Monday, 14 November 2022

Small Island


YAMASEE [Andamanese] 
Yamaye -Yemaya [Orula] [Ogun] Chango [Obatala] [Elegua] Ochun [Oshun]
Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia

ANUNNAKI 'these beings' aka you today 

Caribbean [Karib]
Puerto [Port] Rico

The ancient history of Moors in the Caribbean Islands

Study puts the 'Carib' in 'Caribbean,' boosting credibility of Columbus' Cannibal claims [he and many ate many] – has mentioned by the Florida museum  

Xaymaca translates the Land of Wood [herbs] and Water [springs]

In the 1500s according to this map Mexico is called Mesoamerica - why no name 
Jamaica is called Taino why not Xaymaca- there is a Mac connection here 

Mexico [Mixtec] Mutec
Olmec [Ulmec] Ul-Mac [Mac] Mec 

Found nowhere else but JA


TAINO descendants 

ARAWAK descendants 

The words “hurricane,” “tobacco,” and “barbecue” were also derived from their language, the Taino and the Arawak are mentioned in relation to Xaymaca [Jamaica] 

There is Green [WAJI] Grotto Caves which they said there is a part where the elders would come and sit and it is a sacred site, I went there in 2002
There was 9ether INCA [INDIANS] already there before bum bandit Christopher arrival
Jamaica has 18 [9] smaller islands and Jamaica is sitting on Atlantis, they have already mapped out the entire cities under Jamaica, the Bermuda cities are a stone’s throw away
Jamaica has immense power for they are sitting on Atlantis, the portal that the Spanish [Spanish Town was the Capital at that time] opened to which the higher beings sent in 1692 that adds up to [9] and the time was 11:43 again [9] this was in Port Royal - a M9 that destroyed what was billed the most wicked' place on the planet at that time and that was thanks to the Spanish who opened a portal there and is to why the Jamaicans gnaw crazy 
Port Royal is still sinking and sum one needs to close that portal that has been open for so long 

The JAMAICANS are going to fu9k things up big time, get out of their way when all h3ll breaks loose
Todays Jamaicans are from Africa, there are Rwandans in there, Akan, Nigerian, Haitians+ these are Western names now and we are talking 512 [400] years of displacement and with all the other islands, its the Jamaicans who have that warrior energy, even in their wombmen - many Jamaicans are not in Jamaica, they are in the USA and UK - 9ethers aka black people are going to finish what white 6ethers people started 

You cannot blame others for the way they are, the two races are designed differently and others are only doing what they are designed to do – to me it’s the ones with all this potential and don’t know what to do and don’t give a damn or don’t want to do nothing related to themselves that is concerning

Psychology of hatred – both groups are guilty of this, whether it was taught or self-taught, this is a certain spiritual energy

We also have many out here who are still in a childlike mentality – many act like children – things they learned has a child they still retain in adulthood, reactions are childlike, people act nervous when you talk about sum thing that is profound to them, they do not know how to respond other than to pick sum thing else out in what you said or done, this is a weakness that you cannot blame an individual – these and more are examples of a childlike spirit

In fairness when the frequency [Schuman] was reduced many were reduced to a childlike mentality, their range was capped thus making them redundant for this energy field [range] and making the other group all Einstein's in this redundant energy field- this is what happened 512 [400] years ago – today many are pathological grown-up children at large – people are addicted to certain pathologies

Its predictable out here, the talent [energy] has been used and no one is producing anymore – even in music- RAP music is worth $10billion a year- 10billion a year - where did it go and the talent 

We must get to a higher level for those that want to go higher – cut through the bullsh9t so that you don’t have to come back down here on repeat

His-story [HiStory] will only repeat itself who those who do not know it, we want My-story 
-it is a mystery [MyStory] My-Star

Original people of Atlantis [USA] which is West-Africa 
There is no Europeans in the bloodlines 
HAPI [HOPI] are all 9ether Indus people 
Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia = Osiris 


King James [Homosexual]
Constantinople [Homosexual] 
and the rest of them+

We do not want Homosexual energy preceding over FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG 

What kind of animal is this, is it a Giraffe 

Jack Sparrow

The subject's name is never given, but the title of the painting is "chef oriental" which is "eastern chief" in English - and is referring to Navigator, Captain 
The original Jack Sparrow [spar]tar] is on the left and the homosexual [pedo] vampire is on the right 
They don't want you to know that all the original pirates like Captain Cook, Black Bread+ were all 9ethers - we want the colour of truth - not the colour of skin

