Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Hidden NRG

1640, its called in their history Maunder Minimum aka ice-age, Europe are back in it again, and this is why the food is over, impossible food growing, your looking at mass death, die off, this year will be devastating to the artificial race, to eat is fundamental, it’s a first rule.

Slavery lasted 400 or so years and when we go back into their history we see now that everything is connected to the sun [PAARE] [AS.PU], that the 400 years was not random, that the negative and disagreeable knew that these 400 year cycles by the sun ends man-made civilisations and their societies.  

This cycle is outside of the normal 11 years, this means that your societies will crash, go back to the 1600's, they couldn't grow food, this is happening now, you will have money in your bank but with no food to buy, they said a tiger got [CV] please, really, come on now.

This is not about [CV] look at the bigger picture, this planet is rebirthing, and she is going to delete the rest, there is no more food because the sun will not provide no more light and we are in year one of three, and the radiation from the sun will be so high this year that you will not be able to come outside.

The sun is more intense nowadays, the spring Nrg is not even in full swing, this will be no ordinary spring Nrg, you should be looking at everything from the 4[5]D and all is in NRG now, view things in energies [NRG].

Since the Granddaddy Jupiter conjunction, the Schumann machine is amplified, that particular conjunction the energy from Jupiter changed the kodes or opened the way for what we have going on now, because since then the spiking of the machine is evident.

The ripple effect is on the Schumann graphic and when it hits the black-line, sumthing cuts off and then the energy comes back in.

That secondary line is an increase but I have made a mistake, that secondary line is us, when we Istal [mediate] we come online and is being recorded, this secondary line has been there for the best part of last year and means that we are coming online.

This machine [Schumann] is a German machine that monitors the heartbeat of this planet through your electrical charge aka you Baa [soul] hence why they monitor CME [Coronal Mass Ejection] aka Soul-ar flares [flashes] through your vessel, your frequency should be anywhere between 70 and 72hz.

15Hz and under is death, the machine for how ever long they have had the man-made invention never went past 7.89hz, now when you look at the lines [beams] that are going down the resonating frequency is hitting 100hz and into 200hz.

So those who have had headaches, ears ringing, crown swelling, emotionally unbalanced, confusion all this is because we have a nu charge, a nu frequency, a nu kode, the access kodes have been changed.

The Schumann shows our chakra colours on the graphic, you the 9 ether are influencing the frequency and this is being picked up on the Schumann that when we are in Istal, when we align our chakra systems that we are actually messing the frequency up and there is nothing they can do.

We are the cause of the virus and that is nothing but a raised frequency, its not an actual virus but a raised frequency, when we raise the frequency its up to your body if you can take it or not, no matter what, everybody is going to go through this whether you are young or old, all is dependant on your body for these light-kodes, the virus is the frequency around the planet aka the frequency around you aka your aura, your crown, your DNA is activating and this is why they don’t want you the 9 ether outside because the sun is releasing the kodes, the access kodes to the DNA activation.

The plasma that is coming off of Atlas is holding ancestral DNA kodes, ancient history, ancient lives, your Akashic records, your all-knowing, your memories, your original sight,  the comet is streaming the plasma onto the electromagnetic field of this planet which is the primordial field that houses all data and thus we have access to this knowledge, your body is going to do nothing but pick those kodes up [light kodes], upi may experience glitching.

You need to be under Re and receive his light kodes and this is why they want you under house arrest, you need to unlock your DNA and receive your koding, you need to lose your Atomic mass so you can levitate so you can ascend.

These days into weeks will be the crackdown but really, it’s the crank-up, the Nrg is going to increase.

The Atlantis [USA] eclipse is a judgement kode

Know why the world is on lock-down, its not the CV, its not the UVC, its our star-family in the skies and the kodes that they all are emitting, Judgement is in the air, anything past 2 on the UV chart will give all other races problems aka cancer [Cane] Kane [Cain] which is melanoma, its not even summer and we are on 11 and they recorded the readings at 8 because they don’t want you to know and the sun is not even on his first step, June and July will wake you up, middle earth is going to blast the recessive genes in the next few weeks.  

Love and hate, stay on one side of the energy, the one that you are attracted to.

Image is of Maat with Aset and Asaru either side of the scales of justice. 

When the sun turns black he is going to emit dark-energy radiation and it will be over for them and all your mega-genes [meta-genes] mata-genes [maat-genes] will unlock aka X-Man [X-Wombman] abilities >> are you saying that I can dodge bullets, no Neo, what I’m saying is that soon you won’t have too.

How, because we would have moved over to another dimension, no more 3D 

When you walk outside you are walking on dead bones, rivers that have dead bones because this has been going on for quite sum time, like millions of earth-years.

You were sitting in gold and they were sitting in caves without a fire and 512 years later we have swap places, traded places, the shift was from us and endorsed by our extended star-family, you have to control your emotions when they start to all go offline, that had glory for the last 512 years and nearly wiped out the elephants, the lions and tigers, the list goes on, the extinction of animals, plant and hu-mins kingdoms, they have wiped out land, plants and animals and tribes, millions and millions, they are the terminator and have terminated whilst in leadership of your planet.

