INCEPT means 'to begin' 'to undertake'
CONCEPT means 'to deceive'
Imaginative power that you were taught has children was
wrong to do, don’t let your imagination run away with you, that is what they
said, that is wrong – don’t let children and you abandon your imaginative faculties,
the energy is right to harness this energy and you need to reengage your i-magi-native abilities and EMbrace them as reality
[reel-ity] what you imagine you have to override the mind [KHU] is
real [reel] we have been conditioned whether by our parents and their parents or
what the Matrix [society] tells us is real [reel] but by overriding the mind
you unlock the potential to transform your reality and the reality around you
Did you see an anomaly, did sum thing not resonate with
you, did you see sum thing shape shifted+ this and more is your potential being
unlocked – because you are overriding the mind [brain]
We have all kinds of sh9t words out here like pareidolia and
prosopometamorphopsia all designed to trick your mind [brain] into believing and
not knowing, confusion+ know the anomaly and sea [see] the anomaly which then registers
What you deem an illusion or a fantasy or imaginary is
reality, so you are going to have to go back to childhood because sum where
between puberty, you were taught not to use your imagination which is the word
eye-magi-nation with magi making the word Magi [Magic] Magu and eye being your first eye
Ask yourself this, if this is an illusion – then iMAGInation
is reality – did that resonate with you, did that make sense, did you feel
those words, if this is an illusion, then imagination is reality...
The energy is ready and all you have to do is imagine it –
whereas before this time cycle you would have had delays, when I look back at certain
things they came when they were supposed to come and today during this time
cycle there are no delays – it could have been 10 years or 2-3 lifetimes but
now it’s a matter of days or hours or weeks if you tap [stream] straight away
The key here which is where many are struggling is that
you have to tell your brain that its real – imagination is dismissed has
fantasy and that is because many do not have the ability to imagine – the brain
[membrane] is a tissue, organ, muscle that contracts and expands, when you
learn sum thing new you create a new crease on your brain, it is the mind [KHU]
that you have to override aka you have to tell your mind, your own mind that its
real – your Magi [imagination] is the cornerstone of all that we perceive and
create, those whose children 0-5 years old that lacked nurturing [reading
before bed, playing, social interacting, accelerated learning, critical
thinking, drawing, art, music, singing+] will often miss out in creating which is
the right side of the brain and because of this will always come from the left
side of the brain [conscious and subconsciously] and will struggle to perceive
what is real and what is illusion and how to create
It is the invisible thread that weaves the fabric of our
reality, enabling us to transcend the limitations of the physical world and it
is the imagination that sparks innovation and creativity – can you sea [see]
through their Matrix, can you see their projection [reel] real [reality] how do you know you are not 'dreaming' now in the daytime is called daydreaming
There is nothing new under the sun and that means that
everything we have seen has already been seen on this planet, however with the
crashing of the Schuman we all had to start back from zer0 with everything you
have seen had to come from an idea, sum ones thought, sum ones figment of their
imagination, have you heard sum one say, imagine if+ or imagine that happening+
they say - which is mightier the pen of the sword, it is the thought, the
imagination of lifting that pen or sword in the first place, when you were
younger and went to take the pen you envisioned this on a conscious level and then
you just do it today which is subconscious – you see this all in your mindseye which
also has seven smaller eyes around the mindseye, you have come a long way since
you were a child but you will have to return to childhood to allow the
imagination to start flowing even if your childhood lacked what you needed, you were compensated along the way
Imagination allows you to explore the depths of your
worlds, the inner depths of your world and is the realm where you can safely
navigate or flow in your EMotions, aSpirit-ations and fears, by imagining different scenarios
and outcomes aka Magi simulations, you know where you may have watched a movie
and then dwelled on that movie, the role of a character, a scen-e [scen-ario] maybe
a track you play that lifts you and you ride that imagination 'wave' or you have a job
interview and you envision what you will say, how you will dress, how you will
