Friday 2 August 2024

Three Stages


You exist more than just a physical body, you have at least [3] bodies that exist within you – you have an astral [aStar] body which is also called the etheric body – you have your physical body and your spiritual body which for those with a soul is also your soular body [soul + spirit are connected]

You have also your mental body, there are at least [7] known bodies that you have within you

If you look under a microscope at anything on the physical realm, your physical body and you look at the molecules, you will see that the space in-between the molecules are bigger than the molecules themselves and so you are able to move outside the physical realm – just like when they tell us that many walked through walls, that they could dematerialize matter and walk through walls, in Egypt they often tell you they found a secret room or that the entrance is too small for a human to go through yet on the other side is a huge room+ they could manipulate physical matter

Within you, when you lay down and sleep, you go into a dreamstate and one of your bodies moves into a different dimension – your mind is projected outside the physical body and your thinking – thought [thoth] your here and are thinking beyond this soular system, your thinking of places that you have never been, you are seaing [seeing] places that you have never been, your men-tal body [men or man means mind] your astral[star] body and etheric body are able to move outside your physical body based on the space between the molecules being bigger than the molecules themselves – you have different bodies that exist in the same space – at the same time

When your out and about, those different bodies are not as solid as the physical body, so they are slightly outside of the physical body and this is why when you walk past sum one you can feel the vibration which is a frequency, you can sense sum one AURA which is their bio field which is coming from sum of their other bodies, these are also called energy signatures, residual, you have cords coming out of you that connect with others or repels others, if sum one is behind you or you sense sum thing+ you can feel the energy of that person whether positive or negative – because your other bodies are slightly outside of your physical body – it is your AU.RA that is outside of your physical body – when you connect [nexus] you protect from different bodies and you can be in multiple places at the same time because the space between the molecular is bigger than the molecular itself 

Make time [emit] [light] so you can Nexus, the upgrades means you can go beyond, which is what Metaphysics means [Meta - beyond] [Physics - physical] beyond the physical [Quantum] 4 [4D] 4D+ 
4th generation 

We are dealing in energy only 

Yield does not mean submit [submission] sub means beneath – Yield means to ‘give way’ >< allow the natural flow by finding balance [baal-lanca] 
Yield in agriculture is Field - they just swapped the first letter 

Are grandmothers getting younger - check her out, grandmother bear is not playing, she is serious, the comments section was overloaded, she looks really good for a grandmother - surely she is just a mother, grand ?? she can move and she is one with the sound [sone] frequency - young at heart 

In the realm of the mind, thoughts hold great power, they shape our perceptions, emotions, and ultimately our actions, it is through our thoughts that we create our reality, however, it is important to remember that thoughts alone are not enough, action is the magi [manifestation] of thought into the physical world, while thoughts can inspire and guide us, it is through our actions that we truly make an impact on the world around us, by aligning our thoughts with positive intentions and following through with mindful actions, we can create positive change and cultivate a life of purpose and meaning, therefore, let us not underestimate the power of our thoughts, but let us also remember the importance of translating those thoughts into actions that benefit not only ourselves but also others

May our thoughts be pure, our intentions be noble, and our actions be a reflection of the wisdom that resides within us

Thoughts come from the mind, through the heart - open your heart 

Not everyone has a BAA [SOUL] 

This guy spits on the bus driver 

Remember the movie Pulp Fiction, this actor Ving Rhames was in that movie and here is another actor Sam Dede – how they look so alike – even without the tash 

Memories don't last like people do, they are always with you #Nice

Grin out loud 

Messages in the Music 

£250 in 1987 and in 2024 £2,027 

54 = 9 
He was called home 

Sum one posted this, her hand the last 3 fingers are repetition, same fingers, we have candles with no wicks but fire - A.I struggles with hands, they said this was quadruplets+ celebrating 88 years but the cake says 90 - either way this is a A.I induced image posted that is fake 

Spiritual uploads - watch this upload and think about what many are saying, what is resonating within you - there is nothing in the manmade Matrix to help me escape so I don't look around for a route out
Just being aware separates you from the unaware  

Men [Patriarchal] usurping from the FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG 
King James boyfriend looked exactly like this above and wrote your Bible 

You can spend time debating monkey sh9t or you can be part of the SOLUtion - crash this Wendy House with us and end this monkey mind once and for all 

Fully grown Antelope and Ibex held by ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAGA] SARGON [NIMROD] and killed by Europeans for sport 

