Saturday, 18 April 2020

the Fat Controller

We are inside the groove

Alignments are taking place


These plagues have been coming since the 1300’s, when they invaded the 9th gate the land was put into famine until they left.

Every 100 years since they put the offspring of the Annunaqi into slavery the higher beings sent in devastating weather and plagues and diseases and droughts in waves for the last 500 years, 1920 and now the USA is about to repeat in 2020.

Temperatures are set to rise in the USA and the West of the USA will be burnt alive first, this is not a natural occurrence, anywhere that the orcs and offspring set-up, nature [NTR] and the forces destroys any habitat that you artificially set up.

Overall the planets temperatures is set to rise and break your records, remember this is a tropical planet, we never had winters, when they tell you what the weather will be like the next day is because they have been modifying the weather since they got here, however NTR has taken over the controls and we are returning back to factory settings.

Switzerland is showing its allegiance to the USA
When the second war was over Hitler and his SS-witzerland went to the USA and Hitler lived out his remainder in Brazil.

Switzerland does have nests, huge amounts of nest [reptilian] in the alps, Austria also, their male offspring are sum of the most barbaric of the European men out there, the European male and the European female are different from one another.  

Who the flag is for really, our star-family are in the skies and this is nothing more than a token gesture, we have never seen such behaviour with a flag, many have died for a flag, such small things means a lot to many, have that, take it with you to wherever you are going but this type of behaviour is to be deleted off of this planet, we never had flags until the orcs arrived.

One of the Malaysian planes that went down had the team from Australia that had found the cure for AIDS/HIV and a team from China who had invented a chip that fitted inside the groove of a golf ball and the plane was destroyed and here today Gates is in play, he wants to wipe you out before NIBIRU does.

Millions are dying around the world from a virus and is a pandemic, really.

You can see where the shift comes in and curves, remember this is a 3D model, for 10hrs
the vibration hits 90hz to110hz and levels off and again before the graphic cuts off.
Watch your emotions, we have to step up in vibration and match the nu frequencies, they are gently rising the frequency, we have had 190hz around a year ago and we have to hit 432hz.

5G towers are being destroyed, people are not stupid, better to die trying than to leave the next generation vulnerable to what we should have done. 
Cosmic poWRA is streaming to this planet
Earthquakes are pounding the planet 
Loads of alignments from planets and each planet has a energy signature and all is streaming to
this planet. 

Sprites [Spirit] Kaa [Akh] USA 

Frequency sphere, light holds frequencies

NIBIRU is coming from the spiritual world into the physical world, the earth [Ki] is already in the 9D. 

NIBIRU is bending time = light, they have tilted this soular system, the earth, the moon, the sun and the entire soular system for their desired outcome, we are under the StarStations supervision.  

NI.BIRU there are many other names for this Star-Station, this is the chosen chariot of a group of Supreme Beings, who are also Guardians and Providers of many Soul-ar systems.
This is our magnetic sun, the one they fear the most, Re (Sun) is pushing back further to make room for NIBIRU who will rule the Northern skies and Re the Southern skies. 

NI.BIRU is a cube that whence is in motion the Star-Station revolves and rotates, and creates an orb, giving the impression of a globe or planet structure.

The word NI.BIRU is from the ancient Sumerians as found in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramic and Ashuric as NA.BARA (Nabara) to raise, to elevate, to go up.

The Star-Station(s) is coming from another dimension, the spiritual dimension, for NIBIRU is a spiritual craft and is stripping this dimension down and upgrading it to theirs in order to meet the requirements, number9, in physical appearance the composition of NI.BIRU is; antenna at the top, 1 of 4 stones, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, placed at the top part of the craft, Solar panels the size of pin heads, top and bottom.

4 magnetic force areas (they look like panels) the panels are in the middle part of the craft with the Emerald stone in the centre, in the middle that rounds around the cube is a magnetic conductor, hologram beam at the base.
Jupiter sized+, cloaking device, crystal top frame, then middle splits and the bottom also has a crystal frame+
Travels at light-speed.
The Star-Station is emitting a pulse you feel, sense the Soul Master, not through sight, the human-eye-sight, the inner minds eye.
The same coordinates as the EKUR (Giza) are the same for light-speed to which NIBIRU travels at. 

