Saturday 13 July 2024

Restraining Order


Mental health – the mind [KHU], those who are sensitive to change, here on earth are called EMpath, those who feel through others and the planet, light is sound, sound is frequencies

The mental health [Schuman] aspect, its been in the making for a while now and many more will start to go offline, they will jam, glitch, overload+ this is right across the board from adults to children 

News and media, social sites+ and what you are watching and listening to+ never have we had such a bombardment of energy extractions than now, and everyone is participating, this is creating the anxiety, confusion and stress among the masses, children and adults creating mental blockages that is leading to mental health breakdowns, where your nervous system jams, glitches from the crown chakra all the way throughout your body – adding to all this are frequencies 

Deal with everything in energy, sh9t day, what kind of energy was in your day, what was you talking to yourself about [thought] energy talk is spiritual talk [dialogue] read everything in energy, you will go further 

Those with 4g cell phones, wireless tvs, devices, towers near your home, electric car+ all are emitting frequencies and are new technology – the devices are emitting a frequency, but so too is the information that is coming in, the frequency of the information that is coming into your consciousness and your ability to process pieces of information that is very varied today is affecting you and is sourced from around the world, things that touch, pull on your heartstrings, things that are injustices in the world, things forced onto you, us, blatantly, material, physical things, wealth, glamour, how to look and how much to weigh+ this and much, much more assault our senses, damages your insight, blinds you but yet leads you, this also affects those who are EMpaths and feel what others around them are experiencing – these EMpaths are being wounded day by day, however there are more EMpaths today than there was a couple decades+ ago, have you not noticed – they are also experiencing mental and EMotional glitching [issues] 

People with mental issues can feel and see more of the chaos around them than most and are experiencing instability, EMotional issues – we are not talking about those without [EM], or those trending, not talking about those who are experiencing a middle-life-crisis or those hardwired for their Matrix

There are those who are hardwired to feel more, their senses are heightened and are more advanced, these are those whose childhood was their training ground for this very moment in time, there are those whose life experiences [simulations] were designed so that they can see more around them in this phase, so that they can see from a ‘God’ eye and not the average eye aka human eye, there are those who have spiritual gifts+ insight+ and it is their role to sense, navigate through the chaos, to use their EMotions to sense how the Matrix [world] is responding, feeling, all the negative thoughts, sadness+ they are literally transmuting the energies for they are now built into earth and her eco-system to transmute the negativity while the Western world calls it mental health challenges and for many it is not, they are part of healing the planet, sum may not know this, many don’t realise why they are dreaming what they are dreaming or why they feel this way or are EMotional without cause

The planet is being brought back into equilibrium and this includes her three kingdoms, the humans need to be brought back into balance [equilibrium] and so does this solar [soular] system 

Mental health is actually trending and so is trauma and menopause, its trendy to have trauma and have mental health issues – we must be careful out here with those trending and that you don’t get caught up with the ‘branding’ and the ‘labels’ and new ‘buzz’ words, do you have mental issues or are you transmuting the negativity of this planet that you are plugged into dear EMpath and didn’t know this 

There are those on the planet now who are the cycle breakers, they are here to break these cycles, molds of their family lines, they are here to break the patterns in their family lines, they feel the pain from their entire lineage, they are the generational curse breakers – they expose the pain in the family and cancel out the numbing that was going on to hide the pain and they are part of the Awakening process – there are those now on the planet who are feeling the entire bloodline and they are feeling it so they can shut it down once and for all and this can look like mental health issues aka which is transmuting negative energy 

How you look at mental health within the context of the Awakening, those deemed mentally unstable may actually be transmuting negative energy from the planet and from their family lineage – they are saying the buck stops here, I AM not doing this monkey sh9t no more, I AM not passing this on to my child, I AM rebelling this+

If you see sum one talking to themselves that is exactly what they are doing, sum are talking to their spirit guide, ancestors, and sum talking to their cells and sum with those they opened a portal with 

I myself have seen many out there who are not fu9king around anymore and are really breaking these curses, breaking these cycles and they are living differently, they move different, they deal with their family totally differently, they are realistic, their relationship is different with those they come into contact with, many are detached and not attached – the one that I have seen more of is the forgiveness of parents, they are cutting off this disdain and animosity, many have removed people from their heart along the way but they have forgiven their parents and themselves  

It is the females more who are preparing to break these cycles, many are going to war but not that kind of war, the physical war is already over and it is the spiritual war that is on the horizon – we know the importance of the feminine electron energy and we know the value of reinstating her, we know the importance of retaining her, hence why we are here, the curse breakers, planet healers+ who are not mentally or emotionally unstable or have mental health issues, they are transmuting negative energy as part of the Grand Awakening  

Do not seek psychological assessments, therapy, do not go see a doctor and take pills, tablets, do not deal [talk] with those lower in range than you, do not numb yourself like you are average, do not trend with others and most importantly, do not doubt yourself, trust in the process 

