Red in the w[m]ater was once described has Ki(s) blood, the
Artic-belt is the crown of Ki, control her crown and you control the temperature
of this planet, hence their bases up there and machines keeping this planet
cold, we never had winters before, its 60-70 and even 100- degrees up there.
Root chakra is next.
Different radiations are streaming over Ki, the
18.08.2019 is due, the NRG is heat that is agreed, the NRG is light kodes, all
coming from the Kosmos [Nu][Nut] it is pure Karbon.
Up there the w[m]ater was salt-water which has been pressurised
for over 400 years, the salt has returned to its original karbon-state, salt is
Crystal, now that we are melting the karbon water is going into the oceans,
lakes and rivers that have Oxygen now mixing with the karbon, to which the karbon
is absorbing the oxygen hence sum of the fish kills, sum fish are not from Ki,
but many are dying because the oxygen has been removed, the moss in the water
is thriving.
The karbon is causing the Algae to grow at an alarming
Pure karbon cannot not be taken by many, flesh eating bacteria
is thriving, karbon kills sulphur beings, dogs also, its in the water and will
be airborne at sum point
During the flash freeze, all those that were residing by the North pole were kopper koloured beings, they found many and the mammoth that had food in their stomachs, they killed millions, millions..
Karbon will be world-wide.
Ka >> let the spirit move you <<
Ka >> let the spirit move you <<
Plasma NRG feeding Ki and feeding you
Natures wavelengths
South Carolina USA
18.08.19 coming up, the Schumann is always four hours in-front, how is that.
Puerto Rico 14/8/2019 >> coast is going
New Zealand
Not all are from Ki.
Hungary Cosmic NRG Holy Spirit NRG
India [Naga] is going down with the w[m]ater >>
Greece, lovely country going down [KMT][400years] the
horizon leans forward offering nu space to make nu steps of change.
Dent county USA
According to official information, 12 earthquakes have
been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0
degrees of the 281 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.4 degrees in
Oregon M5
Colorado USA
Czech Republic
Shannon Airport in western Ireland shut down for hours
Thursday after a Boeing 767-300 carrying U.S. military personnel caught fire
while taxiing before take-off.
KUNGA is on full-mode
Crafts everwhere
Nu energies
Chakra light kodes, Orange is in there.
time is fading away, if you have to work you will not see the light, I have to do this, I have to do that, no you don't, I took down my clock sum years back, no beginning of days no ending of nights, up all night, many of you are not sleeping and not feeling tired either this is a good sign.
You cannot be part-time out here.
Former towers of Ki
And the Sons of [God] laid with the Daughters of men and they gave birth to giants, our Sun is getting ready to let-off sum massive energy, Heli-um [Heli-os] and Plasma in the next few days, the Photon radiation from Re [Ratan], the NWN [Black-sun] Rahu, the NWN hole [cube] behind Re.
Radioactive bee-ings is you [multi], you have radiation in your Khat [body], there is a Y-Gamma radiation which is also known has Manna aka Monoatomic Nub [Gold] which is coming from the Sun [Re], which means that the three Suns [Sons] that rotate around Ki charge the bodies of the Females of the 9ethers, with Y-Gamma radiation which is known has Manna [Monoatomic Nub].
The giants where here to cleanse the planet from the infestation, everything is being put back into balance, overstand the science.
Ki is heating up
The Suns of [God]
Mount Washington USA
Eyes are windows to the craft
36,000+ crafts are by Re, no-one leaves, this planet is surrounded by the ANU-NAGA [Annuaqi] and Galactic Federation and alliance and allies, the Nagas have returned in full force.
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