Saturday 20 July 2024

Work Ethics


Psychic energies and how to control them, say for example through telepathy, which comes from the heart [Chakra] and not the mind [Khu] that you can message sum one – we have a huge amount of MSN taking place

Clairvoyance [Psychometry] Telepathy [Intuition]
Seeing [Hearing] Tasting [Smelling] Feeling [Knowing] EMotion
Chakra system
Ether [Melanin] Alchemy
3rd eye + [7] smaller eyes

Person to person telepathically [tele-PTAH-y] have to have a link established, the first thing you need is the NEXUS [connection] aka how do you ‘feel’ about that person when you communicate – what energy do you ‘feel’ or energy are you in when you NEXUS with that person+ because the energy is going to travel on the heart [Chakra] link and will be carried through the prefrontal lobe as a 3rd eye projection to your 3rd eye to tell your heart Chakra to ‘open’ up to that person, so for example you may be messaging sum one and they have shut down the NEXUS with you, for the heart needs to be open and maybe you are not open with them or they are no open with you

Telepathy comes from the heart and not the mind which is only for processing and not for making decisions or telepathy

Membrane [Mem] brane [brain] Memory [Remember] September [M-EM] Magi [Magnetic] EM [ELECTRO] MAGNETIC >>> SPIRIT [ELECTRIC] SOUL [MAGNETIC] MAGI

The mirror cells in the prefrontal lobe of both people can connect [NEXUS] off of the visualization of the person – because you remember what the person looks like in your mind and now you remember what it ‘feels’ like to be in-tuned with that person – while your thinking about that person and how that makes you feel establishes that link – this link is stronger in women because the power to all right-brained activity comes in through the MtDNA [Mitochondria] and all of the information from the fathers line which is the left-brain linear logic comes in externally that needed to filtered

So by visualization of the persons face + your using your mirror cells in your prefrontal lobe to NEXUS to that other person prefrontal lobe mirror cells and during this you ‘feel’ for you are going over how you ‘feel’ about this person which then determining’s how strong the NEXUS will be between the two, say you think of sum one in what seems like a random thought when in actuality that person is sending you a message but you might not ‘feel’ to good about them, aka you don’t like them or what you remember about them you HATE and so this will slow down the connection [NEXUS] or this will mean a loss of signal – if it is you that is thinking about that person or it is them that is thinking about you – it will come down to how you ‘feel’ about that person or how you both ‘feel’ about each other, takes practice, what you are recalling [remembering] is coming from you [inside] how you feel is being heightened especially when your EM [Love] is at optimum levels about this particular person

This can go on over days, time+ because the link needs to be established, remembering activates the memories and feeds the senses and will either open or close the heart [Chakra] and let them know this person is trying to NEXUS with them

This is where the MAGI comes in, the word is I-MAGI-NATION – where all your thoughts about that person are solidified – you have them in your PSYCHE – in your visual cortex – you will receive the message, you will know that you need to contact that person – out of sight, out of mind, in sight, in mind, sum times you may even see that person in music that they played, things they liked, said or done, or sum thing to do with that person+ and you will often hear sum one say, I was just thinking about you or that person calls or you call them and they will say, you were on my mind or you have been on my mind – all this and more is or you to take a knee and be one with those memories, lose yourself in that moment [mement] fester+ all designed to make the NEXUS stronger, in tune+

The practice makes you good at being the initiator of the telepathic link, so good that you can actually block calls coming in, the more you are in-tuned with the people, how they make you feel, the more you can isolate their channel in your heart space – I say again, the more you can identify how sum one makes you feel, the more you can isolate their channel in your heart space aka you together aka that is your channel together and no one can match that frequency that you have with that person and vice versa for the signal is now locked and loaded

By you inner-standing how the different people make you feel, makes you a perfect initiator for a psychic link – the more you practice the better you become and the more you use it with other the people the more you are training them and they don’t even know it

Many people are connecting with likeminded, people are being attracted to the same source, messages of old, messages of nu, open your heart in a world full of sh9t, sum one is trying to connect with you

Identify who I am channelling is how the being feels, each spiritual [soular] being has a unique energy signature frequency and feels different 

The energy is going to travel on the heart chakra link, carried by the pre frontal lobe, as a 3rd eye projection, connect the mirror cells through visualization [sea] see in your minds eye [7 smaller eyes], recall the feeling you have when you talking to them – messages in the Music, messages transmitted to you from another

Love [EM] at first sight [3rd] yes there is such a thing has energy locked at first eye – can you fall in love straight away, yes, instance Nexus [connections] can be forged in a moment aka EM connecting with another EM can interlock instantly 

PTAH [PATH] translates 'Opener of the ways' 