NI.BIRU does have an environment, only those genetically calibrated for transformation and transfiguration will be transported there.

NI.BIRU is multi-dimensional, holographic, cubed, Tetrahedron, Metatron, Mir (pyramid) shaped Star-Station, they can form any shape within their sacred geometry that they brought with them.
There are more than one NI.BIRU(s), 6-8 satellites also shadow the main Star-Station, making nin9 when in unison. 

Also known by;
#Merkabah chosen vehicle of the elite
#NBERU (Throne)

There are many names of the same source, reflecting the different time periods, different interpretations from the different cultures and civilisations that recorded and interacted with the Supreme Beings.

Since the Star-Stations reintroduction to this Soular System, that is named the 18th-Draco System, they have been guided in by the 144,000 souls who are managing the Star-Stations final approach, there are no crew members sitting at the forefront or captains log of NIBIRU, they have been in and out of time zones, realms, expanses since they got here, these are entities, spiritual masters, ether-beings, nin9 level, the highest number in the universe, they are (God) level status, they are not here to serve us, we go to source.

The craft emits a pulse, a frequency, yes we can see the StarStation, for a minute, the dimensions of this world have been upgrading, sum at a different rates depending on which four corners of this world.
The upgrading is being done to match their dimensions, the upgrade applies to you, you do not use your humin eyes to see NIBIRU, and at any rate you they are emitting a pulse, frequency, tune-in and drop out, inner-eye meets red-eye. 
We are involved in a soul evolution it’s not a revolution, we have been here before, all is merging into one. 

NIBIRU has locked this soular system down, no-one or being is leaving, the federation are present and are streaming over the skies like they own it, a stand-off has been occurring, the Vatican and NASA have been in dialogue, after top secret you have 38 levels, above that is a handful to 30 mixed beings that have made earth their home, unfortunately, they are not from nature and so must leave.

The Annunaqi [Anu-Naga] want to walk the earth, many of us are still trapped here, many cannot break rank, the elite members are still here but the earth must be purified before this can happen. 

SA.HU (Orion) Septet (Sirius) has changed, there is a huge amount of activity taking place, the Gateway is surrounded and protected, no-one is leaving, the only way out of here is through Sahu.

The three stars or three Ki-ngs are from the 19th galaxy, this is a holographic Gateway.

Behind the sun and NI.BIRU is the spirit world aka the holographic program. 

Ultraviolet is purple and when the rays [radiation] hit the planet is Green and Green is healing life-force energy aka Chi-force.

Blue is life force energy [radiation] 

Crafts are being seen in cloaked-clouds and semi-cloaked and in sum places no cloaking at all, there are four corners to this planet.

Did you know that colonialist reported a population of at least 50 million American Indians in North America in the 16th century, and that today the United States has a population of 45 million Nubian Americans.

According to studies, they show that on average 45 million Nubian people in the U.S. have at least
1-2% of Native Atlantis [American] ancestry.

It’s also been reported that on average, 5% of Nubian Americans (2.225 million) have at least 12.5% American Indian [Indus] ancestry, equivalent to one native great grandparent and their forebears.

Even if it only takes just 2% of DNA to carry the Paternal or Maternal Haplogroup, on average, 2.225 million Nubian Americans may be walking around carrying Atlantis Indus Haplogroups

Which is interesting but is viewed as a threat because there are less than only 5 million registered American Indians left between the US and Alaska all together which equals Atlantis.

This means that there are just as many Nubian Americans walking around carrying American Indian haplogroups as there are Federally recognized American Indians in the U.S. alone.

45 million American Indians vanished, while on average 45 million Nubian people in the U.S. have at least 1-2% of Native American ancestry and you still haven’t figure it out.

