Judge Dread
The correct w-holy spirit is the holy trinity- nothing
can take place officially until the nu energy is reintroduced, reinstated and
the w-holy elect can only speak on behalf of [God], the elect, only the most -
highest frequency, using the FEMI9 elect [electron] the wHoly trinity, which
[1] Statesman [Stateswombman] [2] Lawgiver [3] Priest [Priestess]
-until she is reinstated nothing will prosper
The Mother, child and father = [Life] the 9ether Wombman is [God] – she is the shield of trinity – she is the holy spirit
Trinity geometry
The classic Trinity is in fact the
Father-Mother, the Son-Daughter, the Holy Spirit (Divine Source), God-dess =
[3] is the root number to [9]
MAAT is UNIVERSAL LAW and she is judging all, she is the holy KACHINA
What do you see, 3 'black' women and 1 'white' woman or do you see 4 siStars making the FEMI9 ELEC-TRON ENERGY - do you see the Matriarchal energy [principal] in 2024
Electra – Electron, from Latin electro, from Latin electrum, amber, from Greek elek-tron
The true meaning of electro or electronics is to select or choose
From eligere, elect, to select = e-, ex-, ex + legere, to choose = Tron is from Trans ‘to move from place to place’
El [Al] are noble titles from the Most High [highest frequency] and only those are authorised to speak on behalf of ‘God’
When I was younger and heard this song being played I would feel, think that is sounded like Church music and it was sad, not knowing that Al Green was a former singer and pastor and I had not experienced love [EM], how can you mend a broken heart – at that age I didn’t know a heart could be broken and I didn’t know what love [EM] was or is – upon reaching maturity eye now have a better inner-standing, this track brings you back to zer0 point of gravity [levitation] Al says he was never told about the sorrow, love can be like that sum times – there is only three types of stages in love, puppy [infancy], middle and true love – your heart must be broken in order for you to have experienced love, to have loved and been loved and not loved
[1] gravitation [physical attraction]
[2] electromagnetism [emotions]
[3] the weak [love] [4] strong [hate]
[3] and [4] are the same, why, because they are the same
source, you can hate sum one because you love them so much, you can kill sum
one because you hate them so much or is it because you love them so much
[unbalanced] - you see [3] and [4] you have to balance – these are nuclear
forces, do you know how powerful nuclear is [new clear]
Electromagnetism is
Magnetism produced by electric charge in motion [2] the physics of electricity [Spirit] and magnetism [Soul], it created its own opposites
If you don’t break your heart, you won’t truly ‘know’
what love is, breaking your heart means to blow the organ, to blow the heart
Chakra valve wide open, the valve is blown open and hence why you will say, my heart
feels like its got a hole in it or why your heart hurts you, you usually break
it before 21 and the ones after that are repetitions until you get to maturity
were you audit check and actually break down what you deem love, attraction+ is
per person, you look at your feelings per person, all this comes in reflection but when you check it, it could be once or twice or three times a lady but the rest will be repetitions
This track had a profound effect on me when I was
younger, I had to secretly like these songs and today I AM able to face off
with these tracks and EMbrace them for these words are real and are part of my
reality [reel-ity] - this track sent me to another dimension
Anxiety, stress+ are a concern for many in the world at
the moment and navigating through does take sum doing, the energy levels are
extremely heightened thus we have different energies pulling from the same
source, different frequencies of the world, while keeping peace within ourselves,
finding balance within ourselves
This planet earth [KI], she has her own frequency, every
day that we interact with reality we are being bombarded by frequencies of all
different kinds, sum are artificially made by man and his machines and sum are
from nature and her energy flow streams, sum are from outside of this SOULAR
We have sone [sound] frequencies, light frequencies, manmade
technologies against the natural frequencies emanated by Cosmic bodies – the
bodies that are out in space – you must keep in mind that the organs emanate a
frequency from the heart to the brain, all emit frequencies
and times that with the artificial and nature frequencies and we are being
bombarded and forced to interact with, we have MK Ultra being blasted out,
altered states of realities, people are sad, upset, crying, emotionally stressed+
Now here is the thing, when we are completely at peace or
when we are asleep, our heart and brain frequency are in prefect alignment with
