Saturday, 4 April 2020

Cabin Fever

The planet is vibrating with a controlled frequency for the time being for the majority of the HuMans [HuMins] on this planet, however the ambient seismic wave field, oceans are also calm-ish, this is usually the clam before the storm, water is coming in around the world, the atmosphere and the oceans are all fully charged [currenSea].

Earthquakes are streaming in and remember when there is no depth this means you have to double check because the strike could be sumthing else setting off the seismographs, like meteorites smashing the sone barrier upon entry to this system.  

Earthquakes are streaming in and remember when there is no depth this means you have to double check because the strike could be sumthing else setting off the seismographs.

Suicide and homicide as and will continue to take lives, many are going offline, glitching out 

You no longer have a routine, your awake when you should be asleep, what is the date, what is the time are all signs of your ascension of your exit of the matrix, stay on the ptah. 

No beginning of days, no ending of nights. 

Base rate [7.89] hit 57hz and the main frequency was between 40hz and 50hz, there are two base rates on the same graph.


Your molecular structure is restructuring

Molecule is the smallest particle into which an element or a compound can be divided without changing it chemical and physical properties; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces.

From French molecule, from New Latin molecula, diminutive of Latin moles, meaning mass.

Molecules of different elements may combine to form new compounds, they too, have their specific patterns.

So you know that mole that you have, it’s a melanin dot, you have melanin in your body and sum of you have melanin [ether], its what sits in carbon [melanin].

Melanin naturally evolves every 3-5 years regardless, you are evolving with the times. 


Base of the statue of the Spaniard Hernan Cortes in which he rests his foot on the head of an Aztec King, this statue is of Cortés and is in Spain, his left foot is stepping on the head of the indigenous.


All those in modern day South America are leftovers [offspring] from the Spanish and Portuguese and Dutch if you are from anywhere in south America and speak Portuguese or Spanish which is over there in Europe then you are leftovers from Cortez who him and his men and the Portuguese and then the British raped the women and daughters and killed the indigenous men.
They would put the men into says a barn and locked the barn up and set the barn alight and burn them alive.

 The Aztec and the Inca and the Ulmec [Olmec] are here once again, its judgement 2020 [2012] tic toc, here are sum pictures of the las AZTEC who after Cortex had wiped out entire families then the British came and kept two children who they stole and destroyed their mother and father, the last remaining settlement, because of Cortex South America is going down this year and like Europe and the likes...tic toc..

The ones before us where not primitive until they came to the West 

Suri-name are from Sri-Lanka imported by the Dutch.
Suriname is a British name-word Surinam [Surinamese], around 140,000 were taken from South India to work and where recorded by the Dutch as Hindoestanen [Hindu] Hindustani.

While you talk about this and that, nature moves around and continues her clean-up operation every cycle, night and day, the silent witness. 

Times this by the thousands, 10's, this and many more reasons has to why this world is
ending, no condition is permanent. 

Fleets and fleets continue to pour into this dimension, all are from the Annunaqi, the Galactic Federation, Alliance and Allies and those in the Adama [Kadmon] projects and this planet, since their arrival we have not seen any Draco crafts in this planets skyline, only the positive and agreeable and the destroyer. 

Balkans, single beam, ray coming from the sun 

two discs or wheel 

From Mexico a couple days ago.

Just as a rainbow has seven colours, so does the environment; it also has seven spheres to protect this newly created being from the ultraviolet and gamma rays coming from the sun.

Your main 3rd eye has seven more smaller eyes in a row-type sequence behind the main eye and allows you to see multi-dimensional realms, expanses, dimensions.

You have a [Buga] or curvature of spheres as the rainbow is an arch [sphere] of all seven spectral colours appearing in the sky (1) Red (2) Orange (3) Yellow (4) Green (5) Blue (6) Indigo (7) violet and these come from the direct rays of the sun-light, broken down or bent as in a bow.
And these are symbolic of the spheres and they are (1) troposphere (2) stratosphere (3) mesosphere (4) thermosphere (5) ionosphere (6) exosphere (7) Outer-space.

Are particles that form the basic constituents of the elementary particles called Hadrons, such as the Proton, Neutron and Pion.

Quarks were classified as three kinds; up, down and strange.
The proton for example is believed to be constituted of two up quarks and one down quark.
Later the western world assumed the existence of a fourth quark; in 1974 the existence of this quark named charm, was experimentally confirmed.

Thereafter a fifth and sixth quark-called bottom and top, and two more respectively were reasons of symmetry.

Each quark has an antiparticle and each kind of quark or antiquark comes in three types of colours.
Quarks can be either red, blue or green while anti-quarks can be either anti-red, anti-blue or anti-green.

You cannot see these colours; these quarks and anti-quakes colours have nothing to do with the colours seen by the HuMin [HuMan] eye.

Rather, these colours represent a quantum property.
When combining to form hadrons, quarks and antiquarks can only exist in certain colour groupings.

The carrier of the force between quarks is called gluon [glue]
H is recorded as the lightest atom that are made up of quarks, biaps and zedes.

Quarks, biaps and zedes are beyond weight or weightless, having no-sum, together they form a specific pattern

That glue is Femi9 electron energy that is holding the nucleus all in place

Zedes are without form or sum, as you know it on your seven-realm existence, the first being the physical plane, the second beyond the plane of force.

These two planes identify sums, or the equivalent of manifestation
Man-in-fesation, from Middle English infesten, to distress from Old French infester, from Latin infestere, from infestus, meaning hostile, he is hostile to nature.

Sia and Hika are two companions of Re and Sia is the personification of perception, shape, form, pattern who work together in Huhi with Hikam and makes the world of created things possible.
So, Huhi, Hika and Sia are triad principle [gods] responsible for the consistent and perpetual pattern of that which manifest in that which is created and made, and that tone or utterance [144OM] is Aum = Om.

Hika miracles, magic {Magi] and the manipulation of elements and chemicals of nature
Hu [Hu] Huhi [Huwa] is the etheric counterparts of the netherworld [subconsciousness]

This is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, your dimensions are upgrading, the holographic universes kodes have once again upgraded and Istal [meditation] is beyond words.   

These beings once dwelled in this realm and now they are guiding forces from beyond this world, working as the involuntary, to the voluntary in the HuMin [mind] body.

(7) Outer-space [go there] and leave this arena, connection to source is vital.   

As above, so below, what you are seeing in your Istal is what we are seeing in space, deep space, same waters above and below. 

The creation of this planet, soular system is one of many others, this incident was not at the beginning of all things, but in the beginning of an on-going event.
As you know, this planet is just one of many in this soular system and even less important in the universe.

It is egotistical and naïve to think that no other intelligent life exists in the boundless universe, except here on seventh planet in, third planet from you sun.

Solar means sol = sun and Ar from Arinna [Sun Neteru] from where you get the word arena from and you get Sol-Arinna, two of the great suns Aum and Sal, which later became Shamash.

And you have a system which is systematic. 

We don't have much time left of their reality and we will have to go off radar soon, below enemy lines soon.

13th frequency 

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