Sunday, 25 August 2019

State of Mind [Khu]

States of mind [khu] are frequent for many, in and out of your avatar state, the avatar state when you are at your Sakhu [Sa-Khu] in your higher state, your higher mind [khu] and after is your Quantum Khu.

At this state your Ba’A must be hallowed, no feelings and no emotions holding you down because the avatar state [frequencies] poises rage and fury.

These states are different especially when you first link into the frequency but like with most, after a while you will be good to go, you can connect unknowingly through thinking about past lives, thinking about things that are going on and BOOOM, the frequency activates [rush over your body] and you are connected, this can happen and is regular for many, when you feel the rush you want to move the forces.

The orcs had us talking about the three then four elements, ki [earth] Geb, wind and fire, water, they are not elements but forces, we had 3 forces at one point, now it’s the five forces which is magnetism, electricity, wind [Shu], w[m]ater [Tefnut] and fire, the five forces of nature [Neteru], the Kosmos and this planet Ki.

In this Sakhu state, avatar state, your Ba’A [soul][sol] is filled with NRG, there is a portal amongst many, that opens up, like a star-gate within you allowing you to pull in all types of radiation, all in your avatar state in mode of protection, you are protecting the planet, and your ki-nd, your now konscious and are linking into your past lives, tap in and ask source to bring all that [past lives] back to me, you must also be living in the present in order to bring all back to you, everything that hurt you back then leave it, you have to be in the now, residing in the now, you may see one of your past lives and dissociate with that life, you cannot do this for then you have broken that NRG line, do this and you have to start all over again, no matter what you did in that past life it is part of what you are now.

Be in the ba-lance of nature, the balance of yoursCellf and the balance of Nu aka the Kosmos, we are here to destroy what wants to destroy nature.
Nu[Nut]Nun translates NRG of NU.

You are extra extensions of Nu, of the Kosmos, celestial Nrg bee-ings, now you is called avatars, connecting with your alien implants the chakra system, one in mind [khu] is the life [Chi] chakra [in-between the soular and heart chakra], your Ba resides in and around the life chakra.

Magnetism is what you need to link into, this is the magnetic force, your Magi [magic], all the forces deal with magnetism, so you can control the forces.

Wind and Fire are metallic, stones are iron and so on+ you need magnetism to become one [Neo].

You are becoming a force, a force within each self [cell], all with certain levels, so that you can operate all of the forces, raise your Magi [Magic].

This is the legion, what they fear the most, this is how you flow, you are to become the force(s) around you, remember a Jedi [Djed] uses the force.

Your past lives are energies. 

Water is coming in and fire, cleansing Ki and all that nature deems must be removed, plasma [Khaybet] is raining down, we watch and learn.

The dome [firmament], the roof of Ki is reflecting, double spheres of gateways, portals, realms, expanses and dimensions now litter the skyline.

Ultraviolet backdrop

50,000 strikes in 24 hours ⚡⚡⚡
Plasma Skies
Kosmic NRG 

Once the Amazon reaches critical, the trees will not be able to sock up the carbon, but the 9ethers are made of karbon and are going from karbon 12 to karbon 7, so, the artificial race is going to suffer because of this critical position coming up.

Seismic movements
According to official information, 12 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0 degrees of the 271 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 6.0 degrees in Vanuatu.

Places are having syste-ma’At-ic strikes, Ki is rocking.

Yorkshire England

Repairing our Karma, lov9 is raining down on Ki, but they don’t want us to love one another, the lov9 NRG is the frequency that we are supposed to resonate off of.

It’s hard to love out here, sumone hurt you, this that and the third, get on with it.

Chi-ca-go [Chi][NRG] and [Ca] is Ka [Soul Spirit] this is ancient land that belongs to the Muurs off-spring, Chicago and Atlanta are twin states >> NRG is streaming out.

Psyche is the study of the human soul, whereas the Ba you are born with, so how can you study the Ba [soul].

Stay with your own Ki-Nd, merge with the NRG, many are activating.

Many have a head-start and many have set-backs.  

I see many of the Femi9 Nrg are out there, young ones who are now activating, the salvation of the Humin species lies within them, we are here to enforce the throne.

More is being done to the restoration of Ki, the creators are working with you, co-creator, the creators are manifesting for you every day. 

Time [emit] is wasting

Everyday you are given the choice to raise higher [Sakhu], you are not worshipping deities [Greek word for God] aka Neteru, they are energies, we are working with energies, are you not going to be an ancestors one day, spirit guides are rite there, she is rite there, call her name and she will come to you.

You are sadly mistaken if you think this is just happening, its just a phase, nothing doing, you will be in for one wake up call, leave those on the 3D because we are moving to the 5D, don’t explain the unexplainable.

Hathor [Atheer] is rite there.

Don't break the NRG line. 

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