One of the biggest audits on men is near completion, the lady of the night, Lilith siStars, Eves daughters have been recording what these men secretly like, all their desires, many women lost their lives in violent sexual attacks [snuff movies] and providing a service that if not supplied we would have had a much bigger fall out than what we have now, many took the contract to come down here knowing what the outcome would be - the biggest audit in this batch of humans of men, the worst of the other batches - she knows more now 

[No one transitioned in vain]  

You totally graduate from this 'world' when you inner-stand that there are no laws because you are now the 'Gods' in charge because those beings who we deem evil are now in torturous for the energy is shifting, check the weather, many say HAARP is off, however they have many sites around the planet, the weather is going ape sh9t and many of these evil beings are not around anymore to keep controlling the weather - its hot one day and cold the other, overcast and then bright, snow in places+ many different intervals - they are not around to control it, the weather [w-eather] eather [aether] ether is actually controlled by the 9ethers energy and it is them that is controlling it, however the 9ethers are emotional beings and the weather doesn't know what to do, the realms have changed and the evil ones are on the lower realms [3D] and you are on the higher realms [4D]5D+ and you running sh9t but don't know it  

To now line up the essence you must now HATE - strong word right, but you HATE a lot things out here and this goes against our teachings, morals, but you must now HATE which is negative, negative is only opposite from what this sh9t is here, so negative is good [LOVE] EM 

You have many talking about positive thinking, positive thinking on this realm will get you killed, positive thinking on this realm is negative to your SOUL [BAA], negative thinking is positive to your BAA - you are going to get to the point where you are going to have to be ruthless in your spiritual ways, what does this mean - go out and commit a physical act of ruthlessness, no it does not mean that, to commit an act of ruthlessness in actuality means you have changed, you have taken what was supposed to go inwardly into the spiritual ether and you have made it physical and when you make it physical you give the energy back to the physical realm  

Its not the evil on a physical act, we are talking about the evil as a power and a thought realm aka spiritual thought - you mind [KHU] is in play   

Big up 

Global shut down [I.T] Information Technology 
Biden has CV19 - ok then - everyone knows bullsh9t - the US is on thin ice or however is in control of the 3D crashed program 

All you have to do is know the anomaly is there - can you sea [see] through the Matrix 

Tornadoes hitting states 


KALIFORNIA is moving - 'land grab' by NTR  

Have you noticed that all the places listed are the places getting hit from tornadoes and hurricanes + their Bible belt - land stolen, many were murdered alive, raped, enslaved+ that energy has returned with full force that will ramp up further 

What about Antarctica - the ice walls 

How is Australia negative 5 
South Africa have snow and Argentina is also frozen+ what is going on in the South or is it North 


Your cells are being damaged on purpose - chemtrailing started in the 60s, 70s and is not recent, you cells are being broken down, Ionizing does this as well - your DNA is being broken down, its mutating, your chemical composition is being altered aka you are being modified, your molecule structure is being modified - X-RAY [GAMMA] without ETHER you cannot process, without a CHAKRA system you cannot process, without a SOUL you cannot process - stay out of the SUN because the SUN is trying to kill you, without ETHER you cannot process the high rays of the SUN, we do not have the same SUN rays in the four corners of this planet - we are at extinction levels for 6ethers whether they are Asia, Asian or Caucasian

Too many people talking in this upload, NYC is DRACO [HQ] 

Looks like the Moon split but is sum sort of chemical residue but is it  

What symbol is this 

Huge cube 

who that 

No one says nothing 

The SUN is in mode 

Give a little love [EM] 

 6G - 5G rolled out 2 years ago and here 6G is being touted, don't you see how things have ramped up since 2012 [2021] but they have been getting you ready for decades 
TOMY and NEWTON from 1980 - all this is old technology, they have to merge this 40 - 50 year advanced gap that they had over the 3D world, i-Robot is now, Chappie, Bishop [Alien] already happened and they walk among the humans, Lilith didn't sleep with ADAM [Beast] had she done this the humans would not have been able to tell the difference between an Android and human 
Watch the movie Terminator again - which was called the Blueprint to Mankind and read the title from the above image, turning the body into wire and the movie the Matrix - how did the machines feed 

HiStory will only repeat itself to those who do not know it 

The clone thinks its the actual person, there will be multiple versions  
Eminem is not here anymore 

the truth is out there - the fangs, cats, snakes+ have fangs, both the guys are interesting 

The Kalenjin lady here is wearing ancient ear ornaments known as OLMERINIK [OLMURINIK]

South America is called AZTLAN and America is called TAMERI and is WEST AFRICA - OLMEC is UL-MEC and MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] AZTEC [AZTECA] AZTEKA] Old Macdonald had a farm - MAC [OLMEC] MEC [MAC] Africa is called TAMARE 

The USA and South America was stolen from the original people and must be returned and those people set free, the USA still have the Golden race in custody even though the date as expired and has a result of not setting those people free NTR is ramping up the pressure - everything that was hidden must be revealed, it must be brought into the light 

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