get there, your route, all this and more is you unlocking your potential – training - we gain
insight into our wants, needs and desires – imagination becomes a tool for
healing and transformation for ideas are created, concept is incept – you ‘In’ceptualize
and not ‘Con’ceptualize – you reframe your experiences = scenarios which are
simulations – each reel [real] coming from a projection that you can reframe
aka look at each frames of a picture that makes up a movi-e which is movi-ng,
playing out – you can replay, fast forward, playback, slow motion or change the
frame while your energy-is-in-motion called EM-otions
The whole archetype is you have to tap into this
particular part, prior to the dream, many watch things before they go to sleep
which is mundane, many do regular things that offer no stimulus to the brain or
nothing creative to the brain which doesn’t feed the imagination – go into NTR, watch sum thing that id deep, take 45mins blank space before you enter the spirit realms+ however prior
to the dream is crucial for the energy is now ready
The only thing that exists in the Universe is ‘triple blackness’
and these little particles of light and these little particles of light are
dreaming, they are dreaming dreams and think they actually exist in these
physical bodies which does not exist
The movie the Matrix which is taken from ancient Sanskrit
– the original author of the Third Eye which was later called the Matrix which all
still means Trinity [Three] Triad was able to put her version down – what is
the Matrix – truth is it can only be shown and not explained
Today we know the manmade and machines made Matrix is an
unreal reality
The brain [membrane] brane is what they are after, the
human brain is telling the spirit [KAA] inside, that all this exists and puts
out electrical signals [wireless] to tell you this is solidity and its only an illusion
– it is what the [your] brain is producing based on electrical wiring that you
think all this is real
There are borrowed worlds and different worlds, this word
Wandjina comes from the Aboriginals even though that word Ab means A and B
blood type and Origin spelt backwards is O-Nigir aka O-Nigga which the O is for
Origin or Original or Orisha – these people recorded the dream world for they
are connected to source, this word dream also comes from them from Draumr aka
The Wandjina world is real, those are real [reel]
realities and realms that you go to but they lied to you and taught you, that
you were dreaming to keep you trapped in here to make you think this world
[physical] was the only world whereas you go to other worlds, realities every
night, every dream that you have ever had – is not a dream, those are other
realities that you went to and that is why they seem so real [surreal] and
those dreams that you have were your still here – you wasn’t dreaming, when
your still here - you were astral projecting into the future in what they call
time here, never existed
The Tibetan book of the Dead also talks about the
Dreamworlds – Wendy O’Flaherty also has a book entitled Dreams, Illusions and other Realities
The subconscious mind is very powerful engine that drives
our thoughts, action and ultimately our reality and fuels us by what we feed
it, the subconscious mind is called muscle memory in Western terms and
remembers everything at the flick of a wrist – it wants to survive hence why it
listens to you, observes you, and at times influences you – you can only get
the subconscious mind to work in your favour if you can ‘Con’vince the subconscious
mind that what you imagine [Magi] is real
Until you can do this the sub’Con’scious mind will give
us that which it is ‘Con’vinced of, which may not be what we desire [want] need
– our subconscious mind waits for the signal, that our dreams [uploads] downloads
are worthy of becoming reality
The subconscious mind produces what you give it and goes
to work for you but will only go and work for you if you can convince the subconscious
mind that it is real [Re’al] RE[AL] RAUL and until you can do this, the
subconscious mind will not work at all – we have had several types of conditioning
and it’s the conditioning that is fu9king it all up for many including myself - if you do not convince the subconscious it
will not produce for you at all - which they demonstrate in the movie the Matrix
when Morpheus says to Neo, the problem is not your technique, it is you, your
faster than that, stop trying to hit me and hit me aka the guy is the best but
its just that he doesn’t believe he is aka he doesn't know he is, when you know sum thing, this makes you stronger because you are walking in your PTAH [PATH]
Neo and Trinity are dressed in 'black' and Neo means immortal and the KJ2 had to be rewritten to take out many words and one was reincarnation because 6ethers do not reincarnate