This Bison has a bullet hole that they say was from 40,000 years ago 
Historians, researchers, scientists+ have no idea how Bison got this hole in its temporal bone – how do they know the bullet hole is 40k and did not recently happen 
The bow and arrow and sling shot are a lot older than some give credit for them being, sling style weapon with a perfectly round stone, first use of a sling weapon that we all know is David and Goliath aka giant  

So what happened - 
Apparently, the bison was shot antemortem, how that was determined on a 40,000 skull, is beyond me - sounds like more like scientists trying to fit a narrative
Sum one was target practicing in the late 1800s
The Bison was shot - hit long after it died - the first recorded use of a "firearm" was in 1364
Carbon dating is wrong 

When Darwin talks about survival of the fittest, he is talking about his kind only, they knew they only had a certain amount of time on this planet - they were made from animal parts while the 9ethers were created by the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANU.NAGA 
The 6ether and 9ether are two different species - one is BEAST and the other HEAVEN - all them skulls they have produced have nothing to do with the 9ethers 

They only found the site 146 years ago 

Ancient watering [well] HERU [PERU] like in INDIA and IRAN which was both occupied by the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANU.NAGA [NAGA] 
Spiral number 9 [life] 

The glasses over time were replaced, these places used to play sounds across the land, healing sounds
Many places stopped playing the Organs because they are broken and they don't know how to repair them because they never built these places in the first place 

‘Lost’ nothing is ever lost, it can be hidden, but not lost – the planet is giving up her secrets, no matter where they dig, there are records, records made of stone – everyday knowledge is being revealed that ‘would rewrite’ history, yes his story, they say there is 6 miles under the Vatican worth of storage space filled with knowledge – before we go Pepsi Max, the FEMI9 electron principle will be implemented [trinity] and all that is hidden must be revealed - this image was posted recently - from HERU [PERU] AZTLAN - we've never seen sum thing like this, this is equivalent of an elevator, lift+ only this is a huge teleportation hub, the crafts hover or landed and ascend into the craft or descend from the craft, these pyramids have subterranean bases - these pyramids are unrelated and the image o the left cannot be found anywhere, A.I or very new find   

What you are seeking, is seeking you 

The youth are being blamed for knife crime, stabling's+ the government need to get everyone online, these youth are being used to create the panic wave and make it law - app on your cell phone+ 
The News wagon said a recent stabbing in the UK was carried out by a Muslim or they touted this and my thing is, is it youth with knifes or Muslims - anything to push through mandatory digital I.D 

They want to ignite the Crusaders War, which must be played out and ended in this cycle, this is the war between the 6ether Romans [Christians] Catholics and the 6ether Muslims

Look at the bottom, Israel did not exist in 1936 

We want the higher beings to flood this place that doesn’t exist – this is ‘gods’ land, its where the ANUNNAGI assembled when they were on KI – time to let go and flood the area that belongs to neither group and if this area did belong to anyone it would be the original people of that land
The 6ether Jews have no land [nomad] and the 6ether Arab, Muslim is sitting in stolen land



MAAT translates, chaos, justice, order that which is straight, balance - in that order, the world descends into chaos and through chaos comes justice, then order - that which is straight for balance


Why is this, for land or to hide what is in the SKA or both that they don't want you to see 

Italy - the water is hot - mass die off 
M4.9 and M5.4 in Italy 

Sum thing came in and changed direction just like that 

See those three lights [triangular shape] that is a huge craft 

Things in space, look closely and see cubes, crafts+ 

This sphere in white - the centre white rim is supposed to the camera lens cover over the sun to protect the camera, but what is the outer sphere, why does the rim of the sphere light up, look at the sphere why do we never see the sphere in its entirety - why does it light up like that from the rays [CME] from the sun when we are supposed to be in vast, empty space, the only way the rim would light up like that is if we are in an enclosed system  

The CROWN of the plane is lit 

Australia - check the colours - for 3 days NASA didn't talk about what was coming in, the 3D was littered with distractions, Paris, shootings, stabbings+ the truth is the Dome [Firmament] EMF [Van Alan belt] Ozone Layer was down, more than down, it was missing - there is sum data where the dome comes down to the planet and then filters away, these are NASA sites so even they saw the Dome collapse, without the Dome or ETHER [MELANIN] you cannot absorb the radiation which is also called energies, many people write beautiful or amazing or god is amazing when they see images like this but without ETHER or a CHAKRA system [match the colours you see here] you will die - we are at extinction levels and the MtDNA is switched off for many meaning no more offspring

From 2009 and today 2024 - EMF is not connected and energy engulfs this dimension 

24hr operation - this planet is bombarded with energy 

Older images from 2020 onwards, we have seen things that we have not experienced before 

