I’ve been touching on the Dogon [Mali] people because the
Septet [Sirius] Seven-Star-siStars-system play a heavy role in the energy
exchange that we are connecting with, we connected with Septet [internal
internet] in September.
The Dogon(s) went into savage mode when the Arabs
subjected the Dogon to their version of Islam, but this savage mode was part of
a decoy, when the Arabs got there [Mali] they deemed the Dogon so savage that
they said that the Dogon didn’t deserve Islam, thus they left them alone and
thus the culture was preserved, now apply this today 2012 [2020].
Today the extra-terrestrial offspring, the Alkebulan
royalty are totally off balance as far as behaviour and status goes, aspects,
the 9 ether is at their lowest level and in savage mode, but you know what,
that is divine because that is where we want them to be because the 6 ethers are
not worried about the 9 ethers.
They say that your confidence will be his undoing, so he
is infallible now, but all is by design.
The thing is, the knowledge is intercontinental, the 9
ethers were never just in one place, their history is everywhere on this planet
in the four corners of this world.
The old testament [Tankh] Ta Na Ka is based on Tehuti(s)
work, all of the 29,000 papyruses, mistranslated but is his work, 101 myths of
the Bible is also a good read and also gives you the real names for Samson and
Delilah, basically you cannot just study one culture because we are in all the
ancient cultures that lead into today, Tehuit the perfect sermon.
What Tehuti wrote about in sum of his work was prophecy
and we are going through his work in 2012, not the manmade book of Revelation
or Nostradamus or the Hopi warnings, the work from Tehuti is the bases for all
those that come after, KMT [Khemet] Khami [Kammu] goes live 450,000 years ago
and the Sphinx is over a million years old, Stonehenge is also around a million
years ago, the 6 ethers come out of their caves only 3,000 years ago after the
ice melted 10,000 years ago, do the maths.
The situation that the 9 ethers find themselves in today,
having been left in the 3D that didn’t compliment their abilities, everything
was built against them inside this man-made matrix and was done on purpose
because of who they are.
The higher beings worked with that and since 1920 the
energy had been changing and in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and the 2000 the
energy was shaped and engineered for 2012 [2020].
If they had their eye on you properly the 9 ethers would
have been destroyed in higher numbers than what we have been seeing in the last
512 years, a certain amount of 9 ethers must be on the planet or she would go
into cardiac arrest.
They had been tracking the 9 ethers through their music
since the 1920’s and each decade thereafter, they knew from the 1990s to
destroy the music.
Where are your original thoughts at, they are built into
this matrix that is artificial and is controlled by man, they have your
original thoughts which had equated to nothing [no-thing].
Today the 9 ethers situation is the same for the last 512
years but this is for a reason, the nu Windows program is being loaded now and
the 6 ethers knew this but the 9 ethers, sum didn’t.
They have all your philosophy and data, your ancient
knowledge, they know what you’re supposed to be thinking on and what you are
capable of, each year the music would get advanced and they could track the
consciousness and could tell the consciousness through the music was increasing, they destroyed
the music.
The music does not inspire [in-spirit] you no more, there is no
genus in the messages in music of today.
Still, this is part of the decoy, because of what they
done with music, put the 9 ethers in a hole and this put also the 6 ethers in a
hole, the stage is set because now the 9 ethers are rising in frequency.
Each summer as gotten hotter and hotter and this is the 9
ethers rising in frequency, this summer will be the one.
Your connection [Septet] means information is available
to you, its all around you, you can access your ancient data, you can connect
with the ancients, do not forget that, sumone who I once knew is not here
anymore is now part of a council, this was interesting because you go onto
better things, there is more.
You being here right now means you are part of a
conscious community, the others are part of the decoy to enable the others to
raise up spiritually, in order for you to be safe others had [have] to go
through all that suffering so that you could learn this particular information
and be the N.TU [god] that your supposed to be, the [gods] don’t have nothing
to do with the physical, but that consciousness will later be a civilisation.
MindSet, your consciousness, as you go closer and closer
and develop into your consciousness its going to be a whole nu spiritual
terrain, a nu ecological system, a nu paradigm, a nu civilisation that your
consciousness will be the manifestation of that civilisation.
