Monday, 7 November 2022

the Ayes Have It


Elegba [Eleggua] Elegguá is the owner of the roads and doors in this world

He is the repository of Ashé
Red and black or white and black are his and codify his contradictory nature
Recognised by the numbers [3] and [21]

Elegba stands at the crossroads of the human and the divine, as he is child-like messenger between the two worlds- always with his Dog [ANUNU] whose name translates Messenger between heaven and h3ll

Elegba stand at the crossroad with Mamma Bridget, they are the gatekeepers, in this role they have a very close relationship with the Orisha of divination [Orunmila]

Nothing can be done in either world without his permission

Elegba is always called first before any other Orisha as he opens the door between the worlds and opens our roads in life

You must use discernment out here – all of us are at risk no matter who you are, what name, energy, rank+ that you go by, the threat is real [reel] in this field, be wary of who you are dealing with, whoever you go source with, we are all being targeted has they have to go Pepsi Max

False light is upon us, its coming through the US military+ this is an imitation of the real [reel] light

There are entities, extra-terrestrial beings that are using many and eventually they are going to be deleted by that same entity, being+ because they did not use discernment – that goes for everyone down here, everyone has a choice, sum of you may not have known what you were doing, sum of you did know exactly what you were doing – the US government have been using these entities for the longest – through their programs – they know about the mind – you know this already

HAITI Voodoo priest are in the USA and sum are working for the US military [government] double agents is nothing new, however you can see the confusion that is going to come with energy that is like for like

We all have sum HAITI in us, whatever you put out there is going to come right to us all, the dimensions are tighter, energy is returning faster [broadband] know things on whoever you are using [KAA double you] I never forget this woman who wrote a comment on a YT posted comment section and she said that she had been visited by an entity and it had not revealed itself to her but one visit the being kissed her and she responded and when she did so exactly the same time kissing him he revealed himself to her and he was a Reptilian and when she saw him she detached and he said he would wait for her- she wrote that and the YT poster responded by saying, that is how they genetically get you ready- sum thing like that – another commented and said no that is not correct

No that isn’t how it goes, that woman would have been working with this entity and not know who he- being was, they can pose has sum thing else, they can read your mind and know all your weak points, triggers, everything, they can use another that they use and use that host to get to you – she may not have known in the beginning, he may not have presented himself like hat, point being you have got to be switched on, beings, entities are getting desperate and need hosts

ELLEGBA has given his warnings – there are many in their egos down here

War [warship] is brewing in HAITI – you do not play with the Orisha(s)

Lord of the Underworld, Overlord of the Underworld [Netherworld] 
ASARU [OSARIS] OSirius is also Lord of the Underworld aka they are ENKI and INANNA

Mama Bridget [Aset] INANNA
Maman Brigitte 
Maman Brijit
Brigid of Kildare
Mary Magdalene
Her symbol is the [Black] Rooster [RooStar]

The DOG that he is always with is ANUBU 

Baron Samedi [Baron Saturn-day] Baron Samdi] [Bawon Samedi] Bawon Sanmdi [Baron Cimetière] Baron La Croix [Baron Criminel]

He is singing about a slave master who is taking from a 9ether underage girl [brown sugar]

Nu Orleans is already under sea level, meaning the port area has sunken and when the water comes in, it will be goodbye to Nu Orleans and Brown Sugar, there are a lot of elders in Orleans 

Dutty Boukman [Bookman] 
Magi Semu [priest]

The spiritual guide behind Haiti(s) humiliating defeat of France and Napoleon Bonaparte in which over 250,000 of mainly French and British were wiped out before they even left their ships, the British paid the same compliment with two M9+ in recent years to HAITI - and 70,000 died from the HAITI - not the other way around during the uprising- you cannot overthrow the Orisha(s) 

November 1791
Dutty Boukman

Assassinated [7.11.1791] today which is 231 years ago = 6 and today adds to 6 [7+1+1+ 2+ 2+2 = 15 [1+5 = 6] 

[21] years ago on this day [7:11] a full CME hit the planet and lit California, Florida, Texas and Europe [this was in [2001] the same year of the SIGI] up like a Christmas tree, get ready Eddy 

The Haitians are one of the most poWRA-full energies we have on this planet - and they are about to discharge once again, this is the waves [war] you need to be concerned about 

Revelation 19
And they cried >> Amen, Hallelujah
Then a voice came from the throne, saying >> Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting [Hallelujah]


Halle means to give praise, like saying Ase- giving power to, charging+ 
Halle comes from Haile has in Haile Sel-assie [Sol][Sal] Shamash [Amon]
The Romans and Germans used Hail 
Halley's comet is Halle [WAJI] comet 
Lu comes from Il-lu-minate - its a type of light or ray  


JAH-VAH [72]
YAH-WEH [72]

Choose wisely, she is watching us all...

