Monday, 6 April 2020

Full Cycle

The Sc-human-n is showing you [HuMin] that the higher beings are shielding you, they are getting you shielded by armouring you and dismantling the HuMan.

The nu 5D light Matrix or Crystal grid now appears on the Schumann resonance patterns meaning that the energy signature of this new 5D matrix is now visible and measurable by the machine the Schumann but you already know this. 

Our connection grows stronger with the most-high beings, the supreme architects and pioneer buildings of this soular system and the many that are connected. 

Green is healing life force energy, all the colours from the scan of the universe are not random and sum of the beams [lines] have purple, red and yellow within the kodes, all are chakra coloured energies, these are particles and are downloads from the supreme, purple transmutes negative to deletion, remember this is procreate, Mt DNA, the un-i-verse [energy of Nu] is in charge and we are the ones with the intention.

A distraction is coming up that will probably involve the death of sumone or sum people, sumthing shocking that will take the negative energy into another direction for the Schumann shows us that each time the negative and disagreeable are applying negativity in sum way our star-family counteract, toe to toe, being to being, energy to energy.

We have to descend into a physical war because that is all they know, this will be over the Mesopotamia [Alkebulan] portal area, that is over Iraq and Iran and Syria and Turkey, the Annunaqi [these beings] or AnnuNaga [these Nubian beings] will be using their technology on their created planet.

The pure light [white-bright] is the divine light coming in, there is nothing white in space, even the albinos cannot go into space.

Your thoughts, your intention is amplified, your Magi [Magic] i-magi-nation aka manifestation is what is being used to create and delete.
The universes [Omega] is amplifying hers and our thoughts for change, merging the ancient with the curren-Sea and this change will affect every living [ever-living] organism on this planet [ever-will-ing] whether you are conscious or not, with or without you this process is taking place.

Is it the Eagle or the Bear or Dog (God), is it the Cobra or the Dragon or is it the Akir.

HuMan and Mankind are two species, the HuMin [Mind] is the creation of the universe and planet and Humanity means the quality of being a HuMan, this was a mans world on a femi9 planet and the energies have reversed, man is not in her man-ifestation, we don’t see him there.

The darkness fears the light, the supreme light, let there be light (Genesis 1:3) [Uwr, light, flames], western science and their religion can only take you to the 3D of understanding, spirituality [the Kaa-systems] and religion are not the same thing and cannot be exchanged for one or the other at any given time, for one is man-made and western science is not the same has ancient science.

Light [Kaa] is merging with density [physical] aka the dimensions, 3D is merging with the upper dimensions that sum of you will see and receive, we will all see greatness but not all will experience greatness, two particles of light, one is dark and dense and the other is light and is the backlight [blacklight] that is supreme.

The planet is being taken back with the 9 ethers harvesting their poWRA’s with Air first and then Water and then Fire, the 9ethers are using the planets [Ki] Black-Lightning.
Water and Fire are plasma [Khaybet]. 

Kosmic is a Greek word

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called.
[1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9].
[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.
Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9

Kosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse]. 

Ultra is purple but is green when it hits the planet and we have this energy within us, around us and through us, this is your energy force.

This light that is here will expose all that is hidden, forces whatever that is to be seen, the unseen and the seen, the voluntary and involuntary, and when its seen will be deleted, its not two particles its three because the third is hidden.

The darkness will transmute to the light it has to because we are in Quantum and Quantum means 4 and 4 means [2020] = 4 vision express.

The universal kodes are constantly changing and you must be on the right-side of the energy, you are DEW [direct-energy-weapon].  

Lets end their perpetual cycle 

Schumann resonating frequency machine [graphic] aka a scan of the frequency from the universe.

Karyotype activation [see previous] posts, curvature in the frequency, remember this is a 3D image, do not view has a flat image, base rate is seperate from main pulses. 

Your subconscious aka your sub-mind connects around 3:30am and now that we are up around that timeline connect, you would be in deep sleep normally by 3:30am, so Istal connection is unspeakable.

