Thursday, 8 August 2019

Low Lights

Watch out for the dim light [supressed souls], your soul [Ba] is very bright at the moment and others are dim, you can see this all around you, you can see this reality going on, many are distracted out here.

You can see the program itself while many cannot.

Supressed souls can come from your partner, those who always had a dim light but was using yours to exist, they were never on your spiritual plane to start off with.

Reprogramming the muscle [brain] comes from the likes of the TV, from media, music, the people you keep, sports+ and those around you and the partners you have, negative NRG, many are getting themselves trapped without even knowing this, when you communicate with those on a daily basis many are clueless.

Those that are fully dedicated to their jobs, leave them there, their lifestyles reflect this, one foot in the Ka world and one foot in the physical, half-stepping.

Many are transferring NRG to you, shaking hands, hugging = exchanging with those who they do not know, staying with a negative soul, many do not get the true meaning of Magi, the casting negative NRG.

Sum of you are old souls, you were reincarnated for this very moment but are caught up in this physical world.

Your ego only stimulates your ego in the physical world and does not serve your soul, there is no-energy for the soul hence why you are always searching.

You must have control of your Khu [Min] in this day and age you need to, you don’t love yourself enough when you are controlled.    

2019 [20/20] is vision [2018 was a leap year], many do not over’stand the times we are living in, 2012 was the equation from the Ulmec [Olmec] of when the frequency was going to change, we are in the age of the divine child [Sep.tet][September].

We are in the future-line.

Sum are distractions out here, programs, use your inner-eye to see past them.

You want to go home don’t you, you are walking home, follow Nu and her Nu-mbers, her signs and symbols.

The watches are among us [NA-TA-RA] which translates guardian, a protector, one who looks out for others, one who personifies. 

It’s simply a Tama-rean Egiptian way of saying [god], the femi9 of which is Netert and the Masculine is Neter.

They are here, the ones who were sent to watch you, they came to this world stage and are watching our every move, don’t be closed minded, you can hear and see them, your light is very strong and attracts, many are here, many watches are watching, watch your NRG, there are negative and positive watches, he-r watches through you, he-r watches through them.

I decided to step back and let the NRG flow, I move with the Kosmos and stay aligned, link in with the Master [Ma’Star] program that is Nu [Universe] the universal ultimate consciousness.   

A Jedi [Djed] flows, use your body NRG [Thai Chi] to flow with the Kosmos, with Nu.

9.8.2019 = 29 
= angelic Nrg


= Abraxas >> which is the name for the core of the Kosmos = the centre of the Abyss, the Deep [Nu][Nun], this is where everyone is at, your alien implants [Chakra system] connects you to the central Ma'Star konsciousness programme [Quantum Universe].   

All three planets are inside the Dome, they are on the horizon
Plasma [Purple] Neutron is here. 

When MTR NTR [Mother Nature] lets you know what time it is.

Trieste Italy


Ontario.. Michigan


New Zealand

Los Angeles in the CALIFORNIA

Isle of Skye


Atlas V
Florida Skies

Baltimore USA

Cloaked crafts all over the USA but not in the hoods

Seismic movements 

According to official information, 9 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0 degrees of the 283 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.9 degrees in Taiwan [which was much higher than that].

Schumann >> many are on a low vibration >>

Your feet and palms of your hands are white because this is where you emit and absorb radiation and is felt by others up to 1500 yards away..

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