The Mitochondrial DNA [MtDNA] is the holder of the Matrix – inside the cell is a gel like substance
Only those with ether hold the Trinity - the 'black' is already within them [gel]
I posted that upload a little while back because that girl Stevie is an old soul and judging by her age and when she roughly was incarnated lets me know that is a Matriarch right there, I saw this image from the late 60s, 70s or 80s but that central lady with the flowers looks like that girl Stevie
Same woman - I have watched this so many times, that is #Deep - she looks good, stronger, mentally and physically, her transformation comes from within and the outer will follow, where the mind goes the body will automatically follow
Cocoon [Butterfly]
Give her space to create
[High blood pressure is Kundalini rising]
Extremities shape a character, shapes your energy
She is here to dismantled his Wendy House - how did Neo beat the Matrix, he merged with it and crashed it from the inside out - isn't that what you are doing right now
This is how the Matrix [society] conditions you and conditions you how to view, many things that don't taste nice are actually really good for you, not all things that bling are good for you
NTR does not seek perfection, she looks what is within - this company is doing the right thing to plug a void, but we want to delete the void - remember children, women, men die from hunger while you want your apples to be wrapped in Versace sheets, we are here to end this monkey world
As above, so below
CHILE - who are they and how tall are they
USA - we clearly do not have the same Moon in the four corners of this planet
What is inside the Moon, what is behind the Moon
New Hampshire [USA] by the rivers of Babylon, where we first met - check the SKA [SKI] SKY - its an ocean, river - can you sea [see] - another name for the USA is Mystery Babylon which comes from NINEVEH which will be overthrown
Fossil [fuel] COAL is ETHER and is the planets blood
The Great CHINA ocean is being formed
The SCHUMAN resonating frequency, sum of their models for recording the frequencies are down either because they switched them off or the frequency is too powerful for man and his machines
Diagram of the harmonic series and the photo of a shell - the SCHUMAN resonating frequency is changing once again
This guy who presents these uploads is from the Matrix, they say the camera doesn't lie, your human eyes are cameras and for those with an active 3rd eye, you know what you see - trust in your own instincts, in your own intuition, in your own senses, in yourself
No Country for Old Men
At first, I couldn't believe that out of 300 million residents
in America that Biden and Trump were the only options for the president in America,
an 81-year-old man and 78-year-old man, no women or young person, no
21-year-old wants to make a change, we can have millionaires and billionaires at 21+ but no
leaders, sum one, anyone, then I see these supposedly normal people with these patches on their ears and I realised that there might not be any others out
there - many are simply hardwired for their Matrix and will never be able to make it for they were designed not to - makes sense why they started campaigning early because they knew the clone wouldn't make it to October
Biden actually stepped down in January 2021 [2020] and it was the 45th PM Trump who was supposed to be the one to tell his kind wtf was really going on out here - in 2020 the Archon who was under the Vatican and was giving the Crown of England and the Pope their orders died, that bi9ch was around 600 years old, once he died the others scrambled for leadership and hence why the Jesuits stuck to Trump like glue and forced him to stay quiet and eventually move him to the side
The HuMins [HuMans] still have a 'Choice' A.I nearly wiped us out the last time, we still have yet to say yes, you see this vehicle, they were already using this design on Mars in the 80s
Things around the SUN
That craft has its laser beam on however you can see two other rays coming in and bending outwards - the SUN let rip last night, what looks like debris are ships, vessels, souls+
There are stationary cubes in there
QUASAR [QUA-STAR] - Spiral number 9 - NASA say this is a double Quasar captured by the Hubble Space Telescope which is a modified plane taking the images from the SKA and not space
We have quasars and laser, plasma weapons, the ISS is fully loaded going on up there
The SKA is communicating with you
All dams - concrete veins [roads] manmade lakes, anything man made is coming down
It will be 10 years before they realize they are in an Apocalypse
Only 6:43mins long for 24hrs in a day [cycle]
METU NTR is cleaning up this house
Unusual weather system - tornado - over Delaware [USA] with warnings in place, not normally seen over Delaware where your 81 year old PM resides, the residents and Biden could be in for a rocky ride
