Friday, 10 April 2020

Blind Ambition

Testing, testing one [two]

In this new paradigm have you seen how clear [clarity] the environment is, like yesterdays Himalayas image that for 40 years or so those in India couldn’t see the mountain range and for the first time in 40 years all is seen, for the first time in decades the sky is clean in China, in two weeks one of the rivers in India is now clean, in two-weeks of India being shut down, the river is clean, the plant life is also growing back, rehabilitated, in two-weeks, what does that tell us, what does that show us, that these people are dirty, that nature can recover from his interference, two weeks did more than any child activist could do, the problem is you.

Take the HuMan out of the equation and the solution is found. 

When the machine world shuts down nature just heals, its automatic that this planet heals, the process of life is healing, growth, when man steps aside the planet and the plant and animal kingdoms come back to life, have you seen the animals venturing out, many cities, towns, homes sit on old land that these animals once roamed for 10’s of thousands of years before he took over.

Animal trainer or farmer does not exist because these kingdoms were built self-sufficient, yet without these kingdoms he would perish, animal trainer is animal conditioner because all you are doing is conditioning that animal to do HuMan things, like sit on a stupid stool with one paw in the air.

Whether this is five-g or whether this is a virus that they created and that nature mutated and gave it back to them, regardless, the end outcome is still the same.

The shutdown or slowdown has caused the planet to flourish, all animals know what is going on.

This is a test and many want the 3D system back, many are bored, many want to go to work, many have to stay in the house with their family and hate it, what is normal for HuMans is chaos for all other life, nature, the planet and the most-high are not going to choose you over all other existence.

The lesson plan is showing us, is that without you HuMan and HuMin and the machines, that the planet vibrates, she flows, without the planet you die, with you the planet will die, I wrote this 5-6 years ago and don’t tell me that you cannot see this, all because of your lifestyle, the way you live, you have no boundaries.

Your ambition and greed drives you, and you take and have never given back, 27,000 trees alone cut down so that they can make toilet paper because of all the shit you eat, we never had to wipe our asses because we are plant-based HuMin Beings, we never ate meat or ate fast-food.

Nature provided everything you ever wanted, they cut out the middleman and just supplied, supplied nothing you ever needed.

So, here is your test, when this [CV] eases up, which it will, there will be an incubation period, nature is a teaching program and before she wipes you out, she wants to see what you are all about.

So, will you go back to the way you were living before or will you stay on the ptah, that is the test, will you continue to be part of the decimation and annihilation of nature and her creations or will you find a way to coexist with her, obviously we can live without the machine world because all the factories are shut down [accept Skynet] and those deemed the 3rd world are still here with us, in fact the so-called 3rd worlds are still here full stop, [what inventions or creations has this world really made, really, the 3rd worlds are not even trying to keep up but yet they are side by side with the 1st world, will they swap places, we don’t need your money system, your education system, we don’t need your economic system, your religion system, your consumer systems, we don’t need your microchip digital money system, all you need is to work in cooperation and with the universe, think about this because nature is watching, she is watching us all for the outcome, your thoughts are controlling the flow, you are also controlling NI.BIRU. 

Nature already knows what the bulk of the beings on this planet is going to do, that is why I rate her, she always knows, the Femi9 wombman(s) organ (brain) is about half a pound more heavier than mans and that half-pound means they can process things a tad bit faster than you can and that intuition that she has is poWRA-ful.

When you go back to your normal, this is when the judgement will take place, we are in judgement waters now but she is testing us all, the currenSea is charging, what say you, the new Ki [earth] is for the worthy and she is making her judgement, she wants to see your mindset or are you going to revert right back.

All I read about is starting your own business, and war, yes I know its 2020 = 4 and 4 is foundation, building, but many out here have got their wires crossed, the year doesn’t mean build in the inferior world, the machine world is not a kingdom nor did nature give her approval for any concrete jungles, the planet can exist without you but you cannot exist without her, don’t you see what she is doing or have you got your head so far up in the clouds that you cannot see what she and her forces are doing, after what she is doing do you think that she will allow you to continue to destroy her work.