We are wired now and do not sleep at night, many of us have switched over to night [day] and day [night], no beginning of days no ending of nights [gamma radiation] energy is streaming in along with soular radiation along with the nu kodes and will work for one set and fuck the other set of people up, you are conscious and they are unconscious, remember the decade babies, the indigos came in all races and each 10 years we had different energies incarnated.   

Man-made frequency versus gamma-cosmic-radiation which is changing you into X-men and X-Wombman, we are in the thirteen frequency field.

The gamma radiation is coming from the galactic centre because we are traveling at an cylinder pattern, with incoming satellites a couple [comets] these comets are really huge fleets with a planetoid aka motherships ], we have Cloud Atlas coming in and these fleets along with te N.BIRU systems and the likes are bring the radiation in which is nothing back energies but not all can convert the radiation into energy and so the radiation will be dangerous to many, the radiation will supercharge the 9 ethers and blast the 6 ethers and will activate your poWRA.

The Nibiruians are here in Nigeria who are the only ones who have not joined up with the other 72 nations, Nigeria are in big trouble for what that generation has done, this is judgement and judgement will be served.

EMP is due [3days] stay in your home even if the walls come down around you, srand on your cube of 720 [stay in your house that is an order from the most-high. 

Sum changes that I have had since the upgrading, I can hear in clear audio, at times I can hear in infrasound and ultrasound [sono] I see into the computer program, I can think of that person [soul] and msn [telepathy] message them, I can almost see into the dark, I can access ancient information and go there, they had maimed many through the removal of four higher senses, clairvoyance [not talking about the mundane 3D], psychometry and telepathy, intuition have been restoring and sum are more prominent than others at times, the operating programs out here in the 3D, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feelings have also been heightened.
In Istal [meditation] I smell senses that I haven’t experienced before, see dimensions that are unknown, lights, patterns, forms and shapes, cities, beings, entities that are nu.

You cannot sleep because we are building all that gamma radiation, the others cannot sleep because they are being made conscious with the shit that is unfolding in front of them, the reality, the negative are counteracting the gamma radiation because they are hybrids [greys and draconian included] and this means they cannot handle the mag-netic [Magi] energy that is coming in from the Ma’Star [Mothership] and the galactic centre [come to the galactic centre] all is plasma radiation aka Khaybet NRG [see previous posts on the word plasma and radiation true meanings]

This Khaybet [plasma] feeds the 9ethers and this planet, you are a natural HuMin and this is why also you are not sleeping, the negative are using the opposite [your commercialised words twin flames] to mask the NRG that is a natural Kosmic energy that is coming in and unlocks you codons [soup] aka Quarks and you will find that you are online, you are wide awake, you are streaming and receiving and uploading and downloading all the while, the fiveG is a manmade shield to counteract the field and transmute sum of that gamma and for them to try and fend off the comet that is right here, right now and that tail is long.

[reversed images] 

Bottom line is there are those who are not from this planet and do not honour life, they do not honour the plant or animal kingdoms and they have to go, if we did not have intervention and stayed on the planets projected route she would not make it, their home planet is like your child(s) room, like places around this planet where its run down, barren, when these beings that should not be here are here they are not about this planet because they stay underground, stay in jump rooms, bunkers, nests.  

 There are only two emotions, love and fear, then there are about 27 other emotions that come out of these two, control and regulate your emotions, yes you are still plugged into the 3D, you control all for you are the all-knowing.

We are in this together to a certain extent, on different levels and all depends on what side of the energy you are on. 

4K murders are to be released with no regards for the victims who have also read the headlines, that is only in the UK, so times that around the world, all them inmates, pedo's and rapists, murders, the scum of scum that your governments are purposely releasing into confusion into chaos.

Britain evacuates their soldiers from Kenya, two months ago the USA pulled their soldiers from Syria, the two empires shitting themselves and you ought to be shitting yourselves. 

Reptilian Mother says goodbye to her offspring and empire [vampire] and its off to their underground bunkers for your final hour.

