Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Why Me


The truth will set-you free, you have noticed this, 2009 was time [emit] for me to disconnect from many, I had to be real in the field.

Without being real you will not be able to keep it real with yourself or anyone else, were the words uttered to me, 2009 ushered in a nu mind-Set for me Nun stepped in and confirmed to me my ptah.

Staying intuitive to messages, knowing thyself enabled me to take time with myself in order for me to grow and change the NRG fields around me, I took the time to know myself, educate myself and accept things about myself and why i-AM the way that i-AM >> merging with the [forty] systems made I had no choice but to reSet.

You are activated [chosen] people when you choose to come on-line, what that means is that you have a real ultra-standing of your fears, you know them, you face the truth, the truth scares a lot of people, the truth has scared me for most of my life up until 31 and 36, during these times I had to do a lot of healing especially when your receiving negative NRG from the ones you lov9.

There are and were truths in me that I was in denial about with denial being the most predicable response from Humans [Humins], sum was accepting, I didn’t want to accept sum things, finding out that i-am not going to be hapi unless I speak and live my truth which meant disconnecting from sum.

There was sumthing that I was supressing for decades and it was time[emit] for me to speak that truth, no-matter if your good at what you do, the ba-r gets set higher, Nun does have a sense of humour and she will stretch you out, situations will arise and in multiple settings all designed to make you develop, to make you elevate.

I used the word chosen because when you are conscious[ awakened-activated] we are all given a choice, our choices are why we are chosen, we are all made up of these energies, it is not about positive [good] or negative [bad] >> that is just polarities << there is always going to be an opposite to sumthing.

In the movie the Matrix Revolutions, Neo gets up again and again and agent Smith says to Neo, why Mr Anderson, why and Neo replies because I chose to, I choose to follow things that did not feed my soul [Ba] engaging with worldly things that made me feel comfortable and did not serve me, and most of all I was allowing many to take from me time and time again, did I know what I was doing, yes, when I was in my dark-time, wanting to leave Ki now, depression, crown was blocked, sub mind was wearing ice-skates in my head, all stemming from my childhood, sumone told me about their childhood and then sumone else and slowly mine seemed like it was positive.

I was able to release and tell that individual which costs me their light, during times I was able to hold the truth and speak it, I was able to be me, so when I released my crown released, I moved up in degrees, my mind-Set changed.

You have to be real in order to elevate, in order for you identify, in order for you to rise, in order for you to ascend, you have got to be real with yourself which is basic 101 for dummies and many are still dummies, you have to be real.

This healing process is not going to be rainbows and butterflies, many of you still have yet to wake up and smell the coffee, your going to be on your knees, your going to be getting dirty and cry your eyes out, you are going to break down, you have to.

The things that happened in your life that happened to you and the choices that you made, the thoths that you continually supress and put at the back of your mind like it never happened, great that great things are happening for you I’m pleased for you but you will not reach your full potential that you made has part of your contractable agreement before you got here, if you are not interested, then step back from this process.

At this point in time i-feel the energies and do not feel bounded, there is plenty of work around my healing to go but I do not have constrains or anyone taking from me no-more, sumthing did hold me back, I still have to heal that little boy, he says, what about me, Nun sent many to me, she was good to me and beloved.

I-am comfortable in being me, it’s the others that were around me who held onto their emotions and masqueraded with me, why, no more why, that is how sum are, I chose positive this time, demons are pissed of rite about now, I will be staying on my ptah and walking towards the lite.

I always had my lite and that is sumthing that no-one can take from me, the best gift you can give sumbody is knowledge [NRG] of self [cell].

#To [kill] that child making decisions in your life, to [kill] the low frequency >> you let go of your wounded inner-child by forgiving your parents and the self-realisation that they are only Human [Humin], that they are a by-product of their own domestication >> the energy was different back then, let go of them and you let go of that inner-wounded child, your parents are still toxic but only knew what they were taught themselves, they will always be toxic, deal with them from a distance, you can still love sumone from a distance, you can love sumone and know how much you can take of them in a day, you must identify if you need to disconnect from them indefinitely or if you need to create space, you need to identify toxic people in your life period and that is where many fail at.

Only deal with those whose emotions are there to be seen. 

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