Saturday 6 July 2024

Mental Fatigue


The planet is cleansing herself

Even though these words, cataclysmic and apocalypse and climate change are the words being touted at the moment, one must keep in mind this planet is terraforming herself

The planet herself is in an enclosed system – energy cannot be created or destroyed once created – the soular system is also an enclosed system with the planet with the Sun, Moon and Stars and other planets and Nibiru + satellites and 'ether' spheres+ all interacting with each other and every system all have the mechanisms that they need to nourish, rejuvenate, build and cleanse itself

This planet is one of a few in the entire cosmos that can support complex organisms and she is a self-organising, self-regulating system and like with any system once there is an imbalance or breach in the system the system will have a self -cell - built - in mechanism to self-correct itself back into equilibrium

It is impossible to have too many people [immigration] on the planet and not enough resources aka food, water+ to say this planet cannot support itself or her [3] kingdoms, plant, animal and human is impossible for she has been doing this for millions, billions and trillions of years, this planet has been on point for billions of years, she knows when to regulate and how and why, we know she has reSet before and we know this is in stages, phases

This planet has enough resources, Africa [Alkebulan] is classed has the motherland, the resources land and she does have everything, but everything is not just limited to one continent, point being is this planet has the capacity to produce the resources required to sustain all [3] kingdoms – check it, the humans need the other kingdoms to survive but the other [2] do not need the human kingdom to survive, the planet has the resources all [3] need to survive and sustain itself

It is the earth that it interesting, this planet is an entity and has the ability to self-correct itself [herself] – so for example, man has built dams and has chosen how he want her water to flow, man has built freeways, motorways over land that she cannot breathe through, man has built ‘steel mountains’ skyscrapers blocking out light ‘sun’ rays to her land [skin] so NTR who are the planets forces are tearing them all down, dams are collapsing and his concrete veins [roads] and buildings [jungles] are being torn down, this and more+ because the planet is self-correcting herself that they call climate change – over extraction on any of her LAWs [LAND] AIR [WATER] means the self-correcting mechanism [reSet] button was hit – so we are seeing a balance, the planet while self-correcting will compensate, these earthquakes, land moving is because sum of the corrections requires movement from the planet and because of mans activities say like with drilling, they leave cavities and these cavities collapse during say an earthquake thus producing a domino effect across the land – knock on effects – so when you see towns, villages+ coming down, do you have a mine nearby, well then, that is man not god or nature, blame your man+ 

The food and water is spreading out so that the people will spread out, this is what happened before, this is to counterbalance, the coastlines around the planet that will be going, China is going to be a vast ocean, so to around South Africa but there is balance, she gives and takes, she balances, god takes, god give...       

The earth is intelligent and she knows what to do, you have self-corrections and you also have man’s activities also in the mix that they are touted with the words like cataclysmic and apocalypse and climate change, new land is coming up, new plant and animal kingdoms, the number one rule with nature is if she didn’t create it, she will destroy it

This planet knows how to regulate cycles and we want harmony – man cannot be allowed to play ‘God’ no more and there are consequences and that is what we are seeing, but she will continue with what she needs to do because if the planet does not repair herself then everything you see around you will be over, no planet means no [3] kingdoms, we are all being made the example for not looking after her and her [3] kingdoms but we needed to do this to Sea this, now we know better, she is doing what she needs to do and so must you 

The earth is generating her own frequency and she is receiving a lot of energies from the SUN and planets [energy discs] the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius – this is where this planet is getting her fuel from whilst being bombarded by man and his machines [Tesla] harmful frequencies, the planet is saying, hey, your messing with my own electromagnetic [EMF] fields and she asked for backup and we in turn all getting pulses [like in the Shuman block frequency, pulses] from the SUN who is being fuelled by Sirius and is correcting whatever imbalances that are in the electromagnetic field that is created by man and his machines, the planet and soular system are getting their course corrections or energetic corrections from the SUN [Sirius] and this is evident with the amount of CMEs, lightening, plasma that we have been receiving of late, we are in a soular maximum [cycle] in an enclosed environment and the CROWN [Chakra] PURPLE HAZE [RAIN] is going offline for many, however all these plasma [PURPLE] strikes are actually rebalancing certain situations [simulations] on the planet and for the planet to cleanse herself  


She can't tell the difference

Laser treatment

Healing with sounds, sone is light – Alkebulan medicine in 1987, the National Academy of Sciences published a report entitled "Lasers, an Invention on Demand" notably in the chapter entitled "Lasers in Medicine", where Dr Rodney Perkins states in these terms that a form of Laser Therapy Was Actually Used in Africa

