Saturday, 24 August 2019

Ascension Creed

How long do we have until the 5D shift >> well >> its already begun, Re is getting closer and bigger, this means he will heat you up, it will be so hot that many are going to run for their lives, hence why they have underground bases, the rays are heavy, this has happened before, hiStory is happening again for those who do not know the history, so it doesn’t matter when the 5D shift is due, are you ready is what you need to focus on >> 2020 is approaching, but it was a leap year in 2018 >> is it now >> you have been selected >> sooner or later if you are residing backwards you will be taken out of that cycle and put onto a different road to your ascension, the rite direction. 

Nu KUNGA[Moon] NWN [Dark Nrg] 30.08.19 and again 28.09.19, this Friday will be a nu moon and with that comes nu ways of operating, functioning, you can change the old you if you mean it.

Moo, that Muurian that brings the Nrg straight to this planet, you have to detach from the old you, if your still holding from the past that is where you’ll stay, in the past, no nu past-ures for you.

Mean it and have all your emotions behind you willing whatever you want into existence.
Shields 13up and glow brightly, love you.

Septet [Sirius] is dark-NWN-womb coming through.

Detach from this world and connect with the other worlds, you have the rite to get it rite, it is your birth right to do what you want but you must have technique.   

R-evel-ation, evol-ution [heaven] is on [Ki]. 

Full spectrum of light[s], all colours creativity bee-ing sent to you, the sheld is at t-he-ir most PowRa-full at 12:01PM.

Another soul-ar hole is emerging, more on its way.

Crafts are becoming as common as planes. 

Australia [spiders webs] 


The 3 forces of Nu[Nut] aka the Universe, the Laws of the Tetrahedron, sh9t is on way. 

dimensions are stacking up.

EMP Electromagnetic
White and black is write your will out and red means your in trouble. 

How close is the dome.

The multi-dimensional eye of Re [Atum Atum and Amun], he watches and waits.

M4 Manhattan [Reptilian stronghold] Montana 

Seismic movements 23.08.19
According to official information, 14 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0 degrees of the 272 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.3 degrees where the Solomon Islands used to be. 

Volcano's are at the ready, Fire, Water and Nature watch over, star-family read you, Ki the life holder, universe the provider,

The Fires rage from within. 

Remember this creature, it was washed up near Manhattan, if you reside near NY or that area, watch Coverfield, that bit9h has to come up to be revealed and his workers. 

N.TU [Neteru] they are watching and listening. 


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