Ask yourself the question, are you having mental issues or is it that you have repressed certain EMotions or realities for so long that its now affecting you  

If you see her or him in the street and they are struggling and you know you can say or do sum thing, then do it, you will recognise your own energy and you will be guided to your own energy

Your heart chakra is being weighed and must be opened to be weighed, the heart talks to the mind but the mind does not talk back to the heart, the throat is the link between the two, the body cannot survive without the head [mind] the body goes where the mind goes, use your EMotions to navigate and do not use the mind to make decisions 

You were given a mission to go find out with love [EM] is and to bring all knowledge back to source, no one said it would be easy – no ones mission or soul contact can outweigh the soul energy that the user carries, be on point about certain things in your life that have a frequency to it [them] 

You are EMotionally unstable for a reason – your EMotions are in motion while you are transmuting negative energy, while you transmute light  

They are talking about the level of violence against women - too late, your only talking now because Lalinbela [Lilith], Inanna, Ishtar is here, they say that the Devil [D-evil] Eve + Lil wears Prada - she is wearing heels while she cleans up, you won't like it

#Deep #Meaningful #Heart #Balance 
[this song gets to me] 

IN.ANNA is Queen of HEAVEN and EARTH [KI]

You don’t need to go to heaven for heaven is coming to you, if we were to look for heaven, which comes from the word haven, then we would look to Sirius

[Supdet] Septet [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and [Sibtu] – this planet which shares the 18th and 19th galaxies [which are merging], this planet is the link between the two and has two Moons [satellites] and a siStar system called Mirzam

Sirius is fuelling the Sun which are superior codes [rays] lights [information] the 'light' in the four corners of this planet are different for a reason

Heaven is coming to earth [KI]

What we deem has hate is often love, what he did here was spawned out of hate, was it, what he did here was spawned out of love – you see love and hate are the same strength, they are from the same source, you can do things out of hatred when it was done out of love

I’m not talking about him being rejected [rebuffed], I’m just talking about the love [hate] part – sum things that were done out of love was actually done out of hatred, so I say again, love and hate are the same source, they are the same strength when applied, so love and hate both have negative or positive charges – maybe six months ago he loved her, but in a moment he hated her, most would have received the message and accept that message, but sum do not receive and accept that message – they or one is still connected, not by hatred but by love, not by love but by hatred 

Love and hate can never be friends – this world in order for balance, love and hate have to merge with love reining supremely, the world must come to and end 

What he did was wrong [negative] dogma + morals we know this, he knows this, what he did we have seen many times over and from her as well, same program [experience] situation [simulation]

Tina Turner said that love was a second-hand EMotion, so what about the first, to have a second means there was a first and maybe this was his first love, love has everything to do with it for you are using your Chakras + EM [Electric] and [Magnetic] which is your Spirit [Electric] and Soul [Magnetic] unless you are unemotional aka emotionally unavailable [offline] the alternative to love [EM] is SEX has a function, many men are only interested in the physical [material] aka body

Number one rule, you can never own her, ever’ – she chooses you, not the other way round and she ends you, not the other way round, you cannot own energy, let alone the FEMI.9 ELECTRON

Love and Hate can have you do sum things you didn’t think you could do, that you didn’t think you would do, that you didn’t know you would do – double edge sword is love and hate - the level of violence has not gone up, its in the open now [MAAT] 

Many are not ready for truth 

I know this is wiki and they use the word theory for protection but there are sum truths to this 


Every year you would have adverts for booking your summer holidays and with that came sunscreen, travel items, deals on towels, beach things+ last decade fu9k all - sunscreen was nothing but Melanin and today half the planet is roasting and they are giving out water but no sunscreen, you would think they would give that out because after all they told you that you would be protected from the sun - why have they reduced the mindSet about sunscreen, does it not work after all - sunglasses are now worn in clubs and at night time, the lens are made from Melanin - grease from your face is your natural sunscreen -  stay out of the sun if you are without Melanin, still be mindful for we do not have the same sun [rays] in the four corners of the planet 

That guy kept his pregnant wife above water for 3hrs!! NTR is on the warpath 

Sum where in NY [DRACO HQ] - that is Grenada, Houston, Texas and New York by Beryl 
CANADA M6.9 [M6.5] and M6.6 they had triple strikes
PHILLIPPINES M7 which was 639km deep which is 397miles deep 

7 icebergs drifting around Argentina - I saw a dog and waterfall that had frozen over there - Argentina is in the South - its it or is it in the North 

Canadian Schuman is offline for over a week and means whatever is being recorded on that particular monitor is very high 

Italian Schuman - check the colours and energy signatures and that signature on the top right - last image shows multiple strikes 

[3] major crafts that assembled when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this soular system in 2012 - we have seen all [3] during the last month 

Bottom SHAM [cylinder craft] 

Arizona, Brazil, the London footages looks manmade - Chile, Poland, Belarus+ 
The SKY [SKA] SKI is loaded 

Sahara and Chile transforming, the planet is terraforming herself and this is climate change 

