Thursday, 15 August 2019

Nu Phase

KUNGA [Moon] is letting off platinum radiation, again this is ancient NRG, restoring of ancient NRG, hence why everything is real heavy at the moment, a planet of the Orcs was attacked yesterday, a planet in the Zeta Star-system, many of you felt sorrow yesterday has we felt them >>  the heaviness will be in your head, a couple weeks back there were images of KUNGA with a halo around the planet, the Moon is letting off sum real NRG that will make many go stupid, the Moon does not serve us apart from when the craft’s poWRA is being manipulated for us, this is a nu phase of the moon and is burning the orcs.

Your bodies are radioactive and can take the radiation.

Our NRG flows like a Tri-angle or a mould, Orcs and off-spring is in a straight-line, look at their buildings, we are fluid and we flow.

Your life is predestined, you chose this situation, your family and environment, you are the central angel in your family you can look around you and you know that, you are different, you stand out from other people, find yourself, you are predestined, find your way, your higher-self [Sakhu] will lead you to the right ptah.

Your name is in the book of life.

 Earthquake 5.0 and 5.7 on the shores of honshu, Japan.

4.8 Border Chile-Argentina.
4.7 Somalia.
4.8 Mindanao, Philippines.
4.2 Jujuy, Argentina.
5.5 and 5.0 Vanuatu Islands.
5.0 Hokkaido, Japan.

Seismic movements

According to official information, 10 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0 degrees of the 275 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.8 degrees in Mexico. 

System crashing  
Money is going now

Sunset in Shiomiso, Japan, August 2019. The picture is taken on the ship with left part glass window, but 2 Suns are without a glass.
The Suns of [God]
The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

Greece burns >> more to come >> Greece >> Italy and Europe for invading KMT.


Pico Redhead, Madeira Island, Portugal on August 13
Informe:Lucy Ramos
Fuente:Tempo in the islands

400 hundred years >> England, Scotland and France and German and Portugal and Spain and Greece will suffer the most for the enslavement of the ANU-NAGA off-spring.

Russian Plane crash lands in corn fields after hitting birds as it took off from Zhukovsky Airport en route for Simferopol in the CRIMEA, this will be the norm soon >> planes will be grounded >> 


Dogs will be going, Kats are conscious and are here to the end but dogs will start to die off, Kats can make the shift, dogs cannot. 

Everything requires balance and if unbalanced then its chaos, this is where negative NRG is supreme, i-choose positive over negative because i have experienced both, i have experienced one more than the other to know the opposite side has to deliver the same strength has the other side does.

Much chaos that i had create in my life by default because of the things that i had experienced and at that time, i let it take over without fighting, but we fail to realise that you have the powra to restore.

The Law of polarity. 

Many feel good in their misery and it is there that you will find them. 

Do not lack the knowledge of self >> 

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