Tuesday 30 July 2024

Dragon Nation

The Year of the Dragon 

Typhonian [Draco]

The oldest system of worship in the world is called Typhonianism and you’ve heard nothing about this – its called Typhonianism, Ophidianism and Draconianism – back in the day the 6ether would say, your idea is a little Draconian, now if this word doesn’t exist then why is it in his dictionary

Dagon [Dragon] worship came from the TANIYN of the TO-RA-H [THOTH + RA] which comes from the ancient TAMA-REAN = TANEN [TANIYN] the Serpent or dragon from TA for earth or PTAH
TANEN [TANIYN] means 'Earth' 

Drag Queen aka Drags [Dragon] men usurping KUNDALINI [SERPENTINE] energy

The word Kundalini is based on the word [Osumare] which was originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] aka the Nagas [Cobra] hence why the Pharaohs have the KOBRA in their headdress 

Typhonian [Python] Egypt = TYP [PYT] YPT 

The ‘cult’ of the Dragon and the Dragon is in the constellation of Draco and that is the form of the Great Mother, + all of the other Goddesses – the Great Mother – and is where they take it from this one Great Mother – but she has a son [sun]

It’s the mother and the son and the son is Sirius – the star system Sirius or is known as SUT [SET] 
Septet [Sibtu] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set]

The records for the Typhonian are in Sudan which is why they wanted South Sudan flooded – this is the older kingdom that they wish not to speak about

We had this Draconian and Typhonian material up until 1904 – 1907 – this guy Gerald Massey when he went into the British Museum, he was the one who translates a lot of this material – he translated the book of the Beginning 1881 and then Natural Genesis 1888 and then in 1907 he does Ancient Egypt Light of the World – all this Typhonian material disappears and the only ones who can access the material are your secret societies – they go into Nubia [Sudan] and see all this Typhonian material – they covered over 200 [Hetu] temples in Aswan [Ethiopia] which is the Aswan dam – and they found HEBREW [HABIRU] NIBRIU letters all over them temples – it was in the 6ether Jews interest to cover it over because it would show the African origin of the HEBREW – that is 200 temples, think about that – for the 6ether to cover up 200 temples means this was sum serious [Sirius] records – they are still digging up Egypt today but yet have 200 temples up under the Aswan dam

The Great Mother [Levithan] and her siStars [Orion] Sahu and the son [Set] [Sut] developed, matured and declined even before the first monumental phase of Egypt was complete before the Dynastic period

The Dynastic group came in – which is your RA [RE] [SUN] worshippers and [Osiris], they replaced it, the Typhonian and wiped it from the monuments and Osiris takes on the attributes of Sut and Set becomes his nemesis or becomes his enemy – Set is the oldest ‘god’ in the world – before Osiris it belonged to Set – Gerald Massy wrote it all down

Set is the oldest primordial deity of all time which is also the Star system Sirius – but Osiris becomes the Sirius Star system too – including all the other Egyptian deities [Neteru]

One priesthood replaces another priesthood – APEP is the Great Dragon and was replaced by RA

So the Typhonian at this time travel up into Mesopotamia and find Babylonia, Samaria, Chaldea and into Greece [Greco] as the Etruscans – the Typhonian were your predynastic and was well before your 3,400 year bracket – they say there were 500 pharaohs in the dynastic period, which is 3,000 years and there is 800 in the predynastic which was 5,000 years – so we are round about talking 8,000 years – the predynastic is the Typhonian – from Mesopotamia they become the Phoenicians and you can see the name Ty-Phon-ian [Phoen-ician] in Western history they never explain who the Etruscans are, they show up in Tuscany [Italy] and sack Tuscany but before that they don’t explain where they are from and they come through a portal out of Sumerian – Western history also does not explain who the Phoenicians were and only explain that they gave is the phone, phonetics+

And all these people, beings are all 9ether, many had locks, braids, they are all black people on every inch of this planets land mass, the Gladiators where these warriors, they call sum Christians [KARAST-IANS] RASTA+, they were also fed to the Lions [AKIR] they were warriors, they were the Gladiators

The Phoenicians travel into Rome for the Phoenicians becomes Etruria and Etruria becomes the Etruscans or Troy [Trojans], the 9ether Greeks went to war with the Trojans, that is the later day Indo Europeans going to war with the Trojans and wiped out those Etruscans – but the Etruscans find Rome in Greece and established the Greek language and Latin language – the first Greek mythology - Zeus, Apollo and Hercules is 9ether ‘black’ mythology and is just has valid