You will die an original and not a copy  

This is not for decoration- this is to keep the vampire in there 

Captain America versus Captain Atlantis
No more fiction- we want reality

Saint Maurice
Moors, Saints, Knights and Kings
The African Presence in Medi-eval [middle evil] and Renaissance Europe
The flag is of the Holy Roman Empire which would be the 9ether Carthage [Etruscan]
Today the 6ether Albania [AL] BANIA use the 9ether Moors symbol aka the Double HERU [HORUS] 
Many like the Albanians have dark features, that was what the ethnic cleansing was about, they were whitening the 6ether lines

AKUR [KAUR] EKUR] AKIR [Nub] bracelets
Sumerian [ERIDU] which would be modern day Iraq+  
Conductors of energy against 9 ether skin - Gold [Nub] like for like 

SKA waves 

White holds all [7] colours [sones] 

Taken over Mexico to California - fleets in the SKA
NASA(s) silence indicates that these fleets, crafts are from the Galactic Federation 
Everyone can see them on radar and in the physical- dimensions are drawing closer and closer 

Crafts and scout, probe crafts

Huge mother ship 

Cloaked craft

They are around the SUN [portal] no one is leaving - just try and go to the Moon, get rich or die trying, yeah I heard the album 

Sum one and her daughter on a flight saw this when sum thing travelling at hyper-speed went past 
In and around the main object there are multiple objects 

Sum thing went past at light speed
That craft [planet] has been going from right to left over over a month and the second one maybe two or three weeks, the cloaked craft is not there but the two either side show up intermittently, I saw them in todays footage 

There are many planetary bodies up there and this is one- bottom right

Same craft seen in 2009 and 2016 

Both images are showing the same thing just different cameras
First arrow is the camera handle for the shield that is covering the NASA camera- I don't think that is a camera handle -its sum form of ray that is projecting to the sun
Left image, multiple objects, cloaked cubes, heavy distortion 

Either side you see those flashes, I though they were cloaked crafts or planetary bodies, they are not- they flash up at the same time at different intervals 
At the bottom are what NASA call comets, these are crafts, all day long crafts go through and come out of the portal 

What is going on around the portal [SUN] you can see the two flashes either side of the SUN 

The movie the Book of Eli and how they mentioned the Great Flash and how it basically reSet the world and they also gave a time frame - sum thing is ticking 

The black son [sun] Sirius 
The crown is Sirius aka the KAANU [black] sun

The sun [Conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIBTU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  
MAAT is also the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

At the ETHER SUN we change everything- its a conscious energy and you must vibrate on the higher frequency to access the portal 

Czech Republic [Germany] 
This building is emitting sum thing - like Putin's defence system against the incoming ANUNNAKI 

The US finances India - the Indians are too stupid
These are fully loaded weapons of sum sort HAARP [??]  

This red orb was one and then divided into two and right after this oval craft went past

here was around four crafts escorting the shuttle- who was on it

Direct hit to transformers for a craft
The Hoover Damn also had its transformers taken out
Check out the purple [PLASMA] backdrop 
Aztlan [South America] going down 

You see the crafts in the SKA, that is who RUSSIA was fighting – PUTIN is a Draco Reptilian Commander and is King of the North [Bible] that is where all the US money went to – a couple billion
Putins defence can only protect Europe [The UK not included] – there is also a portal under Ukraine
Check out the SKA display from July or August or September from the ANU.NAGA 

Cave on the face of the rock mountain
— in Colombia that is artificially made 
Craft entrance-exit  

Check the colours [radiation] energies [Chakra fuel] 

Energy [codes] are in the light 

During eclipse
WAJI [Green] energy 



Italian Schumann- you can see the outside is humming

Canadian Schumann
300hz and 1000hz 
12th and 13th the Schuman(s) are like this 

Italian Schuman is spiking 

the A.I controlling the car via the A.I from the server [satellite] killed them, maybe the A.I was having a bad day 

M7 Chile
FUJI [JAPAN] gets hit, many places
Weather warfare over Australia as 4.2 million bolts are registered within 48hrs, that is a lot of plasma 

Jabba the Hutt 
2023 will be forced for everyone = [ML] 