the planet’s frequency, and when we are awake and busy and doing things or taking in bullsh9t, our
brain and hearts frequency increases and we become out of sync – when we are
asleep and mediating, we are in sync or synchronized to the earth’s frequency
Keep this all-in mind when you are trying to maintain
your peace [balance] – in addition to audio frequency, light frequency and
technology frequency that are generating things like EMF - microwaves, cell
phones, computers, transmitters over Wi-Fi stations+ all produce EMF [manmade],
they generate Electromagnetic frequencies that are harmful, everything
connected to your boy Tesla is harmful, even the Tesla car or electric cars are draining your own
frequencies, these EMF are interacting with your own EMF – from simple things
like Wireless EarPods, wireless tvs+ all generating artificial frequency for
example there is a manmade signal that is going directly through your brain
when you wear wireless ear-pods, the person who sleeps with their cell phone beside them is
allowing the cell phone to transmit frequencies from the cell phone to you,
through you+ all this and more are having an impact on your natural
frequency output and is disrupting them – constant usage of your devices or
sleeping, wearing our devices or your housed in an environment where you have
Wi-Fi is causing your own electromagnetic field to be disrupted and this puts
pressure on your own peace of mind
Hormonal imbalance, endocrine disruptions, out of
alignment for the body, which creates mood swings which are mode swings, this
then creates a lack of motivation aka the energies are becoming stagnant within
you in terms of frequency
Things around you, things that are outside of you are
playing a role on you and are affecting your peace of mind so you must be
mindful of what you are taking in and what you surround yourself in, its not
just dirty technology, what you are taking in from people around you also plays a huge role, what you are watching, listening, hearing, how you are sleeping,
how you use your devices – ultimately you are being governed on how you feel
and how you feel [EM-otions] is affecting your EM-otions
You should also be cognitive of people, the frequency of
people you surround yourself with, not everyone is on your frequency in 2024,
this information is not for general use, we are in a very special timeline and
your frequency is your currenSea – we can complain about energies coming from other
people that is toxic but you still stay [attracted] around those people, if you
cannot part with technological devices then will you part with toxic people,
you have two streams of disrupted energies that are affecting you – you are
generating your own electromagnetic field and you have that protection
surrounding [AURA] you and you must protect your abode – everyone is emitting
frequencies and sum are negative, sum are nourishing, sum are nurturing and sum
are EM-powering, so you must use discernment with what energies you choose to
be participating in and you must choose who to eliminate to protect your own
energy which is called selfish [cell-fish]
If you are around sum one or group and when you leave
that person you feel, drained, used, unworthiness, low, not good enough in
keeping up with them, disEMpowered, sad, not being perceived correctly or being
judged+ then these are good signs aka sign-als, indicators to you to let that
bi9ch go – they cannot match you with the superior frequency in which you hold
No one is coming with you where you are going nor will
they be going when you go, point being is that you need to be selective in who
you share energy with – with six months ending where are you in 2024, are you
just coasting along for fun or are you Sirius [serious] – cut
energy extractions to free up sum room for yourself for the dimensions are
getting tighter out there
i-IF-e [if] you are on your spiritual, soular journey
then these words are for you, this post is for you always, this post is for me,
reminders that serve you and me and us and them – [if] is the middle word of
life and [if] you take these steps another door will open for you, she is always
there to save us but you have to come to source, you have to go to her and everything
will be given unto thee
Love [EM] the planet her heartstrings are being pulled
and so are yours, we are all under the cosh as the energies collide, love and
hate, they are colliding, they have to so that the world can end [reSet]
As above, so below, its on so many levels, macro and
micro – within and without, yeah we know, be true to yourself, be real [reel]
with yourself, I can only reach those on a soular, spiritual journey for the
energy separates us – joins us, you have to chose what side of the energy you
want, the energies flux every day [cycle] hence the colliding, hence you daily
battle to stay on top