She is warning you and she will not warn you again, this is your final warning.

You have to realise that you are the virus on this planet.

You don’t have to kill her softly because of your blind ambition.

You are not building for this world, your Magi [manifestation] is about the nu world, what would you create, yes schools and business but what, in a 5D[G], keep nature in mind and create, look at her and then look at your imagery, what do you see.

We are in a world of shit right now, but like Bill said, its a brighter day.
[Bill was 81] are you doing the maths.  

Stay on natures ptah, the (ptah) of least resistance.  

Take the vaccine so they can bring you online, so they can give you the microchip that is inside the vaccine, why, because the A.I is running the planet [Amazon] is Skynet.

Cloud Atlas
Neo Seoul apartment, when they first come into the apartment it is run down and he turns on the internet and it looks like these images above and below from the movie Cloud Atlas, that is the internet wall that they need you to come online with moving forward for their N.W.O. in order to do this you need the microchip.

All the CEO's are stepping down to allow the A.I to take full control.  

Melanin [Greek word] protects you from these things like UVC+ and is intelligent, but not if your Melanin is polluted, most of the people that are dying from this [CV] are melaninated recessive beings and the melanated beings also and in the USA the ones are also dying from it are melanated beings why, because your melanin is polluted and many have additional illnesses mixed in with this CV [chest-respiratory-diabetes-asthma-lung problems] that they are really dying from things like the CV and red-iron-oxide, these people are already dead, the vessel is already gone.
Melanin is condensed sunlight   
¾ are not going to make it [dead souls] that includes both the 6 ethers and 9 ethers.

Many of you are going to die from a lack of knowledge, use your 3rd eye and see what is going on.
The entity on this planet would rather blow her up than relinquish his power on this planet, he won't let go of her without a fight, one on one. 

Cloak crafts and in sum others places semi-cloaked and in others full mode
other crafts are in the background, remember there is at least 7-billion beings that should not be here and is to why over 300 war planets and 72,000 crafts have assembled in and out of this dimension.

Kali-fornia sunset taken yesterday, we know the binary sun is here

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

The field was down yesterday completely, into today, this means sumthing came in or is coming in that will be raw, unconditioned, the electric field of the planet is going down to make the shift [pole] aka you shifting in consciousness once again. 
Cosmic radiation, soular stream which is all energy is streaming in and will cause headaches to power cuts, internet problems, body problems+ all the way until 15th, there will be positive and negative exchanges like with anything in this phase. 

View things in the 4[5]D and in energies.   

Radiation aka energy is being pushed straight back into this planet on a 24hr basis
We are in the thirteen frequency [13] all colours are chakra energies. 
The Moon was again on Full-Mode with radiation [energy] streaming from the deathstar, this is for the last 5 days   

Schumann [100hz +]

Read the signs, can you see that they are running to the hills, going underground, they are leaving, all your tv people, your famous people, this is nothing to do with the [CV] don’t get me wrong, there is a CV out there, bypassing this front, this is about the end games [recycle] still, and this is the first year of food crop lost aka food shortages, the CV is not the main reason, it is that nature wiped out agricultural land and destroyed the eco-systems around the world, this is what they are hiding, remember China was on protest in November and December and then BOOOM they unleashed the CV because the Chinese know the food is over, the Chinese and Russian people already know about NIBIRU for the last 7 years at least.

You are 9 ethers with built-in Wi-Fi aka receptors that disseminate the signals from the universes frequencies through y-our intentions [matter] in the physical world via the amplifying of the electrical changes from source, this light [kodes] is playing out through us and is being released through the planet, through the black [you] current that we can see on the Schumann.