So nature along with her forces and this planet have brought us all here while she does a stock count and what she didn’t create she is deleting, making extinct for we are at extinction level now until all is deleted.

We created this planet and brought all to work in harmony in unison, this last phase is a test, a meta[mata][maat]physical test and physical test.

The sCellf-realisation of what is to be seen will make you unbalanced in your emotion, there is an unbelievable revelation [reveal] that is being unfolded

No one has ever come to you and told you that you were an intergalactic being and that you are part way of overcoming this BS that had been surrounding you all this time and this was a test of your strength [Baa] in the metaphysical and physical world.

Watch your emotions, yes there is good and bad in all, they will be judged individually and collectively has a race and so too you, individually and collectively as a race, AM I my brothers keeper, my siStars protector.

Zeus and Achilles are Nubian and come under the Aunnnaqi and Zeus made the Albino version of
what we call the Greeks today, the lady on the right.
Zeus is here now to see what his creation has done to the planet along with Ya'quwb (Jacob) who also made sum strands of the Albino races also. 

The words are correct but not the image, the Albinos have only been here within the last 3-4000 earth years, the first Galactic war was millions of earth years ago, the Albino hadn't even made it to the test tube yet.

The true Her-U [Her-O] are the Titans who made the HuMin avatar also and are here right now for sum of the Nubian people are the Titans, like there are Nubian warriors from LAH.MU [MU] Muurs [Mars] Maurs are also here and many more like the Nibiruians, the Atlanteans and so on+.  

Red = Root = War = War-rior 

It is the Masai Warriors that wore the red attire and are the only ones recorded in hiStory, they know who they are.

They nearly destroyed the 9 ethers, did things to you that they did to their kind and things to you that they didn’t, this does not mean that we forget, you need to include what has happened in your thoughts because the dark-energy is here to destroy them and all those they murdered, the healing energy is also present to heal [heel] us and to bring about consciousness in your activation because your energy is not stagnant nor is it stationary, we more forward, forward thinking, we are manifesting [imagery] the present and the future

image, Brussels

The two men either side represent their [God], look at them, who took this stupid picture, did the father want a picture of his maimed child, what fucking shit is it that we are all from. 

When the indigenous people on their own land didn’t meet their rubber quota, the Europeans in this case Belgium cut the hands of the person or his daughter or son who were normally between 3-4 years old, their King Leopold II ordered these maiming from Belgium, I don’t hate these people for doing this

but I want justice for these people, y-our people, if we are one, then you will resonate, many always saying that we are one blood, one love, you had no right to do what you did, these people are royalty and belong to celestial beings that have returned for this planet and for their offspring. 

Many made wallets, bags and shoes out of your skin, why..

I include things of the past because the past is what is making up the overall judgement, so that when you see shit happen to one set of beings you know why, the ancestors are picking up where you left off or don't want to remember, you lived a good life while many were priced out of life.

Image is from Brazil are you reading the signs, water and star-family are getting you and south America or south Atlantis ready for showtime live at the Apollo.
Water is consuming Brazil and the likes around that area of the world and all Arab nations, have you seen Saudi or Egypt, finished, water is coming in because land is going to go under and new land is going to rise, the Sahara is being readied not for the Arabs [muslims].   

Wuhan lock down has been lifted and yet they are still collapsing, with 10,000 ELF towers what would you expect, read the shit signs. 

The Nibiruians are in Alkebulan because Dr Tedros basically told the west to fu9k off and many
others are adopting the same theme, why, because big br'other and siStar are with them.

Comet Atlas is not fragmenting only your mind is. 

Crafts are now not even semi-cloaking no more

The last bridge that linked France to Italy was taken out last year and now another bridge that has also been taken out, notice in the images that its only the bridge that is effected, this is a methodical take down of the Roman state along with its homebase empire (vampire) this was my second home, nature and the likes have sumthing special lined up for their offspring and judging by the way nature is cutting them off from the outside world she is not messing about, their colosseum was built sumwhere else and brought here we didn't have such things here ever. 

When their Pope steps down get ready to meet their [God] Dog

The Galactic Federation are shutting down this system on this planet and means that imminent war will break out, on this planet the war will seem like it’s the nations all fighting each other when this is a global unified war of nations against the Federation, Allies and Alliance and the lead group the Neteru [Annunaqi] 

The sun has had a cocoon around the multidimensional portal, around the womb, behind the womb is the spiritual world, the holographic Kaa realms, there is a sun city there that many (crafts) are docked at, the sun does not rotate how NASA show you, the sun rotates exactly like a clock and no one sees behind the sun. 

When the sun goes conscious or invisible or dark-mode means that all that radiation [energy] will stream to this planet at a level that if you do not have the same dark-energy you are going to die from the inside out.

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Who controls the PAARE and the UV

 Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple back-light or black-light.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3-black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery


[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Cosmic Ray or lights called [1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gama Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet.
[1] Haru  [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

All of this is produced through the 3 tones of creation [1] HuHi [2] HeKa and [3] Sia.
And it gets so much deeper.

OM144 [TONE]
Radius, the dot in the middle is the 144,000 [frequency] and the rest are around the dot [circle] sphere.

All is by design and to protocol, we are all going to witness greatness but not all are going to experience greatness.

Do not let no-one dim that light in you

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