Saturday 27 July 2024

Roots Record

Those are antennas on his head and that tree is giving off voltages and is connected [nexus] to the world wide web by its roots and branches, as above, so below, Wi-Fi [nexus]+ 

We are not going back to being better HuMins [HuMans], I heard many say, we are going back to Africa and Africa is going to be saved+ that more opportunity to own businesses+ we see many 9ethers now leading in the 3D in sum form capacity+  

What HuMins [HuMans] have done, HuMins [HuMans] can do

Now we have left tons of records behind, tons, every time they dig sum where there is a record, all left so that when slavery expired or when we 'woke' [activated] up we could retrieve these records and over the last 100+ years especially, these records have been deciphered - from the records left behind in ancient Khemet, Babylonia, Samaria, India, South America, China not one says that the 9ethers have an economic plan that tells them how to raise themselves up via sum economic sh9t - what do you get is a huge amount of spiritual material - I didn't say religion,  I said spiritual - we are going beyond religion, we are talking about the blueprints of what religion was made out of - we have loads of spiritual material and they all say the same thing - this sh9t is over - look for a new reality 

You cannot find any ancient, primordial material where it says that you are to go back to Africa or own any type of business or returning back on top of any civilization living like rich people over a civilization that you just fell from, you have done all that already - we are dealing with the next step, the Osirian principle - the realm of humanity is the Cocoon, we had the 'gods' that deteriorated, the vibratory rate fell into the Cocoon stage in which we took on physical bodies and that is the Cocoon, the mummified body and after a Caterpillar goes into a Cocoon, it does what - becomes a Butterfly 

So humanity was the Metamorphasizing aspect of the Cocoon stage, it was sum thing that wasn't all the way developed and that is the reason why you had the power - you are the only ones that could pull this off - the 9ethers did humanity more than any other race on this planet full stop, healing while going through trauma at the same time, isn't that a bi9ch, but you took it and worked through it     

In order for you to come into a new essence of sum thing, you had to deteriorate - when people become blind, their hearing gets better - you become deaf, your eyesight gets better - you had become brain-dead [Schuman 7hz] so that you could start using the inner brain aka the Pineal Gland [3EYE] which is the brain up underneath the brain - Lucifer, that is all the pineal gland means aka light brain, light bringer, not everyone has a functioning 3EYE [Lucifer] and for many its calcified making them redundant to process data 'light' 

This world must be deleted and not resurrected, once we go down we will never, ever return to what you deem normal, this is why this stage is so tricky, many are simply not ready for a shut down - but its on the horizon - the world in which he created was only temporary and many took on this as reality - it is not - the 3D is a ghost system and is only coasting along because of the plugged in - the unplugged what to be a Butterfly and fly, you the record keeper knows the past and does not want to repeat it  

Think outside of the box [cube] 

Stay real [reel] to yourself - do not sell yourself out - never compromise your energy

Choose wisely 

Spoken word - your thoughts are powerful - engage before you speak - walk in your power

She is always there to save us but you must go to source 

Let children grow #Special 

Who dug up the planet and who let them 

TARTARIA - 9ETHER technology - natural electricity 
4g + 5g is killing you inside 

We want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth 

DOME [FIRMAMENT] EMF [VAN ALAN BELT] OZONE LAYER+ are all the same thing, the lands this side are enclosed in a DOME that went up when enclosing the lands this side – trapping us –
HEMISPHERE [HEMI means HALF in LATIN] and SPHERE = half a Sphere is called a DOME
NASAs own satellite imagery shows you this planet is inside a protective encasing called a D-OM-E – this DOME is going to be peeled back and in sum places [dimensions] this is already happening, once the DOME goes down those with a soul, ether, chakra system+ get deleted, this is in a series, in small increments – we are on one plane [plan-et] the E.T stands for extra-terrestrials – the plans of the extra-terrestrials [Plant] planet [planes] pla-Net] aeroplane [plane] plan – plain means smooth level 