Image is from 1939 and Shawn Corey Carter [Jay-Z] was born in 1969  
30 years difference, what if Jay-Z is one of ENLIL(s) avatars [HOVA] JAY-HOVA 


The sh9t that many put out is now in the returning waves, stay out of the way for many are going to go down with the program, do not allow yourselves [your cells] to get diluted in their waves – it is going to be swift for sum and stretched out for many, you do not know if you have sum coming your way, so in your mean time, go under the radar, stay out of the way – protect your light at all times

We are 360o so what goes around is coming back around 

World Cup 2022 football is in the Winter for the first time, why, in the UK it will be Winter and in Europe, what is happening in the next 4-weeks 

Energy streaming in


Canada hitting 200hz+ and 1000hz+ and 144hz+ 

Italian is spiking outside 

This is not the SUN or MOON
Taken on 4.11.22
From the USA [east-coast]
This is the white disc is rotating with what we call the SUN – this object used to further away and now its in front of the SUN 

Shapes and forms 

Signs in the SKA [look at that Red behind the portal]

That lower arrow is a craft speeding into the portal


Three objects – the Moon, that satellite whether a planet, craft and above is a cloaked satellite 

The satellite shifted positions in 3hrs- what object is this
We have shifted dimensions, sum thing is going to happen to distract the masses

Next time you’re looking at the Moon or SUN, notice when you see the clouds behind and not in front – they are supposed to be out in space

What are these in NYC

Eye Spy 
This is also in NY [33 Thomas Street] check door number 
Can withstand atomic blast
house, water, food, power for 1.5K people-beings for 2 weeks - after the 2 weeks they eat the people and can live off of the moisture [water] from the flesh and they can absorb sum of the radiation [fall out] and then come look for the survivors 

The Spirit [Spite] worlds [dimensions] get ever so close 

The Dome is translucent yet physical, the hotter it gets inside of here the more they have to keep the planet cold, namely the poles and everything that is North- they will cut the power in a vain attempt to keep this planet frozen, however we have other plans, chunks are falling from the DOME 

 Winter Cherry - when he flower dries up in the spring, the skin crumbles away revealing the red fruit that lives inside of the web that is leftover
NTR is fu9king amazing in her designs 

18 [1+8 = 9] levels

One source 

What is that - is it attached to his waist or is he holding it 

That is sum nasty ass sh9t right there, is that a 9ethers dick in the Donkey - yep, look at the Donkeys face 

Fully grown AKIR [height scale]
With her head smashed off meaning she is 9ether 

Queen Bee
Ishtar [IN.ANNA] Aset [Isis]
Artemis of Ephesus

The 6ethers called her abode [temple] Ephesus and renamed her energy Artemis [Artimus] her abode was one of the [7] wonders of the world at one point

Check the eyes and hair
Original people of places like CHINA 

The Renaissance started while these Moors were still on the throne and then they were kicked out of Europe - the 6ethers then rewrote and began history at certain points leaving out the original history, over and over again for at least the last 400years 

Mesopotamia [Sumerian]
Lebanon [One for three space ports] 

MIR [MER] pyramidal structure [red bricks sum hold mercury], steps are made from [black] Basalt
On the base site there are two massive limestone blocks weighing from 40 tons to 50 tons
The blocks are approximately 7 meters (23 feet) high and 9 meters (30 feet) wide, and are crowned with a pyramid [MER] - Restored in 1931

The north end relief shows two deer’s that may have been trapped in a hunting trap
On the east side there is a carved image of a boar being attacked by dogs and targeted by spears
South side is pretty damaged but it does have a bear
Landscape on the west side shows two wolves attacking a bull

4-5 illustrations from the book: The Land and the Book, Or, Biblical Illustrations Drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land", 1859 William McClure Thomson

No more details about this place, this structure is all that is left in this vast area

This looks like melted structures

[Left] Gate [Right] Stone round door


CUSCO [TUSCO] TUSAN [ETRUSCAN] TUSCANY, the Persians are in what is called Iran [Turkey], so is NIMRUD [SARGON]

Turkey = [Tur] Etruria [Etruscan] [1706] from Latin Etruscus >> an Etruscan, from Etruria, ancient name of Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the same

Turkey [Turkish] TUR-KISH Kish [Kush] Cush [Kuwsh]
Hittite, Etruscan, Phoenician are the same people 

This is why many sites around the planet are similar 

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