SAO PAULO - when you go to bed at night after seeing the SKA, know that a day is coming where you will wake up and the world in which resided would have changed over night
Red SKA [HERU + MAAT combined energy]
QUEENSLAND - the Queen is dead and so to is her empire - match these colours [energies] below
These are mutating waves [energies] colours that are changing you from the inside out
Right to left is coming from the SUN - the bow is heavy - lights coming in
The USA military and their smoke screen, from the 1920s and today they have a more advanced veil to hide and manipulate the SKA - Alzheimer which they say affects the memory, thinking, and behaviour+ Al-uminium [Al-zheimer] from 1920s, makes sense why today we have a huge fallout in generations, they showed the ship to show how they can manmade cloak it 'object' we also have 'black' nano chemicals up there - the thing is, what goes up must come down so where does all the dispensed chemicals go when it comes back down
Showering children with death rays
What do 4g, 5g, 6g and your cellphone have to do with the
microwave in your kitchen, 4g, 5g, 6g (microwave frequencies), your cellphone
puts out the same microwave frequencies
Wireless headphones – modems – manmade electric signals
passing through your brain and frying it along the way - anything to do with Tesla is harmful to humans
HAITI - hear what he said, fearing a 'dark skin' this is why they have Bob Marley the head of reggae music or have a non dark skin in power - HAITI is just waiting - why now PUTIN, why say sum thing now, because all h3ll is going to come form HAITI - they built a birthing canal - no unrest in HAITI its a process and they are wanting order, its a fight for order, HAITI know how to call the ancestors and that is what they fear the most
For balance LOVE + HATE must merge and this means the 'world' must come to an end - not the planet, the 'world' must come to an end [reSet] to begin
Your in the wrong heat my 'brother'
You never know what you are truly capable of until you have to try
#Nice - the youngest one now looks like dad
Groceries [Gross-ceries] not food, this is mutant food for mutant beings, no vegetation or fruit or any electrical foods - GMO started before 1960
Gross - profit
Gross - taste+
This 67 year old lady, she planted more than 2 million trees in the desert in Mongolia + China in the last 12 years - when the government found out they tried to take the land but failed
There are those who honour all life, no doubt insects, birds, eco system improved 100% and there are those who do not honour all life, giving to nature or giving back to nature is honorable - she stands proud and so she should #Special #Deep #NTR
For electrical conduction - the 9ether has gold and copper in their skin for electrical conduction
The 9ethers have 375 crystals in their body, 375 golds [50 are not from this planet] and 375 minerals
375 x 3 = 1125 = 9 - they also have 6protons, 6neutrons and 6electrons making 27 and 2+7 = 9
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner
The woman behind pads, also referred to as sanitary
Mary's invention was initially rejected because of racial
discrimination but 30 years later in 1956, the invention was accepted but not
the race
She received five patents for her household inventions --
one being the bathroom tissue holder, which she co-invented with her sister
Makes you wonder what they used before and why is there no templates or earlier records, nothing in INDIA where they show you the correct way to give birth, they show the early stages of the baby but nothing on monthlies - how long has the Moon been here, why is there no records on womens monthlies unless they never had them before
Tim Westwood and his Bishop father - how do 9ether men feel about the accusation made against him from 9ether young women and why he is hiding out in Nigeria - Tim Westwood was always an embarrassment to Rap music
David Rodigan, another embarrassment but to Reggae music
Both made millions from 9ethers, they say that Westwood and Rodigan brought rap and reggae to the UK - mainstream, they were the bridge, really? 9ethers made their own music but sum how cannot promote it? both are leeches and they both look 'odd' Sum one posted this and wrote, human or reptilian, the second image is Michael Jacksons hand who also used plasters over his finger tips - is it just old people aging or body, skin decaying - reptiles shed their skin - you can see he is dying, his face looks like he has white powder, foundation on - he looks like death warmed up like he did die and they brought him back like with father
Birthright, the 9ethers have the birthright to this planet, Esau had his birthright stolen and this is recorded, the 9ethers have the birthright to this planet for they were created from the planet whereas Esau was created on the planet - there is a difference