Right image is from the 1900s showing a glass dome and using the term globe - can you see where these 'snow globes' come from - they know and so do you 

Match the colours - yellow [sun] gold [ozone layer] purple [plasma] black [ether] 
Check the shape - the dome is coming down and things will never be the same again 


Last 72hrs - the SUN is triggering - last set of images the CROWN of the planet is lit 
Couple of the Schuman(s) are still offline 

The planet will be lit for the next couple days from the CMEs penetrating - check the colours 
in the SKA  

TEXAS [USA] its behind you 

CANADA [JASPER] the town was burned to the ground with DEW - trees still standing in a wild fire 

And the beat goes on 

Ancient symbol that is once again present in modern day, images are from 
POLAND [POL.SKA] POLE LAND - were the poles used to be - the spiritual poles have already been moved and it is the physical poles that we are waiting on - we have been seeing this ancient symbol in real time 

2012 [2021] 

Coming from behind the SUN 

Sum thing came through - twice or was two of them 

Totally normal and in line with the Paris Olympics 

The energy separated a while back and we are now in a time where you are residing and on your street and you will have those on a different dimension than you - the 3D holds millions, billions+ 
Use your senses which is classed has common sense, YOOOO - not everyone has access to 'common' sense - a huge amount comes from denial which is the most predictable of all human responses and many are simply ready nor will they ever be - this process will be completed with or without you, best it with you 

Truth and Lies - you must choose wisely 

This was in America and they say she called the police and the policemen shot her - from the start I didn't pay any attention because I knew they are trying to ignite the race wars, many things are hitting the internet like the girl they said was kidnapped by 5 men - these social sites [Apps] operate by promoting fear, separation, division and disagreements, this keeps the App going, comments, views, streams, likes - they usurp energy, you see this girl Sonya - she may actually being playing the mother, you need to watch the videos of the mother - crisis actors, they are everywhere

Distractions, Eurostar goes down on purpose, march in London for homos and 'we stand united again'  
Police in the UK kick elderly man on the ground at airport - so much viole-nce [Ultra-viole-t] 
The reasons why is now irrelevant - chaos then order, chaos first  

No comment 

Left is a 'man' - he is playing NTR [GOD] to which he is not and right - we are done with living with the monkey brain - why does man think he is better than her 

1948 Ataulfo Morales Gordillo bought a predio sown of mangoes
Ataulfo, agricultural engineer, experimented with the mango trees of that building, creating grafts until he achieved the perfect mango in his mind, containing 69% pulp, 19% peel and 8.5% bone
A Spanish European fu9ked around with the mango and from Mexico to the world – because man has messed around with the mango you are eating sum thing artificial – nature created the mango not man but man quest to be better than her cost lives – so many places around the planet that are going down for many reasons – man is not ‘god’ and will never be in this soular system 
Aloe Vera is manmade+ the list goes on 



Metal teeth – the Komodo Dragon the largest Lizard has Iron teeth
Dinosaurs – Dino means terrible and Saurs means Lizard [terrible lizard] and was a reference to the Reptilians – upright reptiles, the Komodo, Crocodile and Snake used to walk upright until they were casted down to walk on all fours for punishment 

HAHA - everyone knows, this is not JFK moment - Biden is dead or he is offsite and this was apparent well before he came into office - the rest of the world laughs at the USA - the once dominant figure - who is leading their world out here 

Just pretend you can see all women - and see that name Lil donnie, see that Lil which is from Lilith [Lalibela] - do you see what is going on here - the FEMI9 principle is being lined up, yes one has a dick and the other we are not sure what that is but for the first time we have a all female panel not seen before, the feminine principle must be implemented first, aka the Matricidal principle must be implemented [reinstated] before all h3ll breaks lose  