The Mongolians were brought in to breed out the Negroid

 Melanesians [Melanin]
 Proto Oceania
 Nguzu Nguzu and Moai [Maur] Muurs [Moors]

The Nguzu Nguzu is the traditional figurehead which was formerly affixed to canoes in the Solomon [Sol] Islands.

It was attached to the canoe's prow at the waterline, and was held to provide protection during expeditions.
Nguzu Nguzu is similar to the Moai, which face away from the ocean and towards the villages as if to watch over the people. 
The exception are the seven Moai which were placed facing out toward the sea to help travelers find the island.

It is important to note that sum  HuMin beings actually have heads that look and are shaped exactly like the Moai, not the way the Ulmec [Olmec] heads or Kemetic and Ifa art is crafted.

The Moai are monolithic statues, with heavy brows and elongated noses and a distinctive fish-hook-shaped curl of the nostrils. 
The lips protrude in a thin pout. 
Like the nose, the ears are elongated and the jaw lines stand out against cut short necks.

The closest to a HuMin-looking Moai is one particularly kneeling statue known as Tukuturi, which has a realistic dome head shape that is completely round, as well as having a rounded nose.

In a critical study, Anthropologist Dr. Alfred Metraux from the staff of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu Hawaii stated that, It is almost a dogma with many scientist that the Easter Island Culture has strong affinities with Melanesia and that Polynesians found on the island in the 18th century represent a second wave of HuMins who found there a Melanesians substratum.

The Physical Anthropologist by the name of Quatrefages was the first to mention in the series of skulls of Easter Island, several skulls apparently old which are very close to Papuan skulls.

The acknowledgement of the Negroid Easter Island skulls rest principally on the discovery of 36 skulls collected on Easter Island that were determined to represent 4 Australians, 22 Melanesians, and 10 Polynesians.

In 1923 an anthropologist by the name of Dr.Dixon determined that on the basis of cranial, length-height and nasal measurements, that the early Easter Island population was composed of Proto-Negroids. 
In 1931, Anthropologist by the name of Von Bonin, using metrical observations determined that those early Easter Island Skulls had no racial affinity to such fringe races as the Maori, Moriori, or Ainu [ANU]. 
In several characteristics, Polynesians combine into a natural craniological group that is different from Australians, Tasmanians, Melanesians, and Papuans. 
In 1939, Anthropologist Dr. Henckel, on the basis of eight particular skulls believed that the Easter Islanders were mainly Melanesian. In 1951, Anthropologist Dr. Imbelloni favored the idea of an earlier Negroid and later Polynesian migration to Easter Island.
The legend of the war between the Long-ears and the Short-ears is well known to anyone familiar with Easter Island ethnology.
In the legend the long-ears - men, women, and children - were burned alive and all were killed except two men who escaped. 
The Short-ears followed, killing one of the survivors and leaving only one Long-ear alive.
Carbon dating supports the evidence of a burned layer of soil in a ditch where the battle had supposedly taken place, dated in or around the 16th-17th century. 
Maybe the Long-ear and Short-ear were both Polynesians and it was the orcs and their offspring that set the trend to make these beings start to turn on each other like they have done around the world, divide and conquer, take what they wilt.  

Author Rupert Murrill wrote in Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Remains from Easter Island that in 1919, lady anthropologist Dr.Routledge who was impressed with the Negroid Melanesian element in Easter Island skulls, although she did not actually say that the Long-ears were Negroid, she antedated a later Polynesian wave and so one gets the impression she may have thought so.

The lengthening of ears is a Papuan and Melanesian custom that can be found in their art as well. Both, the features of Nguzu Nguzu, as well as the Moai heads of Easter Island have these features.

The Nguzu Nguzu is the traditional figurehead which was formerly affixed to canoes in the Solomon Islands. #It was attached to the canoe's prow at the waterline, and was held to provide supernatural protection during expeditions.

Nguzu Nguzu is similar ti the Moai, which face away from the ocean and towards the villages as if to watch over the people. The exception are the seven Moai which were placed facing out toward the sea to help travelers find the island.