Re-cog-nise [cog-nitive] what your soul [spirit] repels
and honour your internal guidance and this will in turn Empower you –
strengthen you, you have been given more because you know more, so protect that
energy “Con”serve that energy, no preserve that energy, self-preservation [cell
preservation] or you won’t be good to anyone or yourself [your cell] be selfish [cell fish]
CELL [SELF] SALE [SAL] SEL [SOL] – yours is not for
What is an organism, an
individual form of life, such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist or
a fungus; a body made up of organs organelles, or other parts that work
together to carry on the various processes of life – Mycelium [My Cell]
expanding underground network, creating a network of connections [Nexus]
between all plant species, sum thing like the Internet, which allows them not
only to communicate, but also to take care of themselves, protect themselves,
and feed themselves
When a tree in the forest is cut down, Mycelium
communicates to many trees in the forest that one of them is dying and all the
other trees through the Mycelium begin to care for the remaining trunk to try
to save that life, they feed the dying tree with water and protect it because
that dying trunk is part of the forest family
Everything has a language, it is the Universal Language and there is Universal Law
We learn to reconnect with this non-verbal language,
understanding, so that we inner-stand that we are all part of the same thing
We still have a lot to learn from our older brothers and
siStars from the trees and the forest and above all from y-our Mother Earth
There are those who honour all life above all else and there
are those who do not
Serena Williams COMPLETELY DESTROYED HER BEAUTIFUL LOOKS TO TRY TO LOOK WHITE! THE FACT that she even married a white man shows how much she hates herself! – sum one wrote that
Is it just make-up, she is wearing a weave because her hair is made from steel, they were born both boys and many have to take hormone tablets, hence why she had a kid [IVF]IUI and the other is a virgin at 40, do you really think they would allow two dark skinned women to dominate womens tennis for so long or even in the first place - UV is messing with anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system
HAHA - check the arms and hands outstretched
HAHA - my thing is do they weave down there, I mean, what goes on between the legs, 9ethers hair is made out of steel, so what happens down there, do we have a mix match going on, do you weave down there also - this was funny
You can not run your hands through her hair 'weave' but she may say, there is sum hair down here
If the 6ether Muslim Arabs and 6ether Europeans stop defacing these records then we might all learn sum thing
#Protection #Strength #Guidance
Sum times you may wake up from sleeping and find that your arms are folded like this - where did you go last night
Conspiracy is Con-spir which is to Con the Spirit whereas Inspiration is to Inspire which is to be In Spirit - you Spirit won't lie to you - be in spirit and listen to Spirit
You have to save yourself because 'god' can't save everybody - energy taken must be replaced
Beryl and Alberto - Hurri-canes [Heru-Caines] we never had hurricanes until slavery, all these weather systems follow the slave route, they start off the coast of Africa and follow the route into the Caribbean and into what was known as the USA - Marcus Garvey said look for me in the whirlwind - so when they say, its only hurricane season, remember one of these seasons is going to end many lives
into Thursday Jamaica is next to receive the wrath of Beryl - hurricane come in pure devastation but leave in total silence
BERYL - mirror image showed BAPHOMET remember she is a FEMI9 principal - the first of this year with such power, setting the trend for many more to come
It will be 10 [decade] years in before they realise they are in an Apocalypse or leaving an Apocalypse - we have reached that stage
Croatia – huge mothership [super-cell] check the base how
those individual ‘clouds’ pan out- see the purple which is the plasma - all weather systems are crafts
The planet is one plane, not flat, one plane, seen in the Himalayas, we have seen them over the USA, to France [Europe] and Himalayas, getting closer - like he said they look like Jellyfish, Spites [Spirits] space is made from liquid crystal and space should be treated like a deep ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in deep space
Many are crafts sitting up there - what is this symbol - same type of theme from the last set of messages and from Terrence Howard
Match the colours with the CHAKRA system, check the consistent codes - look at the resonating energy signatures, we have not seen this in this particular Schuman - spontaneous combustion is taking place for many - would you look at the codes!!!