Greek philosophy [philo-Sophy] Sophia was stolen from ancient Egypt years later – so don’t mix up the time cycle – Greek mythology is black – Greek philosophy is plagiarized Egyptian philosophy - so watch the time cycle – when we talk about Zeus, Hercules, Apollo, Perseus, Spartans, Leonidas+ they are all 9ethers aka black people, hence why all the potteries are smashed, or repainted, - it’s the Phoenicians using the Typhonian material – they had all of the religion of the Olympian deities of Greece which the later Indo European came in and wiped them out and take their sh9t [material]

These previous ‘gods’ that many worship are actually EMbodied in you – this is what KAA means double you and is talking about the energies you have embodied within you because each ‘god’ has a certain cell salt, a certain lead, a certain gas, a certain type of chemistry – these gods are called the Paa NaTaRu [99 elements]  – all this in the ‘gods’ rests inside of you – everything that is inside the universe is also inside the 9ether HuMin body, so therefore when you call on the particular entities, even though sum of the entities used to live, once you die you go to the energy form again

You have been here 7 times already and we are going into the 8th root man [mind] who were you before in your seven lives [KAA translates double you] 

You EMbody the energy around you which is also within you – you EMpower yourself; we want to get out of trying to worship deities other than yourself – all these deities are not higher than you to which you may think so – the god man on earth says that the god is on high, while the angels in heaven say, god lives on earth, that comes from the Zohar which is the esoteric Kabbalah – the Kabbalah is also the Tree of Life, the Chakra system+

You know what is on Netflix, Sky, Cable, mass entertainment is made to not contain any form of knowledge whatsoever, there is nothing to retain – even history channels never talk about anything esoteric – its always based on religion, they use that word religion in their channels over the true records – all organized religions are fake and there is always an esoteric meaning underneath that

How many versions of Islam is there, how many versions of Muslims are there, how many different Christians are there, how many versions of Christianity is there [rhetorical] these are government tools and you cannot get the esoteric meaning out of it – many are waiting for a mythical figure that didn’t exist – so while you are waiting for that ‘god’ you can never realise the potential of the ‘god’ that is already within you – you have a soul [BAA] and you have a spirit [KAA] which means double you, there is godhood energies within you

John 10:34 is says, is it not written that ye are gods and yet many will continue until their last breath to give energy to sum thing that doesn’t exist and that person should be you, that Messiah who is to come is within you, its not no 6ether, it is within the 9ether and is the reason why many will not rise up because they gave their energy away by directing the energy away from you out into the open sum where and keeps those you think are ‘gods’ in power

Take your spiritual energy and relocate that energy on where its supposed to be which is already within you, you just have to unlock – through mediation but also you have to start out on your own, you might slip and slide a few times, but you have to go through the spirit realms which is within you – you start of mentally which is the hardest part – the god does not reside on the outside, the god resides within you   



T[EM]P translates 'in the time of'' 

I saw a comment on a guys post that I follow and he covers crime, he has another channel that he shows in length a crime story and in his latest upload is about sum thing that happened to a woman, I didn't watch it but sum of the comments from both men and women were, I'm not going to watch this its to heartbreaking, another said, I can't watch this - there was a time that violence was the norm, it was acceptable, in movies violence is part and parcel - however the energy has shifted and attitudes have changed, there is also many men who love their partner, daughter, niece+ - we want peace, isn't that what Neo said when the mechanical eye asked him, what do you want - what do you WANT ????

Keep on pushing her and she will fight back - the FEMI.9 principal was deployed when LAHAMU [Venus] passed in front of RA [Sun] and a PLASMA [CME] was discharged in 2011 and that was the authorisation from RA for the reinstatement of the Matriarchal energy to be restored 

MAAT + HERU combined energy is the FEMI.9 ELECTRON principal 

Stay tuned 

Keep away from those trending, those 'buzz' words, the energy is getting tighter and those on a mainstream soular - spiritual journey with get exposed 

Everything is tEMp-orary 
LOVE is a word, its the Nexus [EM] you have to that word - love is a word, its a sound [frequency] EM

The WANDJINA realms are real - these images are 40,000+ years old and your boy Jesus and Mohammed come in 2,000 years ago, you see that lady, her people drew these images, so that means they were here at least 40,000+ years ago - what is that above her 

Cactus that looks like a brain 

The towel wicks, the water out of the birdbath, and they can drink without drowning
In the UK many are saying summer is here, but have you seen any Butterflies - the white ones don't count, have you seen any Ladybirds and have you seen any Bees - no you haven't - eco system is crashing 

Ether roses, only found in Samaria [Sumeria] Sumerian [Turkey]  

All three are the same power structure that has crashed - the UK people marched wanting their country back and England until I die - so be it 