What Emily - I just saw the truth 

El Colacho

Once a year, on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, in the small town of Castrillo de Murcia in northern Spain, Brotherhood of Santissimo - Sacramento -de Minerva organizes week-long celebrations culminating in Sunday when "devils" jump over babies

This tradition has been observed continuously since 1621

First the "devils" sprinkle the inhabitants with insults and pin them with a tail attached to a stick (knuckle) before the arrival of the atabalero, then the "devil" jumps begin on their forehead

During an action known as El Salto del Colacho (the devil's leap) or simply El Colacho, men in bright yellow-red suits and devil masks jump across rows of babies born during the previous twelve months that lying on mattresses on the bridge

After this, the children are sprinkled with flower petals and solemnly carried to the place of the final feast on the square near the main city temple

It is believed that the "jump of the devil" cleanses babies of the "original sin" and provides them protection against disease and misfortune. Residents of Castillo de Murcia believe that this way their children receive a special blessing that adds "strength" to the church baptism ritual

At the same time, the origin of the tradition is unknown and like with many of these traditions they do not start out how you see today, especially when dealing with children and babies 

Gansabhauet in Sursee


Reversed- energy tradition during which a dead goose is beheaded by a blindfolded person, wearing a sun mask and a red cloak
The Sursee Gansabhauet takes place on Martin’s Day, November 11th [11:11] every year in front of the town hall in Sursee, canton of Lucerne, SSwitzerland
The persons have to register
Women and men of all ages can act as these people, not sure what or who they were when this practice started  
Usually, there are between 30 and 50 people, mostly young boys [pedo alert]
The age of the participants is between 20 and 30 years
It is not known how old is this tradition is in Sursee
According to a tower inscription from 1858, it disappeared around 1820 but was revived in 1863
Until the early 1870s, the custom was carried out very simply and without a stage right on the square in front of the town hall
The people were blindfolded and only had to put a black pointed cap
The gold sun mask and red cloak were introduced around 1880
The Gansabhauet used to be a rural custom that was also widespread elsewhere in Europe and was always carried out on Martin’s Day

SS reptilians and the sun-mask and a Goose, we know that the Goose is Geb [Seb] Jib [Jeb] which means to bring, Geb is the EARTH and the mask is the SUN 

All this has got to go 

My body is tired from the energies streaming in and the waste that is also in the air, either one of these drinks will do wonders, neither of them have a bad taste

Your immune system is connected to your Chakra system- your metabolism is your speed rate, for sum when they worry, they either eat more, less or all the time [comfort eater]
The mind is ticking and many are thinking, this affects their metabolism rate

Many people are ill, flued up, throat, keep your immune system pumped up, many influenzas are pooping off including man-made in-flu-enzas, there is still a culling taking place 

Tree of Life 
An analogy of the human brain [organ] muscle 

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
In Sanskrit Alexander is Raksati which means protects


We owe Alex for he gave Russia identity with the introduction of the Russian language+, without Alex todays Russians would be speaking the likes of French

Alexander Pushkin was born 6 June (26 May, Old Style) 1799, Moscow, and died 10 February 1837 (29 January, New Style), St Petersburg- what does old and new style mean- haha

Illustrated Russia
No. 23 (108) from June 4, 1927
Who was Pushkin's killer?
Circle M. L. Hoffmann
Pushkin's duel
Circle N. Rostova

He was Moorish Mason


An ancient Indian painting of #Ethiopian Musician playing the Kirar KI.RA [KI] RA


Kuwsh are the Ethiopian presence in INDIA [HINDI] INDI INKA [INKI] NAGA [NAGU] NAKI [ANU.NAGA] ANUNNAKI – the KUSWSH built INDIA and is to why the Ethiopians have a very intimate relation with India, in antiquity the Ethiopians ruled much of India- NIMRUD [SARGON] is the father seed for the KUWSH

These Ethiopians were called the #Naga and it was the Naga who created #Sanskrit, the classical language of Indian and the liturgical language

The Naga were great seamen who ruled much of #India #Sri_Lanka and #Burma #Tamil
NAGA half man and snake
The Tamil knew them as warlike people who used the bow and noose
The Naga came from #Kush-Punt/Ethiopia
#Naga literally means peace in the #Cushitic_Oromo_Language, also in the Cushitic language, NAGA is also called NAGAAD and there is other word wich is NABAD
BANTU [Buddha] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH


nO SpooN 

Its a jungle out there

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