Its already here, its developing [downloading] its this
Ki-Ng Dome of light but have you ever heard of knowledge being called light, so
we are talking about an illumination and a civilisation of light that is
developing in your mind.
This civilisation [144,000] which is like 00000.0144 of
the world population, this civilisation of consciousness that are evolving
towards this evol-ution they have the rest of the 9 ethers out there being the
decoy and catching h3ll, the thing is, the ones catching h3ll are supposed to
be dying, think of it like this, if you have a Car and no owner’s manual or a
Computer without an owner’s manual, there are many who don’t know who they are
and that is why they are on the front-line, that is why many of the 9ethers are
going to die, think of this on a higher level [5D], because they are actually
not really dying.
Each particle [9ether] of light which is the Ba [soul]
that leaves the avatar also goes to the manifestation of the nu world, the nu
civilisation, death is positive, everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody
wants to die, these are all particles of light, the original white race if you
like, all those who die are actually forming the nu Ki-Nd Dome of light, you
have to be thinking in the [5D].
Energy can never be destroyed
You must get to where you are going because many are
laying down their life for yours, if your still here with the rates that the
9ethers are being destroyed at then you’re here for a reason.
Your consciousness is being held up by the decoys out
here and they can’t find you because your invisible, you are invisible based on
your consciousness, the MA.RE [MIR] pyramid, the ones at the top are being
supported by the ones at the bottom, you have to think about it, there are many
out here that don’t have anything in their mind, have you ever spoken to people
who don’t even have common sense or anything really to talk about, there was a
reason for this, plus there will be many that die through a lack of ignorance.
Hanuman and James Brown are one in the same and Hanuman and James Brown are also Tehuti.
None of the N.TU left nor did EN.KI [IN.KI] all the NeterU are here, they always were, all will be revealed soon.
This is about energy [NRG] because Tehuti was the embodiment of Hanuman and James Brown because you can tap into that energy by evoking him through his music, what am I saying, you can evoke Tehuti and get sum of his NRG through playing a James Brown track or his music.
Ase [poWRA].
It is Seshat who whispers the knowledge [light] into her counterparts’ ear [earth] Tehuti
It is Seshat who whispers the knowledge [light] into her counterparts’ ear [earth] Tehuti
In march 2007 a double DNA stand was imaged by the Hubble
telescope that was in the middle of the galaxy over a black-hole, the reason
they had to direct you to the behaviour that the 9 ethers do today was because
that double DNA stand was registering the 9 ethers DNA, the DNA out in space
and the DNA was maturing aka coming online, the holographic image out in the
cosmos was to show how far the 9 ethers had come genetically in the nu stage of
Al the earths history was at the primary school stage and
now we are at the secondary school stage going into college stage and that was
what the first stage was about, in the Kabbalah this is called the Tikkun which is the next stage and is called the Maat
by the KMT, there are seven levels, the Kabbalah comes from Denderah, and the
temple of and is about different levels, teachings, and one is behaviour, how
to live and mortals which is the first levels, and there are teachings on the
genetic structure of the body, it is the completion of a process.
So, today we are on the stage of the DNA and its
evolution, that Maat or Tikkun is the ultimate stage of the DNA, we have to be
online here for it to start registering in the cosmos, they found 12 more with
the Hubble, they are only showing you 1.
Today the planet is locked down for a reason, just in
case, they have a war to content with
and spirit is saying we starting this war for you, when they are busy, the
spirit world is working on our behalf, this is called the voluntary and the
involuntary, when you think nothing is going on, there is much going on, the
war is a great distraction and while that war is going on the 9 ethers
ascension will increase, they will rise one way and no other, the spirits are
Many have left, they were taken, sum taken to middle earth, musicians, comedians, singers,
poets, all taken for the other-side, all those caught up in their present
situation, what they deem important to them will never see where the DNA is
going, this is a 3D world and most people's desires are based on materialism and
is that the best you could manifest or achieve, check the mentality of many,
that is where they belong if that is all you got.
You allowed sumone to give you your mentality and that is
all you have, you cannot function outside of the matrix and now you are struck
and you had the time, sum of you didn’t even need the upgrades.
Focus on sumthing that is not tangible
Deliver us from evil, like you were living in sin,
deliver us from people it should be.