Reverse is counter clockwise which is life [9] spiral number 9 instead of spiral number 6 which is death, clockwise, she is cranking up and they are letting you know, you may feel off-balance or disoriented, feelings of not being present aka here but not, wrongs dates - times - out of sync, body out of sync+ this has been on-going and not jut now like they are saying 

Seen from POLAND [POL.SKA] POLE - LAND yesterday - the Reptilian DeathStar was red - NIBIRU behind it 

Scotland - between the Scottish and British military they are sonar blasting them out of the water because Dolphins, Whales+ provide logistics for the planet - out of 77 of them 11 were still alive, because the 6ether Europeans write that they have odd behaviour why they beach themselves and not because man is blasting them out of the water so they have no option but for suicide 

Exact same markings 


It is the humans that still have much to learn, they tell us animals are 'wild' when they are in their natural habitat - the plant, animal kingdoms can survive without humans but yet the humans cannot survive without the two other kingdoms

Check the lyrics 

Netherland [N-ether-land] Nigg9-Ether-Lan
Holland [Ho-land] Hol [Sol]
Orange [Yellow] Sun [Sol] Soul
Dutch comes from Duche [Duutsch] and means ‘tribe’ [teuta] tribu  - nation+
Double Dutch [jump rope] 
Dutchie Pot 
Dutch Courage [misplaced courage] one before you jump over the trench lines 

England vs Holland - the last time England won anything was 1966 which was a bad year, they usually bury bad news on good days, the final is between Spain and England, during the
Holland game England were awarded a penalty when clearly isn't wasn't, the outcome for the tournament is being controlled, if England win this is because the Empire is on fire, sporting achievements+ new king, things of his nature quell the unrest but is only short term energy extradition, its temporary  

1066 [1966] During 1966 the then Queen of England took 12 ‘native’ Indians from a residential school in Canada in the middle of the night and those children were never seen again to which she was convicted for in 1966, the same year the real Paul McCartney [MAC-KAA-NEY] was taken out aka car crash – those children were sacrificed for those 12 beings that came to the planet – in recent years the school itself was being torn down where they found buttons for those children’s school blazers [jackets] and the remaining eye witness died a few years ago, well before the Queen ‘died’ 

Makes you wonder what comes after Sundays final 

 Who are the tourist they want out, other Europeans, British+ 

Sum thing will have to give, sum thing is coming because they wouldn't have him in there for so long like that, its too obvious, but they must have had a reason for having him there for so long, they were or are waiting on sum thing  - why all this for a 81 year granddad leading the USA, you mean to say, there is no one else but this 81 year man who is 19 years away from being 100 years old - the clone is glitching, not his health, how can a clone have health 

Washington is the engine house and not part of the other states, Washington is run by the UK 

Paranormal investigators armed with a camera and spirit box, next year they will call themselves paranormal detectives and the following year you will be able to obtain a certificate in the paranormal- these entities are trapped on the planets negative field and cannot escape - that movie Entity came out in the 80s and is based on a real story, now times that by 10s of 1000s - remember the LARS [LARES] where already on the planet before the humans were created, there we 8,000+ in the USA [TAMERI] alone before the European Americans murdered them down to 4,000 - the last footage in Malaysia I saw sum years back, that girl was sent to an asylum and the guy is still missing, I sum times watch this again because what you are seeing is exactly what happened 

Right image they call a dragons eye and say it’s a rock formation that was found in a quarry in Lancaster [England] and other, the left image they call again a dragons eye found in Stone mine again in Lancashire - now the 'eye on the right aka rock formation is fossilized - 

Check hand - in Sumerian text we see the SHENU [SHEN] in INANNA hand, second image we see the ANKH [NKH] in Khemet [Egypt] his or her hand and in the last image we see the VARJA in the Naga hand, in the Sumerian hand and in Greece  

Housed in the British museum the DUB made from solid granite, nothing harder than granite than hard work or diamonds - you can see where the British would have had to smashed this piece off to bring it to England [London] DUB 'appearing like Re' aka Re [Ra] double KHEFERA [KHAFRI] 

I had a dream sum years back and I was in multiple dimensions overlapping, I saw these waves and when I looked closely they had these DUB beetles, they were metallic and standing in attack formation on these waves, huge army of DUB beetles - the dimension was animated like HD cartoon - they were like humanoid  

Global network 

Egypt [Khemet] Abyssinia [Ethiopia] Sudan+ too many tribes that come under Egypt but they were not 6ether Muslim Arab nor 6ether European 

ANU the descendants of those from Egypt - their kind are here and have returned for their planet and their offspring - when they say, 'our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name' in their Bible, that father is called ANU who is the heavenly father and heaven at that time was called NIBIRU which was sitting in the SKA and at one point was the only light source for the Sun had not be created yet 

There are only three races here, Naga [Negroid], Mongolian [Mongoloid] and Caucasian [Caucasoid], in that order, the rest fall in between  - Genghis Khan is 9ether and is KING over Mongoloid 

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