The wHoly trinity, which are [1] Statesman (Stateswombman) [2] Lawgiver and [3] Priest (Priestess) and only they can speak on behalf of 'god'
I'm not saying this is them or is going to happen but they said that a female leader or leaders will be stepping up and just seeing what is on the horizon will propel the FEMI9 ELECTRON principle
MAAT + HERU combined is the FEMI9 electron energy 

Tranny with no fanny 


Technology is here 

This movie is called the Edge of Tomorrow and I watched it when it came out - movies are manuals, the NASA spokeswoman was asked decades ago when will there be disclosure and she replied, we thought you knew, we put it in all the movies - this shown up in my feed and I watched it again last night knowing more - messages in the movie 

These uploads are important 

 BAALZEBUB [BAA-Ze-bub] BEEZEBUB Lord of the Flies who is also known has APEP APOPHIS TARNUSH and HUMBABA [DRAGON] SATAN+ there were nine arch angels, two fell, and there are nine adverse forces and APEP is a FEMALE - that guy is not doing anything demonic and is only interacting with the flies, isn't that what the other guy was doing with the elements of the planet when he was using the leaves using telekinesis - that couple disappearing we have seen happen before - the guy who narrates is getting boring, you can tell what he is going to say - that giant with the two men either side is where they got the movie Avatar parts from, she was holding a baby which they must have taken and tested, Elohyeem, Serapheen [Cherubeem], Anunnaqi, Neteraat, Ghibbore and Nephilian are all different beings and were giants 

This BAAL, also called Hadad or Adad, Baal- Zebub, Beelzebub and Teshub was the deity over storms, war and fertility and to the Phoenicians and [Ugariteans] Agarthans he was known as the deity of good harvests –

Baal was merely a title that signified ‘the god’ – ‘the lord’ or ‘the owner, and was a term applied to the chief or ruler of a group, his spouse was Baalath ‘the lady of the house’ – there were many Baals in Asia as there were Horuses in Egypt – this Baal is none other than ENLIL – his son, who had fallen, in their Bible – there were 9 arch angles, 2 fell Azazel and his son Samuel, same story

Adonai means Master [Neb means Lord] Yahweh [Neter] Yahuwa they translate ‘Lord’ but means ‘God’ back into Yahweh to Adonai to Rabbi, each designating different degrees of learning – Adonai means master but the name is a lesser title given to sum one lower than a Yahweh

There are 72 agreeable [Yah] and 72 disagreeable [Weh] making 144 > 9 < and A.NU [ANU] is head of that 9 called a SEDJET

#PRIMARY #CREATION was performed by (9) #NINE #ETHER #BEINGS who are the [Paa NaTaRu] or NeTjer or Sedjet who are simply #ETHERIANS who are able to travel to all dimensions, whose science is AL [KAMI] [ALKHAMI] KHAMI = Alchemy = Alkami [Wu-NuWauBu] and the ancient AfuReKan [Tamare] TaMaRean rites

9 ETHER represents birth, conception or the sum total of things as 9 is the highest of numbers
#NIBIRU is a MEKABA [MIRKABA] MAKABA [MACABA] spiritual chariot of the elite – Star-Station

Tamare translates Land of Sun, and rite means to convey a message that results in [sone] right reasoning

The message is life the conveyor is existence

The 99 Paa NaTuRu /NeTjer [Sedjet] correspondents are the 99 Natural Universal Elements

Muslims stole the knowledge once they invaded KHMT and took it from the Greeks, the Muslims wrote 99-attributes of ALLAH who is based on A.NU(s) twin brother
It is the most-high and if he had a name, it would be A.NU
Al and El, translates the most-high and are titles and are for those authorised to speak on behalf of ‘god’ 

Elohyeem, Serapheen (positive), Cherubeem (negative), Anunnaqi, Neteraat, Ghibbore and Nephilian are all different beings and were giants - KEMET [OLMEC]+ all giants

Skin tone hatred is taught from human to human and is not 'god' tutored, the 9ethers stole Esau birthright not because of non-colour but because of how he was made 