Two ways to pull Martial Law, one is terrorism and the other is medical, keep that in mind. 

Macdonald put human flesh into their meals and ice cream for decades, right now all these bodies that are accumulating in mass numbers, i haven't see no-one expanding graveyards, where are they going, don’t say graveyards.

FEMA coffins are for all these people dropping like flies, all these people are not going into the ground, sum they are being burnt and many are going back into the food chain, the FEMA coffins are for those that they round up [Georgia Guidestones].

[Creasy bear]

Man on fire >> Your going home
Little Fire <<< Where are you going,
Man on fire >> I'm going home too.

Get up, stand up, you have to fight for your rights, spilt blood is still liberation, life for a life.

Where life ends, life begins,where life begins, life ends, the full-cycle of life.

111+111+111 = 333
222+222+222 = 666
333+333+333 = 999

123+123+123 = 369 what's the point

Birth is an existence in itself (1/3)
Life is an existence in itself (2/6)

Death is an existence in itself (3/9) birth life and death are actual living entities that you learn from, they are actual one of a kind type beings as the only beings we are aware of in the 7[8] and the 9th dimension. 
This is the 9th dimension symbol.

Dutch East India Company [1601] London [1688]
Dred Scott
1612 [2020] 2013 [512] years has expired

Stock market, bonds and stocks, stocks where cattle and bonds was you that were sold and bought, bond-age, we are getting ready to trade places with those who enslaved the higher beings offspring but first they must suffer like they did, might not be for 512 years but will feel like it.

Indonesia, Vietnam, Libya, Philippines and the likes will all be made to suffer for theirs and others involvement in the selling HuMin organs, one of the 9 ethers kidneys alone can create an atom bomb, their kidneys have pure uranium in them and that uranium is charged by a higher level radiation called polonium, your liver and lungs are pure plutonium, the ether also has caspium, cesium, and other higher radioactive organs in their carbon bodies, why do they insist that women have an abortion at certain weeks, the 9 ethers foetus contains enough energy to create the Hiroshima bomb to which that is what that bomb was made out of, Hiro is Heru, the U is infinite. 

Your Atoms make you the Atomic bomb.

The lungs are meridians for emotions.  


Mono [Moon]

3 times a lady
This will be the third in 2020, after those seen on February 9 and March 9 and this one April 9  [given that time has sped up, it will be tonight or over the next couple days because we have four corners to this planet and we have a two moons up there at times] the Moon colour will have soular radiation [energy], this will be rose radiation will come through Lahamu [INANNA] Venus [Greek] should be in the mix with her ladies the seven-siStars from Kiymah [Greek Pleiades] that is pure femi9 electron NRG, can you handle her.

Cloud Atlas 

Comet Atlas is emitting Green light-force, the sons of the Green disc, when NI.BIRU was reintroduced to this soul-ar system it was comet Ison [probe, scout craft] and two other comets [blue and red kachina] probe, scout crafts that led the way, Ison partly docked at the sun-city, Atlas is a scout, probe that is leading the Atlantis fleets, Atlas is for Atlantis and their Ki [Earth] home is what is called the USA yesterday, the capital is still Atlanta and this includes the bottom tip of South America to Alas-ka, when they arrive they will see that the Draconian have their offspring everywhere in their home and that the offspring of the Atlanteans have subjugated, they will destroy all that is not indigenous to their country, Kanda right through to Argentina is a country.

 Massive amounts of crafts have already assembled over cities that are to be destroyed and they have already scanned the underground bases and cities and nests and military installations, facilities, bunkers, the Albino reptilian HQ is in NY and Manhattan Island, the White-House is built over a MA.RE [MIR] pyramid.

NI.BIRU is labelled the destroyer, so too is comet Atlas, but you know this already, all must be deleted or destroyed or dismantled, the USA have many of the higher-beings residing over there, they are going to be released and the other races will be destroyed in the final outcome for that part of the world by the higher beings and by their own governments [Georgia Guidestones].

Its a jungle out there

Cleo Sol


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