It is important to note that no real human beings actually have heads that look and are shaped exactly like the Moai, not the way the Olmec heads or Kemetic and Ifa art is crafted. That would be scary.

The Moai are monolithic statues, with heavy brows and elongated noses and a distinctive fish-hook-shaped curl of the nostrils. The lips protrude in a thin pout. Like the nose, the ears are elongated and the jaw lines stand out against cut short necks.

The closest to a human-looking Moai is one particularly kneeling statue known as Tukuturi, which has a realistic dome head shape that is completely round, as well as having a rounded nose.

Before the expeditions of Europeans, Oceanians were of the most archaic and skilled seafarers, and it is within their oral traditions that they have known about every Island in the Pacific Ocean.

An ancient Kingdom which existed in the Pacific Ocean known as the Burotu Empire was the Oceanic empire of a Nubian [Negroid] Kingdom which spanned to every land that the Pacific Ocean touched.

In a manuscript called, The Pygmies written by Armand Quatrafages, a passage reads, The traditions of the Maoris, the details given by various travelers and portraits, all witness to the existence of a Black ethnological element in New Zealand, and craniology alone can verify this.

Archeologist-Anthropologist Ten Kate brought a Melanesian skull gathered on the little island of Spiritu Santo, on the eastern coast of Lower California. 
(In the Mexican part of the Peninsula of Southern California).

There were actually 6 skulls and they were recorded as Melanesian in character and origin. 
This can be reviewed in a report called The Spread of Primitive Humanity and it's Links with the more differentiated races, as revealed by Cephalic and Cranial Index Curves by C.U. Ariens Kappers.

In this report, Paleo Amerindian skulls are described in full detail and measurements and are determined Negroid, in relation to Australoids, Melanesians, and Negritos in contrast to modern day Native Americans who crossed the Bering Strait Ice Bridge.

One profound statement in the report suggests, all these measurements make it possible and even probable that a people of the same stock - so widely spread also among the ancient Polynesians - is represented in South America and the fact that such measurements chiefly occur with people from the Pacific Coast favors this conception.

It continues with, In connection with the problem of the origin of the North-American Indians it is worthwhile to note that these similar cranium dimensions are found also in several tribes of North-American [Atlantis] Indians.

The tribes mentioned included the skulls of the Mound Builders of Ohio [published by Boaz], the Shoshoneans and Western Ojibwas, those of the Eastern Abenaki and Micmac Indians, the Pima, and the Delaware and Cree Indians.

Arien Kappers states, Indicative arrangement of these and several other North-American Indian tribes so closely resembles our Southern Paleo-Amerindian groups that it raises the question if the theory of the immigration of the North American Indians via the Aleutian and Bering Strait, which cannot have occurred earlier than at best 10kya, should be restricted to some tribes only, while others might have developed from more Southern paleo-Amerindian groups.

Om-ission and acknowledgement is lacking in western academia, as most archaeological and anthropological data has been dismissed as outdated due to racial and political motives. Nevertheless, the deeper you dig the more you will discover.

The ancients spent a huge amount leaving their existence around the world in stone, Granite and they shaped each artifact with laser-3D-cutting devices for whom the West calls primitive.

They left all these works around the world so that when the orcs invaded they couldn't pull the wool
over your eyes and i repost these posts so that you get it, so that you over-stand that this planet belongs to your so-called lower HuMins who were on the planet for at least 3million years before the Mongolians and the Caucasians came in the last 3,000 years. 

The Atlas Fleet is here and they want back the capital of this planet called Atlantis which is the whole of the west continent [Alaska-Kanada-USA and the whole of South America]

170,000 criminals made up of the Irish, Scottish and sum English were sent to Australia, they were rapist, murders, if the English didn’t want them, they had to be the worst of the worst, they murdered the original people and they went from 300,000 to 20,000+ today, and the 170,000 go to 1.2million, they wiped out the Tasmanian Tigers,

There is a strong connection to KMT, they can also decipher Hieroglyphs because they are the original people [Origin backwards is O-nigir aka Niger = Naga and the O is for the origin-al blood type, only the Nubian had O-type, no other race has O-type, [i don't care what you doctor told you, today our blood is contaminated by the orcs and offspring].   