Last 72hrs, the D-OM-E was stripped away so much Ultraviolet [PURPLE] radiation seeped through, X-RAY [GAMMA] into the planet, into you the HuMan [HuMin] - this is not just during the daytime, this is at night time for this is a 24hr operation - all this is SOULAR radiation and if you have a SOUL in this SOULAR system you will be good to go - you are ingesting charged particles in an electric universe and these particles are bonding with the smallest unit of the CELL [SELF] SELL [SALE] SALT [SAL] SOL [SOUL] which is an ATOM [ATUM] which means everyone's phenotype is being changed - acute radiation syndrome symptoms and the symptoms of the Jab-ba the Hutt are the same - severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS] ASARU [OSIRIS] is also the same symptoms - every one received a high dosage of radiation in a short period of time and this mutants your CELL that starts to change you from the inside out [molecular structure] - the upper atmosphere is red - so how do we have a blue and black SKA - look at the two graphics, its red, so how do we have a blue and black SKA  

These are dangerous times that we are residing in, this is going to make a species more dangerous - if you are 6ether, you must stay out of the Sun, for the SUN is trying to kill you - it is the SUN that is separating us and there is nothing they can do about it - 12 M-flares and 1 X-Flares  - these are mutating wavelengths so the question is - what are we mutating into - this is the billion dollar question - this is coming down to alchemy, to genetics, and down to the SUN - people are talking about the SUN, including the 9ethers who are also reaching for shade, so if they are talking about the SUN, you can bet your bottom dollar the 6 and the 7 and the 8 ethers are also talking about the SUN, we do not have the same SUN in the four corners of this planet and many are being burned by the SUN on purpose

You are being affected and this includes sleep patterns, moods, EMotions, cognitive, mental, processing, hot flushes, your body cannot regulate temperature aka spontaneous combustion, you cannot relax and that is because everything is vibrating faster and the more faster is the more heat that it is going to create, many cannot function, on edge+  many will soon never be able to come outside ever again - stay out of the SUN for the SUN is trying to kill you 

Switched off or shut down 

Loads of data missing from the Schuman 

Back online - that Purple bar is at 50hz 

1400hz into 140000hz - two blackouts

We are in session

All weather systems will be Pepsi Max - more heat increases, we are inside an enclosed environment 

They would normally be wearing black which absorbs heat, avoid manmade fabrics especially during this cycle, watch what your children are wearing for their body Hertz [Hz] will increase artificially
NYLON = NEW YORK + LONDON - your skin is the biggest organ on your body and must be able to breath aka expand and contract - deal with natural cotton+ 

Tap water or milk 

I bet you didn't know that and why is because they don't want other countries doing well + match the colours with the body + Chakra

What is going on with the insects, no bees, ladybirds or butterflies [coloured ones] where are the spiders, we haven’t seen a healthy amount or if any at all – the ecosystem has over 10 million different insects, not total amount, 10 million different insects and take anyone out and that ecosystem starts to crash, birds eat insects, other insects eat other insects for balance+

We need insects for the soil [earth] and the soil for vegetation+ you get it now; huge knock affects looming for now and the next generation 

For at least 50 years the Europeans have been hunting Dolphins and Whales, slaughtering them and in 2024 they want to ban entertainment - monkey brain 

That nuclear threat was good, not sure when that was - I saw sum thing similar with Larry King on CNN when another craft did the same, not sure if that is the same footage, many years back
That was sum really good footages from normal people around the planet who are looking up


New Mexico - Sunset - this is not the sun or NIBIRU - above the hologram you can see the red colour which is ether bouncing off of sum thing or is emitting from sum thing, but you can see its sum sort of hologram 

KANADA [???] we do not have the same Moon, Sun in the four corners of this planet 

I have been sun gazing and when I close my eyes whilst looking at the sun I can sea the holographic colours, the sun does not look anything like the hologram we sea out here, nor does the background, backdrop, the sun is not alone up there, its not just NIBIRU up there, I can see the ether spheres, if you have brown eyes that is ether and you can charge your bodies but with the right food [fuel] and from the sun which is called soul2soul, its not back to life but give back to life, your life force energies, the sun is being fuelled by Sirius - look at the sun even if its cloudy for after a moment or so the clouds will part and stare at the sun, your eyes may water or you may want to look away, practice, you will see the white core which holds all [7] light spectrums and you will sea the rim of the sun which will be a different colour - after a while you close your human eyes and your 3rd eye will show you the way, you will see the sun spots on the sun, you will sea HD colours, stay focus for the sun rays can penetrate and charge your 3rd eye - practice, these are superior codes, access codes, upgrades+  

