The frequency of planet Ki [earth] transferred into the [Schumann
resonance] which is the man-machine invented to record the heartbeat of this
planet, the machine is a guide, the 9 ethers are the extensions of this planet’s
heartbreak and are the resonating vibration along with the Indigos who came in
all races.
The planet pulsates and is the frequency that creates
y-our reality, the fixed rate of the planet was 7.89hz and in real time the
frequency has quadruped and also carries a secondary pulse, the machine is a
guide but for the rest of us you feel the resonating frequencies, the shift in
In order for you to survive within this nu-energy-field
you have to match the nu vibrations aka the nu frequencies.
Ice exists on this planet but didn’t before until the
invasion, the frequency is bringing the heat, called climate change, global
warming and is melting and heating up this planet to never before seen in this
man-made part of history, this planet is a tropical planet.
If you do not match the frequency [heat] you will not
exist, you won’t be able to function no more, you have to adapt to the nu programs
or die [recycle] with it.
If you do not match the nu frequencies you will end up
looking sick and will manifest [magi] into a virus, many simple do not know
enough information about this electrical universe and you were never taught
about frequency and now many will suffer and its not their fault, this is for
many but will also fall on you for the knowledge is out there and was down to
you to seek it and apply the data but many of you choose to ignore it and do
other things and many of you are just commercialised and now you are realising
that your Yoga [Yuga] mat is about as close as you’ll ever get.
So, if your thinking about FEMA camps, the [CV] and the
people and so on, that is where the frequency is going to take you, that is
where you are going, I’m going to run out of food, then that is what is going
to happen.
This is a natural judgement coming in from nature and has
manifested [magi] through all the wickedness that has gone on since they got
here, they have been on this plane, this planet for so long that all has
manifested as this.
[CV] aka SARS2 that manifests into C19 [for example you
get HIV and that manifests into AIDS] the reason why I’m writing this is
because its still a SARS virus aka CV but is a mutated version, weaponized by
your people and then nature took hold of it and added her weight behind their
cause and now the thing has mutated and is out of their control and that is the
real prophecy.
Man plans and nature wipes out, they had their plan for
Agenda21 but that is not happening on this watch, the New World is ending
before they can even get it off the ground, they were given a certain amount of
time to reign and that expired in 2019 [2011] and the 512 years is done and
that is what you are seeing manifested right now and the planets vibration is
grand rising, the poles started moving with cause during the week has the
consciousness consumed the planet, when many become aware this sets off a chain
of reactions within the frequency empowering and charging the energy thus the
poWRA strengthens.
The maths involved means there would be less destruction
than what you are seeing right now around the planet this is how it had to work
out naturally, watch what you are feeding your thought.
New World Order started with Christopher Columbus, he
discovered the New-World fro them right, which was always there, they were in caves and mountains, that was their New-World and this is the End of their
[New-world-order] but you guys are still feeding them your energy, so many
people out there on social media sites saying one thing and believing another
and mixing data, with no clue whatsoever, the judgement is coming for you and
them, this is who this frequency change is for, to end them and begin you
because you are on their frequency.
Sumone emailed me today and said that she was recovering
from CV and I just kinder of ignored her because I’m not on that frequency,
there is a real misleading theme going on for many and I have to watch from a
distance, these are people who claimed to be spiritually inclined but they were
mainstream from day one, dawn of a new age or dawn of realities.
Watch a movie called the Sphere.
The FEMA camps and the vaccines and the virus and no food
and the likes, you are manifesting these outcomes and what are you doing
hanging around these 3D minds, you were to separate from them, you cannot ok
them or you have to go down with them because nature doesn’t have a 14-day
money back guarantee.
The rest of us are manifesting [heaven] for ourselves,
that this is what is due that this is needed to wipe out their mess that is
over this planet, and whatever that is about that is what it is about because
that is what our frequency is on, the higher realms while yours is on the lower
realms and that is where you are going and that is why we are being separated.
No one wanted to stop and step back, so the universe
forced many to stop, she even caused dramas to get you to where you are today,
when many of us think back, this started for you in 2009 and sum in 2011 and
sum in 2016, all these are in waves, they had been getting those with sight
ready from different time points depending on their levels of knowledge [Nrg]
at the time.
You need to be using your 20/20 vision and see the real
picture, this is nature and her forces that are in control of what you see
going on, sum of you are going to stay with them for the next illusion
[program], they are getting sick from their soldiers to their famous to their
leaders who are all getting sick, many are running away and they are dropping
like flies are you really seeing this monkey sh9t that is taking place, the
borders are wide open even though they say they are shutting them down, they
have no control over this and this is the time for you to go Pepsi-Max and get
you sum, bathe in the knowledge that you can see.
