Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Vanilla Ska

The installation of the nu Windows-2020 program is loading, your reality is loading

Sum things to let you know are when your walking down the street and your by yourself and then people will appear [its loading] as you get closer, its eerie out there, you look outside and no one is there and then people appear [its loading]

The matrix is glitching, the images that I posted of the moon with the pixel [cross] is another indication that the holographic program is being installed, the Moon does have an overlay while they sort out the moon, the program is glitching while the installation is downloading

You can see the computer kodes, the stimulation, you can see things loading, you see the frequencies [waves] however you are not a robot, you are plugged out, your two eyes are not your only vision to observe, your third eye is, Metaphysics: bringing thoughts which become things into this slow third density

You have not seen the Ska since 2001 

Your future is loading, [things] are coming towards you [loading] faster, [things] like what your want, what you have and are manifesting [Magi] imagery [Sia] 
Keep in mind that you are technology and you are always receiving downloads, symbols, numbers, signs, messages, guidance, ethers, and Septet [internet] 
Unplug from the Matrix and sit back and watch this system crash and those who are connected to the artificial Matrix.

When those find out that the Matrix is an illusion, that it’s a lie, all h3ll is going to break loose, like when they really find out that there is no more food, jobs are over, that the radiation levels are hitting extinction level, that the Ozone layer is near enough finished, the sun is blasting them, that the poles are moving [ice-age] they will fold on itself, there is a battle coming but they will go to their government, these people are ready to snap out, they are going to self destroy themselves over a lie

There is a separate national guard team that have been in training to extract high profile politicians, why would they have that in place  

The Age of the Apocalypse means the revealing 

Negusti [Queen] is the most crucial Chess piece, which she is needed, to protect the Negus [King] at her side, Negusti protects the Negus 

61hz and 76hz
The pressure is being applied, three frequencies are amplifying the planet and you

Charged and ready to go, red and blue are under high charge and blue and white is extreme

What is going on up there and there is only 6-7 mins between these images

the sun rising in the west >> when he is not supposed to, who is that or has the sun moved

The picture was taken from sumones balcony and was at 5:30-ishAM not 6:30 AM when it says the sun was supposed to rise, things are speeding up.


Check dates

Solid M9+ is due and a M18, a t-sun-ami is due either by an asteroid or a man-made or natural earthquake which is more than due.  

Meat eaters, animal slaughter [meat] is normal for them, they killed all the Buffalo to force the natives to them, same here in reverse, meat, eggs, dairy are all coming to an end, mix that with unemployment, horse meat is prime business, cannibalism is already in the North, this will filter out to the rest of the sons of Cain and the E-Saw[Esau], is that why Mcdonalds and KFC are now opening, think before you blink, clone meat 

Over 50 5G ELF towers where set alight in the UK at the weekend.

Texas, Lockhart

16 oil tanks go up after lightening

Dublin [Ireland]

Athabasca River has submerged #FortMcMurray City

Weather systems, water, hail are all ending systems, fires are raging
Lake Victoria is flooding crops and where the Albino have their land and properties and crops, the words billionaire, millionaire, the rich will have no meaning real soon
The 9ether Arabs was first to put the Nubians into bondage and will be dealt with accordingly

The deep space should be treated like a deep ocean and everything that you find in deep ocean we find in deep space

No flags in front of United Nations

 [NYC] Albino Draco Reptilian HQ
Money is the head of that child’s body
 Planned demic and not a pandemic

Have any of you seen the New Luzia
We saw this coming the moment the Brazilian Museum burned down

Her original reconstruction was way too Negroid for these Euro-Latinos
However, at least the original was based on her actual craniometrics
The only thing they had left was debris, so the New Luzia is makeshift patchwork
They rewrote her story
The New Luzia vs The Original Luzia

Archaeologists have found elongated skulls from regions across Central and Eastern Europe, including modern-day Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia
Further afield, the practice has also been documented in the Americas, Asia, and Africa and India
This is outside of the Roman empire
Alien skulls and 3 distinct groups
At least 51 of the burials were found to have elongated skulls in Central Europe

The Europeans [Caucasians] and all the other recessive genes where in caves and sum hadn’t even bee created yet, this planet belongs to higher beings and their offspring who are still here

This find in Hungary was first excavated in 1960 and throughout 1990 which they had already found 96 beings

Psychology you are born with, so no one can teach you about the Psych, no one can teach you about you but they can influence [in-fluid] you

Colours, shapes and even fonts control the way you respond [act] towards them, sum are small and basic things that are placed infront of you that trigger your senses, sight, touch, taste, hear, emotions and feelings both on a conscious and subconscious levels, all designed to influence your thoughts, decisions and choices

Say for example, the colour represents many things, one is loyalty and trust, when you have an interview many wear blue for a reason, fb is blue for a reason, advertising [logos] are big business for a reason
The colour red represents strength, and when you think about it the Tylenol extra-strength is koded in red or has red in it on adverts, red also means danger

Take this pill and I will tell you before the notion about this pill and this pill will heal you before you take the pill so that you have a pre-thought entered into your thought process to activate the thought

The pills that were koded in red worked faster when they trial this experience because of the thought process, 1/3 of all surgeries are placebo surgeries, they just carry out the surgery procedure, sedate you and carry out as if they were surgeries to give you the impression that you’ve had surgery, take sleeping pills or pills dealing with colds, which are often koded in blue, all are done on a subconscious level

All is to control you without you even knowing, you are being persuaded in ways that you don’t even know, everywhere, from being in a retail outlet to eating out with shapes, fonts, colours and music because music is a frequency, when you have a massage they are not playing you rock and roll are they, no, setting the mood, background sone [sound], colour, shapes and fonts, and words which are spells

Break the illusion [matrix] accept nothing from the inferior

Do not allow those who have no value to share your energy [Ase]- don’t waste it on them, stay focused, you are allowing them to drain you  

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Smiling Faces

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