You will see that what we sea in the SKA with our human eyes is not how the SKA looks today in 2024 or is it 2025 - who cares - sh9t is on the horizon 

Leave water out for animals, cats, foxes, birds+ its hot out there 

Sum one posted this and everyone wrote that this was a volcano, 18months is 1 year and 6 months and look what happened from a volcano, ok ash for blocking out the sun, crop lost, deaths, temperature - did they not know what the difference between fog and ash, smoke+ from a volcano - fog or smog, didn't London, China and India all have snog or fog for a prolonged period also 

Read first line only, NSA go in 1961 and NASA go in 1969, these are two different organisations

Mankind means a kind of man, but not quite HuMan [HuMin]


It is forbidden for the 6ethers to leave this planet hence why the Dome went up to contain them and the 9ethers until further notice 

The last image from 1773 says Artic circle which in maths is called a sphere and covering that sphere is what is called a Dome - hence the word Hemisphere in which Hemi translates in Latin 'half' and half a sphere is called a Dome - there are [3] ice walls with other land masses, the ice wall encircles the land mass this side of the ice wall - the Universe is a computer program - we are inside a computer code 

This is all too much

All you have to do is KNOW the anomaly is there 

Polite? the animal knows if it crosses at the wrong time its death, that is not being polite, there is a level of intelligence being applied here by the animal, observation to know the humans wait to cross, this is a zebra crossing and there are no lights [traffic lights] or sound when to cross - many moons ago before man built his roads, this animals grandparents would cross this very same area to reach other plains, no one else is crossing and just before he or she crosses he or she nudges forward to indicate to the driver I want to cross - animals learning humans things 

Everything with life [Chi] feels and is conscious 

For scale [India] left and right image is from Australia - these beings look alike - we had 7 primordial worlds and we are going into the 8th root man [mind] - sum will not because they have not expanded their mind in millions of earth [KI] years, so they will be dropping down in order to come up 

Zahi Hawass biggest liar in Egyptian history, he was the one who made the world believe that the Egyptians were not 9ether, I have never seen an Egyptian statue with this type of nose of Greco-Roman – [Greek] Greco [Gecko]

If ancient Egyptians were 6ether, why did they come to build pyramids in Africa instead of Europe

Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi, Lebanon, Greece, the whole top of North Africa all come under the Sumerians, which is Mesopotamia which is Alkebulan before the 6ethers 

Kamu [KHMT] is older than Mesopotamia [UT.NA.FISH.TIM]

The Original Kushite [Ptahites] migrated from out of the Hopi- HA.PI-Nile valley civilization straight out of Kamu [KHMT] Khami into Mesopotamia and set up the first 7 KIN-Domes which are
[1] Lumera [Lemuria] [2] Salan [Heru-Salan Jerusalem] [3] Mu [4] Kadesh [5] Napar [6] Elkebalon [Alkebolon] Alkebulan and [7] Tuwa [Tewa] Tawa [Twa] 

4 TRIBUs [Wales] England [Scotland] and Ireland 
The land mass was different back then before the spilt 
Asar [AsaRu] Is called Osiris by the Greeks and Oden [Odin] by the Viking or the 6 Kings of the Scandinavian Mt 
The history of the Picts and the Silures [Scotland and Wales] and you also see the Moorish remnants in Scandinavia - In Scandinavia (Svithjoth) there are many tribes and many tongues
There are giants and dwarfs; there are 9ether men and many kinds of strange tribes - the dwarfs are also called Ghauls [Ghouls] Gauls, Leprechaun and are the TWA 

Cities above and below ground stretching from 'Turkey to Scotland' 
TURKEY [TURKISH] is part of Europe
TURK [TUK] means ‘black base’ and KISH comes from KUSH who are from Ethiopia

Dinosaurs means terrible Lizard and is a reference to the Reptilians – underground cities, sum one cared enough about these underground dwellings, the thing is why are they underground, who wants to be underground with no sunlight

In the texts of Zoroaster, it is said that the entire Earth was hit by a sudden and brief ice age, they were called the 'days of Malkush' several years before all this occurred, a deity, Ahura Mazda, offered the means of salvation, he said that if they wanted to save themselves, humans should organise themselves into underground cities until the frost wave had passed, can there be any truth in this ancient record

What you see in the picture, is the 'Underground City' of Derinkuyu, Turkey

At least eight centuries before Christ [2,800 years ago at least] the core of that city already existed, we are talking about an entire city that could accommodate 20,000 people built 85 metres underground – Angkor Watt can hold 750,000 people

