Monday, 21 November 2022


Behind NIBIRU and the SUN is the SPIRIT [KAA] world, also called realm, dimension, expanse
This is the hologram [holographic] computer program made from Crystal Moya [water] 

Called Orb which means sphere, globe they are hologram intelligent organisms

Deep space should be treated like an ocean and all that we find in a deep ocean we find in deep space

The holographic world is merging with the physical world 

Your looking at the front end of a craft that is the shape of a KAT or Dragon
This is the head, you can see the eye, nose, mouth- its a craft shaped like an animal, this is not the first time we have seen crafts that are an animal in design

This is how the rest of the craft [hologram] looked 

This was the SKA also with the KAT [DRAGON]
Virginia [USA]

They always said, whoever controls the SKA controls the planet and it is not man and his friends 



The KAT [CAT] Beings from LYRA


They are in European Zoos 
The Lions Den [EDEN] is the whole of Africa into Morocco and West-Africa [USA] into Greece, into India

The 9ethers blood runs through the AKUR and they know this..

Used against the witches [Wicca] women and the Nazareth [Rasta] 

Reduced to this monkey sh9t 


The Lions Den [Dan] is Africa - all of it, the AKUR protects the Pride and they had to go into DAN and murder the AKUR to todays low numbers, that goes for all the other animals and people


This is called the LEONIDS [LEON] LEO 


Carthaginian [Carth-Aginian] Aegean [Aginian] Adriatic Sea
Karthage [Kharthaginian] Khart Haddan [Hadden’s Army] Adrian’s Army 

[Roman] Rome [Roma] Rama
Italy [Ital]  


Later the Etruscan [Cathage] are known has the MOORS
You are looking at their architecture [Masonry] 



Dalmeny [Amazigh] Amazon - The 'Amazon' warriors of Dahomey in Modern day Republic of Benin - Tamazgha [Tama-zgha] Amazigh [Amazon] Mazagh

Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the Aztlan [South American] rain forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra

Why does North Africa and South America have the same name [Tamazagh] because the people are the same, these are black peoples history before you invaded and stole their land and culture

Dalmeny [AmaZigh] Amazon 

Is it really millions of years 

It says unknown- sones about right
The Canadian [North] Crown Schuman has been on the blink for a number of days, extreme soular energy is hitting the planet- we can see 300hz and 1000hz and 144hz+
We have M-Class [CME] incoming

20.11.2022 Canadian Schuman online
You can see 2 reboots [blackouts] 

INDONESIA M6 but to me was an M8+ HAARP 
A lot of energy is releasing but also means a lot of energy building 

Heavy duty 

Mt Rainer [USA]

NASA have given a version has to why this take place and it is YAWN OUT LOUD type explanation 

Fire in the hole
Iron [Lion] Oxide SKA - that is mutating you from the inside out

40% increase in deaths between 25-45 and an increase of 500% in stillborn since 2021 and into 2022
UV is a detoxifying wavelength and deletes anything that is artificial to this soular system- the numbers or percentages will be a lot higher 


Parts came off and doesn't this look like it went straight down, look at its projection
They said it went down by Niagara Falls 


Canadian Schuman

Body hurting last night, bones, sweaty and hungry - eating more, dreaming heavily

You can see the frequency is much higher

Italian Schuman- outside is humming [Omming] 


[3] the hard way on the left [180]

Top right 

 16th into 17th- craft nation 

They are over condemned cities, military insulations, bunkers, nuclear sites

Every other day we see them and so does NASA 

Security tags on meat - I stopped eating meat a long time ago, don't get me wrong the body goes into remission and memory and wants the meat, times I have sum chicken
I have not eaten pig, cow, lamb at all- I eat mostly fish

Sirius times lay ahead, she said that those judged will not live comfortably for the reminder of their lives on this planet- then their all those who are forcing you to have to come to them to eat
There is still a culling taking place

Step off of the 3D before you sink

They are 40-50 years in front of this planet in terms of technology
Its is 2015 in Ethiopia 
He said 2024 [2025]
Many will expire before that- they are no dates for you has an individual- this is not a generic date for all of us, the SUN and MOON are completely different in the 4 corners of this planet, the planet has all ready be divided up, there are different crews patrolling the SKA

This planet was mapped [scanned] out in 2012 and this including the vast cities below the surface

Snow flakes that look like flowers, petal, buds+

Buffalo [NY] 
Yeah every winter it snows, but this winter+ it will be different 

These are ww3 triggers 

He was always the 45th 

We are in real [reel] time, most of these footages are coming from the last two years, from lock-down and with the increased usage of home cameras and mobile phone-cameras its all being recorded
All the dimensions are merging into this world and everyone is here, many have hosts, sum in animals and creatures but it ends and begins here on KI

 This is nothing new its just that we know sh9t now, we are more advanced in this era - you know more, people are coming forward, the energy is an evolving energy, awareness [consciousness] is at an all time high, no one cares about the World Cup, about Christmas, those who are seeking higher fields, those who are watching the light, then there are the masses who are preoccupied, hard wired to the system, its never been more clearer in your lifetime that we are on this cusp of profound change and only you and eye know this

Its a jungle out there, they have Tarzan, we have the AKUR
She fights when pushed against the wall and Michael says off the wall 
Your knowledge is your poWRA that is seen in your AURA, walk in your PTAH and nothing can penetrate your field of consciousness 

Multi-task means you are multi-dimensional because you are able to think of multiple things at the same time while processing through your [7] senses and your 3rd eye
Multiple beings - Multifunctional - Multidimensional  

SHU [FEATHER] MA.AT - that which is straight, justice, chaos, balance and order 

A-Set translates pulpit, throne, seat and is talking about the seat of consciousness 

She watches, she listens, she responds, please choose wisely.. 

[Protect your light at all costs, she will never punished you for this] 

TUT we see his arms are crossed and he is holding the El Khu [Flail] and the El Waas [Staff] and they also have the El Hiq [Scepter] - these are the principles of ancient [IHM[ and handing it to you as a feather [SHU] called MA.AT - the principles [what does MAAT mean] what are the Laws of MAAT

This is a NEB ANKH [casket] a body charger to protect the body whilst astral traveling or when your in another avatar [craft] MEKABA- this is you today, we cross our arms to protect the body when you astral travel so that no one else can jump into your body while your sum where else, sum times you wake up with your arms like this or you do it without knowing

I am not a fan of the Black Panther or Wakanda movies, but I like the awareness it brings

Crossing your arms for protection is not a black thing, its a universal protection symbol, its an energy thing, look at Wonder Wombman

[X] marks the spot 

All those who call themselves sun worshippers or sun lovers- prove it - absorb the rays [codes] when you can- watch your food intake [tri-system] the sun is being fuelled by Sirius, if we were to look for haven [heaven] we would have to look at Sirius the ETHER [BLAC] SUN  

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