Blackout in PAR'ISIS
When they closed ISIS temple, Europe was plunged into their medieval aka middle evil  

Check out the GBN newsreader voice - is that a man [Drag] 
Christians - Romans - Lady Gaga with a dick and Dion the children's blood addict - 
This guy Jason A is also a Christian - no one gives a sh9t - their Matrix is over 
The patriarchal + homosexual + Pedo + Nerco + Zoo + Tranny with no fanny must be deleted from this planet  

Paris - Last Supper is last cycle 
Jesus and the disciples is the Zodiac  
Its a warning to their kind, messages for them, its their last cycle, the planet will always be here, but worlds come and go 

Green hits 46hz - Red hits 54hz - Yellow 50hz - White 81hz
Each colour [energy] you can see jagged edges and each has another hertz where you can see spiking and peak hits - we should be having an increase in SOULAR activity - like a huge amount hitting this planet 

India is next door, they should be worried 

Typhoon Gaemi is on the warpath - Typhoon [Typhonian] energy fuel these systems 

 Tubular craft and probe 

One plane [plain]  

How would you know, is it by the way they walk, when they glitch
Lilith made sure she didn't sleep with Adam and because of this we can tell the difference between an Android and humans, sum cannot 

Mutant food, lab grown, why - they spent 7mins talking about fake food - food ran out years back - Macdonald's will soon be Michelin Star for many 
That lady Kate is worrying 

No children in this meme or is there 

You've seen the footage of the false veil that they have been using to cover what is in the SKA 
That guy in the window, remember Mark from fb was taken out and replaced by the clone or entity who cannot fit in that body - was that bird walking on sum thing that is cloaked - that Polish burial she was a reptilian [Draco] Dracula 

These three images are showing the same thing and we are seeing the portal [wOMb] in the SKA 

#Nice - that was so good 

 Many had their consciousness removed at birth - that was funny 

Great dogs and temp-erament 

Him waiting for you to leave 

Nice image 
[Lyra] Lyon [Lion] 
Kat [Cat] 

AZTLAN [AZT-LAN] South America 

AZTEKA weaponry - they gave birth to the Cricket bat - Baseball bat (cub)
Combined the force of a club with the precision of a sword, made of sturdy wood and embedded with razor-sharp obsidian, it was a fearsome combat tool

Despite its legendary status, the physical presence is rare, few original examples survive, largely due to their perishable materials and the ravages of time and conquest, many were lost or destroyed during the Spanish conquest, many hidden stored away, private hands, collections+ 

These are smaller ones, those in AZTLAN were also giants and were not using these basic ones like what we see has examples, they had plasma weapons and were fully technological people, this is where Gates and Jobs were given the computer that came from one of the computer rooms, where you see the doorway had holes around it for the fibre optic cables or for light rays [same thing] to pass through - point being these were never primitive people, they were criss-crossing the planet on machines 
[MAC-HINES] and using teleportation systems, wireless+ to name a few


All of the people there were what the Latin-speaking historians recorded as Morenos (Moors) in French it is Muur, where you find the Latin word Moreno, which means “black”, but in the sense of the supreme balancement, not to be mistaken with “Negra”, which is strictly the colour black not the state of God before creating the light (Genesis 1:2-3) the Romans used Negra as far back as the new testament in Acts 13:1, where Simon, one of Jesus’ disciples is being called Niger, Nigger

When you look into the Greek you get “Neeger” and they give this meaning of the world “black”, as used for the colour in today’s dialects derived from the ancient Romans as Latin and Greek

Being all of His-Story is recorded in these languages and not in the Arabic or Hebrew, then whenever they made reference to the 9ether rights, what they owned, and what they did as the civilizers of all of the Europe, on all of the European coast of Arms, you will find us as a race, not being called Negro or African or Coloured or Nubians, Egyptians or Afro-American bur rather Moor

To the smiths of the Moors (probably the vassal smith castes of the Tuareg and Arabs) were due the development of major masonic orders in western Europe.  They brought with them metaphysical and esoteric traditions and masonic-related sciences (like algebra) that were many thousands of years old" "Moorish civilization was of fundamental value in creating a rebirth of culture in Europe and throughout the world.  The ancestors of the Moors were the blacks that had played a part in the ancient civilizations of Arabia, Nubia, the Sahara and the horn of Africa" - Golden Age of The Moor by Ivan Van Sertima - p. 143, 146.

Ground penetrating radar identified a potential subterranean tunnel leading to a chamber in Indonesia which comes under Naagalan - so much still out there  

The USA is West Africa - the knowledge came from the West 
The 9ethers from [USA] are not the same 9ethers from Africa - not all the 9ethers came out of Africa

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