieroglyphs were left from the higher beings to bridge the gap between our higher-self and our lower-self whilst on this planet called Ki.

We spoke in telepathy, sign language and symbols [text] pictographic, it is the Europeans [Caucasian] who are without a language.

Hieroglyphs for positive and negative charge showing how the unique characteristics of the animals, plants and objects familiar to the ancient KMT are used to present functions and natural principles of the Universe beyond.

This was achieved in 2011 proving that the cosmos is watching us, aiding us, and that higher order supreme beings have supported life here on Ki through electric discharge [OM].

Enabling the correlation of both male and female representations, explaining how positive and negative charge, magnetism, gravity, plasma, and the MA.RE [pyramids] function as part of an FEMI9 Electric Kosmos.

We have connected with the seven-star-siStars-femi9 electron NRG field, they are sending Kosmic blasts [charges] in small amounts- every 13 days, like starting a Ka, after she's been sitting there for a minute, takes time, positive and negative must balance out, things will never be the same again. 

Negative Charge [Cathode] (Bread) - similar to an anion (-), from the Greek word up, it means net negative charge.
It is similar to the electron, the hieroglyphs describe that charge can be contained in a standing ripple shown by the wave hieroglyph, evident from the Aten [Atun].

The flow of negative charge throughout the vacuum of space is shown by the Femi9 Circuitry of the Kosmos.

The Ra-Horakhty Papyrus shows how the collection of negative charge supports and poWRA’s the Sun [PAARE] [SAARE] electric Stars.

Positive Charge [Anode] (Basket) - similar to a cation (+), from the Greek word down, it means net positive charge, like proton.

Can be used to describe the Sun or the Stars as the anode or the ionosphere as the positive electrode.

Neutron sphere = you [add the two halves to make a sphere] this is you without the avatar. 


Hieroglyph [symbol] for a neutral [plasma Khaybet] charge or neutrino [Neutron]

The capacitor action of celestial bodies in space and their ability to store charges.

Kosmic Egg

Shu [feather]
Maat [balance, order, that which is straight] 9to9to the 9th PoWRA, positively charged Electrons, the ability to hold electrostatic charge.

Seshat Emblem - Canopy Height 

Magnetic Field Umbrella [shield] 

Electrifiled [tuning] fields

This is an Omega Universe meaning this is Femi9 Electron NRG, the planet is Femi9 NRG and is charged by 9to9to the 9th poWRA.

She speaks [OM] in Electricity, the frequency has changed

 EMC2 = Nun = vibration H1 – Hydrogen becomes He-Helium from E1- Ether to E2-Ether two, onto O8 oxygen-liquid and E8-Ether liquid gas.

After countless experiments, one is referred to as Hu, the creative force of will and this entity dwells outside of this time zone.

Huhi [Hu] or [Huwa] was considered the personification of utterance, with which the creator Ptah [Tah] who was regarded as creator of the physical world and N.TU [deity] of technology, did his work.

Hu was the utterance or tone the vibration and pulsation of existence and that which comes to existence within the sacred breath.

Those things made that manifest within creation, true growth.
Hu [Humin] is that tone [OM144] from which the creator calls things into being, with Hika and Sia.

The problem for Western science is that they cannot understand that we can change things with thought, that the 9ethers can manipulate matter with thought they are trying to understand your Magi [magic] your black magic, your Alchemy [melanin].

Man thinks he is in Nature when clearly you are not ,Manifest, they even tried to force their way in by using this word Manifestation [Man-in-festation] how can you be in-festation aka nature when we don’t see you there, the word is imag-ination aka imag-ery, we see in shapes, forms, see all those words all have mag-i in them, that is your Magi [Magnetism] your poWRA.

This is why Einstein didn't get it, because t-he-y cannot see the unseen just the seen, the involuntary and voluntary for they have no soul [Baa].


This is a Soul-ar system. 
Ba [strength] spirituality comes from the soul
Ka [spirit] double you [etheric you] the holographic you

Maat is here but hasn't revealed herself, but she is about, 9to9the9th poWRA.

Order, Chaos, Balance, that which is straight
Laws Of Attraction, Laws Of Ma'at [we are under her supervision]
Femi9 electrical charging, you are a Neutron sphere.


Purple Crown Chakra

The Black race
Ultraviolet camera 

The White race
Rainbow spheres [white contains the seven colours] 
Look at the white light in the bottom centre lady 

[U]ltra[V]iolet [C]osmic] rays-waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu [Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays].

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Cosmic Ray or lights called [1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = 
Sedjet [9]. 

[1] Haru  [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

13 NRG is here and this means time for the Purple Rain 

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