You don't know you are poor until another child tells you were you parent or parents purchased your shoes, trainers, clothes from - you don't know sum one dislikes you because of your skin tone until they tell you - people change, things that once fit don't always fit over time

Our children are here to teach us, remind us, this was a cycle that was to bring about change and today this image resonates with millions that maybe 50 years ago would mean fu9k all and that is what we will end up with 'fu9k all' if we do not see in energy, the filtering process had began a while back and those too hung up on 3D things will come again for the next cycle wherever that may be for you   

Most people are confused with what is the difference between the breeding of the Adama project and the actual birth of the Adam and the Eve of your Bible and this was done intentionally
There were many Eves, one of NINTIs names was also Khawah or Hawwah which means ‘life’ in Hebrew and Arabic, or Eve

The Sumerian name Ninti means ‘Lady of life’ – you can see your Biblical rib story and her name Eve as life right there – Tsalaw means ‘side rib’ and was referring to a blood experiment where blood was removed from the marrow of the rib bone or the side of the body by the Alchemist Nergal Shar’etser to breed amongst the Adamites in an attempt to shape a character
NIN.TI known as Mother NIN.TI or NUNET which translates ‘the deep, abyss’ 
Mitochondrial DNA is only held and inherited by the 9ether wombman 

AFAR [AFER] A'AFERTI [A.AFER.TI] Aa-fir-tee translates 'the Choice' [PHARAOH] 

These are older Syrian features, not looks, notice their hair is the only thing disfigured and that is because their hair is in locks, braids and their skin tone has been altered, 6ether Arabs are now the modern-day Egyptians and have been there for 900 years which has now expired – using these people enabled other tones of 6ether to claim heritage when this is not true 


Shame on you 

[KUWSH] KUSHITE [KUSH] [CUSH] SUDAN [TA-NEHISI] NUBIA [NUBIAN] LOWER KHEMET [KHMT] KEMET [EGYPT] – ETHIOPIA + SUDAN aka upper and lower EGYPT [Egypt and Khemet [Khami] are two different places and at one point Egypt wasn’t even in this dimension]

From India - HINDU [HINDI KUSH] H-INDI] INDI KUSH [INDIA] to Japan - FUKUSHIMA [FU-KUSH-IMA] JAPAN [IAPAN] to South America – MANDINKA [DINKA] D-INKA [INKA] INCA many tribes [clans] groups+ fall under Sudan and Ethiopia [Abyssinia] and they were everywhere

Many leaders, kings, queens, warriors come out of upper and lower KHMT and many were FEMALE
Kushite armies fought against the Roman Empire whose ambition was to expand their control they had to EGYPT

There is a warrior, leader who fought for 5 years against the Roman Empire and her name is NTR [NETRU] NEGUSTI [QUEEN] AMANIREANA [AMEN-I-RE-ANA] 

KUSH has had many names and today they want to flood SUDAN [KUSH] the KUSHITE have more MIR [MER] pyramids than its neighbour EGYPT – the Typhonian records are in KUSH and they want to bury under water the Dragon records

AMANIREANA – fearless brave, she was blinded in on eye from previous battles – but she did not give a fu9k, she took the statue head of Augustus Caesar and buried it under her temple so her people can symbolically trample over Rome

She protected her people and halted potential Invasion of the Romans - Kush was later referred to as Nubia- Queen AMANIREANA would send arrows to the ruler and say, keep it as a sign of peace or use it during war if he wants to go against her and her army

The Romans surrendered and signed a peace treaty
She defended a whole empire and took them to more wealth and success

The Roman Empire is still being fought but this time it ends in this cycle, the collapse we are seeing is just an extension of what AMANIREANA had already started, the Romans were 9ethers just like the Etruscans [Greeks] with both having 6ethers

It is man who started this and it will be her that ends this 

UTAH [PTAH] TAMERI [AMERICA] - what was it and where does it lead to 

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