Monday, 20 April 2020

Deep State


Everything in NTR [Nature] has a wavelength or its not created, even germs and if its detrimental to you then it can cause dis-ease and so that wavelength is now registered.

Today your government have imitated NTR and can now send an artificial wavelength and send it through the air, even though the germ is not there but your body will react has though the germ were there, this is called Psychotronic warfare, every pathogen can be recorded and duplicated.

If it can be duplicated it can be sent to you even though you are germ-bacteria free.

The ELF tower can broadcast and send you anything they want, do you have a 5G cell-phone, cell-phone, cell. 

You are not going to die from a disease but from a lack of knowledge, from ignorance

Learn the difference between flu symptoms and ascension symptoms

Your ignorant and this means you are already dead

You need wisdom to survive and not knowledge, you’ve had knowledge already.

Earthquakes and ancient volcanoes are being readied again
5D is close 
Huge Soul-ar storm-stream coming in 

charged and ready 

Not sure i will be able to post, me in the jungle, time is running out  

The most carcinogenic refinery in the United States, next to New Orleans is on fire 

Rumours of a war
Atlas is assembling and so too are a few more crafts

Masses around the world are getting restless

People versus the Draconian, A.I is waiting in the wings, remember this has to get horrific first

Mixed messages adds to the confusion to you

Watching you watching me
Get ready for war, you are going to have to fight the right revolution this time

Oil [the planets blood] prices went to Zero for the first time in your history and Trump spoke about the millions of people that have been moved over onto the new computerised system [deep state]
tic toc..

3/4 must die and that includes donations from the plant, animal and the HuMan [HuMin]

The problem is you, always was

This is a craft and is assembling itself has it is multidimensional 

Disc, this is not the sun but is being used like the sun

Decades since the Eagle nested in Arizona, signs and symbols. 

Stay focused even if those around you cannot see the imminent danger

Worldwide Events

When NTR is pissed

Just because you are safe doesn't mean your is not coming, remember tomorrow is not promised to

Snake dance 

One group have been here for over 3.5 million years at least, the other group have been here
for 3,000 years only and nearly killed the planet and her 3 kingdoms in that short time.

The 9th Gate is safe and so to is the Arc, AB.ZU [South Africa] will be made to go underwater and Kenya and the likes will be punished and all other gates out of the 72 nations for alluding with the Europeans and selling out the Muurs aka the children of Mu.

Its not a perfect world that we live in but she will be made an ideal world that we live in.

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