These nu frequencies have never been seen on the machine [Sc-human-n] before and their people never thought these kinds of patterns existed, the shield for Ki is being activated on a grand scale.

A huge amount of pressure [energy] is needed for the correction to the original program installation and the nu installation, and by the disagreeable beings controlling the masses on this planet they are able to slow down the changes, delay but not stop, you see you are the virus and they are trying to contain by any means necessary, you are a raised frequency.

By doing this will send the planet into cardiac arrest [cut out] offline aka reboot >> NIBIRU will hold her, s-he has her now, he-r magnetic field is stronger than her but gentle because she is right there. 

You are the electrical impulses carrying the information [Aquarius] throughout the network and we connected with in September [Septet] Sibtu aka Sirius which is y-our internal internet network system, Septet is drawing us closer to her.



Brazil [radiation] what is that blue grid diamond holographic frequency thing going across the sky   

The moth and butterfly were climbing trees eating leaves, but the moth couldn’t handle the soular flares and so burnt up, the butterfly went back to nature and climbed higher in the trees and kept eating more leaves and went into a cocoon state and s-he flew away with he-r-U wings, s-he [Shu] got he-r wings to the fifth dimension, other butterflies stayed underground eating parasites and perished.

Crystallise [Crystal] Crystal-line and the word Al-ka-line [Karast]
You go from 666 carbon to a 616 configuration from carbon to diamond aka crystalised butterfly the melanin is in the carbon with the gold in your skin. 

You cannot be reborn if you are manifesting stuff here in the 3D when you are still connected to the 3D world

You need the mindSet of a child [pure-innocent] and be focusing on yourself [yourCells] detach, detox and deprogram to repair, reprogram and remember. 

You want the real spectrum of light which is the energy of this planet which is Femi9, and the energy of the sun, the sun that is the projection out of inner-earth which is Sirius [Septet] SIB.TU which is where we are heading towards, the sun disc is used at times but we are receiving the energy from Sirius and Re while we get closer in the mix on 61.6.FM.  

The electric field of the planet is going down to make the shift [pole] aka you shifting. 

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

We are in the thirteen frequency [13] 

Think of this planet has a circuit board and this is the central nervous system, this central circuit board is KMT [Egypt] and the Sphinx, Khami [Khemet] Kemet] Kammu is a online frequency library, the leylines [nerves] you can see streaming in different directions, and into and out of main energy distribution hubs, storage, information.
We had very important poWRA structures that yielded powerful energies that where and are now connected to the core of this planet and the hearts of you. 

The Sphinx sits in the centre of the landmass aka the centre of this planet and is connected to the core of this planet and the main processor of this planet which is KMT the land of the melanin, and to Mech 9.
 Melanin is intelligence [in-tel-agent] and evolves every 3-4 years, this substance is connects you to source. 

These are the lines of part of Atlantis, look very carefully at certain areas where so-called important buildings are and all slaughterhouses are. 

The major players of these energies are all Femi9 including the universe [Nu] Nun [Omega] Seven siStars, Sirius, and this is the field of love despite what you see out here, use your 3rd eye and feel.  

375 minerals
375 gold [50 are rare and not from this planet] and metals [koppa]
375 crystal 
= 1125 = 9 

all sitting in carbon, that is your 9 ether skin [exoskeleton] aka the Greek word Melanin

9 ether Baa (soul) and Kaa (spirit) the Kaa force is called Akh(etheric) Chi force Plasma [Khaybet]
9 ether skin
9 ether hair, hair grows out of your crown chakra and is made from Melanin

 6 protons
6 electrons
6 neutrons
= 18 = 9

We are going from 666 to 616 because we are in the thirteen realm, buckle up its going to go ape-shit in this house of love. 

Offline for me today, stuff streaming in from Thursday that are not of my doing, I feel out-of-sync with my thoughts because of this, i'd been doing alright and then in the last 24hrs the energy switched, again, sumthing that is not of my doing but i must see why, instead of why. 

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