Sum thing on its way to dock with the SUN
Craft with beam on and is going to set the SUN to trigger and on the right a craft only in one frame
Craft or planet - in one frame only
Check the craft that get lit up when the SUN was triggered last 24hrs
This craft is [1] of [3] main crafts that assembled along with NIBIRU is 2012
These images come from 2021 [2012] and 2022, 2023 and 2024
This craft never moves and is exactly by the rim of the SUN [portal]
2029 - it may be in the next 6months because we are in 2024
Check that in Iowa [USA]
They are here
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and
in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea
and the waves roaring;
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after
those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be
Luke 'Skywalker' 21:25-26
Oh h3ll he is
There is a lot of interesting things on here, the main reason I wanted to see the image of the ice wall, but the guy says that Thor and he came to earth in 1950s, so how are these images new?? - I think both images are suspect [A.I] but the gates we know are real, they exist - we have not had any new images from the ice walls, beyond those [3] ice walls are our brothers and siStars - these images do open the mind and that is what we want which leads to expansion because there are things that are going to be brought into the light - when he talks about the Stargate in the Neb Ankh [Sarcophagus] they had it from 1928 and listen to how he explains it and he sees people building the MIRs, he doesn't say giants but they would have been giants - it was a British Colonial that went through that gate and he tells his story to a society, yeah a private society in lodges, they did believe him, there are many pyramids, so which complex, this was interesting - these uploads are always worth a watch
This makes complete sense right? when the EMP comes in you will not be able to start your car full shop and we saw with the snow, the same thing
Cell phones to link directly to satellites and who controls the satellites = A.I
[CV19] A(1) I(9)
Marian Croak
Marian Croak is behind Skype, Zoom, her creations are used by a billion-dollar industry, with successful companies
such as Skype, MagicJack, Zoom, Vonage+
Marian Croak has more than 125 patents to her name in
VOIP technology, making her one of the great inventors of this era, she is best known for developing Voice Over Internet
Protocols (VoIP), technology that converts your voice into a digital signal,
allowing you to make a call directly from a computer or other digital device [M] [W] is an electron symbol, many were sent with the letter [M]
Mutant food for mutant beings - the word food may be fool
Their world is ending and there are sum things where 9ethers were excluded from on purpose yet we find that the 9ether originally invented what they are now excluded from, too black, too strong, you will never see an F1 driver who is 9ether yet they invented the automobile nor will you see him in Snooker, that along with SENET [Chess], Football+ they invented - Reggae music is only from Jamaica, yet the head person is mixed race and the others murdered to keep him in place, Peter Tosh, Garnett Silk+
Rap music is Drake, who is also mixed race and yet Rap or Hip Hop is at least 50 years old
Point being without 9ethers impute we would have never advanced - 9ethers set trends, they do not follow them, they gave the world their trends and the world humiliated them in return isn't that a bi9ch
Message in the music
MERCURY [MER-KA-RE]deposits are being found close by these sites and the image on the right, these were ancient energy centres and technology from TarTar, a building that harnesses
positive and negative electrons from the atmosphere Cathedral is named after
the electronic part the cathode
Then there was free energy in the early 1800s
and advanced technology that the tycoons destroyed and forced people to get on
oil to control the world but before they came around, everything was free
When you see them, those ancient buildings were built
before the 6ethers even came out of their cave systems
Stone carpet stairs - in the UK that they say was created in 1956
Check the buildings behind the classic Benz - those doors are windows and the rest of the building is under the ground - the mud flood is coming back
SPAIN [1500s] Cathedral - last image
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