Perhaps the city was expanded and reused in the Middle Ages – please note, religious structures that could not belong to the 'original version' and were converted to religious structures
But after this brief ice wave, Derinkuyu was lost in the folds of history until 1963, when a man accidentally discovered a tunnel behind one of the walls of his house
The underground city is actually 18 stories deep, with wells, chapels, stables, schools and more, and is said to have been able to house up to 20,000 people – so who covered it over

The city of Derinkuyu is by no means an 'isolated case' – for vast underground networks and even entire cities have been found all over the world, in Egypt, the Giza plateau has a huge underground system that is a combination of caverns and man-made tunnels, as well as rivers and underground passages, in Guatemala, 800 kilometres of tunnels have been mapped under the Ulmec [Mayan] pyramid complex of Tikal, in 1992, 24 artificial caves were discovered in China, showing incredible craftsmanship that would have involved excavating 36,000 cubic metres of stone

Archaeologists have uncovered thousands of Stone Age underground tunnels stretching across Europe, leaving researchers puzzled as to their original purpose – the US military also have a huge network of underground bases that all link up

Today, we know that around 12,000 [10,000] years ago, an intense ice age affected humanity

Scientists call it the 'Younger Dryas', or 'Recent Dryas' - are the 'Days of Malkush' and the 'Younger Dryas' the same thing - conversely, from what, or from whom, did ancient people protect themselves by digging underground cities - is it possible that ancient peoples, who theoretically did not even know iron and the wheel, were able to excavate these cities, for which we in the 21st century would take, at best, decades - what is our past hiding from us or what are they hiding from us – Reptilians reside underground, and only those without Melanin would need to out of the sun, but considering they had space for their animals and even produced trade tells us they were underground for long periods of time, hiding from the ice-age or from heat – they only started recording their history when the thawing began which is 3,400 years ago 

The word Sta-r, Ishtar or Ast-Ra, the most scared Femi9 Star, which will also be used as a title to distinguish the adepts of high level and insiders then much later, those of sects of Brahman or Abraham are known as ANU

The Queen of Sheba [SBT] Makeba for example, meant Queen [Negusti] of the Star or daughter of the Star while the so-called star of David or Sirius [Septet] Sopdet [Sibtu] Sothis will later become the Star in the dynasties in KHMT

The word Sta-r or Ast-Re in other languages was Sabat [SABA.T] or Sobdet [Sopdet], and that is where the term Sabean comes from, the seventh province of the King-dome of Sheba and means those of Heaven [Haven] or those of Sirius [Sepete], also appearing in the examination of the following words revealing the syllable that designates this Star as Ast-re, Asata-re Ashtaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, Zoroaster, Karasata, KRST [Karast]+ = STAR

ZOROASTER, UTNAPHISTEM and NOAH are all the same person [ENLIL]
UTNAPHISTEM was the first perfect Albino (curse) completion and the father of the Albino [6ethers] cursed nation [Ham] Hanson disease is Hams-son - UTNAPHISTEM is another term for Mesopotamia or Sumerian or Babylon or Typhonian which are all the same place 

The great elder ENKI aka Kha-Nowk [Enock] aka Noach aka Metatron, aka Ahura Mazda aka Ziusdra aka Toth [Tehuit] aka Quartzquatl aka Nimrud aka Shiva aka Bes aka Asaru [Osiris] aka Papa Legba [Baron] aka Heru [Horus]+   

He is responsible for genetically introducing sum of the 9ethers on this planet in his father A.NU(s) image
He is a higher-dimensional being and as more avatars as [God] or son of [God] or special angel
He had special poWRA(s) with control of waters and seas, the [3] kingdoms
His brother [ENLIL] deals with wars, sky and destruction
In all his deeds, he represented [Good] while his brother represented [Bad]
An ancient KHMT stella [stella means star] U.TU [Sumerian] The Shining One
The only flood stories that happened in the ancient times was in Sumeria (Iraq) and the flood Hero was called ZIUSDRA not Noah
He was the last king of SUMER, NUMRUD was the first king, [God] did not ask him to save all the animals of the plant nor did the flood cover the entire planet- but areas around ancient Iraq [Eridu] Persia [Iran]

These reliefs are about the wars that broke out and mention Artabanus- the Persian leader, and Shapur and Ardasir and Ahura Mazda
Under the Persians, their leader was called Ahura Mazda which is A-hura [A-haru] A-heru = Heru [Haru] and is why we see KHMT [Egypt] influences
Here they are standing on a 6ether Roman General - they are all giants including the 6ether Roman General  

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