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, Nabara, Neb HerU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Ta [Tiamat] Maiden Of Life [Earth] Ki [Eridu] Tiwawaat
Chakra Light [Rainbow] spectrum
[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm
sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called
[1] Ultraviolet Light [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which
are called the Cosmic Light, or Black-Light and they correspond to the Paa
NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9] Enead.
[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.
Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9
Call them meteorites but that is incoming, logistics, you can hear the siren going off in the background and there is nothing they can do, [these beings] are assembling on the ground and inner-earth.
Call them meteorites but that is incoming, logistics, you can hear the siren going off in the background and there is nothing they can do, [these beings] are assembling on the ground and inner-earth.
Halley's comet is actually called Haile and is Haile Selassie, the 225 empire of the 9th gate, when he was reincarnated King Herod sent out a decree to have all the male boys killed because they were trying to locate his H.I.M.
The consort have arrived, its not a comet or a Star, the Nubian Messiah is near.
2014 image
Halley's comet is a craft and the three wise men are the three Stars
in Sahu [Orions] belt.
NASA image of Atlas, there are multiple crafts of different sizes in this fleet, they are coming in the same way ISON did, next set of images are the same image but rotated and toned down in places
Scout, probe, escort crafts are guiding the fleet into position
Look to the right, that three set of lights and look at the next image
This three-way craft looks alot like Ison on their approach with NI.BIRU
Atlas rotated images, four primary lights in a cube fashion
How the powers that be would love this fleet to be fragmenting, the observatories around the world are shut down but not the amateurs, NASA have to say sumthing, this is a multidimensional object that is not a comet and is a fleet that NASA have named Atlas and Atlantis is the whole of the USA+ Kanada, AlasKa and South Ameri-Ka and the Ka-ribbean.
The fleet are fragmenting, meaning that they are losing their rocky camouflage and as they get closer they will sharpen their image, just like ISON did.
60hz into 90hz [kodes are firing]
M9+ for Fukushima is due, last six days was one a day, the man made nuclear radiation is going to let rip.
Kim is dead but they do not want ww3 to kick off because China and the USA would have to go there and remove the Nuclear heads...tic tock..
We are inside ascension
[SAARE] means Star and [PAARE] means Planet PlaNET
You have energy darkness, into ether 2, you have subatomic energy at ether 7 you have spirit, at 8 you have soul, at ether 9 you have [god], for 90% of hydrogens life time, this is the main activity of a star as a HuMin to reproduce its kind.
This period of burning hydrogen at a consistent rate designates it as a Main Sequence Star, a light star, a light sun and is the ether state.
There is a dark star, a dark sun, the Black Sun.
This planet is not going to explode or any other planet, we are going to supernova which is an extension of poWRA, the planet is going to a mindset of 9, so are we, this is an enlightenment, we can have a supernova more than once, the sun is about to go Nova, the seven-star-siStars are going to go supernova, Beelzebub [Beetlejuice] is going to go supernova, all is the extended energy, a replacing energy that is Cosmic based, they become a circuit board, and this supernova is a rebooting of the poWRA.
plasma discharge
Neit [Neith] Nee-et
to weave
Nun [Nu] Nut Mu [Mut]
Same being secret name is Neit and Nun
All beings can interchange with one another.
Alpha Reptilian
Apep is Ra(s) brother along with Sobek and Tuti, their
father is A.NU
When Apep found out that the HuMans where erecting the
star-gate he left with two motherships bounded for Ki, NASA tried to take them
out and that was the comet Apep or Apophis that they named and said was on its
way to this planet.
Apep uses the Hindu Avatar [Kristina] the green avatar
goes brown because of the Iron in the blood.
Sata [He who walks on two legs (serpent)
Apep (The Great Snake, The Great Enemy)
Apophis (A-Pa-Fis) Giant Serpent) also called Apep
Apep Apophis Tarnush also known as Beelzebub, Humbaba,
Zuen, the Dragon, Satan
Waas [staff]
Vajra [Tamil]
You need Extra-terrestrial DNA to use
A.NU carries one that is the most advanced and can change
Powered by a small liquid called Naquadah element 125
cell, the Waas is also called the Montauk, and carries a Khaybet [plasma] ray,
per 3 seconds.
This is only 3,000 years ago, NIBIRU has been on its way
for 3600 [36light years]
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