Emotional intelligence, use has a navigation to their Matrix - use emotions has a guide, we are reading in energies - two types of Adams down here one is BEAST and the other is [HEAVEN] Lilith refused to sleep with Adam and said fu9k this monkey sh9t, had she we would not be in the position we are now and are able to tell the difference between android, clone, reptilian+ and with Jacob [Ya'quwb] Ya'qob is that he is a 'Supplanter' and not 'god' she did not create Esau [Iysuw] E-Saw whose name translates the Hairy One - how many Adama projects have there been, the Lars are also hairy, so are the little Gnomes - the 9ethers stole Esaus birthright when they found out how they were made
Christopher Columbus claimed Xaymaca [Jamaica] for Spain
after landing there in 1494
His landing point was Dry Harbour, now called Discovery
Bay, however the full story is that his ship sank in the bay of Jamaica and it
was the British who found him stranded
The Marigalante [Maria Galante], Columbus's flagship, and
several other vessels are documented to have sunk while at anchor during a
hurricane outside of the bay of La Isabela which is now Puerto aka Dominican
Republic - Puerto just means Port [Puert] like Portugal means new port - Putin just said Dominican Republic [other side to HAITI] is not legitimate - sum one was watching Columbus
Venezuela a huge amount are actually Filipino origin and likewise only a small amount of Filipinos have Spanish ancestry - a real mix up - a hurricane sank starboys ships to which many hurricanes are to be unleashed sinking many ships and 'new ports' along the way New Orleans is already below water level and will be flooded over - repeating where we left off for the timeline is one
EAGLE - All birds are raptors, the Eagle are not a natural group, even the word Eagle which comes from the word ERNE and EARN - maybe the HAWK and FALCON mated because they are all similar
If you see Swifts lying like this, they cannot take off from flat surfaces they say, gently pick them up
Steam radiators with built in plate warmers, bread, bun+ warmers in Victorian, Edwardian and Georgian eras - these styles of homes are from the USA and UK before the 6ethers and just means that particular era who was ruling, but does not means they built these properties
How were these houses built with horses and men in suits, many have a 3-peice suit on and shoes and hat, where are all these tailors - moving houses - the 9ethers were forced out of their homes both in the USA and UK + EUROPE - the 6ethers took the shirts off their backs - there are no images of them building these homes and other structures - or how they built on such a large scale, many lakes in the USA are manmade and hide dirty secrets
Philadelphia [USA] the rest of the building is under the ground, that door was one of the windows
There were 180 in Italy 12th century, the picture is a big good for 12th century and a few remain, what were they and why kept hidden from the humans, they say hidden from mankind, no me thinks these were mankind - a kind of man using them, like vampires, flying out to eat come dusk
Check this chain-link fence after the weather over time, see the patterns, geometric ripples, concentric rings – the chain is covered in woodland green vinyl coat, and over time the sun and weather deteriorate the vinyl and draws the oils out of it
This CAR [KAA] lifts off the ground slightly
Nothing new under the SUN - everything we have seen, we have seen already, everything starts with a thought - we never try to put sum thing into sum one, you are to draw sum thing out for everything is already within, spark the INterest is to spark the thought, we go to Nature [I-Nter-est] Neteru [Nataru] she was est-ablished first and her kingdoms, plant, animal and humans, manifestation is the wrong word because we do not see man-in-fesation [fesation is nature] and man is in none of it, the word is imagination [imagery] image [imagine] aka ETHER [BLACK] MAGIC [MAGI] - your thoughts operate in water [MOYA] do you sea [see]
BMW when I was younger all the 9ether men were driving the BMW and when I asked what does BMW stands for, he said BLACK MANs WILLY or WAGON
INCEPT means 'to begin' 'to undertake'
This movie took me so many attempts just to get pass the first 10mins, you will get lost and for those who don't or didn't, I'd like to hang out with you
Inception - keep in mind the movie Interstellar
We are in real time, John Corner is not sum man with blue eyes that will save you, John Corner is Jesus Christ [JC] CHRISTHOOD [KAA-RAA-ST-HOOD] ENERGY - these robots already walk amongst us - pay attention to the story, time machine [2012] 2021 - history will only repeat itself to those who do not know it, we have been here before, this movie was originally called the Blueprint to Mankind
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