The use of lasers in modern medicine and surgery has a relatively short history, less than two decades

Although the range of laser radiation extends below and above the visible part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, this radiation is in a sense, only a particular form of light, however use in other forms of the light in medicine has a very long history

There is extensive documentation in Africa showing that the ancient Egyptians already knew and used the therapeutic power of light, as far back as 6000 years ago on depigmented and cosmetically unwanted parts of the skin, now called Vitiligo, the 6ether Europeans only started recording from 3,400 years ago and their boy Jesus comes in 2,000 years ago, so wtf was going on before 3,400 years ago – healing with sound and flying [levitation] on Vimana(s) and using natural wi-fi devices and teleporting from one side of the planet to the other side of the planet or to other planets was wtf was going on before 3,400 years ago

Likewise, today, traditional healers still crush a plant similar to Parsley to rub the affected areas with its crushed Leaves, which they deliberately expose to the radiation of soul-ar light in order to produce a form of sunburn on the treated areas, whose erythema once calmed, then leaves hyperpigmentation on the areas which were previously depigmented

SEM [SIM] SEMU [SIMU] is a KHMT name for ‘priests’ not todays priests, they are healers that use sone, they are called hearer, listener+ to you soul, mind and body, turning folks are also used – sone, tone, vibration, frequency, acoustic+ information is light

Are you of sound and mind 

Information is in formation, to bring into formation, form is from formula [for-muur-la] ether [melanin] 

Ornamental propane tanks

This image is A.I generated 

USA [Dakota]
‘Green Ghosts’ Spites in a geomagnetic storm
Green Ghosts were discovered in May 2019 by Hank Schyma, a Houston Texas-based storm chaser Initially, researchers thought they might be a form of green airglow activated by sprites when they touched a layer of oxygen 80 to 90 km above Earth’s surface
“Green emissions from excited Oxygen in Sprite Tops" Green emissions from what 

Check these codes - the SCHUMAN resonating frequency is changing once again, we have not seen this type of energy signatures in the Italian model before like this, if you look closely you can see the codes embedded in the signals  

Zoom in, you can see the codes, those two block signals come in at regular intervals 

The Canadian Schuman shows 500hz+ and the second signal is 200hz+ all that WAJI is also part of the resonating frequency and goes all the way up into 140000hz  

M5.7 KANADA - system goes offline 

Crooked man walking the land

18 stacked images - heavy amount of PLASMA [HAZE] RAIN 
You will be tired and sum of you will be wide awake 

Sea retreats in Mexico [4.7.2024] with Beryl on her way  

Beryl is pissed - hurricane [Heru + Caine] season is early, near enough 2 months early 

They say the hurricanes follow the slavery route, then the UK will also face punishment 

Only 9mins long out of 24hrs - that family went together at the water fall 

Hump back whale [KANADA] 

 Busy up there 

Sum thing came through and took a sharp right 

Check that craft at the bottom, one frame only 

Craft with beam [laser] on 

Huge craft 

The year of the Dragon 

Looks like JAYZ with sunglasses on 

The European 6ether is being deleted [MtDNA] 

The only thing that's ever been to space is your imagination 

HAHA - the boy is like a granddad - this was posted a year ago and both are sick 

A flame has no shadow and smoke made of particles suspended in air - shoot, ash, ether 

Grifter Raleigh bike cost in 1975 £32 and in 2024 its £725 

Spirit world be like that sum times 

 The camera never lies they say - that baby seems to see the 'ghost' who maybe is a relative - that last clip was a Dragon 

There are 2 ADAMA [ADAMA] one is Heaven and the other is Beast 

Archaeologists unearthed a fully clothed skeleton in Romania and was buried alive in an iron bed because the vampires [Dracula’s] Draco [Draconian] needed to feed  

That runner in Hawaii, that looked like a modern girl, her hair is up and sum is hanging down on the side, eyes blackened - a lot of children were taken out over there and recently when all those students went missing 

How does Gates goes from supposedly invented the computer to telling everyone he wants to get rid of Cows and bring in lab-meat - one million farm animals are at risk from dying has snow covers the land in Argentina  

Look at that guy, he is from Sudan which is a part of Egypt, doesn't he look like he is from Sri Lanka or Goa, the Ethiopians were in India for that was the Ethiopian basin - what bird is this based on 

Cocaine [Co-Caine] the English were seen again during the Euro taking Coke blatantly 

One is original and the other fake 

The Sphinx is in the middle of the earth 

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