Thursday, 29 August 2019

Changing Tables

Always believe [baal’eve] in you, always be true, the shadow side, the shadow you has gotten you where you are today, these are all of the parts that you do not want to acknowledge about yourself that are deemed to be true about you, your unconscious side.

Its not really your unconscious side because you have ownership of this part that still belongs to you, it’s the art of being aware of this side of you and being a part of this side to you, recognise, but you know what, you are aware of this side, it’s the human response that you are harbouring, your in denial about that side of you and you don’t want to reveal this side to yourself or to the world, especially to the people that are in your life.

You will be in your rare form when your by yourself, one is because you don’t need to pretend when your by yourself or maybe you do preform to believe the dream, things will occur where things happen and your shadow side takes over and the shadow side really takes over.

Whatever you deem dark about yourself, so therefore you hide it and deny it, say stupid things to others and to yourself, you bring people into this false realm about yourself, depending on how you view yourself like your self-esteem and your confidence.

This brings on the onslaught of things like, greed, attention seeking because your Ba is now ego, procrastination, pity, dependence, the list goes on, you’re in there.

Your shadow self helps you because of how you are viewing life, and how you are walking your life, your life that you have created, can be useful depending on how life is responding to you if you want to grow, that is if you want to.

Sumthings that you deny about yourself pushes up on you at such a rate that you will become wounded, but you will do what you normally do to push the feeling, thoths down, but life is funny like that and whatever your pushing, denying, will surface, it has to.

You will attract whatever it is until you let go of it >> whatever it is will always be in your life in sum way form or shape and in the people you keep, everything that you talk and do will be a mirror of everything that is going on inside of you.

Know who you are and change your realities, you gain personal in-sight when you do this, release the negativity about you and have your light but without the dark-things, its always about balance, that is all.

If you are weak in one area, how are you strong enough to recognise your strengths, you are not strong enough mentally and your Khu [Mind] space is not where it needs to be if you are in deny about your shadow side.

The cycles of life, the cycle of rhythm, these laws don’t stop because we deem them to, life goes on and so will you, but on repeat.   
Identify what got you thinking like that, because you will remain in a loop that just keeps on looping with all your thoths that you created and you will be low vibrating when you think you are not.

Know thyself enables you to really know the affects that you have on your life and the affects you have on others, if not, you will always stay on the shadow side of the emotional spectrum.

Natures Intent 


Goodbye is the hardest thing to say >>

Canary Islands
Nova Scotia

Jakarta [Indonesia], Houston, Lagos [Nigeria] Beijing [China] and Washington are all sinking.  

Texas is underwater India, Pakistan and Nepal with massive monsoons are all underwater, Algeria, Sierra Leone and Nigeria are underwater, all coastal regions are going from around the world.  

Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia are under heat waves.
Southern California under hellish heat wave

Yellowstone Volcano records 2,300 launches since June
M5.3 earthquake hits Idaho
Japan M6.1 earthquake with TSUNAMI ALERT  Fukushima- you tried to fu9k us >> sumthing coming your way, like elimination from Ki. 
In Mexico 8.2 earthquake with TSUNAMI ALERT 
Mexico earthquake of 7.1
Chile earthquake of 5.0

Storms like Harvey, Irma, Jose or Katia from the Atlantic, tornadoes all spinning in the 9, appearing not on radar, weather anomalies.  

They are tearing down the ELF towers and HAARP, sumthing that many will have to to.  

Still think nothing is happening >> nature is very methodical >> all that is not from nature must be deleted, that includes humans and animals that are artificial and not from this planet, nature is returning us back to Zer0 and making way for balance.

The cube [square] 360 and triangle [pyramid] 360 crafts litter the skyline.

Why is the sun not fully appearing on the camera > 

Sumone watches you

Is this the rim of a craft or natures wavelengths.

Crafts in the image taken from Iceland, all that Magnetism >>
Purple, yellow, green, blue+ chakra light kodes for you and Ki.   

Has the wheels of destiny continue to turn

Number 9 
A Sudden Stratospheric Warming is currently sweeping across parts of Antarctica right now.
This is only the third such anomalous event in the southern hemisphere after 2002, and twice in 2010. Find out now what they are and what are their possible impacts below.

Glendale USA
Heavy duty 

490,000 lightning strikes
Almost half a million...
Electric plasma skies Europe [6] Neutron

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