Take it easy, read, listen to music, keep yourself
isolated from the dildos, ride the wave in your own space because its myspace,
surround yourself with like-minded and if not surround yourself with yourself,
stay within natures wavelength, we have docked and now we have to decompress,
we had been waiting our whole life for this, many of you were incarnated in the
60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90;s and the 2000’s for this very phase, data is streaming in
every 24hr cycles.
5-Gamma radiation is coming in and is messing many up
regardless of who you are, however you were warned about your immune system and
how to boost them during this period so if you haven’t, this is why you are
prone to what is out there, this is from nature and the universe and from the
planet manifesting judgement on those that have gone against her in the last
512 years, my grandmother never forgets, she may have forgiven but she has
never forgotten.
The word radiation comes from the word Latin radiare, radiat
meaning to emit beams, from radius [ray] from whence they get the word ray as
in suns [sol][corona] rays aka suns radius, ray was taken from Re which is properly
pronounced Ray, written Re, the true dark existence in which all light and
chaos was born and this radiation formed a rapidly expanding sphere called the primordial.
The symbol of the Iris of Re, the ball of plasma [fire]
as the Eye opened from the world of supreme balancement darkness to let in the
light to create the images.
Thus, the symbol of the sun with rays or the eye of Re.
This is the birth of your sun.
Different colours represent different levels of energies
[radiations] chakra colours are energy spectrums.
Look at the graphic below, blue is life force Nrg [blue sky is the electromagnetic field] and the green is life force and is healing Nrg.
Powerful energy came in from Sunday into Monday with the
full power coming in Tuesday, many were up with no sleep and not feeling tired
and that is that original energy because we never slept before, sum of you will feel tired, this is soul-ar
radiation aka energies, this is from a sun-system which is all the planets
because they are all suns [sons] PAA.RE [ASPU] another burst [pulse] is due,
this takes time-ish because we have to absorb and dispense plus they have to
watch the crown so it doesn’t fry but theirs will.
All the cycles that we have missed since they got here,
we are going through, the energy is picking up from where we fell, from where
we left off, we are in the reversal mode [forward] motion.
Know that we are in the Aquarius energy belt and this
energy belt lasts for 10,000 years or more, this cosmic energy cycle contains
energy cycles that repairs planetary systems and galaxies to their original
operation modes and granddaddy Jupiter just entered the Aquarius energy belt.
We are in the thirteenth frequency field and with this
frequency comes different levels of awareness and knowledge hence why we are
all at different levels of activation until we are one with her.
Femi9 electron Nrg MaStar [SAA.RE] LAHA.MU [Lahamu] aka (Greek
name Venus) is connecting with Kiymah [Kee-ma] (Greek name Pleiades).
All planets are suns [PAA.RE] and are all connecting with
one another, the internal network.
This [Kiymah] is the seven siStars femi9 electron field, this is
why they tried to cover the system up because they are afraid of her [them].
13.04.2020 13.04.2012 = 13 next cosmic wave
There is man-made radiation and there is natures
radiation, there is a man-made virus and there is natures virus, no matter who's it is, the outcome will be the same result.
The in-built-safety-mechanism cosmic shield has been activated for planet
Ki, Ki is in imminent danger from being separated from her source which is
Ratan, her sun source of poWRA.
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
There are beings not indigenous to Ki who have set
themselves in power and they have secretly conspired together to keep the
energy of Ratan away from Ki through actions of anti-sunlight weatherization
the Moon and his holographic friend
Incoming [USA]
You will start to experience issues and eventually lose connection, the net
is getting ready to shut down soon and dependent on where you are how fast.
the Moon and his holographic friend
Incoming [USA]
You will start to experience issues and eventually lose connection, the net
is getting ready to shut down soon and dependent on where you are how fast.
Kosmic is a Greek word >> [1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm
sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Cosmic Ray or lights called >>
Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic
light, or black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet.
[1] Haru [2] Asar
[3] The Hidden One.
Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9
The ancient ones made the beginning, be-gene or Genn,
Jinn exist by using the science of the Circle and Square un-identical twins
Let me begin by telling you of the beginning, that is
before the physical Ginn [Jinn] be-ginn-ing
Hu-Mins [creative fertility]
Sleeping giants, sleeping satellites are awakening.
The clock of destiny ticks on and nature manifests her
judgements out of darkness
Tick Tock the body is going to Rock.
Both species, the Nubian and the Albino both have reptilian forefathers, one cares and the other doesn't, one honours life and the other doesn't, one is positive and the other is negative.
And it is Metu [Mother] and her forces who will have the final say.
Dwarapa [Kali] Yuga [Age of Aquarius]
Dwarika [Dwarapa] Nagri [Naga] is the HQ for Hari(HerU) Krishna Ki-Ng
dome [Kingdom]
that is in Nagaland that includes Tamil, Sri-Lanka, Nepal which is called Japan today, from Afghanistan to Russia.
Sumerian text with Shiva
Dwarapa is one of seven cities and was original called
Kususthali [Kush] Cush [Susa]
Sumerian text with Shiva
The dark lord
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