Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Hunger Games

The hunger games have started

40 tornados rips through the USA, they said you wouldn’t live comfortably, have you seen the colours in the sky when these weather systems come in.
Holographic Pope seen at his window
The leaders around the world are afraid to meet their god that they forced you to kneel down before, all their gods are being revealed to you, many have no grasp on what reality that we are really in.
Vegetation is shutting down and in places has shut down, when did nature start dying is when the birds started dying, they fly at a different altitude, when the bees no longer OM [Hum].

Have you heard sum of those sones that many are recording, most are filming the sky when you watch the footages, those sones are coming from creatures, that is echolocation, whales and dolphins do it all the time, the supernatural forces, oh they are coming, lets see what the A.I and you do, listen to the sone carefully go to 8:24, that is the sones of creatures using echolocation, for what, should be your next question.

This is why they have been using Bluebeam to get you ready for reality, sum of these creatures you are going to freeze in the position that locks your energy so you cannot move.

When a 9 ether dies, check what was their previous existing conditions has many are being recorded with CVA.I >> the polluted vessels and those at an older age are being taken out.

Suicide is real in the field [Amygdala] can be influ-enced [In fluid] and the shot (injection) is also to change your mind into suicide tendencies, this shit is real, who is Jim Jones, he convinced 900 to give themselves to god, to kill themselves, read about him.

You are not on holiday, you are watching many just get on with life not realising what is truly going on and going to happen, but these posts are not to them, its to you because that is why you are here, the frequency is searching you out and looking for a connection with you, to resonate.

This entity on this planet, his job is done, the A.I and his 6 ethers of this planet mean nothing to him because his work is done, he is smart, I do rate him in what he did here only, because he fooled me and you and still them, the matrix is the one that I’m referring to, but every man has his flaws, and none other than their creator.
She sees straight through him, you cannot send a man to do a Wombmans work, only she or her siStars.
Every seven years your organs should be getting stronger but you eat really badly like for example, for those who wear glasses is because you ate sugary things and your veins had pure sugar in them and its not the TV, and the photon light couldn't hit the retina and that is why you cannot see right, I never saw any glasses in KMT from the ancients, I saw loads of other things but not glasses and this use to stay with me.

You emit all these colours and the colour spectrum holds frequencies, KMT [Khemet] Khami [Kammu] aka Alkebulan (Africa) is an online library, a frequency and I often use to watch people at these sites just talking and taking pictures but never like they were online while they were there, how comes from Europe to KMT is £500 and from the USA to KMT is $1.5million, because they knew you would get activated and see things for what they really are, knowledge would unlock within you, your mind would change [mindSet].

All these posts for the last year and 4 months is for you to think, whether its positive or negative you are to find the balance, whatever resonates with you is where you sit at, stay there with that vibration, that tone, that is your answer.

When those that pass with CVAI is because your body is not able to make the transition, regardless of what body type you have, Bill Withers bailed out of here at 81, that is different, the universe organised his passage.

You are unable to make the transition in the physical form only, remember that as a rule to your mind, what is after the physical form, reSet because energy never dies only multiplies, so therefore your next form after judgement is back to source and recycle.

You are ascending right now, recognise the symptoms, the body and mind and soul adjustments, hence why I always say watch your thoughts, regulate your thoughts because you need to align yourself to the changes because sum of you are not going to make the transition in the physical form.

 China is buying anything that is alive, they are a virus that consumes everything in its ptah and then move on to another area and consume everything in that place, buy what you want, Nature and the Federation will serve you, there is good and bad in all, however we are only interested in the good, the rest have to go and that includes sum of the 9 ether who will also be served.
The ones left in China have the ghost cities that they built, if they make and the remainder underground and in Alkebulan, there are over a million, however when Credo transitioned
Nibiruans would return because Credo is a Guardian [Neteru] NaTaRu (watcher) 1921 + 2012 = 18 = 9 

Earth, Wind and Fire
 fire was created by man, its heat aka energy, Earth, Wind and Heat, the fish cannot take the heat coming from the core of this planet, its heat [plasma].


When ISON came in, NASA billed the bright glow (light) as a comet, this comet was a craft being guided in with two other crafts.

Lahmamu (Venus) is a satellite but NASA tell you that she is a planet and a comet.

Comets and meteorites can, and are camouflaged crafts

When I-SON came in the craft partly docked at the sun-city and separated and continued its onward journey or flight path. 

Atlas has revealed [separated] that the fleet consists of four or so parts to this craft or are now different crafts, or just multidimensional like ISON. 

Atlas is not fragmenting, only your mind, the orbit has changed, do comets do that, no

taken over Australia

Alaska [you see the double sun and a cube in the reflection, lots going on, another structure in the middle part of the image]

Bright white holds seven colours, we are also hitting the 100hz

Kiymah (Pleiades) is a seven SAARE siStars system that they tried to cover up because they are all Femi9 NRG and SA.HU [Orion] the 3 kings. 

Big Boys
Jupiter and Saturn and Mars and the Moon throwing it down, raw poWRA with Pluto hidden but is present [notice] that all have rings and the rings contain frequencies, the big boys are cleaning this mess up.

Remove man, harmony restored 

It is the Baa (soul) that is the fuel, you need to be operating out of your Baa, the entity cannot kill the 9 ethers that is why you are still the majority on the planet because you are a poWRA hub and the planet, she needs a certain amount to function, if you died she would also die and then the shit would really hit the fan, he could just drop a bomb in Alkebulan, how comes they have never just taken over Alkebulan, how comes they haven’t just wiped many out and taken over the islands or the USA, why not kill them all, why, because they know if they took them out the planet would shut down, so they could only destroy so much, the entity cannot kill you and needs you to do you, he has to change your mind for you while you’re in-fluid and they can do this, the Nazi get the credit but the SS and Nazi are reptilian warrior class that class is what was left over from the destruction of their deathstar, not the moon one but Malduk, they will destroy all life.

