Sunday, 4 August 2019

Zer0 Heru

We are being led back to where we was once before, cognitive mindSet, you are becoming one with it, we will not be dying to ascend, we are ascending now, look at how you go into these portals, your thoths, you will be already be beyond consciousness [Sakhu] and at the Quantum mindSet, consciousness is QA not ABC until Q, the alphabet is the other way round, its QA, the Quantum universe, these programs are designed for the 9ether only that go with the NWN [melanin] psychic abilities, this is a 180-degree pole shift that is reversing and reversing back to the original settings. 

400 years is what you must be focused on, do not become emotional over stupid things, 400 years is nearly expired, this means when time [emit] is up the programs will become available to you once again, all poWRA is being restored.  

Watch your thoths and know what is yours and what is not.

You have to have a reason to go to the centre of the Kosmos.

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