Monday, 18 May 2020

Cruel to be kind

Today we have the likes of Deepak Chopra who promotes love in his books, Deepak and the likes have data from KMT, that is how he exists and the likes of those who wrote the Secret from Wallace D Wallace who was a 21 year old scribe, all these data that they have is from us.

We are in the [Chi] Love [Evol] Live [Jove] frequencies the heart-love vibration but this energy comes with stipulations.  

I would call Deepak their new-age-messiah, he breaks everything down with this love rhetoric and this is where you need to be wary, the word love comes from the Greek word Jove and means sumthing else today, love [evol] live [evil] either you have love or you don’t.

Its in your nature to be a loving people, you had past that test a while back, passion is love, love is an energy and its opposite is hate, if your going to be in sumthing, be real about it, just keep it real.

If your going to be the best, be the best, no more morals we are more advanced than this, if you’re going to be conscious be fully conscious and not part time and becoming conscious when you’re feeling low.

When we talk about love we are talking about passion and sincerity other than sum roman-tic BS, no more looking for sumthing that doesn’t exist that was taught to you by the inferior species.

The physical realm doesn’t exist the only thing that exist is a bunch of [gods] which is you who fell asleep a long time ago and your dreaming sumwhere else in another land which is inside your organ [muscle] brain and is dreaming of illusions that are coming from the outside and that is what we are going through, a whole bunch of dreams that don’t exist, its only what you told yourself it was, the thing that does exist is your thoughts.

When they say love, they are losing energy and need you to feed them energy to keep their hologram going.

So, you have an emotional feeling that you are projecting towards nothing but air and you will say its love and they are using your love that you put out to stay afloat and because you are a [god] in this universe and exists in the mind of [god] they know that you can keep this illusion going based on your ignorance to keep this man-made construct going, you are keeping the matrix alive [a-love].

So to the siStars, if [l-if-e] the [god] that is to come and is ourselves and we know because this is written in all scriptures that a group of [gods] are going to come and destroy across the land, those [gods] are you, and so, directed towards the siStars, you are the [gods] to come, there was a time when you are a nurturer, there was a time when you are a protector, there was a time when you are a teacher, mother, partner, a tantra empress and there was a time when you are a warrior.

We are in the last days and no-one can debate these things, it’s the end of the story now and so you lose all what you are and return to the warrior status, projecting your energy towards the nurturer side of your nature [NTR] is past tense now for the civilisation, we are redirecting civilisation through chaos, destruction and then order.

You will return to warrior status, does this mean that you are going to start fighting and killing, no, what this means is that you revert, the female [femi9] at this particular time still retains a nurturer factor that is out of season and she will have to let go of her emotions even to the point that she puts her own children on their own level while she moves forward, she will not be considering her children and she knows this already when it comes to getting this last phase completed once and for all.

When we look at the Akir [Lion], the mother must set her sons free after two years, she forces them out, Penguins just don’t turn up back to their children and it is hunger that makes the offspring start their journey in life, no mother wants to do this but the true mother knows that without setting them free they will never evol-ve.

They wrote this in their Bible that it would be hard for those with infants and what they meant by this is that you will be a mother out of season and that it is time to raise back up, the caring, loving+ is for the next realm, save that energy, that is for the world to come, this is for the 9ether wombman only, you cannot be looking to the future based on your children who don’t have a future..

What we are talking about is a train of thought, that is all, the frequency is changing us all, individually and collectively, it is the femi9 electron energy that is going to get us up out of here.

The Femi9 NRG has merged with the Masculine NRG and you have to merge with the two energies which is the warrior energy [NRG] let go of the physical because it doesn’t exist, if you hold the 3D you will not be able to merge the warrior energy and you need to.

You have to say fu9k it aka let go, the love is not there and the caring because its not time for that no more.

There is a certain frequency that you need to roam freely, like how you use to when you were a child, that innocence that is required to allow the [free] flow [Akh] of the Ka [spiritual] nature to flow within us to make us what we are supposed to be.

Watch what you are putting energy towards because you are actually blocking your own superior energy because the energy is trying to merge with you 

 You make people stronger, strike me down and I shall become more powerful, you must have a passion for sumthing, your sincerity is your credentials.   


Nature is destroying you, crops, material things, homes, cars, why is she doing you like this  

Shadow play

Whoever controls the skies controls the planet 

The energy from nature is destroying everything that is not natural to this planet, innerstand that as we gain energy from the cosmos, they does everyone else but the difference is the 9 ether Kha can contain this powerful energy and dispense and replenish with it but the 6 ethers cannot do nothing unless they have black hair and brown eyes to process sum of the energy.

You need 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons and you need 9 ether hair, 9 ether skin and 9 ether soul and spirit. 

We are at extinction level(s)

As this cosmic energy continue to flow and take time backwards for you and this planet, the parallel universes are coming together, do you see why these orcs are scared, complete wipeout of their forefathers bloodline, all of it.


Category 1 to Category 5 in less than 24 hrs [India brace yourself] 
CME will be streaming in today into tonight and tomorrow 
Portugal, the silent partner, water is beginning to flood Lisbon, key players in the termination of the higher beings offspring, the debt is being settled, slowly but rapidly.
China have over a billion cockroaches sitting at the airport and ready to go
Technically there is no soular minimum, it is the dark-sun that is producing the NRG, the north uis going back to their ice-age. 
This cycle for the sun was 11 years but this is for 400 years, near enough the length and breath of slavery, the same conditions will present itself when we swap places. 

42hz+ and the secondary frequency along with the 36hz which is us, don't let no one dim that light in you. 

This is the view from Mexico, this should let you know what is going on

Around the world many are taking to the streets, awakening is taking place and will be in different frequencies, the masses will come together over their governments, the frequency is love and is also a consciousness frequency.

Got to fight the right revolution this time  

Dahomy [Ta-mazagh] (Tamazagh) Amazigh [Amazon] are like the Dora Milage, there are many and are completely warrior class females.  

Strike me down said OB1 because he knows that energy can never be destroyed, laying down your life so that life can begin is worth dying for. 

The energy does not end here, it begins here. 

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