Many will kill themselves because of the thoughts of what is taking place in the 3D and through lack of knowledge [energy], ¾ will not make it because they will follow blindly, this is written in their books and is true, you can see this out here right now and will get horrific, this is the last test for you, it’s a long one, ¾ will not make it, we know this already but sum do not.

All is in reverse, I don’t use the word white, its albino or recessive (all races except nubian) or 6 ether or artificial, one set calls the other white and the other set call the other black.

Google this yourself 
What are the 7 colours of white light >> Sunlight-White or Coloured, white light is called white because it consists of seven colours, the sunlight splits into seven colours namely, violet, indigo, blue, green, red and orange (remember this is their translation on their sites).

The sun is bright white and I was thinking why is he bright white so I googled what are the 7 colours of white light, and in the last days they said the sun will be pure bright white light >> from darkness comes light, not darkness, you had your light body trapped and now your body is light and emitting your seven colours of the chakra energies, as above, so below, do you get it, it was the last seven years for you to do a transfer, bones, organs, blood-cells, this is your seven year tribulation, NIBIRU has been here since the western 2012, that is near enough seven years, they have been waiting for you to upgrade, that had to happen and is to why they haven’t just come in and dealt with everything in one go, there is protocol but there was the seven years that we had to upgrade and come online, we  had 112 corrections that needed to be done, of which in 1998 we had 76 applied with 36 was being applied to where we are today.

Many wrote on sites that NIBIRU would smash into this planet, why, they made her, for one, that thought process, NIBIRU is going to destroy, they call her the destroyer, yes of negativity, and that she would smash the planet up, who do you know on this planet that kills, fights, destroys, smashes up, come on, think 4[5]D.

These beings are 9D and you will never ever be able to comprehend them whilst in the 3D and no 3rd eye [Ayin] same word its in the pronunciation,

So they had all been waiting, the positive and agreeable and the negative and disagreeable, they all have been following the timescale of the upgrade and the configuration, the installation of the nu Microsoft Windows [of the soul], and Ki, this planet is working 24hrs, NIBIRU holds her, she also is upgrading and coming online, all takes precision timing [emitting].

The sun is white and you’ve also seen the rainbow spheres around the white sun, everything is in reverse, so are they not black you are white [black], think about this, everything is inverted, Layman’s terms, so called black people are the white race, google it, why does this matter, because light recognises light and that means if you don’t have the right frequencies then its showtime for you.

Who had time to confuse you, at one point sum couldn’t make fire or had a language but today sumone had time, sumone had to teach you, own you, make you, research yourself, watch those who post about the sun, worldwide current end times events from the regular people who are seeing this, the sun, crafts, moon, motherships, orbs, and so on and sending real footage in, and on the other side, the signs and symbols are there, star-family are within touching distance.

Predictive programming, these beings and Neo and Trinity all wore black, not because they are dressed in gothic but because the black or darkness represented the melanin, it was their skin [9 ether] in the movie Knowing and when they transform into white light, that is what comes after they lose their skin in the movie, this is you the 9 ether, one is a movie and the other is reality.

So ignore this 3D for a minute, you are light first and that light is colour koded (seven) in white bright light, fundamental, has a rule, a first rule, you are light beings, what you are today came [infinity] years ago after, you are a light body inside of a physical body, in communication via telepathy , remember the sun is going black and the moon will not illuminate no more, what does that mean, think about it  

Metagene is going to unlock and this is where they made all the Marvel characters from, all are based on you, the is light that is coming contains 90% DNA kodes, you’re only using 10%, holographic.

warfare is the spiritual kodes that will unlock you and this is again why they are keeping you from the sun, the physical war is where we are heading backed by the spiritual injection.

[Chakra colours in bright white light that contains seven colours] 

Light unlocks your DNA and most importantly through your eyes, this is a soular system and you need to sungaze to get your soul energy, to unlock the kodes takes energies because you have not used this type of energy before, your skin needs this but your eyes are the soular panels for your kaa energy, the melanin is in your eyes [iris] which also connects you to the primordial eye RA[RE].

These AI robots that they have created is to fight the Metagene, why would they need to make these A.I robots to run the planet, where are they going and why armed A.I robots if you don’t have a gun, Metagene beings are activating,

Your DNA [RNA] MtDNA matches the DNA of this planet why would they make you and then charge you to live here and use all the resources, that is not your god and this god that made you would make you worship him because he is a divine being, she is a divine being, why would she have you worship her.

MA.RE [Mer] Mir (pyramid) and NIBIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara 

NIBIRU travels with a full crew 

Copying and never creating 

Sumerian [Alkebulan] 

Negus aka the Kings list is over 241,000 earth years old and there are two lists, an older one and gives you a guiding date.

This symbol was when there was four continents on the planet, four quarters to the sphere.

This is also why the Mekaba is called the planet of the crossing because to the Christians that were taught in reverse your man died on the symboled cross, and that is where your story ends about your man Jesus.

He is in a portal, tardis, he selects destination from NI.BIRU to a Kiymah, he selects helmet to leave the planet, he can choose any portal on the planet for example he can Wifi, he can go to the sun-city,
 this piece is over 241,000, so they have tech more advanced than anyone on this planet. 

Same Wi-Fi in front of guy on right and the same in tardis, no talking, telepathy. 

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Smiling Faces

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