Mparntwe - Mbantua - Mparntwa
Mparntwe is said to mean Meeting Place, the original tribe indigenous to the land don’t claim to own it, they only look after it.
The history dates back more than 45,000 years and has been handed down from generation to generation in the form of rock art and stories.
Dreamtime stories, there are 8 different skin-names, each skin is a tribe and a story about the country it belongs to.
The Rock Art at Uluru tells a creation story that aligns with that of ancient Kemet [KMT].
 Listening to the name Mparntwa - Mbantua, show me that not only the Vanuatu, but it is evident that even the original people of Australia identify with Ubuntu, the quality that includes the essential Humin virtues; compassion, the Nguni word for Humin.

Here, is the most sacred site in all of Australia, a place called Ul-uru, a large sandstone rock formation Europeans call Ayers Rock.

The place is the Mecca of Down Under – smack dab in the middle of the continent – which has stood as a sacred wombmans site for the original people since pre-historic [western recordings] times.

One journalist wrote that, sum Aboriginal people she spoke with thought the connection to crying or wailing might have been associated with Yulara, which is the name of the township where Uluru is located.

Mparntwe - Mbantua - Mparntwa
Western Academia never wants the Original People of Australia, Asia, Africa, and the Americas to remember how connected we all are.

Mparntwe, pronounced Mbarn-twa, (often times spelt, Mbantua) is the indigenous name for the place where European Australians now call Alice Springs.

Here, is the most sacred site in all of Australia, a place called Uluru, a large sandstone rock formation Europeans call Ayers Rock.

Once guarded by Tasmanian Tigers, Uluru is a sacred site for the Aboriginal tribes, and has great spiritual meaning. 
Each feature of the rock has a meaning in Dreamtime, the traditional Anangu law that explains how the world was created.

Sone [sounds] a lot like the Spiritual [Kaa] Alkebulan (African) Concepts

MUKURU - OKURUWO = Sacred Fire
MUKUYU - MUKURWE = Sacred (Fig) Tree
KIKUYU = Giver, of Land and  Cattle

According to what I've read, the name Uluru does not have any specific meaning, although it may have sum connection to the words for ‘crying’ and ‘shadows’. 
Historians recorded that Uluru is both the name of a Dreaming ancestor, and a snake.

One journalist wrote that, "some Aboriginal people she spoke with thought the connection to ‘crying’ or ‘wailing’ might have been associated with ‘Yulara’, which is the name of the township where Uluru is located.

"Then Urban Dictionaries defines Uluru as a colloquial term for 'good-bye' used by Australians subsequent to the renaming of Ayers Rock. 
'See you' said Mark, 'Uluru' replied Sky."



The Rock Art at Uluru tells a Creation Story that aligns with that of ancient Kemet, Australians can read hieroglyphs [Heru-glyphs].

Why were there Kariongs in KMT [Oneland mass] worldwide global connection, no civilisations were separate, they paralleled at times, overlapped at times, the Europeans don't want you to know this because they do not feature until 3,000 years ago, KMT is 450,000 and the Sphinx is 1million years, so you do the maths, the Australians are one of the oldest on the planet.   

Listening to the name Mparntwa - Mbantua, show me that not only the Vanuatu, but it is evident that even the Original People of Australia identify with Ubuntu: 

Mbatwa > Mbuti > Mbundu > Ubuntu > Bantu > Mantu

Manu > Mparntwe > Manuvu > Vanuatu > Tui Manu'a > 

All the original people had been moved to the other side of Ul-ura so that
you don't see them. 

The guardians of this land will be reinstated, you will see them, their ancestors are waiting to reunite
with their children, many Kaa couldn't come back because the Europeans murdered them, but energy cannot be destroyed only recycled. 

Red is Root Chakra and is war and you started it. 

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